White Working Chaos

New York

H/T iSteve

Here’s the latest from the “Democrats have officially abandoned the White working class” guy:

“Political analysts, journalists and academics are fighting over white working-class voters – over how to define them and what their political significance is. Part of the reason for the furious tone of the argument is that this is an issue of central importance in American politics. And it’s not just crucial for the presidential election: understanding what the white working class is and where it is going is fundamental if we want to understand where the country is going.”

Note: The Democratic Party is the enemy of the White working class. By enemy, I mean the Democratic Party poses a greater threat to the White working class than any foreign nemesis. It doesn’t necessarily follow that the Republicans are much better though.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. If you have time read the comments there, completely out of touch white liberals. If they are a product of our ruling class, the end is nigh, they simply are as out of touch as the French royalty of 1789. Who in their right mind wants to live next to half the D voting bloc?

  2. Globalization, ie; the free flow of capital and goods depends in part on good will and at least forced friendliness, and “racism” is not friendliness nor good will. So we have a potential game changer coming up, perhaps the next credit event 2008 redux.

    See how Germany is being treated, see much friendliness from the brokedick idiots from the other countries who are begging for solvency, now imagine that across the globe.

    So while DWLs who read the Times repeat their 1 1/2 sentences of political rhetoric (and that truly is all they have) the plutocrats are pulling the rug out from under their stupid little feet. (maybe) These are great times my friends.

  3. The white working class is ready to do what must be done; it is the white wealthy that cling to the GOP and electoral politics and are willing to sell their race out in order to hold on to a few more Jew-Bucks just a little longer.

    Only when the white working class stops defending the white rich and exposes them to the brown tide, will the white rich join the fight for something real, like their genes; rather than the illusory dollar.

  4. If I may add; once white absolute numbers dip below 50% something will click inside of folks that is irrational and folks will start pushing back.

    The only other thing that can trigger this would be a racial 9/11.

    It is not in reason that society is built and sustained but in unreason.

  5. @Afterthought

    The white working class is ready to do what must be done; it is the white wealthy that cling to the GOP and electoral politics and are willing to sell their race out in order to hold on to a few more Jew-Bucks just a little longer.

    Only when the white working class stops defending the white rich and exposes them to the brown tide, will the white rich join the fight for something real, like their genes; rather than the illusory dollar.


    It is officially on, Boys.
    I was more than pleased, by this piece; this is of major importance – in fact, this article presents WN’sts with their own Rubicon, as this is where the tough get going – or get out. This is our time. It only remains to be seen how professional we are going to be in the next five to ten years; all the talking and reminiscing about the ‘good’ol days’ is now in the Present, and what we can achieve in THIS generation.

    To all those who have been working hard – like HW – a job well done.

  6. It doesn’t necessarily follow that the Republicans are much better though.

    I think the Republicans/conservatives that matter (elites) are worse. This ruling proves it. Romney’s quick turnaround on immigration proves it. Disaffected Whites have got to stop supporting the GOP. It’s frustrating to watch Obama and Holder get away with these things. But supporting Republicans doesn’t help.

  7. Simply put, it is the GOP rather than the Dems who are the REAL enemy of the white working class, in that they divert and subvert any real opposition to nonwhite aggression.

    Let the GOP be done away with, as far as I am concerned. ‘Maguire’ from FAEM had it right. The real purpose of the GOP is to enable a moneyed class to commonize costs and privatize profits, and race matters nothing to them. Only profits.

  8. It doesn’t necessarily follow that the Republicans are much better though.

    But they are better. That is why any white person who hopes that Obama beats Romney is an idiot.

  9. once white absolute numbers dip below 50% something will click inside of folks that is irrational and folks will start pushing back

    No they won’t. Most people are too lazy and or cowardly to make important political changes.

  10. “But they are better. That is why any white person who hopes that Obama beats Romney is an idiot.”

    If by “better” you mean slower, then yes, they are better. We have arrived at this point in America via numerous two-term republican presidents. The republicans may slow down the ever-encroaching leftward movement, but even that is debatable.

  11. The GOP, being the party of Lincoln, is the problem. The main problem with the GOP right now is its purported commitment to egalitarianism. Some GOPers really believe in egalitarianism, while others use egalitarianism as window dressing to cover up a few cons.

    For instance, Romney makes an appeal to egalitarianism when he says he’ll staple a green card to diplomas of non-white college graduates. The con here is that he is using a moral appeal to silence critics who object to his transparent effort to bid down the price of human capital in relation to financial capital using immigration. This argument is simple to make and if made effectively enough, would probably make Romney blush. Notably, on this issue greedy Ron Paul (he wrote financial advisory letters, didn’t he?) would AGREE with Romney on immigration.

    All a grass roots movement would have to do is attack Romney as a fraudulent representative of the interests of financial capital who is only interested in bidding down labor costs despite his appeals to anti-racism, etc. The platform plank that the grass rooters should seek is a change to immigration law that takes it out of the hands of the political parties so that a wide range of issues could be taken into consideration, instead of narrow party interests. Notably, the GOP would have wider appeal to voters because all citizens would benefit from mildly rising salaries associated with reduced rates of immigration.

  12. So what should whites do instead of supporting the GOP?

    Where legally possible, they can use their tiny bands of Ron Paul supporters and neo-Confederates to get the local govt charter changed and implement low threshold PR. Then, instead of semi-underground PLE’S and militias carefully monitored by DHS, there can exist right-wing populist-libertarian decentralist, proto-secessionist factions openly involved in the life of the community.

  13. one of the GOP’s big problems is, they have bought into the myth that once they educate beaners and negros they’ll be just like us. You can see that in the statement about diplomas and green cards. They also think poverty can be fixed in those groups with education. Basically the GOP and the DNC agree on one just about every issue, they only argue about degrees of agreement

  14. Joe Walker:

    But they are better. That is why any white person who hopes that Obama beats Romney is an idiot.

    These types of comments are dumb and getting very tiresome. There is no case to be made for Romney. He is a liberal. He shown himself to be a liar and unprincipled. He turned around on immigration as soon as he got the nomination. He has been pandering to immigrants ever since. Why do you think he has been hyping Marco Rubio?

    Romney will sign the Ryan budget. This will cut social services net many whites depend on.

    Romney has indicated he will launch another war for Jews. Sheldon Adelson is one of his biggest contributors. His foreign policy team is stacked with Israeli-dual citizens and neocons.

    If Romney gets to appoint supreme court justices, he will will appoint judges in the like Kennedy at best and Souter at worst. Think it through. Earl Earren, William Brennan, and David Souter were appointed by Republicans. Maybe a review is in order.

    Romney takes money from Goldman, Chase and every other big Wall Street, the same thieving bastards that crashed the economy and then got a bailout.

    Romney and the GOPs economic program favor large corporations, banks, globalist trade policy, supply side economics, in other words every policy that for the last 40 years has resulted in wealth extraction from middle class Whites to the top.

    So, no, white people have no reason to support Romney.

  15. Joe Walker:

    But they are better. That is why any white person who hopes that Obama beats Romney is an idiot.

    These types of comments are dumb and getting very tiresome. There is no case to be made for Romney. He is a liberal. He shown himself to be a liar and unprincipled. He turned around on immigration as soon as he got the nomination. He has been pandering to immigrants ever since. Why do you think he has been hyping Marco Rubio?

    Romney will sign the Ryan budget. This will cut social services net many whites depend on.

    Romney has indicated he will launch another war for Jews. Sheldon Adelson is one of his biggest contributors. His foreign policy team is stacked with Israeli-dual citizens and neocons.

    If Romney gets to appoint supreme court justices, he will will appoint judges in the like Kennedy at best and Souter at worst. Think it through. Earl Earren, William Brennan, and David Souter were appointed by Republicans. Maybe a review is in order.

    Romney takes money from Goldman, Chase and every other big Wall Street, the same thieving bastards that crashed the economy and then got a bailout.

    Romney and the GOPs economic program favors large corporations, banks, globalist trade policy, supply side economics, in other words every policy that for the last 40 years has resulted in wealth extraction from middle class Whites to the top.

    So, no, white people have no reason to support Romney.

    You and every other Romney ought to start being more specific in identifying exactly what you feel he will do that will benefit whites.

  16. What should we do instead of supporting the GOP? There are any number of things to do on election day besides voting for Mitt Romney. Stay home or vote for Virgil Goode.

  17. Since I am in Illinois I might vote for Goode, but I can just about guarantee he gets the usual +- 15,000 votes. A vote for Romney might just be a vote for triple the amount of left/black lunacy especially since Mittster will be the face of budget cuts, and they will come (10% of GDP is from Fedgov deficit spending). Think Wisconsin but on a bigger scale of left moonbattery.

  18. What about joining groups that aren’t political parties like the C0fCC and the Tea Party and taking over the GOP? The neocons took over the GOP. If we get enough support, we can, too. I just don’t see any viable alternative.

  19. Nothing substantive in this country will happen until enough people are so miserable that they are willing to entertain thoughts that, during more comfortable times, appalled them.

  20. Mushashi is exactly right. And Obama is just the person to put us on that trajectory FASTER. Mitt would put us on the freight train to perdition, Obama the bullet train to the same place. Let’s get it over with.
    Lilly de Valle: I dont’ think there is any taking over the Republican Party. Better to burn it to the ground, plow it under, sow it in salt, and start from scratch.

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