To the ‘Racists’ of Arizona


I was genuinely surprised to see a pretty compelling case for disunion at National Review of all places:

“You’re an American citizen living in Arizona. You pay thousands of dollars in taxes to the federal government and expect, in return, that the government will discharge its basic functions, including securing the borders.

Federal officials in Washington, however, make it clear they’re happy to take your money but not particularly interested in securing the borders, preferring instead to pay lip service to the notion while pandering to small but powerful open-borders constituencies. Not surprisingly, it’s estimated there are now more than 400,000 illegal immigrants in your state — some of them from countries known to be havens for terrorists.

You know many illegal immigrants. Some are your friends, good people. That’s not the point. Public services — schools and medical facilities — are burdened. State and local law enforcement and correctional facilities are swamped. The undermanned Border Patrol strives valiantly but they’re overwhelmed; agent Brian Terry is slain by members of vicious drug cartels (whose weapons were obtained with the help of your own federal government).

There are swaths of your state that are no-go areas, ceded by the U.S. government to foreign drug and human smugglers. Rather than protect the nation’s sovereignty, the feds put up signs warning you against traveling in these areas. In your home state. In America.

So you support SB 1070. If the feds aren’t going to do their job, the people of Arizona will do it for them. Yet the attorney general of the United States suggests you’re a racist for supporting the bill — even though he admits he hasn’t even read it.

The Department of Justice sues your state to invalidate the bill. The Supreme Court strikes portions of the bill but upholds its central feature, allowing Arizona state and local law enforcement officials to check the legal status of individuals when there’s reasonable suspicion that they may be illegal immigrants. The very same day, however, the Obama administration issues a directive to federal authorities to decline calls from Arizona law-enforcement officials reporting illegal immigrants. And the next day the Department of Justice sets up a hotline for the “public” to report civil-rights violations by Arizona authorities trying to enforce that portion of SB 1070 upheld by the Court.

You wonder what the federal government is doing to protect your civil rights. When will DOJ set up a hotline for you? After all, what country — which constitution, did the president swear an oath to protect?

But voicing these concerns, according to your moral superiors at the New York Times and MSNBC, is manifest evidence of your racism. Elites within the Beltway agree. You’re a right-wing crank, a jingoistic redneck. Shut up and stand down. Listen to your betters — they know how to make the country work.

Don’t they?”

No, because you’re fucked! You’re not a “person of color”!

That’s exactly how I see it too. This should have been included as a Preface to the Federalist Papers. A useful summary of why Arizona is completely justified in seceding from the Union.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Kirsanow will of course be forced to offset that nearly un-PC piece with a subsequent tale of a hard-working swarthy-skinned legal immigrant enjoying some kind of tax cut.

  2. Of course, I must add that Kirsanow did properly genuflect at the Bill Kristol altar by hinting that the primary reason for securing the border is to stop potential terrorists — the neo-con wolves used to frighten the Republican sheep– and not necessarily to, say, preserve the historic American nation.

  3. Federalization just never ends.

    At what point of “Union” will Northeasterners admit —vapid as they are– that even they can’t be as superficially empty as the ny-dc-chicago-l.a. axis is now demanding, and that when we do fully merge with Africa AND Asia, their Two-Candidate System will still not represent “most people.”

    States rights was the only way.

  4. I don’t follow. Circumcision is routinely performed on babies every day in the US. There are practical, hygenic reasons for it. I’m not sure what the implication is, if Jews and Muslims happen to make something religious out of it, or that German courts are taking issue with it.

  5. It discourages them from living/moving there; or they’ll have to leave Germany to get it done and that will cost.

    Actually, I think I’m too optimistic on this, but it helps a little.

    It seems the EU has been dropping hints to muslims to move back home (i.e. veil ban, etc.)

  6. XYZ – That Lana Thing needs to among the Elect, on the Day of the Rope.

    Visceral hatred, it inspires….to the deepest part of the marrow..

  7. I woonder what would happen if a state government simply stopped bothering to deal with all the fed agency in the state – dea, epa, nea, fbi, and on and on? As in don’t sell them power, don’t recognize their people, etc.

  8. Emdfl, they wouldn’t get all the fun toys from the pentagon. The castoffs of cheap tanks, choppers, armor and “assault weapons”. The local/state govs wouldn’t get fed kickbacks in other areas.

  9. It predated the Jewish religious adaptation: Ancient Egyptian medicine, science and technology was ahead of its time.

  10. Only having briefly flirted with TNR during my youth – even then well past the W.f.b. years – I must say i’m not surprised and remain unimpressed. Apparently public schools and hospitals are not at issue, only that they’re abused by Beaners (what about abuse by subhuman Negroes and white trash?).

    Smaller government maybe please? *scoff* The border guards need more taxpayer provided men with earpieces, sunglasses, badges and guns. That’s BS. If 20,000 men can’t mount a decent defense of our Mexican border let’s just call it quits already.

    As the middle-way that was to rescue the Right from histrionic Birchism and atheistical Objectivism, TNR always relied on a spit soaked finger in the air. It’s an ill wind indeed that doesn’t blow someone – in this case, border activists – a bit of good. But look at the stilted argument. And remember the source.

  11. Egyptians must have been something wonderful– egyptian symbiology is plastered all over our worthless fiat dollars.

  12. Incidentally, look at the number of comments for many articles posted in “The Corner”. It’s generally below the number found on many posts on paleo-con, or further right, blogs.

    Further evidence that NRO (and by extension, neo-conservatism) botched the transition to the ‘net, and is sinking into irrelevance as its aging base dies off?

  13. “Egyptians must have been something wonderful” or they must have been shown how to build those pyramids by extraterrestrials. Hah!

    My mention of ancient Egypt was in reference to the circumcision issue.

  14. *Confused NR with TNR (new republic, multicult socialist rag). Used to read that crap too, yikes.

  15. Plenty of negatives about circumcision.
    100 to 300 boys die every year from circumcisions. Some botched circumcisions don’t lead to death, except the operation is so botched, the poor boys are given sex change operations, then and there.
    Many other types of botched operations, as well. None of the results of the botched operations are any good. The botched circumcisions effect the boy(s) through his whole life– all through adulthood.
    The hospitals sell the foreskins to cosmetic companies to be used in skin creams.
    I would highly suggest to all readers to read both the cons ( and yes of course, the pro side as well) about circumcision before circumcising your boy.
    I posted 3 websites about the subject. There are alot more websites online concerning the negative aspects of circumcision.
    One can Google : “Intactivists” or “Anti-Circumcision”
    There’s alot of info now about circumcision that was never available before the internet.

  16. Plenty of negatives about circumcision.
    100 to 300 boys die every year from circumcisions. Some botched circumcisions don’t lead to death, except the operation is so botched, the poor boys are given sex change operations, then and there.
    Many other types of botched operations, as well. None of the results of the botched operations are any good. The botched circumcisions effect the boy(s) through his whole life– all through adulthood.
    The hospitals sell the foreskins to cosmetic companies to be used in skin creams.
    I would highly suggest to all readers to read both the cons ( and yes of course, the pro side as well) about circumcision before circumcising your boy.
    I posted 3 websites about the subject. There are alot more websites online concerning the negative aspects of circumcision.
    One can Google : “Intactivists” or “Anti-Circumcision”
    There’s alot of info now about circumcision that was never available before the internet.

  17. Ancient Egyptians were White. Very White with blond and red hair.

    Don’t have the link on hand, but DNA testing on mummies prove the earlier pharos to be of Nordic ancestry.

  18. “There’re alot of negative aspects to circumcision. Learn as much about as you can before putting your boy through it.”

    Aye. Circumcision is a known cause of lactation failure. (During the newborn period where the milk supply is being established in the mother ‘s breasts, even a few instances of poor milk transfer from mom to infant can start a cascade of events ending in tragic loss of milk supply. An infant traumatized by circumcision is disorganized, often “shutting down” for a few hours to a few days, may be unable to latch and effect milk transfer. Those poor feeds may indeed start the lactation failure cascade. Even a few poor feeds can start a process that often spirals out of control and may be exceedingly difficult to recover from, even with expert lactation consultation.)
    But, hey, from the viewpoint of Jews who’d benefit from White genocide, a White baby that never receives the health and happiness benefits of nursing, that’s not a bug but a feature, right?

    Ironically, Jewish doctors promote circ in infants by arguing that it ostensibly may prevent some cases of sexually transmitted diseases — far in the distant future of that poor little baby boy’s life. But all the pain and distress of circ falls upon that man when he is utterly defenseless.
    This fact alone, how can it help but drive home, to any sensitive person who loves children, that realization that the Jews are our misfortune?

  19. Seems to me our real misfortune is the continuation of the ancient religion of egypt that is passed down and promulgated through freemasonry and all of freemasonry’s branches of secret socities.
    Both groups– christians and jews– are ruled to a very large and very substantial degree, by those who worship the ancient gods of egypt.
    Of course , they’re not honest with us about this matter. As they’re not honest and forthright about who/what they truly worship, there must be something in their belief system that is sinister and something meant to cause us harm of some sort, of some kind.
    The rulers, leaders, a very large number of our opinion-makers, and a very large number of so-called VIPS in the government and the corporate world, are members of secret societies – in other words, they worship the gods of ancient egypt. They’re neither christian nor jewish, really.
    That is ostensible ; Facades they put up ; Christianity and Judaism are masks they wear to cover up what their true religion is– The gods of ancient egypt.
    The egyptian symbology all over our money is not coincidence. The symbology has great meaning to our ruling class– both ostensibly jewish leaders and the equally lousy ostensibly christian leaders.
    Having been raised Catholic, I personally consider my so-called catholic leaders to have done me more harm through all their lies, than anything the jews, or so-called jews, have ever done to me. And that’s saying alot.
    And yes, the catholic church is now ruled by communists (100%) — it’s easy to come to the conclusion: “the jews have taken over the church”, but it’s really freemasons who worship the gods of egypt who have taken over the church 100%, and who now rule the church 100%.
    It is a very complicated story, in short: there have always been freemasons in the church who worshipped the gods of egypt :Popes, bishops, cardinals,etc. Most of them are, and always have been ,worshippers of the ancient gods of egypt and members of secret societies.
    That the church is now totally ruled by freemasons –of all stripes and backgrounds, not just jewish, is more a story of feemasonry than a story about judaism, at least real judaism. Not ostensible judaism. The jews in the church are ostensible jews– they’re really worshippers of the ancient gods of egypt, just like so many non-jewish, ostensibly catholic types.
    If one wishes to insist and say , “No, it is the jews who have taken over the church”. Fine. Go Ahead.
    If truly so, the reason the jews were able to take over the church is because the church– to a very substantial degree, was always about the gods of egypt (to a very large and substantial degree)– using the new testament narrative as a cover up and facade to hide their true loyallties and their true agenda(s).
    And yes, I know there have been some leaders (i.e. some popes and others) who have tried to rid the church of freemasons, and I respect them. Their hearts were in the right place. Still, that doesn’t change the fact that the church is, and always has been, a facade for those who worship the ancient gods of egypt.
    The jews aren’t are misfortune, per se. Freemasonry- the worship of the ancient gods of egypt– is our true misfortune.
    And there’re boatloads, and trainloads, and shiploads, and truckloads, and shitloads, of white Caucasian non-jewish worshippers of the ancient gods of egypt. Though they will never admit it.
    They, Our Fellow White Non-Jewish Members Of Freemasonry And Ipso Facto, Worshippers Of The Ancient gods Of Egypt , Are Our True Misfortune. Not the jews. (as well as our innate love of internecine war- that’s in our blood. That’s not the jews fault either. But that’s out of the scope of this post.).
    GOOGLE: ” freemasonry + egyptian facism”
    A good website to get one started about learning about this subject:
    “forbiddenknowledge” (.com)
    Freemasonry and all secret societies ( they all worship the ancient gods of egypt) have to go if we are to save ourselves. They’re Our True Misfortune.
    Both facism and communism (two sides of the same coin) are born from the ancient egyptian religion, and both are promoted simultaneously by freemasonry and all of freemasonry’s branches of secret societies.
    There’s no good reason to offer your son’s foreskin over to the ancient gods of egypt.
    Your son’s foreskin will be sold like merchandise to the cosmetic companies for skin cream lotions.
    How disgusting is that? : Circumcision is an offering to the ancient gods of egypt.

  20. Both facism and communism (two sides of the same coin) are born from the ancient egyptian religion, and both are promoted simultaneously by freemasonry and all of freemasonry’s branches of secret societies.

    Apparently, the Nazis and Mussolini didn’t like Freemasons.

    Thanks for the the link, I’ll research it more.

  21. Whites waiting for the courts to rule in their favor what a joke. When are Whites going to wake up. Did the Mexicans wait for the US courts to rule in their favor. The Mexicans flipped off the courts. They invaded. The courts be damned.

  22. Hitler’s and Mussolini’s banning of freemasons was a giant show, an act put on to make the average people in Germany and Italy to think they were patriotic leaders and they were going to finally “clean up” their respective countries and free them from the ruling matrix system .
    A system that historically greatly stomped on the Italian people– between the vatican and the rothschild’s banks and the big-shot freemasons, the Italians were always under “the gun” so to speak.
    It was a giant show meaning nothing. There was a great desire for change amongst the average citizens in Germany and Italy, especially when Russia fell to the communists . The Italians and Germans figured that they would be next.
    Both Hitler and Mussolini were very much involved in the underworld of secret societies and connected to the rothschilds banks.
    Their job was to deliver Germany and Italy back to the zionist/freemasonry/rothschild matrix. To undermine and usurp the collective desire of their respective citizens for a real and substantial change.
    In both countries, there were many people very concerned about communism– Russia had fallen to the communists and it was very well known in Europe about the massive killings and slave labor camps (that wasn’t reported in American papers so much. But it was well known in Europe).
    The rulers and leaders of this world– both jewisn and christian who love the whole matrix– set it up so that they could control the opposition to the whole agenda and steer the opposition back into the hands of the ruling matrix system.
    The above link is an example of how power works in this world.

  23. With tears flowing from my eyes and a prayer of gratitude emanating from my heart unto to The Holy Creator that Mussolini was finally hung and Italy was spared the great horror that descended upon Germany in the last year of the war.
    I was born in an Italian seaport city (Livorno) that was greatly bombed in WW2.
    I was born in 1956– 11 years after the war had ended. The city was not fully cleaned up after the war. The heaviness and the horror of the war still hung in the air.
    The pain and the suffering from the war was still in everyone’s hearts– in their eyes.
    The Italians were greatly hoodwinked by Mussolini and the top fascists.
    The Italian people are very grateful Mussolini was hung and Italy was saved from that horrible monster.
    Thank God, there were enough Italians who are able to see through the deception and managed to hang Mussolini.
    The Germans were not so fortunate. I cry every time I see pictures of German cities reduced to rubble in the history books.
    The Germans suffered the most in Europe from WW2. Long Live Germany.
    May she forever be spared the horrors of another Hitler.
    Your Founding Fathers gave you Americans everything you need to build a viable and free country of liberty and to be free from want.
    Stop looking to nazi Germany and/or fascist Italy for inspiration. There is no inspiration there: just Dresden. just the vatican.just destruction.

  24. Hitler was the good guy. He simply bit off more than he could chew, at a single time. He tried to fight on too many fronts. Hitler didn’t reduce Germany to rubble – the Kikes and their American and English Shabbos Goy did that. How are America and England doing now? How is Germany doing? In some ways Hitler did protect his people.

    Mussolini was an opportunistic blowhard scum. The Italians jumped ship when they saw they were losing . I can’t blame them – but that’s all they did.

  25. TCM teevee is playing, “All Eyes on Sharon Tate” today.
    A short documentary about the Sharon Tate on the set of the movie:
    ” Eye of the Devil”
    Unfortunately for her, she fell into the matrix and payed with her life.
    Check your local listings for time.

  26. hitler got a lot of White men killed. he wasn’t a good guy. not the devil the jews make him out to be, but he’s no angle either

  27. Hitler was the good guy. He simply bit off more than he could chew, at a single time. He tried to fight on too many fronts.</i.

    I'm starting to come to that conclusion. He didn't want to kill them, just get them out of Europe.

    When one combines the Haavara Agreement; Madagascar Plan; the videos on ""; the video "ONE THIRD of the HOLOCAUST (full)" (see you tube) which appears to be made by "" (but not on the web site for some reason); and the fact there's no documentation that indicates that there was a so-called "Final Solution" (as per David Irving); these all strongly suggest the populous have been duped and lied to for the past 50 years, via TV and Hollywood movies.

    Hilter had a reasonable plan(s), but Churchill screwed it up, and look at the mess the UK is in today. Who was right?

  28. “Both groups– christians and jews– are ruled to a very large and very substantial degree, by those who worship the ancient gods of egypt.”

    Joe- You’re a jackass.

  29. The one thing that disturbs me about White Nationalism is the lunatic fringe that alienates any would-be White converts by their loud worship of Hitler, a failed leader who took the German people and later, ALL White people of European heritage, out of the frying pan into the fire. All he did was rack up Communism’s White body count and further decimate the European population to the point where the Marxist elites could justify importing Non-White, Non-Christian aliens into their homelands. So much for Lebensraum!

    And oh, how the Jews love to keep the memory of Hitler alive and crow over his defeat to whip us guilty goyim in line to accept every genocidal stunt they pull against us. Conversely, they don’t have zip to say about the fascist who ran their Commie buddies out of his country and maintained his power to the day he died. I’m talking Generalissimo Francisco Franco.

    Interestingly enough, though Hitler tried to woo him into joining him and Mussolini, Franco did NOT LIKE OR TRUST HITLER. All he agreed to do was send Spanish volunteers to fight the Communists on the Eastern front, but refused to allow them to be used to fight on the Western front.

    Franco’s caution was prudent. I think that Hess figured the scheme out early and was apprehended by the enemy before he could warn the English people. I believe there was an assassination attempt on Hitler by his own military because they suspected the sabotage against their war effort was being made by Hitler himself. After he had all the suspected conspirators executed – all of them good generals and strategicians – he made several obvious and glaring mistakes that caused Germany’s defeat. Before he allegedly committed suicide, he was rather cavalier and contemptuous about the fate that awaited the German people instead of taking ownership and submitting to the consequences of his own failures like Mussolini was forced to.

    If the Holocaust was a hoax, and there is a lot of evidence, not to mention Holocaust survivors still around today, to suggest it was, then it is clear that Hitler was controlled opposition, a double agent actively working with and for the Zionist takeover of the world.

    What did he do but rant and rave and Name the Jew and then ship them to camps far, far away from industrial areas that were routinely bombed by Allied planes. Why didn’t he simply do what countries had traditionally done when Jewry became to onerous to their populations? Nationalize their businesses, grab their wealth, and then kick them out of the country? Why didn’t part of his agreement with Stalin include shipping the German Jews to the Jewish Autonomous Oblast in Birozhiban?
    If he was that serious about freeing Germany of Jewish influence?

    IMO, all Hitler had to do was order that all German industry, media and universities have demographic proportionate representation and the Jews would have self-deported from Germany the way they later did from the Soviet Union when it was implemented; no fuss, no muss, no bother.

  30. If the Holocaust was a hoax, and there is a lot of evidence, not to mention Holocaust survivors still around today, to suggest it was, then it is clear that Hitler was controlled opposition, a double agent actively working with and for the Zionist takeover of the world.

    I’m not a Hilter worshiper. I’ve been digging into issue a lot in the past few months.

    Check it out for yourself and watch the videos:

    ” Auschwitz. Why The Gas Chambers Are A Myth ” 49 min

    ” ONE THIRD OF THE HOLOCAUST ” 30 episodes

    ” BUCHENWALD – A Dumb Dumb Portrayal Of Evil. ”

    “Phil Donohue Analysis”

    “Auschwitz” Parts 1, 2 ,3

    ” Nazi Skruken Heads”

    “Last Days of the Big Lie”

    Note: They just posted ” ONE THIRD OF THE HOLOCAUST ” because it was banned on youtube.

  31. The number keeps going up. It was 4 million when I was a kid and recently I read someone saying 7 million

  32. Hitler stole children from Polish families for his Lebensborn program, because his kooky scientists believed that many Poles were more purely ‘Aryan’ than Germans. They also lured impoverished Polish girls into “birthing houses” and used them as breeding vessels against their will.

    Hitler may have been right on about the JQ, but he was an unstable megalomaniac, and in the end, a suicidal coward.

  33. Please allow me to introduce myself
    I’m a man of wealth and taste
    I’ve been around for a long, long year
    Stole many a mans soul and faith
    And I was round when jesus christ
    Had his moment of doubt and pain
    Made damn sure that pilate
    Washed his hands and sealed his fate

    Pleased to meet you
    Hope you guess my name
    But what’s puzzling you
    Is the nature of my game

    I stuck around St. Petersburg
    When I saw it was a time for a change
    Killed the czar and his ministers
    Anastasia screamed in vain
    I rode a tank
    Held a generals rank
    When the blitzkrieg raged
    And the bodies stank

    Pleased to meet you
    Hope you guess my name, oh yeah


    Sympathy for the Devil, Rolling Stones

  34. When you find yourself wanting to quote the Rolling Stones, just don’t.

    It’s just so embarrassing.

  35. I like Franco. I think many turn turn to Hitler as the answer because of the guilt unleashed upon them through forced indoctrination of Holocaust guilt from grade school on. How do free yourself from that yoke? The guilt is harder to escape than slavery guilt. The only answer for many is to adopt the exact opposite of the Party view of history. It’s like the only way out is straight through Hitler, even with his faults. Hitler represents an idea apart from the man himself that seems to hold a glimpse of salvation for the white man.

  36. Even more surprising, the author is a black civil rights lawyer, probably half Jewish judging from his last name.

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