Incredibly, It Gets Worse


I think we may be witnessing a historic moment: a total collapse in the legitimacy of the two-party system, the federal government, “mainstream” conservatism, the Supreme Court, and the Romney presidential campaign.

“The Obama administration said Monday it is suspending existing agreements with Arizona police over enforcement of federal immigration laws, and said it has issued a directive telling federal authorities to decline many of the calls reporting illegal immigrants that the Homeland Security Department may get from Arizona police.

Administration officials, speaking on condition they not be named, told reporters they expect to see an increase in the number of calls they get from Arizona police — but that won’t change President Obama’s decision to limit whom the government actually tries to detain and deport.

“We will not be issuing detainers on individuals unless they clearly meet our defined priorities,” one official said in a telephone briefing.”


The flag of state sovereignty hasn’t shone this brightly in 147 years. The Confederate cause has been completely and utterly vindicated by history.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. What’s it going to take for a state to just flip the feds off and deport them anyway? I mean, at some point it simply become chaos if a state can’t enforce some semblance of civil order.

  2. This ruling has sealed it for me. The union must be dissolved, it’s the only way to save what’s left of it that’s worth saving.

  3. “I think we may be witnessing a historic moment: a total collapse in the legitimacy of the two-party system, the federal government, “mainstream” conservatism, the Supreme Court, and the Romney presidential campaign.”

    Yes but one that is certainly no worse than those in times past such as 1861.

  4. “This ruling has sealed it for me. The union must be dissolved, it’s the only way to save what’s left of it that’s worth saving.”

    I’m more immediately concerned about the gargantuan amount of global public and private bad debt that has yet to be written off than I am with our open border with Mexico.

  5. I’m all for dissolving the Union and having my home-state of Florida join the Republic of Dixie. The only problem is how the hell does that even happen ? Sounds like fantasy to me.

  6. “I think federal troops integrating schools at gun-point was worse.”

    No. Federal troops actually shooting their fellow white men and burning down their farms and cities was worse.

  7. “f global public and private bad debt”

    Soil is more valuable than paper. With the federal millstone around our neck, any crisis will drag us all under.

  8. Good the left is calling the right’s bluff on universal ideology of whatever crap they are selling. Come on people you had to know they were going to use the race card as long as the GOPtypes were peddling their soft shtick prosperity crap. The left is basically saying “prove you are not racist” and the GOP is losing while trying to hide behind the “rule of law.”

    And the “law” does not matter to Obama because he has moral superiority and that trumps “law.” Told ya folks, ya can quibble your hobby horses but if you leave the left the notion of moral superiority you are basically talking to yourself.

  9. It was all over when they said it’s “for the children”. Never mind their idea of a child is a 30 year old, when it’s “for the children” no politician will stand against it.

  10. “Soil is more valuable than paper. With the federal millstone around our neck, any crisis will drag us all under.”

    Most of the bad private debt in the U.S. is real estate (soil + improvements.)

  11. The Obama administration has decided to openly defy the law. The gauntlet has been thrown down. The states can either comply with laws that are ignored by the federal government or embark on the course of resistance.

  12. You are exactly right Roy, the conservatards have preached for years that we are all the same. Since we are all the same, what gives any American the right to claim this soil as theirs? Why do any Americans get to claim exclusion? Do do so would be racist, and all good conservatards abhor the “sin” or racism. After all, since every man is his brother, what right does he have to deny him his neighborhood, his job, or his daughter?

  13. Good point H, honestly our “leaders” are not leaders they basically in our corrupt democracy position themself ahead of a mob and maybe Romney is waiting for that mob. This means a state will have to get belligerent, which means a populace will have to get belligerent.

  14. Quite true Jim and you make great points. Literally the world can step into America, head right to the benefits office and make a claim, and it is as valid as mine whose family has resided in America pre-1776.

  15. Yep, a mob is necessary. I’m thinking “tea party” without the warm fuzzy packaging. Maybe one that isn’t afraid to get a little dirty? Are white people desperate enough, or will we have to wait a few more years?

  16. “The Obama administration has decided to openly defy the law. The gauntlet has been thrown down. The states can either comply with laws that are ignored by the federal government or embark on the course of resistance.”

    You forgot the option of what is actually going to happen: The states will also ignore those laws that are selectively ignored by the federal government. And if Sheriff Joe defies any injunctions issued by the courts at Holder’s request he will suffer the same fate as Orville Faubus and George Wallace: Federal troops in his back yard (and no I don’t mean along the border with Mexico.)

  17. “Arizona might just be “frontier” enough to do something about it.”

    Fat chance. Arizona is filled with geezers and beaners with a few Indians mixed in.

  18. I am so disgusted at Obama and the Supreme Court trying to stop the Arizona police from doing their job, this pandering to Hispanics must stop. I consider myself to be an American who’s ancestors happened to come from Cuba and the liberals constantly harping on the “poor Mexicans” makes me ill, my family fled a damn Communist dictatorship to get away from this rot and here we are stuck here with this nonsense. Arizona should just secede, but here in my home state of New Jersey it wouldn’t work, too many welfare leaches and morons and illegals for it to work. I’m still mad and I had to drink, I’m still feeling anger and the two 7&7s I had, reckon it’s better than going postal.

  19. “I’m still feeling anger and the two 7&7s I had, reckon it’s better than going postal.”

    Don’t make your highballs with a sugary mixer. It makes the hangover worse if you decide to have more than two.

  20. Arizona has been subverted as well. Both the governor and the secretary of state thwarted separate efforts by the citizens of Arizona to challenge Obama’s eligibility. I think Jan Brewer is bad like Ann Coulter is bad. You know that a demo hack on MSNBC is your enemy but you never suspect someone like AC is the real traitor to fear because she operates to push the argument in certain directions and away from others. Heck, the secretary of state allowed the state of Hawaii to formulate the questions that he could ask regarding Obama’s alleged birth in Hawaii so that the Hawaiian officials would have plausible deniability if the lid ever blows off.

  21. I hope the governor has planned for this. If she did not, she was very short sighted indeed.
    The left wants to make an example out of Arizona. The people of Arizona need to ignore this and proceed. As a matter of fact, they should have proceeded a long time ago.
    As for Romney, to hell with him. Same as the Republican Party and the Tea Party and the Surpreme Court. To hell with them all. There is nothing unconstitutional about this law, we the people don’t need 9 perverts in robes to tell us they know better than we do.

  22. Anne Coulter may indeed be a hack but a demo she is not and she will never, ever get any air time on MSNBC.

  23. Once again whites will bend over and take it. There is no straw big enough to break the camel’s back apparently.

  24. Can’t wait to hear Romney’s response to this. I’m so impressed with his leadership. I feel confident that with Mitt Romney in the White House and Mitch McConnell as Senate Majority Leader the border will be secure.

  25. This was a bold step to finally flushing those respectable conservatives down the drain, and their little rock they hide behind called the “rule of law.” While they cry rule of law the Left trumps it everytime with their notion of moral superiority and the Right snivels and begs for money.

    EG; Slavery was the rule of law at one time but who had the moral superiority? ( I know HW but I’m talking with vox populii)

  26. See, we just don’t understand the concept of “rule of law” and need these perverts in robes to judge for us, with their degrees from Marxist universities. “Rule of law” really means any law that has Marxist morale superiority behind it, as determined by our excellent courts. That’s why Rosa Parks can break a law and be celebrated, but Bull Connor can UPHOLD a law and be villified. Isn’t Marxism grand?

  27. One more thing. Obama is 100% in his right to not enforce laws if he believes them to be unconstitutional. The Constitution was set up this way. However, you will NEVER find a Republican who will do this. They will always wank about following the law and “if the laws not good, we need to change it”. I heard Bush the Lesser carry on like this. Republicans are losers, or controlled opposition. Either way, they need to go. Our frustration needs to be taken out on the Repubs, they are the key enablers. The best way I know to do that now is to vote for Obama. Sorry, but I’m getting to the point where I just want to piss in the punchbowl.

  28. Conservatards care more about the “rule of law” then they do what they leave for their children. Where do they think those laws came from in the first place? Oh that’s right, I’m sure Glenn Beck will tell us more stories about the black founding fathers.

  29. I mean, how do they explain the existence or purpose of a law? They refuse to provide any impetuous, it’s the law for its own sake. Weak.

  30. Rudel: Read it again – my point is that Ann Coulter and Jan Brewer are controlled opposition. Heck, the media is running the meme now of how Jan Brewer is “talking tough” and “standing up” against the “assault” on Arizonan’s rights. Arizonans also have a right to a president who is constitutionally eligible for the office, but when they passed a law seeking to vet candidates she vetoed it! She’s part of the problem! Hold your enemies close, but hold your “friends” like Jan Brewer closer.

  31. Who knows, once the blacks figure out they’ll have to compete with Latinos for work they may turn on Obama in the election.

  32. “This ruling has sealed it for me. The union must be dissolved, it’s the only way to save what’s left of it that’s worth saving.”

    Can Wyoming please join Dixie?

  33. I’m reminded of what Lincoln said when the constitutionality of some of his decisions was challenged: “We have the guns.” Obama has the guns.

  34. Soon Romney may get the guns.

    “I’m a Good Ole Rebel” is one of the bes. I’ve posted it before in other versions, always one of my favourites. Thanks, Hunter.

  35. Even with geezers and beaners, Arizona passed an immigration law, whereas Oregon supported the federal government. In 2008, 60 percent of the Whites there voted for Obama.

    Vermont is the only state where more Whites voted for Obama.

    That’s a fascinating map. Actually, Hawaii is the state where most whites voted for Obama, 70%. White voters in DC gave Obama a ridiculous 86% of their votes. Here are the top ten states in order of percentage of whites who voted for Obama (the Race Traitor States):

    1) Hawaii: 70%
    2) Vermont: 65%
    3) Oregon: 60%
    4) Washington: 59%
    5) Maine: 58%
    6) Rhode Island: 57%
    7) Maryland: 56%
    7) Massachusetts: 56%
    9) Delaware: 55%
    10) New Hampshire: 54%
    10) Wisconsin: 54%

    No surprise that 5 New England states (excepting Connecticut) make this shameful list. A bit of a surprise is that Oregon and Washington are right near the top. What would Harold Covington say? A real surprise is seeing Maryland and Delaware on this list, considering that they’re both heavily black states. Delaware may be excused because Biden was on the ballot, but Maryland is an even blacker state than Alabama, 29% to 26%. Even proximity to huge numbers of blacks can’t shake Marylanders out of their kneejerk anti-white liberalism it seems.

    Here’s the top ten states ranked by the lowest percentage of whites who voted for Obama (the Righteous States):

    1) Alabama: 10%
    2) Mississippi: 11%
    3) Louisiana: 14%
    4) Georgia: 23%
    5) South Carolina: 26%
    5) Texas: 26%
    7) Oklahoma: 29%
    8) Arkansas: 30%
    9) Alaska: 32%
    10) Utah: 33%
    10) Wyoming: 33%

    Hunter should be proud that his fellow Alabamians are, politically, the most righteous white people in America. No surprise that the Deep South monopolized most positions on this list, except for Florida where 42% of whites voted for Obama, driven by Yankee geezers no doubt. Alaska can be explained by Palin’s presence on the ballot. The Mormons in Utah and the surrounding states look like the second most righteous groups of whites after Deep Southerners, but ahead of whites in the upper South.

    Obama’s overall support among whites has dropped about 6% since 2008. I don’t think his ratings could fall much lower in the South, so his support might have plunged by double digits throughout much of the Northeast, Midwest and West. A similar map made after the 2012 election might show him winning the majority of the white vote in DC, Hawaii and maybe only one or two other oddball states like, say, Vermont. Whoever wins the election, the most consequential outcome of it will be extreme racial polarization between the two parties, white Republicans vs. non-white Democrats. Bring. It. On.

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