LoS Statement on Obamacare


According to the League of the South, a lot of conservatives are having “the moment” that I discussed with Palmetto Patriot in the SNN podcast this evening:



28 JUNE 2012

Many thanks to the U.S. Supreme Court, indeed!

The editorials today are full of lamentations: “The Republic is destroyed!” “Supreme Court rules against the American People!” “Nullify ObamaCare now!”

And our phones in The League of the South office are ringing off the hook. Our e-mail is jammed with inquiries. It is as if a tsunami has stuck the people of the country—north, South, east, and west—and everyone suddenly realizes that the DC regime really is all powerful! And what they’ve been calling a free country is no such thing.

All we in The League can say is “Welcome to reality. We told you so. Now here’s your application to join us.”

As our first new member after the decision came down this morning wrote: “With the Obamacare decision, I can no longer pretend we live in a constitutional republic as envisioned by the founders. So, with the burden of pretending it is so (even with the evidence to the contrary) off my chest, I’ve applied for membership in the League of the South and have also submitted an additional donation.”

From the start, The League has called the regime in DC “an organized criminal enterprise.” We have been looking for ways to bring to the attention of the average citizen the fact that this “Union” is not worth the price we’re asked to pay. What we want people to understand is that secession and Southern independence (as well as independence for other historic regions) ought to be a viable option. If not secession and independence from DC, then what? Going down with the sinking ship? We don’t think so! Remember this: If you can’t leave, then you’re not free! …

It has been so long.

I can’t remember when I had “the moment” or what exactly provoked it. I just remember that it occurred during Bush’s first term shortly after 9/11.

Note: After further thought, I believe “the moment” was reading Buchanan’s 2001 book The Death of the West.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. BRA desperately wants to be like “Hotel California.”

    It is not so. Our Southern forefathers were right. Secession is a remedy for tyranny.

    “Truth crushed to the earth is truth still and like a seed will rise again.”
    Jefferson Davis

    Deo Vindice

  2. I’m done with this country.

    Obamacare was based on Romney’s healthcare plan for Massachusetts. There will be no change in November regardless of who wins.

    I think I am going to renew my membership to LOS as well as go to meetings again.

    Secession for all. Not just the South.

    End D.C. Tyranny.

  3. My moment was stumbling upon the AmRen website in 2004.

    It terrified me. I felt an endorphin high. I felt sick. My throat clenched. I felt fallen.

    It was the feeling of a horrible truth I had been shielded from my entire life, bearing down on me at one moment. The day I ceased to be the vituperative son, correcting my father’s thoughtcrimes against the regime.

  4. My moment was just after Obama’s inauguration, when his millions of brown followers, poured onto the internet, celebrating “Its a brown world now!”

    I did not like what was happening before, but had been conditioned by the enemy to believe it was inevitable. After seeing Obama’s people behave that way, I was left with no doubt, “anti-racism” is a confidence trick and idealistic whites had been taken for suckers.

    Anyway its nice to see some white conservatives, are finally beginning to get it. We need many millions more.

  5. The South needs another Judah Philip Benjamin, yes sirre bob.
    *Judah Philip Benjamin*
    Born: St. Thomas, West Indies ; May 6 1884
    Died: Paris, France ; May 6, 1884
    U.S. Senator, Louisiana
    Attorney General, Secretary of War and Secretary of State of the Confederate States of America : QUEEN’S COUNCIL ; LONDON
    …….. yes sirre bob, the South needs another Judah Philip Benjamin……..
    Good Luck Ya’ All

  6. White Americans were through with this country in the 1960’s when they collectively decided to go “do their own thing” — even if it meant ripping their families apart.
    It’s very easy for tyrants to rule an incontinent people. ( plato, to paraphrase).

  7. “Queen’s Council ” : Councilors to the Throne of England ; The Queen’s Councilors:
    The Secretary of War “To” the Confederacy was the Queen’s Councilor!
    The same man — Judah Philip Benjamin — the Secretary of State “To” the Confederacy was the Queen’s Councilor!
    Judah Philip Benjamin Was The Queen’s Councilor.
    The Throne of England — The Court of St. James– ordered the attack on Fort Sumter to start A/The War Between the States.

  8. Joe,

    so what if the British government (or factions in it) were pro confederate? They were spot on. Emancipation was the single biggest mistake in US history. Sympathy for blacks got the US were It is today. Bankruptcy and criminality.

  9. Circumcision is an offering of the foreskin to the goddesses of Babylon and Egypt.
    Isis being an egyptian goddess.
    The foreskins are then sold to cosmetic companies for skin cream lotions for present day cleopatras/goddesses ( they’re all over the place. it’s real easy to spot ’em)
    Go To : “YOUTUBE” ; Type in “Babylon Whore and Circumcision”
    And there are those who say that the true religions of the West are Christianity and Judaism. Hah!

  10. Joe

    As a rule someone of your “mentality” should be ignored. In other words your not worth a damn.

    But then sometimes someone should say so for whatever salutary result it may have.

    All this Latin nonsense is what? To impress? Your NOT an impressive person Joe. I think deep down even you know your just an ass-hole. It’s an expression I am loathe to use but it fits you like no other descriptive.

    I suppose it would be futile to suggest you get lost and try your childishness on a fresh hapless audience. You’re just too stupid and narcisistic to take any advice or have any concern about what EVERYBODY else thinks of you.

    So let me sum up. No body CARES what you think – you’re just a freaking jerk. Why don’t dig deep down. Come up with some common sense/decency and beat it.

  11. As to the Obamacare ruling debacle.

    One has to hand it to ol’ “W”. Just when you think that demon is history he pulls off a John Roberts from the political grave.

    Anyone who sees himself as a conservative AND a Republican should seriously consider electro-shock therapy.

  12. QC simply means that you are an elite Barrister. It had nothing to do with Deciding policy. If you require legal councel in the UK make sure you seek out a QC for consultation.

  13. Reading Black Athena by Martin Bernal was my moment of epiphany. Though this book was not intended to cause such a reaction.

  14. Where can I get a t shirt, or donate to a billboard, or something, that says, “I no longer consent to being governed by the Supreme Court”?

  15. Remember this is the LOS, trained reactionaries who basically allowed the “Grannies” to set the limits of discourse. So much so that basically I wasted 15 years and all I got were tales of Black Confederates.

    All you CONservatives have been had, your well paid leadership (excepting the LoS of course) never ever challenged the notion of moral superiority of the Left, and now the Left is doing what its moral imperitive tells them to do, and what do you money senders of the Right get? Well paid fat screechers bellowing, “but the rule of law (and please send money).”

    Moral supremacy trumps rule of law everytime. If not then HW would be an overseer and night rider, instead he is a blogger riding herd over upset money senders.

  16. Good article today at ” The Thinking Housewife” website:
    ” No Place To Hide From Socialized Medicine”

  17. Three times in American history has the prime moral notions or dogma been challenged and two distinct sides in the contest, with two victories and one defeat, the rest of the time what is termed the establishment has been in basic agreement on what is right.

    The American Revolution consider that a victory. Slavery and states’s rights, we lost that one. And the war on communism, not till 1980 or thereabouts did the split occur amongst the elite and we won that one, the Evil Empire and its dupes lost.

    Now the elite is solidly “anti-racist” (means nothing but anti-white), and till the notion of moral supermacy is stripped from the “anti-racists” you CONNEDservatives will lose, lose, lose.

  18. WG- Yes, When Jews Albright and [Kanne] Clark attacked an Orthodox Christian country [Serbia] on THEIR Good Friday, (for the Orthodox use the Julian, and not the Gregorian calendar) I knew that the Yids/Deicides were behind it all, at least during Clinton’s reign.

    Then, when 9/11 hit under “Shrub,” (and I was in upstate NY) and I personally saw all the yid kids freaking out on a college campus, while the good White Anglo-Saxon NY upstaters were the only ones not acting like it was ‘chicken little time’, I realized something REALLY BIG was being foisted on us. Reading Hoppe’s ‘Democracy, the God that failed’ on that sunny September morning will forever be etched in my mind coupled with this event; for the cries and the “Yiddishkeit” going on as the news of the Twin Towers was broadcast in classroom after classroom, and around 11:30 students (Jewish and non) were streaming out into the plaza, yet all one could see/hear, were the Deicides bemoaning THEIR fate, THEIR supposed ‘godlikeness,’ THEIR being ‘attacked’, rather than that AMERICA was being attacked. For, to the JEW, NYC is THEIR Babylon on the Hudson, and not a city where Lady Liberty once was revered by all.

    The scales fell from my eyes then, and it’s only been a case of focusing more and more clearly, ever since. Requiescat in Pace, America. Long live the White Man’s Union.

    Deo Volente.

  19. RobRoySimmons says:
    “Now the elite is solidly “anti-racist” (means nothing but anti-white), and till the notion of moral supermacy is stripped from the “anti-racists” you CONNEDservatives will lose, lose, lose.”

    Hear him, hear him.

  20. Since we have so many blogonaut explorers here perhaps I can find out who to send some checks to fight the good fight.

    Who on the Right is screaching the loudest, “ITS THE RULE OF LAW.” Conservative Inc. the RIMM of the poltical right.

  21. What did you win with the fall of the Russian Empire?

    What did you win in 1776?

    What did the north win in 186*?

    You won the right to elect a blood enemy. Well played there.

  22. Laura Wood has a Great article today at her website: “The Thinking Housewife”
    ” Surrounded By Fun”
    Enjoy The Decline, as Bill Powell would say.
    thinkingofyoutoo, Joe

  23. Yes John go kill yourself life is hopeless, but do you have any ideas where I can send some money?

    FTR I would have crossed the Delaware river with GW, I might have stepped out of the CW and I love the fact that the Soviets are gone and beautiful Russian people now have a chance if small at reconstructing what comes natural for them.

    God bless Washington, god bless the anti-commies and god please have mercy on the noble confederates and don’t put them near the puritans.

  24. A lot of this current trouble stems from the proposition that all men are created equal.
    Seems like a hoax (then as now) as Edmund Burke pointed out at the time.

  25. The Balkans was a big moment for me too. Once I figured out it was the usa siding with hajjis over White Christians I left the contract.

    The moment of moments was when my OER was crushed because I refused to search only White troops for extremist tattoos, all the other officers admire my principled stand but they all put the hammer down any which way

  26. meant to put extremist tattoos in quotes since anything that was not in line with clinton’s opinions was on the extremist list ie every tat I have

  27. all men being equal never meant equal results but equal before God and law and never meant negros or injuns and the like

  28. My moment was burying a young soldier while his young widow and mother wailed in grief, and I knew he had died in utter and total vain. I could not lie to myself any longer and pretend that his death did, or could do, anything to further his people’s lives. He died as a mercenary serving oligarchs, and I knew it to be true. I only hoped I could make it back from my next deployment. My country hated me, and here I was chancing death for it. What a sham.

  29. God bless you, Jim. The knowledge makes the grief all the greater. Survivor’s remorse is a bitter pill to swallow, especially in the face of all the deceit and hypocrisy.
    For what?

    “…a mercenary serving oligarchs”

    Such is the Yankee way of war.

    We must recover what has been lost just as much for the sake of those squandered lives as for our posterity. We have a debt to the past and a duty to the future.

    Deo Vindice

  30. Stonelifter,

    it was a sham then and a sham now. I know what you mean though. They couldn’t have possibly intended this to happen or even figured it was possible.

  31. Jim,

    Do not be downhearted. There might be a mead cup in Valhalla afterall. Eh?

    Men think less of themselves for never being a soldier.

  32. The idea that it could be considered morally superior to favor another race over one’s own children was preposterous from the beginning and should have be shot down from day one.

  33. I suppose there is honor in following through to the end once one has set his hand to a task, but the wisdom I gained prevents me from viewing that task as anything but a fool’s errand.

  34. bummer Jim, you and men like you are always in my prayers. It’s one thing for a man like me, fully aware to sign up for it, its another to use a good mans righteous desire to protect hearth and home against him

    “Equal” wasn’t in the Constitution until the 14th amendment. Thanks you damnyankees. Many at the time felt the Constitution was a con job. They were supposed to amend the Articles of Confederation not form a new govt. They only sold people on the new govt because they parleyed George Washington as the 1st president of the new govt into the deal. That seems dumb to us now, we can’t imagine trusting our “elites” like folks trusted Washington, but we don’t have anyone worthy of carrying his shoes these days. Haven’t since Bobbie Lee, Jackson etc

    But we also had Founding Fathers who were levelist; wanted to redistribute the wealth like commies do today. The Adams who wasn’t a president was one, and I think Payne was another

  35. “its another to use a good mans righteous desire to protect hearth and home against him”

    You nailed it again, Stonelifter. The theft of purpose which our people have had to endure screams to heaven for vengeance. The hypocrites try to make our virtues vices. Nothing so condemns an unrighteous man as the presence of a righteous man.

    It’s an old story, really. All the way back to King David and Uriah.

    So now we have a “nation” full of Absaloms.

    Deo Vindice

  36. There’s a rune the Angles would tattoo on themselves and stamp on weapons. It’s Tiw’s symbol. Sort of an upward pointed arrow. ^ can’t replicate it on the key board. It’s a T with the crossbar formed more like an arrow. I do tend think this must have been a very good lord as they won their wars. The similarity between the cross and this symbol is also obvious.

  37. One of the first things I did when I moved to Florida was join The League of the South. It was suggested by a then current member because the Council of Conservative Citizens did not have much activity in this area. I lasted about 6-8 weeks. Although I was asked as to whether I would be a permanent fixture and not subject to friend and family pressure to leave because others before me had done so, I realized that their losses were most likely due to the leader of this particular branch. To say that he did not know how to make people feel welcome would be an understatement. When I voluntarily removed myself, I had a clear understanding why they couldn’t hold on to members or why so many were no shows at their meetings. Leadership is a capability not a self-appointed title.

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