Daily Kos on Secession


This post at Daily Kos is worthy of its own comment thread:

“Let ’em secede!”. That’s the latest challenge from some here at the Great Orange Satan.Some politicians in a Red state are unhappy with the Supreme Court ruling on the Affordable Care Act? Call their bluff! Screw ’em! We can keep the United States of Blue, and cut those ignorant, greedy Red States loose!

Some of us happen to live in a Red state. We may have been born here. We may have relocated here for school, military service, work, or love. I moved to a very large Red State – Texas – when my husband relocated here for work. Having grown up in Massachusetts and lived in New Hampshire, life in the Lone Star State has been a revelation.

Our Progressive values are strengthened, not imperiled, as a result of living in Red surroundings. Every day offers us the chance to hone our powers of persuasion and to reach out to others of our kind to work together to support Progressive candidates and causes.

As chronicled in my many Texas-related diaries, those of us in the Lone Star State have heard more than our share of derogatory remarks. When Texas was plagued with epic drought and widespread wildfires, we heard from some – including some here – that this was God’s wrath or some other form of divine or secular vengeance for our political views….”

If the Southern states seceded from the Union and formed the Republic of Dixie, that would leave millions of transplanted DWLs trapped behind enemy lines.

Note: The official religion of Dixie ought to be Christianity for no other reason than to rid ourselves of these people.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. If the Southern states seceded from the Union and formed the Republic of Dixie, that would leave millions of transplanted DWLs trapped behind enemy lines.

    Free tickets North to all who want to go.
    Barbed wire fences for all those who don’t.

  2. What amazes me about DWLs, blacks and Jews is, if they hate us so damned much, hate our culture, hate our history, hate the way we do business, why don’t they friggin’ leave! There’s 49 other states, bitch, pick one!

  3. “The official religion of Dixie ought to be Christianity”

    There is no denomination called “Christianity” (at least since the 16th century.) What you’ve got is a large agglomeration of squabbling sects who think all the others are going straight to hell!

  4. There are two very useful memes to spread regarding secession if you’re up for some counter-intelligence work in far left circles.
    1. We should let them secede or we should kick them out of the US (them being us, as in briar rabbit and that there briar patch)
    2. Any civil war will destroy the JIT incredibly brittle infrastructure in the US and probably kill 90% of us at least (very true actually, can you imagine any conflict that DIDN’T destroy the electrical power grid? Most of the death in ‘One Second After’ is the result of the destruction of the power grid).

  5. The best bang for the buck would be blowing up the transformers at the substations. Generating plants and hydro-electric dams are too massive to easily destroy and power lines (even long distance high tension ones) are too quickly rebuilt. Those transformers however do not grow on trees and aren’t sitting around in great number in warehouses. They need to be built on order at the factory.

  6. Rudel,
    Correct, and they WOULD be destroyed. Could you imagine any military or rebel (or both) commander not doing so if it looked like they might lose in the area controlled by their opponents? Cutting off your enemy’s logistical lifeline is just very very basic strategy. Hell, they might even just open with it—a coordinated time-on-target strike against all of the ultra high voltage transformers in their adversary’s region.
    This vulnerability is why nobody with any sense whatsoever wants to see any kind of a shooting civil war in the US. Even without the NBC triad, it’s still classic MAD.

  7. The sutext of the Kossack comment was that she saw herself as a fugging Liberal missionary.

    Patronizing SOB. Southerners don’t need these Imperialistic people and a collection of useless nigs.

  8. Note it’s a woman. Women should keep silent- in the churches as well as in life.

    Unless they are OUR women- like Denise, Barb. etc.

    Frankly, the grievance you all have with this BITCH, is that her husband does not keep her ‘in line.’ If he is ALLOWING her to be this way, HE should be strung up.

    Restore patriarchy, and widows without means of support, and you’d have a lot quieter feminist quotient, right quickly. Culture coming from the cultus (i.e., Biblical religion) will easily ‘convert’ the ‘contentious’ to a more manageable means of control.

    You want to talk about power? Let’s be blunt. The voting rights for niggers and women were two of the most debilitating means to undermine White, Christian, Male Headship (for the pagans out there, like Joe, that means ‘hegemony’) a la biblical paradigms. The liberals want SHARIA? Let’s give them REAL ‘Law of God’- BIBLICAL LAW! Theonomy forever.

  9. Theonomy Today.Theonomy Forever.Theonomy for Everyone. Amen.
    Thank you for explaining to me the meaning of “Hegemony”.
    I was beside myself with confusion until you explained it all to me.
    Thank God for clergy.
    Clergy Today. Clergy Forever. Clergy for Everyone. Amen.
    “Sing it over, Amen, Amen, Amen….. by the Jordan River, Amen , Amen,….
    As the Jews say, Thank G*d I was born a man ( to paraphrase one of their more old fashioned prayers).
    Will yoga be allowed in your theonomy dictatorship? Let me know please.
    If so, I’ll cancel my membership at my local yoga center.
    I promise to throw all my books about non-Christian religions in the fireplace on Christmas Eve.
    We all have to do our part, that’s what I always say.
    With all the clergy around around as it is, one would think we’d be living in a Biblical Theonomic Dictatorship by now.
    It gets my goat, I tell ‘ya.
    Kopf Hoch! ( Chin Up!)

  10. Fr.John is ansolutely correct.

    The single white bitch still needs us, at least our money; they just get it through a government middleman. Women were sexy classy and demure because they had to be to gain our attention and keep our interest. Now they’d shuffle around in sweatpants all day if given the chance and maintain their appearance solely for their “job”. If they want to get f***ed they’ll put on lipstick and squeeze into a dress and you’ll spend at least $400 dollars for a night out including dinner and entertainment.

    White bitches still want the fairytale even though they’ve turned our lives into a nightmare with their shit voting record and learned helplessness. The better option: new world white latinas.

  11. White women have fallen further and faster than us. Most liveout their miserable days gnawing on Toblerones and crying after sex when they’re not doing some walkathon or volunteering to teach Niglets ballet. I’m sick of being a lifecoach to eccentric white woman. Hey lady guess what? Eccentricity is for men, you’re just a neurotic.

    Women are one of the key benefactors of BRA and its printing-press rights. Women are a petulant fifth column in American politics. Northern women are the worst, of course. They’re our special shame and punishment – our mark of Cain – for the sins we’ve inflicted upon our Southern brothers and then ourselves.

  12. I hate these new Yankee invaders. They are really stupid for having come here and spoken and behaved the way they do. As far as I’m concerned, once the federal beast expires, it’s open season on these bastards.

    You’re right, Rudel, transformers are high yield targets. Repeated attacks on infrastructure will reduce federal power to next to nil. Check how successful the insurgents were in Iraq. The army had to go house by house in the cities and still failed to eliminate the insurgency. They could only reduce it. They could not kill it.

    Here in the South we practically invented guerilla and irregular warfare. Francis Marion and John Singleton Mosby are two highly conspicuous examples. Careful study of their operations will provide you with a real understanding.

    Yankees keep running off at the mouth for the same reason that bad women run off at the mouth. They convince themselves that there are no consequences. They do what they can get away with. Once they recover from the initial shock of being struck down for their insolence, their insolence will be over. There is a time for talking, and there is a time for action.

    Loudmouthed Yankee transplants do not seem to realize just how close we are to the time for action. Keep talking you sorry bastards. I’ll just keep marking targets.

    Deo Vindice

  13. woman and yankees run off the mouth because they throw you in hail for shutting their traps

  14. They are just like all the other parasites that feed off of the federal largesse created by stealing the fruits of the labor of white men. They all rely upon continuance of economic prosperity and the status quo.

    The continued prosperity of Amurrica is at an end.
    The parasites have overwhelmed the host.
    The status quo will soon follow into the abyss.

    Deo Vindice

  15. This frankenstein bill would have been better if it had simply taken the form of Canadian single payer.

    Under penalty of law you must have a private insurance policy! WTF is this? A new
    fee for breathing?

  16. I attended a screening of a film about Monsanto and their heavy handed legal tactics.
    One one hand I know that a billion or so would starve without GM food but otoh they have wrecked the small holding farmer who either buys in or who goes organic. Lots of problems on both sides lots of advantages to either side.

    However, not one of the Liberal people there pointed out that a Robert Shapiro runs Monsanto. Or that they are a law firm masquerading as a chemical industrial giant.

    One crazy lady ran off at the mouth about how this was a result of the Evil patriarchy! I thought to myself that really Monsanto is all about turning patriachal farmers into mere widgets and debtors.

    Please bring back Farmer Giles and Piers Ploughman and their crude earthiness.

  17. I honestly doubt secession would result in any real armed conflict today. There’s no stomach for it. This isn’t 1860, you can’t take a bunch of rube farm boys from upstate New York and lie to them. Most of the military is based in the south, and they all have southern neighbors too. No, this will be more like Poland seceding from the USSR.

  18. Don’t get me wrong, there will be lots of collaborator women with shaved heads and low level violence, but there won’t be troop movements or missile strikes.

  19. It depends on who the government can corral into fighting on their behalf. One reason they chanced their arm in 1860 is that they knew they could flood the Confederates with half a million Irish and Germans.

  20. If the “Red States” secede, who will provide manpower for the Blues’ endless foreign wars? Who will feed them? Who will work in their factories?

    Also, most natural resources such as oil, gas and coal are in red or quasi-red states. “Redland” will have, in addition to the finest fighting men the world has ever produced, some the richest mineral deposits and natural resources, and of course, the skill and willingness to exploit them.

    Clearly, these bastards haven’t thought it through. It would take the “Reds” approximately four weeks to overwhelm and subjugate the Blues. And this time around, the Blues would be “Reconstructed,” and in accordance with “Red” values.

  21. “John says:
    June 30, 2012 at 4:44 pm
    It depends on who the government can corral into fighting on their behalf. One reason they chanced their arm in 1860 is that they knew they could flood the Confederates with half a million Irish and Germans.”

    John – when pondering the current plight of Our People, I often alternate between glee and despair. Utter shining confidence, and snarly caustic certainty of our plunge into the Eternal Abyss,

    You’re one key little comment, howver, had sparked a renewed ,and I think FINAL, cause for optimism in our eventual triumph.


    I was running down the comments on this thread. I sometimes start reading from the bottom up (I read Hunter’s post before the Coments began to appear). I was shaking my head at the Naming of the Female Shrew Who is Responsible for All Our Woes pro-forma (boring ) WN male resentment spew – when I:

    1) Re-read the original post, of Hunter’s (Just to figure out why the guys were going off again. Oh yes -it’s a female subject)

    2) Read top to bottom, to register the progression of Hatin’ on Dem Beeyich’s posts

    3) Got to YOUR [above} post

    (We had a technical glitch this AM, that began before I could even get coffee. Screw Toblerones. The Coffee Bean is MY Dark God. I am typing these words now that I possess restored access to my beloved electrical current – but the disruption of mandatory, de riguer, fiercely observed and defended AM coffee infusion, – well the entire day may be lost…)

    In between all the beeyatching, about Yanks and Skanks – there are some excellent practical…mmmm…tactical observations. However – your post give completel crystalline, Cosmically Illumniated Clarity to the Big Picture.

    It’s gonna be a guerilla war EVERYWHERE – and we will win.

    Now, in reality – the entire country is a polyglot, demented, mongrelized mess. ZOG has elected to replace Whities – obedient, easily duped, yet highly functional Whities, with…..everything else. There won’t be any unity anywhere. You Confederates have the best crack at enacting White Unity – but ZOG is STILL gonna have to contend with marshalling the Orc Troops. There will be slavish Race Traitor Whites (and I mean military White men, not the dumb bitches. The dumb , dykey, Nigra ennabling Toblerone guzzling (that’s too funny!) sweat pants wearing, demented White degenerate females will crumble to incoherent babbling in 5 minutes flat, when REAL Civil War II breaks out. Really -tons will be gunned down, on both sides, because NO ONE will want to waste any time on their tantrums. The noise they make will be irritating, and will break concentration – so the noise will “end”) – but the Race Traitor White males will have to marshall the Darky forces -and hilarity wil ensue. The Brown Darkies wil be inclined to take offense as some Gringo’s gruff orders – and shoot the Gringo.

    Meanwhile – up ‘ere in Yankeeland – there are LOADS OF US LIKE YOU.

    There are. I SWEAR to you. We’ve just never sought power. We are low to the ground. Literally. We will be here, shall we say, when the National Divorce – Secession – begins. It’s CRACKING apart NOW. The Obamination on Existence Itself Tax is waking up a LOT of folks. The chatter is the precursor to action. The Payors are FINALLY gettng to the point where they can’t pay anymore.

    And Hell is breakng loose. The first toe is outta the Gates of Same.

    Do you’se guys spend any time making mischief on Mainstream sites? I can now post ANYTHING that is Suitable for Stormfront – and worse, on several sites – and I recently posted 2 Ready For Stormfront Comments on the Lefty Economist – and only had one of ’em deleted.

    Anyway – I digress – whilst you Dixies are Seceding – so wil the rest of the country. It’s gona be a crazy mess – but we are

    1) Connected to reality
    2) Determined.

    We still screw up al the time – but Out Enemies have put far screwier, and dopier, and less effective types, as our antagonists.

    The White Chaff will fall away from the White Wheat in the rapidly advancing Ragnarok – and that’s all we will really need to regain power. To Cleanse the Land. Minus years of guerilla warfare, and really messy, gross, disgusting scenarios….oh well. War is…Messy. War requires lots of bleach, and paper towels, for the cleanup afters…

    I’ve stated repeatedly that the single most frightening aspect, to me, of the current clime, is the mind-boggling Cognitive Disconnect of the Left. The subject off this post, that Cassandra person (her very online name is a brilliant example of the almost complete disconnect of this type. The…creature…wholly inverts the very identity of the REAL Cassandra. The Real Greek of Legend Cassandra TOLD THE TRUTH) The General Incompetence, and pervasive chemical addiction of the Other Side works in our favor.

    We will win be sheer default.


    P.S. – H/T to Fr John, and Tamer, for at least admitting that the genesis of the fault of women lies with the men that ought to have kept women in check.

    PPS – You’ve gotta wondder about the Lefties. Do they have ANY connection in the real physical world? Do they require oxygen, or water, or food anymore? Can you see through them, when you look at them? I’m beginning to wonder. How isolated ARE they, within those Gated Communities? The Gates won’t keep Reality Out – when Reality decides to really get in….those Gates have really disconnected the Denizens within FROM Reality….’Zounds.

  22. Listen guys, don’t put us OD females in the same trash heap as this lowlife from Massachusetts. Just give me 5 minutes with her – alone. I’d have her whistling Dixie on the way back up there. If she survived.

  23. Hunter, Fr John, Tamer, everyone: great comments on this thread. I don’t have time to add more than this, one correction to “the better option: new world white latinas”:

    Remember that inter-ETHNIC intra-racial mixing is the PRECURSOR to inter-racial — and that “white” latinas are already interracial! But otherwise, I second everything I’ve read.

  24. I don’t know that “white latinas” are necessarily interracial — Giselle Bundchen certainly isn’t. But I agree that intra-racial mixing – “the American melting-pot” was ultimately detrimental. And I say that as someone who is himself the product of inter-ethnic, intra-racial mixing.

  25. “White bitches still want the fairytale even though they’ve turned our lives into a nightmare with their shit voting record”

    Frankly, after the John Roberts betrayal, I don’t even see that blaming women is even of any point any more. What good does it do to blame women, when REGARDLESS of how they might have voted, we’d be in the place we are, seeing’s how our own supposed champions, put in place by men AND women voting correctly, have sold us out for a mess of potage.

    ALL of our misfortunes, from Brown v. Board of Education, to abortion-on-demand, to the striking down of SOS (CA prop 187), to Obamacare, are the FAULT of the Supreme Court. All of this liberalism was done to us by 12 unelected dictators.

    What’s the point of voting? Voting does NOTHING. We vote conservative — they overturn. Liberalism gets voted in, “conservative” judges REFUSE to overturn.

    What matters shit voting records, when voting the way we’re “supposed to” (ex.: voting for Bush, on the argument that we “need conservative judges) just leads us down the primrose path that everything will turn out ok , and then the “conservative” judges, that are ostensibly our savior from the “shit voting record” of women, rip the rug right out from under?

    Oh, and don’t forget, guys, NIXON, who was a Republican (i.e., elected by men despite the “shit voting record” of women) STARTED affirmative action, and Reagan, who was a Republican (i.e., elected by men despite the “shit voting record” of women) tipped over the first domino that has led us to this place of White babies now being an absolute minority in America, by giving amnesty to the mestizo imminvaders in 1986.

    White American men’s voting records are moot. Women’s “shit voting records” are moot. We live in a soft tyranny and we’d be here regardless how women voted. Because the billionaire Jews own Congress, and the Supreme Court, and the media, and academia. And that’s all that counts.

    I’m so not surprised that “tamer of savages” spends so much time posting defenses of jews and so much time spewing vitriol against White women and promoting miscegenation on a White Nationalist — or outlaw conservative — forum. (and sneakily calls them New World “white” Latinas. There are no New World White Latinas. White Latinas are Spaniards, that is, old world. That they reside in the new world is moot. New World Latinas are mestizos or amerinds — so non-White.) “Whiskey,” redux.

  26. Large scale racial and ethnic migrations are hardly unknown in world history. The last century saw several of them. There was the ethnic German return to Germany proper after WWII. Then there was the division of Pakistan and India. On a smaller scale the breakup of Yugoslavia saw considerable movements of peoples into ethnic enclaves. Certainly there was much suffering involved with these displacements and migrations but in the long run it has been worth it to reduce conflict.

  27. What Barb said.

    Barb – I’m almost to the point of ignoring the vitriol constantly spewed against women. I know it’s all about blaming those that can’t hurt them. Easy targets.

    Just like Negroes blaming Whites…….it’s so boring.

    Thanks for the comprehension on the Mestiza thing. Some of these White male Brain Trust guys ought to spend more time on actual genetics, vs blaming Dem White Female Debbils. But they don’t….

  28. The basic problem is the bad guys have access to/control over White Creations.

    How did this come to pass?

  29. “>>>All of this liberalism was done to us by 12 unelected dictators.<<<
    How many??"

    Okay. Ah, geez, I just had a whopper of a stupid attack. Nine, of course.

  30. “Barb – I’m almost to the point of ignoring the vitriol constantly spewed against women. I know it’s all about blaming those that can’t hurt them. Easy targets. ”

    Denise, I know.

    And I continue to be amazed, although I should be blase about it by now, of the correlation between willingness to kiss up to and excuse the jews (as if that’s some magic, previously unexamined, Kabbalistic incantation to getting a Future for White Children that we all were too stupid to think of) and willingness to both bash all White women and encourage miscegenation with non-Whites so no more White gals (and guys) get made.

    With friends like these, who needs enemas?

  31. Apuleius , some of us yankee transplant hate the federal govt and we owe nothing to negroes. Some like myself would like to ally with other southerns when push comes to shove. I moved from the biggest nanny state, New York and do not miss it at all, only my relative

  32. “barb says:
    June 30, 2012 at 11:32 pm
    “>>>All of this liberalism was done to us by 12 unelected dictators.<<<
    How many??"

    Okay. Ah, geez, I just had a whopper of a stupid attack. Nine, of course."

    It's OK my dear. You were thinking of the 12 Hebes that formed the NAACP, in order to showcase one high strung Mulatto, and destroy White civilization. I know you were….

    Yes – how about that Excusing of Die Jude, and encouraging miscegenation thing, among the "WN" males….

  33. “Roger says:
    June 30, 2012 at 11:46 pm
    Apuleius , some of us yankee transplant hate the federal govt and we owe nothing to negroes. Some like myself would like to ally with other southerns when push comes to shove. I moved from the biggest nanny state, New York and do not miss it at all, only my relative”

    The Bonnie Blue Flag flies north of the Mason Dixon line. As in “it really does”. And there are plenty of Confederate flags, ’round my parts. I’ve seen ’em all my life…I used to think it was funny, when my “educated” pals used ot get all snarky about the Rednecks…

  34. Denise,

    Which is your favorite Confederate flag? I prefer the First national flag with 7 stars. I do fly the Gadsden and Revolutionary flags these days. Also the Revolution navy flag, snake with 13 stripes.

  35. While I’m no Yankee, I do want to note some transplants are, by their actions, as honourable as any Southerner; to whit, the Algiers Point militia:

    Janak, who was carrying a pistol, says he grabbed one of the suspected looters and considered killing him, but decided to be merciful. “I rolled him over in the grass and saw that he’d been hit in the back with the riot gun,” he tells me. “I thought that was good enough. I said, ‘Go back to your neighborhood so people will know Algiers Point is not a place you go for a vacation. We’re not doing tours right now.'”

    He’s equally blunt in Welcome to New Orleans, an hourlong documentary produced by the Danish video team, who captured Janak, beer in hand, gloating about hunting humans. Surrounded by a crowd of sunburned white Algiers Point locals at a barbeque held not long after the hurricane, he smiles and tells the camera, “It was great! It was like pheasant season in South Dakota. If it moved, you shot it.” A native of Chicago, Janak also boasts of becoming a true Southerner, saying, “I am no longer a Yankee. I earned my wings.” A white woman standing next to him adds, “He understands the N-word now.” In this neighborhood, she continues, “we take care of our own.”

  36. Well – I like the 1st Alabama Infantry (Co. I-K, Wilcox True Blues) ’cause it’s pretty, and it has a nice story behind it. It’s very sentimental .

    The Confederate Regimental flag of Independent Blues, company B, 3rd Florida infantry, is what I consider the coolest and best flag of all time.

    The Bonnie Blue, though, in terms of graphic design, is simply PERFECT.

  37. The problem for the Libs is that, no one will fight for them. Yep, that was my point.

    The incompetents they will be able to muster will not match the quantity and quality of our side.

    I think the Confederates were simply overrun by a spare 1/2 million to 3/4
    men of similar martial ability.

    The Mex and the Black are not cut from the same cloth.

  38. Wow, where to begin? Great posts by Denise and Barb, as always. Great responses to the woman-hating blather spewed above. Yeah, go ahead and marry “White Hispanics” like Eva Longoria: 70% European, 27% Asian/indigenous, and 3% African (she had a DNA test done– on another note, she complained about the results because she thought she was a descendant of Aztec royalty — sheesh!). I think this whole “white Latina” is someone’s wet dream of a female that they can pretend is white, and is servile and completely docile. A doormat, in other words.

    Apuleius: just don’t assume all Yankee transplants are as you have described. I moved here because I love the South and its values reflect mine, and my home state’s values did not. I detest the people you describe, and even more so because they lead Southerners to believe all Yankee transplants are like them. They’re not.

  39. “Yes – how about that Excusing of Die Jude, and encouraging miscegenation thing, among the “WN” males….”

    I strongly suspect that men who do this are either Die Jude, themselves, or are dillying a Die Judess.

    You know my hobby horse. If you are a White man telling other White men to dilly with non-White women, you are not WN.

    WN is about securing the existence of our people and a future for White children. White men who dilly, and urge others to, also, non-Whites are not securing a future for White children, because you can’t secure for them until you conceive them in the first place.

    Miscegenation secures futures for NON-Whites, both the race of the alien partner and the mixed offspring.
    Mixing also secures the future for the mixing White man, himself, to get his particular fetish indulged.

    But it does not secure a future for White children.

    I *get* that there are instances where a White man was screwed over by a White woman. I get that, because of that bitter experience, such a man might want to see other men, of any color, avoid getting similarly screwed over. I get that your pain has caused you to believe X chromosome codes for treachery and that you have come to feel your primary loyalty, not to family — defined as people who share your somatic chromosomes irrespective of sex chromosome — but to people who share your Y chromosome, irrespective of which somatic genes are shared.
    This I get. I even, I suppose, on some level intellectually, sympathize a bit. I really can understand why you might feel an emotional affinity for “manosphere” nihilism.

    But what I don’t get is, why do you claim to be WN?

  40. “some of us yankee transplant hate the federal govt and we owe nothing to negroes. Some like myself would like to ally with other southerns when push comes to shove. I moved from the biggest nanny state, New York and do not miss it at all, only my relatives.”

    Then you are not a Yankee transplant, Roger. You are now a Southern man. You just weren’t lucky enough to be born here. Welcome, friend.

    Deo Vindice

  41. “just don’t assume all Yankee transplants are as you have described. I moved here because I love the South and its values reflect mine, and my home state’s values did not. I detest the people you describe, and even more so because they lead Southerners to believe all Yankee transplants are like them. They’re not.”

    Lily Della Valle
    You are quite right. I do not consider non-native Southerners such as yourself to be Yankees. I realize the term may be ambiguous, but as you pointed out, those who move here while maintaining their allegiance to somewhere else really get my goat.

    I don’t have an axe to grind with any of the many good white people in the North who are only there through the accident of birth. It’s not their fault, so I don’t really consider them when I use the term Yankee. You know who I mean.

    However, I do apologize to you, Roger, and the other northern people of goodwill for my lack of consideration for your plight as a captive people. My primary concern is the liberation of the Southern people. This makes me somewhat shortsighted at times. As far as I am concerned, if a white person lives in the South and loves the South & its people, then that person is a Southerner. I have plenty such friends.

    The old bumper sticker slogan kind of sums up my feelings on the matter.
    “Get your heart in Dixie, or your ass out.”

    Deo Vindice

  42. women and yankees want t say they aren’t like other women/ yankees and yet many of us don’t believe them. Maybe because of their actions/ words aren’t all that different then the “other” kind?

  43. @ 313Chris: “I don’t know that “white latinas” are necessarily interracial — Giselle Bundchen certainly isn’t. But I agree that intra-racial mixing – ‘the American melting-pot’ was ultimately detrimental. And I say that as someone who is himself the product of inter-ethnic, intra-racial mixing.”

    I still disagree with the first statement, but of course I agree on the latter: Even mixing German and Welsh, which are not very distantly related, yields a slightly “confused” hybrid product. In the Bible, marriage was restricted to one’s own TRIBE. I can’t understand how a true Nord would desire a “white latina” — TOO DIFFERENT!

  44. @ Apuleius: “(T)hose who move here while maintaining their allegiance to somewhere else really get my goat. I don’t have an axe to grind with any of the many good white people in the North who are only there through the accident of birth.”

    What would concern me more is that these transplants have generally moved around from state to state, and by and by they “find paradise” in some southeastern state, such as, say, North Carolina, but they are still essentially rootless movers. It takes many generations staying in place to really develop “roots” and TRUE attachment, and truly BELONG to a place. Ask them why they needed to invade and take over someone ELSE’S paradise. Why didn’t they or their ancestors, stay where they wer born and make THAT place a paradise if it isn’t? If they really ARE good white people, who were born in the North, their duty is to remain and change the North.

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