Amurrica Series: Obama Says America Must Remain a Nation of Immigrants

District of Corruption

He uses July 4th to push for “comprehensive immigration reform.”

Note: The lesson of these 236 years is clear. The Revolution increasingly looks like a terrible mistake. King George III wasn’t nearly this bad.

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I thing Britain might just outlast the US based on this insane presidential agenda.

    He’s just nominating a new people. It’s astounding.

  2. Obama’s wrong. We’re not a nation of immigrants. We’re not even a nation anymore.

  3. This is what we get for sleepwalking through most of our lives. The more dumb-asses I hear expound upon the source of our problems, the more I realize that we deserve to have that nigger cocksucker in the White House.

    Anybody got any solutions besides God, God, God?

    The abolitionists were doing the work of God.

    The people who lobbied for years to change our immigration policies so that third world trash could enjoy the comforts that Whites created were doing God’s work.

    The fucking Lutherans who keep bringing Somalians into White communities are doing God’s work.

    The major church organizations who are pushing for amnesty for illegals at the present time are doing God’s work.

    I’m convinced that America’s prosperity came about despite the religious piety of some of our citizens, not because of it.

    How can zealots review the long history of devastation that religion has brought upon our race and still blindly proclaim that God will make everything alright.

    White intelligence, ingenuity and greed brought us to the position we enjoyed before the religious do-gooders started giving it all away. Intelligence, ingenuity and greed are the only tools we can count on to take it all back. You can take religious repression off the list.

  4. Of course, a ‘nation of immigrants’ is no nation at all. The US Founding Fathers were all White men of British origins. If you went back and time and told them they were creating a ‘nation of immigrants’ I can imagine they would not take too kindly to such an assertion.

  5. That’s the creepiest talk I think I’ve ever heard. Is he describing Amurrica or a vampire? About the same I guess.

    Looks like they need to revise the oath to reflect the realities of dual citizenship, too.

    Deo Vindice

  6. It’s all coming down, boys.

    Either Romney wins and the blacks riot, or Obama gets 4 more years to wreck the country with socialist politics and open borders.

    If the GOP gets killed this November, we could really see a return to secession talk like never before.

    Be ready.

  7. Washington, Adams, Franklin and Jefferson could not have had this Frankenation in mind. It’s not possible. However it is the logical conclusion of their ideas. Did the founders not understand the nature of Lawyers?

  8. “I’m convinced that America’s prosperity came about despite the religious piety of some of our citizens, not because of it. How can zealots review the long history of devastation that religion has brought upon our race and still blindly proclaim that God will make everything alright? White intelligence, ingenuity and greed brought us to the position we enjoyed before the religious do-gooders started giving it all away. Intelligence, ingenuity and greed are the only tools we can count on to take it all back.”

    The various “religious do-gooder” damages that you’ve recounted above are NOT attributable to Christianity as such, but are ways that APOSTATES attempt to cover or remove their guilt. Those who are not good trying to do good, to feel or appear that they are good.

  9. How are another 10 million Nigerians, Congolese, Haitians, Ghanans, Malians, Chads, Sierrians, Somalis going to improve anything or renew things?

    The HNIC really hates YT from the very bottom of his damned dark soul.

  10. Won’t the Mexicans simply bring their Zeta and cartel depredations onto your own soil?

    Someone really must begin to ask these questions to him point blank.
    Chicago literally is as bad as Mogadishu is right now. What about that Man with East African roots?

  11. We know who’s behind it all…The Tribe who can’t be named…the same folks who brought us the Bolshevik slaughter of millions of Russian Christians… I’m so angry, how could this country ever elect the spawn of an African Communist and a slut coal burner white prostitute.

  12. The idea that the USA is a”nation of immigrants”, instead of a European-American society is JEWISH propaganda. J-E-W-I-S-H. JEWISH hate propaganda against a former European country. The total JEWISH destruction of a ethnically European society. A nation wide Detroit. The same destruction is happening in Europe. Meanwhile, Israel is deporting blacks from Israel.

    The dailykos is a jewish site. When are they going to nominate a Palestinian as the greatest Israeli?

  13. It’s the same speech Milliband, Sarkozy, Blair, Slovo, Lieberman, Perl, might make…but not Netanyahu (no sir).

  14. The “nation of immigrants” thing was indeed a jewish concept. The poem “New Colossus” was written by a dewy eyed young sephardic jewess.

  15. America was a European colony, not an “immigrant nation”, whatever the fuck that is. Since when have disparate immigrant groups ever agreed on anything, let alone shared nationhood? It must be imposed. Nobody imposed the union on anyone in 1776, it was entered into due to shared concerns, religion, and heritage. Do you honestly think they would have accepted Mexico as a state? Not unless they removed the Mexicans first, which we did.

  16. This is in your face genocide.

    At least when Ted Kennedy was talking about it, or Clinton, there was some vestige or implication that they meant bringing more European’s over.

    Now it simply means hispandering and cranking up the Subsaharan African population. He literally nominating a new people for himself. But Israel is a white man’a country!

  17. It’s an Anglo-Saxon (European) colony based on common law, the leveler people’s charter, Republicanism and greed.

    If Obama wants to be Caracala (giving all people in the empire citizenship) he’s literally the grave digger of that tradition, people and culture.

    Your children will end up like the Welsh in the dark ages if you fail to fight back. Extinction beckons.

  18. @John

    America is nobody’s “colony”. It was, and is, a legitimate, sovereign country founded on the promise of a free man’s right to govern himself as he saw fit, in accordance with his heart. I’ve given up expecting Europeans to understand.

    Obama is no Caracala. He’s a one-term street-nigger who will be remembered as the most inept US president in history, and then he’ll fade into obscurity and probably die of AIDS.

    And no, extinction does not “beckon”, as much as some in the world no doubt wish it on America. Far greater foes than Obama and the third world have taken their shot at America, when it was weaker than it is now, and every single one of them came away battered and defeated. “Exctinction beckons”, huh? I welcome the attempt.

  19. Well, tbe people who started settling in North America founded it as a colony.

    I know what you are saying but if you extend citizenship to all men etc etc you end up
    getting colonized by barabarians. The sorts of things Obama is doing right now remind me of Caracala very much. In the Roman empire the universal extension of citizenship preordained the eventual collapse. I’d go further he’s Romullus Augustulus.

    I personally think Romney stands no chance of winning. He’ll be annhilated.

  20. —“Nation of Immigrants” is a code phrase for Genocide.

    And they sure got their money out of that particular ad campaign. I have known people without an immigrant drop of blood in their bodies (pre-revolution) who are like robots with this repeater.

    If you say it often enough, well then it must be true.

    And it becomes true, because it makes sense to the immigrants who are brought. The population increased over 100 million since 1965—- and they are, many of them, people brought in.

  21. Obama is the just the facade, the front man, for jewish genocidal ideology against European-Americans. The “nation of immigrants” phrase is jewish.

  22. “The various “religious do-gooder” damages that you’ve recounted above are NOT attributable to Christianity as such, but are ways that APOSTATES attempt to cover or remove their guilt. Those who are not good trying to do good, to feel or appear that they are good.”

    Exactly. God as a fig-leaf, who becomes cover for whatever happens to be their pet obsession. None of them beleive in the living God.

  23. The Joos are the Ones that will be blamed for Everything by Everyone.

    Niggers are just a stupid gang of henchmen in the Heist of the Century.

    They’re trying to get Blood from a Turnip now, though.

    They have Killed the Goose that laid the Golden Eggs, and only ashes will be their reward for further treachery – ashes of them and their progeny.

    The Future is Clear. Fascism and a New Order will Rise.

    The Eye of Horus sees All…

  24. This is so politically incorrect …. I saw it on BNP’s site ….

    “Islam and Slavery” 9 min

    “they have attributes quite similar to dumb animals”

    “blacks slaves castrated based on assumption blacks have an ungovernable sexual appetite”


    Muslims treated slaves far worse than Europeans.

    But, don’t look for an Arab “guilt trip” Spielberg movie, though.

  25. ” The Future is Clear. Fascism and a New Order will Rise.

    The Eye of Horus sees All… ” (i.e. NWO eye in the pyramid)

    According to Alfred Pike….

    “The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the “agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.”

    His prediction of WW1 and WW2 were correct.

  26. Importing more minorities into US isn’t good …. it explains the violent crime difference between the US and Canada. Despite similar gun ownership levels, the murder rate is 3 times higher in US than in Canada (4.5 versus 1.6 per 100,000).

    Canada hunts for answers on gun crime – Final report in “Out of Control” series focuses on gun ownership among Canada’s hunters and youth. July 55

    “…. more and more concentrated upon young people particularity minority groups who grow up in socially disadvantaged neighbor hoods..”

  27. “I personally think Romney stands no chance of winning. He’ll be annhilated.”

    He’ll get the Tea Partiers’ and other “conservatives” votes again, who just finished voting for him, and Neoconism, in the primaries. No one who voted Neoconist is a true conservative and has any right to complain.

  28. “Won’t the Mexicans simply bring their Zeta and cartel depredations onto your own soil?”

    Runner up for best understatement rhetoric.

  29. I too don’t see romney pulling it off. He could if he appealed to White votes in a more direct manner, but friends and family of mine are already deciding to stay home instead of voting. These people use to chide me for not voting and now they are electing not to

  30. “That’s the creepiest talk I think I’ve ever heard. Is he describing Amurrica or a vampire?”

    Kudos, Apuleius.

  31. “These people use to chide me for not voting and now they are electing not to”

    — but I still recommend not only voting for him, but also supporting him “real good” — by making it known he should be chosen ONLY BECAUSE he is A LITTLE less evil. Every LITTLE bit counts if we can possibly INCH BACK from the edge of this precipice by reversing the process of foolish voting (including conservatives voting overwhelmingly Neoconist in this year’s primaries!) that led to this extremity.

  32. All he needs to do is joke around once or twice.

    “Apparently I’m ‘hideously’ white, ‘whitest guy’ in the world…”

    Everyone will get it. The proxy spinners can do the rest.

  33. Some sort of ‘exist’ statement in the style of Unamusementpark or SBPDL.

    It will drive the left mental.

  34. “Apparently I’m ‘hideously’ white, ‘whitest guy’ in the world…”

    But he COULDN’T say “white” — not on script! Neocon script censors, like Tea Party website moderators, are always on alert for the word “white” or any of its synonyms such as the VERY forbidden-by-TPs phrase: “people of European descent.”

  35. “Some sort of ‘exist’ statement in the style of Unamusementpark or SBPDL. It will drive the left mental.”

    Sounds interesting, to save time, please explain the meme.

  36. Meme?

    There’s the coexist bumper sticker.

    One of the two websites suggested a counter sticker


    the “hideously white” has been said about him. Also “whitest guy ever”.

    I guess he is simply Netanyahu’s cupbearer anyway so I don’t expect anything like that from him.

  37. really Mosin how is that supposed to work? When has that ever worked? I’ve been hearing some version of that, and the “take back our nation” bullshit since 1970-whatever. It didn’t work when I was a younger man and doing some version of what you recommended, hasn’t worked and isn’t going to work.

    The way we think and the way they think is as alien and foreign as yankess and Confederates. I have better uses for my time and energy

  38. It costs us nothing to vote, and it’s in accord with the Christian teaching to turn the other cheek.

    I’ve seen relatively few movies in my life, but I dimly remember a scene from an old Western film where the hero is a young preacher who takes one punch in the face from the villain, who says “What does the Good Book say about that?” The preacher says “Turn the other cheek.” Then the villain punches the other side of his face, and says “What does it say about THAT?” The preacher says: “It doesn’t say ANYTHING after that” and proceeds to beat the villain unconscious.

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