Rush on Obamacare Ruling

District of Corruption

Kosher Republic is following the pushback to the spin:

“A giant total fraud was perpetrated on this country yesterday. The Supreme Court as an institution is forever tarnished. There are now no limits anywhere on the size, scope, the growth, of government. We were the victims of a purposeful, intentional fraud yesterday. There is no way, were anybody in Washington concerned about the Constitution, there is no way Obamacare gets anywhere close to being law in this country. There is no way it even approaches constitutionality.

Okay. So the Commerce Clause has been limited, so? Now we get to pay a tax for something we don’t do. But it’s worse than that. It really is akin to going into a 7-Eleven, and saying to the clerk, “No, I really don’t want to buy any gum.”

“Well, okay, tax on that is $2.35.” That’s what’s happened here.”

R.I.P. Navigators.

The federal government is going to tread the fuck all over your individual freedom now, put it in reverse, back up, and tread over you again. Gov. Bobby Jindal observes that the Obamacare ruling could force people to eat tofu and drive hybrid cars.

Update: BTW, the BS spin about how Roberts limited the power of the Commerce Clause has been debunked. He did no such thing. He ruled with the liberals on the Supreme Court just like he did in Arizona.

Note: Glenn Beck reportedly had “the moment” on his television show … although in his typical way that makes no sense to anyone outside the Beck universe.

About Hunter Wallace 12398 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. So Beck “reportedly” had a moment. He’s a paid actor, probably doesn’t know right from wrong.

  2. “There is no way, were anybody in Washington concerned about the Constitution, there is no way Obamacare gets anywhere close to being law in this country. There is no way it even approaches constitutionality.”

    No, we don’t want to vote for none of those “constitutionalist” candidates, just Neocons.

    As I heard one local combined Tea Partier and Republican party official say:

    “Constitutional candidates? No, not many are into that. We’re interested in candidates who are likeable, who can win an election.”

  3. A GOP “beg” letter just came in the mail, asking for money and opinions about various issues, among which immigration does not even APPEAR!

    We need to support Romney real good (very bad English, but intentionally so) and as actively as possible, even financially if you can — because if he loses Obama wins and gets his second and clearest mandate — all the while constantly informing everyone just how evil he is, although the lesser one. No support without the critique, and vice versa! Of course the Party will try to stop this.

  4. “Mosin Nagant says:
    June 29, 2012 at 8:51 pm
    Be a cannon for the Red machine, but a loose one.”

    Mosin!!!! Excellent! That’s………a slogan! Well done!

  5. Funny all the anger and vitriol over the SC decision in Obongocare…the court has no judicial review authority per the Constitution; I know, I know, what does that matter eh?!

  6. The only thing that is more frightening, to me, personally, then the I am Not A Racist Patriotards, are the Leftitards. When ever I read their commentary, or their posts, on various websites – it’s not their utter viciousness, or thorough malice that I find so disturbing, not their id-driven childish tantrums – but it’s their ABSOLUTE and I think irrevocable disconnect from ANY concept of how real-world reality works: how food get into their piggy little pie holes, how roads and buildings get built – and stay up (good engineering, like farming, takes brains, patience, very hard work, and rock-hard cold, emotion-free understanding that ideology won’t make the grain grow, nor make a bridge stay up, no matter how loud you scream, how many tantrums you throw, or threats you issue, or how hard you stamp your widdle feet). They are monstrous little ego-driven Uber brats devils, no matter what their Race, who are unrivalled in their sheer destructive force.

    The faster Reality hits, and the harder Reality hits – the better.

  7. Folks, it’s all to the good. Nothing, and I repeat nothing, is going to change until Joe and Jane Sixpack are made to suffer. As long as the Sixpacks are comfortable they’ll go along to get along, but the minute the A/C gets cut off or gas goes up to $20 per gallon or the Internet stops working they’ll rise.

    The Enemy knows this, which is why they will do whatever is necessary to keep the A/C, cheap gas, and trash entertainment flowing.

    The upshot: things are going to have to get worse before they get better. And by “worse”, I mean much, much worse. The Six-Packs are going to have to feel the pain before anything will change.

    That’s why I’m happy with the latest news. Anything that hurts the current system helps us. Anything that ratchets up the pain on the Six-Packs hastens the day when they lose it, freak out, and become a force even the Feds can’t stop. Instead of resisting BRA and working for Victory In November, we should simply be sitting back on our haunches, keeping a low profile, and growing our families. The faster the Clampdown comes, the sooner the Crash – and the Reset.

    We can’t fight the Federal Power ( I no longer use the term “United States of America”) and anyone who tells you otherwise is selling something (or is an agent of the Power himself). Don’t do anything stupid like shooting a cop or digging a bunker or voting for the candidate of your choice. Just chill out, stay hidden, and keep pumping our White babies.

    We will win in the end because our side is rooted in reality, n the nature of things as they are. The New World Order, to the contrary, is an artifact, an order of creation imposed upon reality, maintained solely by force. It is contrary to reality, and therefore it cannot last. All we have to do is survive until it all comes down. It may not happen overnight: after all, it took the USSR 70 years to shake itself to pieces, which is a long time in the life of a man. But seven decades is a mere tick on the clock of history. The Holy Roman Empire, on the other hand, lasted a thousand years (AD 800-1806). I know whose side I want to be on.

  8. Folks, it’s all to the good. Nothing, and I repeat nothing, is going to change until Joe and Jane Sixpack are made to suffer. As long as the Sixpacks are comfortable they’ll go along to get along, but the minute the A/C gets cut off or gas goes up to $20 per gallon or the Internet stops working they’ll rise.

    The Enemy knows this, which is why they will do whatever is necessary to keep the A/C, cheap gas, and trash entertainment flowing.

    The upshot: things are going to have to get worse before they get better. And by “worse”, I mean much, much worse. The Six-Packs are going to have to feel the pain before anything will change.

    That’s why I’m happy with the latest news. Anything that hurts the current system helps us. Anything that ratchets up the pain on the Six-Packs hastens the day when they lose it, freak out, and become a force even the Feds can’t stop. Instead of resisting BRA and working for Victory In November, we should simply be sitting back on our haunches, keeping a low profile, and growing our families. The faster the Clampdown comes, the sooner the Crash – and the Reset.

    We can’t fight the Federal Power ( I no longer use the term “United States of America”) and anyone who tells you otherwise is selling something (or is an agent of the Power himself). Don’t do anything stupid like shooting a cop or digging a bunker or voting for the candidate of your choice. Just chill out, stay hidden, and keep pumping out White babies.

    We will win in the end because our side is rooted in reality, in the nature of things as they are. The New World Order, to the contrary, is an artifact, an order of creation imposed upon reality, maintained solely by force. It is contrary to reality, and therefore it cannot last. All we have to do is survive until it all comes down. It may not happen overnight: after all, it took the USSR 70 years to shake itself to pieces, which is a long time in the life of a man. But seven decades is a mere tick on the clock of history. The Holy Roman Empire, on the other hand, lasted a thousand years (AD 800-1806). I know whose side I want to be on.

  9. Does “oculus” mean “disambiguation”?
    I know there’s been some controversy as to the meaning of oculus lately.
    I always think of uncle sam’s worthless fiat money when I hear the word “oculus”.
    You know, like the eye peering out at us from the top of the pyramid.
    Nah–can’t be that.
    Must mean (Lux E Tenebris) “Light out of Darkness”

  10. Oh my. It’s all so ancient egyptian for my pretty little head to figure out.
    I need a mint julep desperately.

  11. Well, there’s “Id” driven traumas, and then there’s “Ego” driven traumas.
    I think Freud said the the “Id” contains a little bit more intelligence than the “Ego”, which is devoid of intelligence altogether as far as we know.
    Too bad for the The Ego.

  12. Isnt’ ‘Red” the official color of the communists?
    Shooting cannons — loose cannons or otherwise–for “The Reds” sounds kinda/sorta commie to me. No?

  13. ID is primitive stuff (Inner Dummy, Inner Child). Negroes are ID driven

    EGO (Latin meaning- “I”) The Rational self, though still warring with hedonism (feelings etc.)

    SUPEREGO Internalized Parents/Society. Also associated with will power and higher awareness. Responsibility, sometimes duty/obligation.

    Ego mediates between ID and SUPEREGO. Between “I gotta do it” and “fuck it!”

  14. >>>Isnt’ ‘Red” the official color of the communists?>>>

    Rothschild means RED shield. Communists are called the “Reds”- it’s the “bankers” who who the real Reds.

  15. It has always really irked me that that USA Today published that stupid map with the colors exactly wrong. Blue for those commie fuck Democrats and the traditional leftist red for the Republicans. I am absolutely certain it was an intentional agitprop decision to distance the Dems from Marxism.

    In retrospect though they are both pretty pinko.

  16. @Rudel
    Spot on. Both parties are pinkos. The red/blue states bullsh*t is agitprop. That’s for sure.

  17. Rudel: I’ve been bitching about that too! Why in the sam hell didn’t the stupid Repubs point that shit out? EVERY FRICKING NEWS OUTLET did that.

  18. Robert Oculus III: Great post. Agree 100% about pain being necessary and the establishment making all efforts (for now) to dish our the bread and circus’s while the frog begins to boil.

  19. Excellent commentary, Oculus. Pain is indeed the order of the day.
    It causes one to immediately awaken. Quite naturally, I might add.

    Besides, this thing has its own momentum.

    I hope to avoid the Clampdown, endure the Crash, and look forward to the Reset.
    Principled men of integrity such as yourself should have a large say in the Reset.

    It seems the Oculus can see many things.
    I’ll even bet that the Oculus can see that Joe is an ass.

    Deo Vindice

  20. The goddess of “NU” is going to get her husband “Horus” after me.
    I’m shaking in my boots, I tell ‘ya.
    Which reminds me:
    “Omnes homines sunt asini
    sunt asini vel
    homines et asini
    sunt asini”
    ( All men are donkeys, or men and donkeys are donkeys).
    Albert of Saxony

  21. .

    We’re getting side-tracked with name-calling and impromptu Latin/German lessons.


  22. MDM – no we are not! Everythng to it’s purpose.

    FYI -that last post, of Jooe’s – very useful.

    Tell us what not to do.

    Why yhe HELL would any-one want to suffer, and not complain? That’s MENTAL. Literally self-defeating, wholly self-destructive, totally dysgenic.

    Screw that.

    I’m a Celt. I’ll yell my head off, and I don’t care who likes it or not.

    Go suffer silently in your grave, oh Jooe of Little Sanity.

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