The Cost of the Union: Federal Judge Blocks Mississippi Abortion Law


Earlier this year, the new Republican-controlled Mississippi legislature passed an abortion bill that would have required any doctor performing abortions in Mississippi to be a board-certified OB-GYN with admitting privileges at a local hospital.

Enter “federal supremacy”:

“JACKSON, Miss. – A federal judge Sunday temporarily blocked enforcement of a Mississippi law that could shut down the only abortion clinic in the state.

U.S. District Judge Daniel P. Jordan in Jackson issued a temporary restraining order the day the new law took effect. …

In the order, Jordan wrote: “Plaintiffs have offered evidence – including quotes from significant legislative and executive officers – that the Act’s purpose is to eliminate abortions in Mississippi. They likewise submitted evidence that no safety or health concerns motivated its passage. This evidence has not yet been rebutted.”

OD readers know how these things go in the “Glorious Union.”

In theory, BRA is a “democracy,” but in reality this means that whenever the “majority” of White people in a state try to “democratically” govern themselves in a way that is objectionable to the political class, an unelected federal judge can reliably be found to step in and strike down the reform.

Note: The existence of the Union which made the Roe v. Wade decision possible is the only reason why abortion on demand is still legal in Mississippi. If the Roe decision were ever overturned by the Supreme Court, the Mississippi trigger ban on abortion would immediately go into effect.

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Why on earth would anyone want to ban the practice of abortion in a state with as many dirt-poor, hyper-sexual, high-fertility niggers as Mississippi? If niggresses and mudsharks want to abort their nigglets, even on the tax-payers dime, then I say let them go crazy.

  2. Most would agree that it’s not really blacks that are the issue. When white culture was sound, they were handled well enough. Handle the culture, handle blacks. Laws against abortion are about trying to get a handle on the culture.

  3. Oh I don’t know, maybe because Mississippi niggers have a strange way of always ending up in Northern cities, where they destroy the place and terrorize and murder white people who didn’t have shit to do with bringing them here in the first place..?

  4. @ stonelifter

    I’m reaping what YOU sowed, Johnny Reb. Learn to pick your own cotton for once.

  5. they weren’t a problem to y’all set them free; and the north benefited as much economically from slavery as the South

  6. You can’t blame the nigs for wanting to go up to northern cities where people aren’t as racist as they are in the south and where the social benefits are much more generous. We should help them relocate to places like Minneapolis, where they’re more welcome.

  7. Given the Minnesota “Unfair” campaign, I’d say they’re practically begging for more negroes up there. We should oblige them.

    In a few years they’ll be whining about the negro tendency to “murder white people who didn’t have shit to do with bringing them here in the first place.”

    The negro talent for destruction is fully on display in many northern cities, where they can fully enjoy their emancipation and civil rights among their Yankee benefactors. Be careful what you wish for, mighty whitey enlightened ones.

    Move them niggers north!

    Deo Vindice

  8. Minnesotans just engaging in moral one upmanship, still not as good at it as the jews. For the most part these stupid gentiles will just end up beaten, raped and robbed by their new fangled fashion pets. At least the jews know in their cold hearts that it is just shlock to pacify the goyim beasts with, and little to do with reality.

    I agree with HW, the fool yankees started this. My relatives in Wisconsin are the basic descendants of the puritan type that migrated west, they are museum pieces of fresh faced stupidity. It is all about moral supremacy, when pressed these types will throw down the metaphysical card, like god speaks into their ear and they are but an instrument of the divine will. (I know this from listening to my grandfather, he would have been at home in Plymouth colony)

  9. “I’d say they’re practically begging for more negroes up there. We should oblige them…. Move them niggers north!”

    Please re-Africanise instead! DON’T sabotage your northern, distant white relatives! Must we build a border fence?

  10. They were kept out of a certain county in this state for many years (with the exception of only one family) by an invisible border fence.

  11. “Minnesotans just engaging in moral one upmanship” about racial tolerance — to balance and to smokescreen their divorces, fornications and abominations.

  12. turn about is fair play. Why should I give a damn about the havoc negros cause in the north? yankees have never given a damn about the havoc and ruin they’ve caused us. and by they I mean the damage negros and yankees have done

    yankees are not now and never will be out brothers

  13. “Laws against abortion are about trying to get a handle on the culture.”

    Wrong. Laws against abortion are about ensuring that blacks and Hispanics outproduce whites by margins of 10 to 1 or 20-1, because apparently the answer to “What would Jesus do” is to make sure that demon spawn are allowed to gestate and reach full term. Many on this board will obfuscate, writhe, and use the Bible to chastise me, but it is unfortunately very simple: Either you are in favor of abortion, or you are in favor of drowning in mud. Period.

  14. …..In theory, BRA is a “democracy,” but in reality this means that whenever the “majority” of White people in a state try to “democratically” govern themselves in a way that is objectionable to the political class, an unelected federal judge can reliably be found to step in and strike down the reform.

    That exactly sums up BRA. White people have no rights period.

  15. “(Y)ankees are not now and never will be our brothers” is overstatement, at least in that SOME brothers and cousins on opposite sides fought each other in the war, and since then many brothers and cousins have been born on opposite sides of the Line. But yes, I know “the exception proves the rule” and the prejudice is mostly right after all.

  16. That exactly sums up BRA. White people have no rights period.

    It’s a dictatorship of courts, of men in dresses, (who took it over from priests, which is why they wear the exact same outfits.)

  17. there’s no brother hood left after a foreign people invade your land, burn your cities, rape your women then set a dangerous group of hostile sub humans lose in your back yard and ridicule you for a 150 years

  18. I agree with 313Chris 100% on this topic. All of you religious guys must be retarded if you think it’s a good idea to shut down our only effective means of limiting the numbers of niggers.

    As I have pointed out before on this sight, without the abortions which stilled the shit-pumping hearts of 15 million nigger sprog since Roe vs Wade we would have 39% more niggers in this country. That number doesn’t even take into account all of the niglets and grand niglets that those aborted sprog would have produced. Add those niggers to the pile and we would easily have 50% more worthless shitskins than we have right now.

    Do you guys actually believe that you can fix the ills of our society by eradicating the tool that prevented niggers from doubling their numbers? Are you really that goddamn stupid?

    It was religious piousness that motivated those Yankee do-gooders to invade the South to free what they thought of as “God’s dark little children”. You shortsighted Bozos have exactly the same mindset as the assholes who turned the goddamn niggers loose. It wasn’t Yankees who did it. It was religious zealots like you.

  19. I’m not sure it has played out that way.

    It seems to me that the welfare state would encourage reproductive irresponsibility among blacks and Hispanics while access to abortion and birth control would encourage limiting fertility among responsible White couples. Doesn’t the welfare queen have an incentive to reproduce?

  20. As a talking point to rally the confused on abortion to the cause of a new nation, I agree.

    But let there be no mistake: anyone who would kill their own offspring, ought to.

    Abortion can only be opposed in theory privately, but not in practice publicly. See also Prohibition.

  21. On balance abortion rights have probably reduced the increase in the percentage of blacks.

    What conservatives ought to say is this: “sure fine, abort blacks, but you white women! please don’t abort!”

    limbaugh almost said it with that slut comment. White women ought to carry to term. Should carry to term and be nicely told that they are destroying their own people if they do abort.

    Black mums? Do us a favor and flush out the violent vermin pronto.

  22. As for this troublesome Dixie/Yankee quarrel, I will continue to harp on the example of the Partition of India, where Pakistan was first West and East Pakistan, before it split into two distinct entities.

    I have no doubt that in some glorious distant future Dixie would be happier as its own independent confederacy; I wish you well and may even visit from time to time; but in the immediate future we need each other desperately and can brook no divisiveness.

  23. There is an argument to be made that abortion has made things worse, that it encouraged high fertility on the left end of the tail curve, while simultaneously encouraging low fertility on the right end of the tail curve. Here is Sailer’s examination of abortion vs crime for example: That said, I’d be very uneasy about what amounts to a radical shift in society that this would cause. Lets leave this well enough alone and address it only after the other issues have been fixed, or at worst make it an extremely local issue since only whites seem to be interested in banning this practice.

  24. There’s a scene in Killer Angels where Chamberlain discusses his motivation for fighting the Confederates. It’s all about the divine spark in the soul of the black.

    The Irish sergeantmajor simply said he wanted to kill aristocrats in his reply. “No man is better than me.” He poured scorn on the motivation of the good colonel and his humanitarianism.

  25. negros aren’t human so I don’t see why abortion laws should apply to them. Personally I’d take more White people even if it did come with more negros. It seems to me allowing Whites to kill their children is a sign, THE sign of how sick many Whites have become

  26. we Southrons do not need the South, you yankees area burden on us in every possible way


    kilrain is a fictional character, but typical of the people poised to inherit America from the WASP Chamberlain types after they butchered the Southerners and trod the boot on their neck.

    Neither knew anything about blacks first hand. But they brought their “ism” or egomaniac baggage
    in judgement of people who had dealt Realistically with the black scourge for centuries.

  28. As I sit here in Mississippi looking at my two beautiful White children, I wonder why any White anywhere would kill their own offspring.
    Blacks are PAID to have children, why on earth would they abort them?
    It’s Whites that are feeding the mill with our future.
    God help us.

  29. Perpetual indoctrination.

    Women feel they must have a career. That means they flush out their wombs after sleeping with the next “professional stepping stone male accessory” on their way to the glass ceiling of 30-35 when they finally realize it was all bullshit and they are desperate for offspring.

  30. Dixiegirl is there any particular reason you have to spread your stupidity? The robes of judges come from academic robes. Catholic clergy do not wear black robes or vestments outside of funeral masses. And their black clerical attire looks nothing like a robe.

  31. While there is an argument that can be made in favor of negro abortion in the United States (like the argument against public transportation, this is really just an argument against BRA), I would say the evidence is clear that abortion and birth control utterly backfired among Whites.

    Just look at Europe’s catastrophic birthrates.

  32. “Here come the judge” Laugh-In 1968 (TV) A colored person, joo, married to white- Mae Britt.

  33. Actually Dixiegirl has it right. Go figure. Academic robes come from religious robes. The first universities were created by the “evil” Catholic church. As were the first hospitals. And orphanages. Charitable institutions are one of the great gifts of Christianity. The only drawback is that charity was extended to include non-whites.

    While I view the abortion of humans as a murderous act, I don’t consider negroes as humans so their abortions are a bit of a wash as far as I’m concerned. I didn’t think that negroes possessed enough future time orientation to abort their sprogs, especially since they have both the genetic proclivity and federal financial incentives to squirt them out as fast as possible.

    I don’t really mind that New York has an abortion rate as high as negroes, either.
    Abortion is fine for Yankees. I just hate to see white Southern children aborted.
    Unfortunately, the New York standard became mandatory for the rest of the country. Another byproduct on the Yankee insistence that everyone tow their line.

    In many respects, controlling the Yankee population is every bit as important as controlling the negro population. The current unholy alliance of Yankees, Niggers, and Mexicans is simply another Yankee attempt to annihilate white Southerners.

    Since the Yankees still bear us considerable ill will, and now enjoy complete control of the federal government along with their negro pets and Mexican allies, we don’t really have any say in abortion or any other vital issue. Yankees impose their will upon us by judicial fiat. We haven’t had a say in our own laws this since the Yankee imposed Civil Rights Movement, anyway.

    Then they say stupid shit like:

    “All of you religious guys must be retarded if you think it’s a good idea to shut down our only effective means of limiting the numbers of niggers.”

    “Are you really that goddamn stupid?”

    And my personal favorite, a case study in disassociative sociopathic thinking:

    “You shortsighted Bozos have exactly the same mindset as the assholes who turned the goddamn niggers loose. It wasn’t Yankees who did it. It was religious zealots like you.”

    Who knew that Bishop Leonidas K. Polk, Confederate General, and others like him freed the niggers. To think I always thought it was the atheist Abraham Lincoln who did that. I learn something new every day from the intellectually superior Yankees.

    Deo Vindice

  34. New meme: Yankees are disgruntled sociopathic psychotics.

    They hate white Southerners for having white babies and they hate their own mothers for not aborting them, fornicating with negroes, and having mulatto noble savage babies like their hero BHO.

    Deo Vindice

  35. Apuleius, not to belabor the point but Dixiegirl just pisses me off to no end with her Know Nothingism but the connection between judicial robes and Catholic clerical clothing is remote while the connection to judicial robes and academic robes is direct. So no she is wrong. By the way in those Protestant traditions that continue to have clerical dress which is quite a few of them and not limited to liturgical traditions they also use academic robes which are for all practical purposes identical to judicial robes.

  36. I thought PRB was a southerner.

    Typical Dixiegirl post:

    Catholics blah blah lol, yankees blah lol, connections to land blah lol, I love abortion blah lol, lol, lol, Mao lol, lol, Catholics lol, my mom Catholics lol, northeast lol, lol. Lol, lol, Catholics, lol, mom forced by Catholics, lol, Yankees, lol, yankees, lol lol. Yankees, lol. Doing things, lol. Lol. Catholics lol. Lol. Lol. Abortion lol. Lol.

  37. @Apuleius

    “They hate white Southerners for having white babies..”

    – I could care less about whether Southerners have babies or not. Just don’t preach at me that a white woman who makes the informed, private, personal decision to remove a two-week-old wad of stem cells from her uterus, is the same as killing a fully formed white baby, because that’s fucking absurd.

    “..and they hate their own mothers for not aborting them, fornicating with negroes..”

    – Are you serious?? Northerners didn’t fornicate with niggers. Redbone and High-Yellow are terms that originated in the South, idiot.

    “..and having mulatto noble savage babies like their hero BHO.”

    – Lets see… Jesse Jackson, Harold Ford Jr., Ray Nagin, Mike Espy, Sanford Bishop, Alcee Hastings, Mel Watt — all of them SOUTHERN, all of MIXED. Want me to keep going? Looks to me like Dixie regularly produces more Obama’s-in-the-making than the North ever could.

    “New meme: Yankees are disgruntled sociopathic psychotics.”

    How about this instead: Southrons are malcontent hypocrites who won’t accept the slightest responsibility for their own behavior and the consequences wrought, and obsessively blame Northerners for every goddamned detail that is wrong with their own personal lives.

    Learn to pick your own cotton. And stop blaming the North for KICKING YOUR ASS in a war which YOU started in the first goddamned place.

  38. Touched a nerve, did I? Why, bless your heart, Chris313.

    If Yankees don’t fornicate with niggers, then explain your hero, BHO.

    Did you ever wonder why were all those Yankee women in New England so enthusiastic about abolition? Why were they so attached to their “eloquent” negro buck, Frederick “Big Daddy” Douglass? Hmm….

    Outside of the morning after pill, there is no such thing as a two week abortion. The old “clump of tissue” argument went out with ultrasound. What I really wish is that you didn’t wish that you were aborted. Unless of course you don’t, in which case…

    Another letdown is coming.
    I don’t own a cotton plantation full of niggers, but if I did there would always be a job for you. Mulattoes are much more productive than ordinary niggers, owing to the industriousness of their Yankee half.
    Just one thing. You must try not to be so insolent. It makes the overseers very cross.

    We didn’t start the war, your first Yankee mulatto president, Honest Abe the melungeon did. Father Abraham mobilized troops in advance to start the war, and deliberately provoked the war. Fort Sumter is in South Carolina, after all.

    I do wish you would calm down. You sound just like a disgruntled sociopathic psychotic (Yankee) when you talk that way. And have a Dixie day!

    Deo Vindice

  39. So the Southern Baptists and Evangelicals in Mississippi want to double or triple the black population? Maybe so they can elect more blacks to lead their churches.

    This is really the dumbest part of christianity. Putting their religious doctrine over the cold, hard facts. White Christians in Mississippi would pass laws that would hurt and kill their own ethno-race. Kind of like Northern Protestants in the 1800’s.

    And abortion isn’t the cause of low birth rates in Europe. No one in Europe is forcing the European women to have abortions. It is the European woman’s acceptance of feminsim that is the cause of low birth rates. When the Israeli government, in the past, was providing free abortions for their own people, the religious jews were still having big families. The availability of free abortions in Israel didn’t stop the orthodox jews from having big families.

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