Conservative Southern Values Revived


H/T Kievsky

The latest Alternet diatribe on evil White Southerners thwarting the progress of the Yankee Empire:

“It’s been said that the rich are different than you and me. What most Americans don’t know is that they’re also quite different from each other, and that which faction is currently running the show ultimately makes a vast difference in the kind of country we are.”

Well, I suppose this is true.

Dixie was a “White Man’s Country” for almost three centuries. The existence of race was acknowledged here. Public policy was based on the assumption of racial inequality rather than its denial. It made quite a difference that a native Southern elite was running the show who understood the reality of the negro.

We saw what happened during Reconstruction when the Yankee was temporarily ascendant in the South. It meant the passage of the 14th Amendment by Congress, which consolidated all power in Washington, the start of the Gilded Age in the North, and all the horrors of the carpetbagger and black supremacy in South Carolina, Mississsippi, and Louisiana.

“Right now, a lot of our problems stem directly from the fact that the wrong sort has finally gotten the upper hand; a particularly brutal and anti-democratic strain of American aristocrat that the other elites have mostly managed to keep away from the levers of power since the Revolution.”

The wrong sort has definitely got the upper hand: every Northern state and the West Coast voted for Barack Hussein Obama in 2008, who is now the first black president (you know, that was hardly our idea), who appointed Eric “My People” Holder as Attorney General.

Democrats control the Senate. They controlled the House until the 2010 midterm elections. Ever since 2006, the Democrats have had the upper hand in Congress, and since 2008 they have controlled the White House.

“Worse: this bunch has set a very ugly tone that’s corrupted how people with power and money behave in every corner of our culture. Here’s what happened, and how it happened, and what it means for America now.”

In 2008, Barack Hussein Obama’s biggest campaign contributor was Goldman Sachs, which got a $10 billion dollar federal bailout from the Democratic-controlled Congress. That happened on Nancy Pelosi’s watch.

“Michael Lind first called out the existence of this conflict in his 2006 book, Made In Texas: George W. Bush and the Southern Takeover of American Politics. He argued that much of American history has been characterized by a struggle between two historical factions among the American elite — and that the election of George W. Bush was a definitive sign that the wrong side was winning.”

The key phrase there is “for much of American history.” Neither the Southern planter class or the Northeastern Yankee WASP elite has controlled either Dixie or New England since the mid-twentieth century. George W. Bush’s ranch in Crawford, TX is hardly a plantation.

“For most of our history, American economics, culture and politics have been dominated by a New England-based Yankee aristocracy that was rooted in Puritan communitarian values, educated at the Ivies and marinated in an ethic of noblesse oblige (the conviction that those who possess wealth and power are morally bound to use it for the betterment of society).”

The Yankee was overthrown by the Jew in the Northeast decades ago. WASPs no longer control New York City or the Ivy League.

“While they’ve done their share of damage to the notion of democracy in the name of profit (as all financial elites inevitably do), this group has, for the most part, tempered its predatory instincts with a code that valued mass education and human rights; held up public service as both a duty and an honor; and imbued them with the belief that once you made your nut, you had a moral duty to do something positive with it for the betterment of mankind. Your own legacy depended on this.”

There are strong remnants of the Yankee culture in the Northeast. In much the same way, Southern culture is still dominated by the legacy of the past. It would be foolish to assume though that the Southern planter class or the Yankee WASP elite is still literally running the show.

“Among the presidents, this strain gave us both Roosevelts, Woodrow Wilson, John F. Kennedy, and Poppy Bush — nerdy, wonky intellectuals who, for all their faults, at least took the business of good government seriously.”

The Roosevelts and JFK actually symbolized the long term decline of Yankee WASP elite in the Northeast. Surely, many a Yankee is rolling in his grave at the thought of an Irish Roman Catholic becoming president of the United States.

In the mid-twentieth century, the Yankee WASP elite was overthrown. It was replaced by a multiethnic elite that took over the Ivy League. Many books have been written about how the Jew and other non-WASPs took over Harvard and other Northeastern universities.

“Among financial elites, Bill Gates and Warren Buffet still both partake strongly of this traditional view of wealth as power to be used for good. Even if we don’t like their specific choices, the core impulse to improve the world is a good one — and one that’s been conspicuously absent in other aristocratic cultures.”

The philanthropy of Bill Gates and Warren Buffett is nothing more than a cost of doing business and a cynical attempt to protect their own vast fortunes from confiscation.

“Which brings us to that other great historical American nobility — the plantation aristocracy of the lowland South, which has been notable throughout its 400-year history for its utter lack of civic interest, its hostility to the very ideas of democracy and human rights, its love of hierarchy, its fear of technology and progress, its reliance on brutality and violence to maintain “order,” and its outright celebration of inequality as an order divinely ordained by God.”

Somewhat true.

I would dispute the idea that the South was opposed to “technology and progress” though. See the cotton gin, the telegraph, the railroad, the steamboat, the tractor, the mechanical cotton picker, refrigeration, and especially the air conditioner. We have too much techno-triumphalism in the South today.

“As described by Colin Woodard in American Nations: The Eleven Rival Regional Cultures of North America, the elites of the Deep South are descended mainly from the owners of sugar, rum and cotton plantations from Barbados — the younger sons of the British nobility who’d farmed up the Caribbean islands, and then came ashore to the southern coasts seeking more land. Woodward described the culture they created in the crescent stretching from Charleston, SC around to New Orleans this way.”

This is a half truth.

South Carolina embarked on its historical existence as an offshoot of the British West Indies. Early colonial South Carolina was dominated by settlers from Barbados. It was the Barbadians who left their cultural imprint on the South Carolina lowcountry which spawned the dominant culture of the Lower South. The same thing happened in Jamaica.

In the 21st century though, the elite of the Deep South has nothing to do with the old Southern planter class, which was devastated by War Between the States and lost power to “New South” elites in the decades that followed.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. There are lots of German’s in ww2 with Slavic names.

    A top SS bod was called Skorzeny. He’s famous as a SF progenitor. The Prussians are especially likely to have Ski at the end of their surname. You must remember that at this time most Poles and Bohemians were under German rule as well.

  2. A militia Captain in St Louis was called Blandowski. He was considered to be German.

    Basically they came in saw which way the wind was blowing with Illinois over the river and trashed the native Anglos of the River City. It’s pretty obvious.

  3. “As the final humiliation slave owners miscegenate with their own property, making their very children into their own chattel slaves. The horror of it. Better to work.” – Has anyone actually done the analysis and determined what percentage of blacks have a European Y chromosome?

  4. Anon it’s exagerated. I think it’s about 17% for American Africans. Which is low considering the outlandish claims of rape and whatnot. It indicated very little mixing in comparison to Brazil or Mexico or Cuba or wherever you pick.

    Mostly it would account for overseers mating a few deluded coal burners here and there or freed mulattos worming their way into free society. Thande Newton or Hallie Berry types.

    If wholesale intergeneration rape had occurred all the blacks in the US would be quite pale looking mulatto. More like Brazilians.

  5. I’m fair certain it’s 11% White DNA in negros living in the usa and 16-17% for negros in the uk/ Europe, but either way John you’re spot on with your reference to brazil and as was shown here recently mexico and all places catholic and south of Texas

    Our Irish fought hard, and some vets said the North won because they had more Irish. Without taking away from our Irish, yankee Irish were a driving factor in not only the war of northern aggression, but setting up the political system that gave us BRA.

    Otto Skorzeny is an interesting man, a soldier like few others and a man of adventure

  6. yankee Irish were a driving factor in not only the war of northern aggression, but setting up the political system that gave us BRA

    Next you will be saying that the Irish control the media.

  7. Statistically speaking the vast overwhelming majority of Irish appear to have sided with the Union and actively joined up to seek revenge on the nearest Anglo Colony

    So there were no Anglo-Saxons in the Northern states? I guess in your world the president of the United States at that time was called Abraham O’Lincoln.

  8. Now Joe Walker,

    I did not say that the Anglo northerners were slouches in that department.

    I did however point out that, however clumsy, the north managed to channel a huge flow of immigrants with bayonets, rifles toward the Confederates.

    The numerical advantage that the north had was only 2 to 1 if you count natives. It’s closer to 3 to 1 if you add in the Germans and Irish who pitched in with the Union.

    This transforms what ought to have been a deadlocked with a slight advatage for the north into a fight where the north was continously able to attack attack attack without worrying about man power. These Irish and Germans were also fighting to inherit the land of those they killed as well. TheYankees expected to bugger off home after hostilities ceased.

    It’s as if Germany in ww1 suddenly had Russian troops helping out or how the US tipped the balance on the Western front in ww1.

  9. Lincoln had a German bodyguard called “Turners”. They were all German radicals. Lincoln was rather like Caligula in his affection for his Germanic Lifeguards.

    Abraham Unter Den Linden, perhaps, would be correct.

  10. and we killed just about 2 of them for every one of us. Those foreign troops in many ways made the difference.

    another thing that chaps my ass about it all is how it’s spun in the “history” books. foreigners fighting for the damnyankees are called volunteers and the like, foreigners fighting for the South are called mercenaries, like we had the extra cash to spend.

  11. A Few Facts from History
    The Southern States furnished the Federal army with the following:
    White troops 276,439
    Negroes 178,975

    Foreigners in the Federal army were as follows:
    Germans 176,800
    Irish 144,200
    British-American 53,500
    English 45,500
    Other foreigners 74,900

    Based on war records and pension records as reported in 1907.

    “By the offering of large bounties, the United States enlisted 494,000 foreigners. Many of these at the close of the war never claimed citizenship here, but returned to the land of their nativity. Since the passage of the pension laws they have been paid millions of dollars by the United States. After nearly half a century the survivors are still drawing their pensions–mercenary soldiers in fact and deed.” George B. Guild

    Sadly, according to these figures, white Southerners made a larger contribution to the Yankee army than either the Germans or the Irish. Or the negroes, for that matter.

    Feel free to dispute these figures. They are from a very old book written by a Confederate veteran. He was the adjutant in my great great grandfather’s cavalry regiment.

    Deo Vindice

  12. wasn’t most of those “Southron” men from border states and initially promised they would not have to fight down South but pull guard duty in places up north? I seem to recall that’s the way it was taught when I lived in Md

  13. It’s quite amazing that the Confederates held out as long as they did.

    The quantity of foreign soldiers was damn near overwhelming.

  14. Would Missouri have counted in the Southern states? Or Tennessee? I’ve never looked at the state by state breakdown. I was well aware that brother fought brother in this war too. But I’d imagine West Virginia for example Fielded a lot of troops. Kentucky and Tennessee likewise. New Orleans probably the same. As unsaid though, those half million foreigns were the difference between the North being able to attack without regard for casualty and a more static tie.

  15. Why would I dispute your figures?

    another interesting factor is the recruitment over times initially the Aforces were more balanced, but over time the Union pulled ahead by a factor of 3.

    Another reason why southern whites may have joined the union army is that the war was largely fought on Southern territory. As the large well paid Union host went through the south (New Orleans) and Virginia they probably offered bonus pay and food as they went. There were probably ideological sympathizers around as well, or men with various grudges.

    Then you have the guys who calculated who was gonna win. The bandwagon.

  16. It’s closer to 3 to 1 if you add in the Germans and Irish who pitched in with the Union

    The Irish did not “pitch in”, they were drafted.

  17. These Irish and Germans were also fighting to inherit the land of those they killed as well

    Really? What is your source for this information?

  18. drafted back then was easy to side step, just move a few miles away. hell some made a good bit of money taking money to sign up in the place of more wealthy yankees and going awol to signup again in another place with a different name for another wealthier yankee

  19. The Irish do eff all unless they want to do it. They are a people compelled by their own Sense of whateverthefickthatmotivatesthemselves. They correctly identified the Confederate as an offshoot of the English Aristocracy and acted accordingly.

  20. “Another reason why southern whites may have joined the union army is that the war was largely fought on Southern territory. As the large well paid Union host went through the south (New Orleans) and Virginia they probably offered bonus pay and food as they went. There were probably ideological sympathizers around as well, or men with various grudges.

    Then you have the guys who calculated who was gonna win. The bandwagon.”

    Probably not too far off the mark, John.

    Most of the Southerners who fought for the Union were either staunch Unionists from the border states and areas like east Tennesse and north Alabama, or “galvanized Yankees.” I suspect that the latter was the larger group.

    Galvanized Yankees were Southern POWs who enlisted in the Federal army after their capture. Given the choice between starving to death/dying of disease in Fort Delaware, Rock Island, or some other Yankee prison camp, or enlisting in the Federal army, the second choice certainly has some appeal. Not really a hard choice to make if you want to maintain some control over your destiny. Even more so if your family wasn’t particularly supportive of the Southern cause to begin with.

    One of my great great grandfathers galvanized after his capture following the debacle at Missionary Ridge (Chattanooga). He never returned home after the war, settling elsewhere, and his wife eventually remarried years later. She was of German Anabaptist (Church of the Brethren, aka “Dunkers”) stock and was opposed to his initial enlistment in the Confederate army anyway.

    These were complicated times, not unlike our own. The federal government policy of using immigrants against the native population set a precedent that has continued to this day. Recognizing this is more constructive than arguing over the culpability of Irish, Germans, or whatever group your hamster may seize upon to blame.

    The groups have changed over time. The federal government use of immigrants to dispossess the native population has not. That is the real takeaway IMO.

    Deo Vindice

  21. The Irish do eff all unless they want to do it. They are a people compelled by their own Sense of whateverthefickthatmotivatesthemselves. They correctly identified the Confederate as an offshoot of the English Aristocracy and acted accordingly.

    Then why did the North have to draft them?

  22. Most Irish immigrants supported slavery because they feared that if blacks were emancipated they would compete against the Irish for working-class jobs. From the Irish perspective, it was better to keep the blacks on the plantations than have them move to the industrialized cities of the North.

  23. Yes, John, the name was Blandowski, not Kowalski as I “misremembered” it. But I think those recently-immigrated Lutherans flooding into that contested territory (Missouri) were different from the earliest, mostly High German immigrants of the eighteenth century. Many of the descendants of the first group took no part in the war, whereas this later had no objection. In their “old country” German principalities they would have been drafted and had to fight, and so they did for their new adopted rulers.

    I like what Apuleius says: “The federal government policy of using immigrants against the native population set a precedent that has continued to this day. Recognizing this is more constructive than arguing over the culpability of Irish, Germans, or whatever group your hamster may seize upon to blame. The groups have changed over time. The federal government use of immigrants to dispossess the native population has not.”

    Yes, recognising a main point is more constructive than arguing over details such as which ethnic group is, by implication, good or evil.

    Since this is a website pertaining to inhabitants of southeastern states, it naturally seems “foreign” to the rest of us whites who live on the “outside,” especially if we fall into such categories as “Yankee” and “German.” I recognise now that the best use of this site for outsiders is not to display our ethnic or regional differences and chauvinism here any longer, but to learn humbly whatever we can here that may be applicable for us in our own, EXTRA-southeastern situations.

  24. you’re wrong Mosin. It still matters because those groups vote overwhelmingly anti WASP pro BRA. A hundred whatever years latter and those groups still act as if they hate WASP’s by the way they vote, even when their vote is harmful to their interests

    that’s not some womanish hamster logic, it is an observation of actions and vote trends among White ethnic groups. Perhaps the voting is becoming less so, but not so much that I trust those groups or yankees. But if those facts bother you, fix your kin, don’t bitch at those of us who take note of it

    Your almost decent for a yankee, but our evolutionary psychology doesn’t change in a few hundred years; not good or evil, but different

  25. The North didn’t have to draft them. Only 2 percent of the Union Army were draftees. That the majority of the Irish or anyone else were drafted to fight for the North is fiction.

    “Four Federal Drafts produced only 46,000 conscripts and 118,000 substitutes ( 2 and 6% respectively of the 2.1 million Union Troops)

    The Oxford Companion to American Military History

  26. stonelifter,

    I think you may be overstating the significance of White sub-ethnic differences founded on HBD. I’m not 100% what literature, historical facts, data, etc. you are relying on for these conclusions. Americans of German descent are still voting anti-WASP? What does that even mean? Whatever HBD differences exist among White ethnic groups are trivial compared to Black/White or White/Han Chinese. Germans/Irish/Wasps, etc. are very close genetically. That’s biology. Meanwhile, Whites are under attack everywhere. All Whites, in all regions, and everywhere else in the world. It’s a global assault. It’s very hard for me to see any value whatsoever in dwelling on trivial HBD differences in this climate, trivial relative to the differences between Black/White, Mestizo/White, etc. Region, especially, is utterly irrelevant. I live in the deepest part of the Deep South. All of my ancestors fought for the Confederacy. I feel more affinity with the non-Southernerns here than with my idiot SWPL neighbors, also lifelong Southerners.

  27. I take your wider point, about using immigrants. Indeed that was my point.

    However, the Germans I have bumped into over in the states are very conscious of displacing English. The Irish are too.

    What I find funny about reflexive American hostility to England is that Europeans with differing ethnic backgrounds see the Brahmin, WASP, Redneck, Hillbilly etc etc as English offshoots… And act accordingly. The level of jealousy is still that strong. So beware the ways in which you are perceived by the other.

    The Irish and Germans were not forced to gun down southerners. They were paid a bounty and enjoyed it. It wasn’t their fight.

  28. Re: Michael Lind

    Been following him off and on since the early 90s. His hatred of the south is pathological.

    Thanks Lew. I know little about him, but think he’s the guy who wrote the book on fourth gen warfare? Had it on a list to read someday.

    Why would people hate the south, just generally. Truly, I just don’t get it.

    They didn’t even have as many slaves as other people, if that’s really what they’re so het up about.

  29. @ [the Irish]…. They correctly identified the Confederate as an offshoot of the English Aristocracy and acted accordingly….”

    By fighting the war. Good point about having to draft them though.

    Whatever— really sums the attitude of some of the transplants.

    BUT WHY—- the part of “aristocracy” that Americans most didn’t like was having to fork over their money, same with the papacy—- whether tithes or taxes, and if you’re really unlucky, you get BOTH, which means 20% of all your stuff, and then usually freaking volunteer work.

    Actually 20% would be a Godsend in America today.

    But THESE NEW “aristocracy-haters”— they want to fork over the money AND live like peasants, (taking real pride in selflessness, etc.)

    It’s like they threw the baby out with the bathwater—- the idea was we get to keep our stuff “for ourselves and our posterity,” and otherwise live like lower aristocracy ourselves (like we can read and write, be educated, think about things, say what we want, and so on).

    So I guess we did want to be like aristocracy.

    Why on earth DO they NOT want to live decently and keep their money????

    BACK IN REALITY— it’s really the military and welfare checks who live like aristocracy today (living on tax collection against the people’s will, and doing things like sitting around on their butts “homeschooling” with other people’s money)

  30. Lind is obviously a German. AngloSaxon aristocrats are detested like nothing else by Germans. They damn all Gentlemen.

  31. “you’re wrong Mosin. It still matters because those groups vote overwhelmingly anti WASP pro BRA.”

    If you re-read my comment, you’ll see I was in fact quoting Apuleius:

    “I like what Apuleius says: ‘The federal government policy of using immigrants against the native population set a precedent that has continued to this day. Recognizing this is more constructive than arguing over the culpability of Irish, Germans, or whatever group your hamster may seize upon to blame. The groups have changed over time. The federal government use of immigrants to dispossess the native population has not.’ Yes I agree, recognising a main point is more constructive than arguing over details such as which ethnic group is, by implication, good or evil.”

    Thanks for the kind words that I seem “almost decent for a yankee” — a member of “a different people.”

    The Welsh are a different people from Ulster Scots, especially when born north of the Mason Dixon Line.

    The rest of my comment was: “Since this is a website pertaining to inhabitants of southeastern states, it naturally seems ‘foreign’ to the rest of us whites who live on the ‘outside,’ especially if we fall into such categories as ‘Yankee’ and ‘German.’ I recognise now that the best use of this site for outsiders is not to display our ethnic or regional differences and chauvinism here any longer, but to learn (humbly) whatever we can here that might be applicable for our own use in our own, EXTRA-southeastern situations.”

  32. “Abortion is fine for Yankees. I just hate to see white Southern children aborted…. In many respects, controlling the Yankee population is every bit as important as controlling the negro population. The current unholy alliance…is simply another Yankee attempt to annihilate white Southerners…. the Yankees still bear us considerable ill will, and now enjoy complete control of the federal government….”

    This is why the website sometimes seems foreign to outsiders. I try to understand why you think so.

  33. Lind is obviously a German. AngloSaxon aristocrats are detested like nothing else by Germans. They damn all Gentlemen.

    John, I am beginning to think that you are just a Jewish troublemaker trying to create problems among the various white ethnic groups.

  34. The Irish and Germans were not forced to gun down southerners. They were paid a bounty and enjoyed it. It wasn’t their fight.

    What makes you think they enjoyed it, Jewboy?

  35. That the majority of the Irish or anyone else were drafted to fight for the North is fiction.

    So you are basically arguing that the Irish willingly risked their lives fighting against the South so that black slaves could be freed who would then move North to compete against the working-class Irish for jobs? I come from an Irish background, most of us hate blacks. Very few of us would risk our lives to free them.

  36. It still matters because those groups vote overwhelmingly anti WASP pro BRA. A hundred whatever years latter and those groups still act as if they hate WASP’s by the way they vote, even when their vote is harmful to their interests

    What groups are you talking about? If you are saying that the Irish are pro-black then you obviously don’t know any Irish people.

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