It is with great sadness and with great love that we report the death of the actor/authentic Southern comedian Andy Griffith. American television has been insulted and dismissed as a “great wasteland” and on balance, American TV has been a terrible propaganda weapon against our people. But, the Andy Griffith TV show 1960 – 68 was outstanding. If I make it to heaven, I hope that heaven is half as nice as the all White Southern world of Mayberry North Carolina. There was even one Andy Griffith show episode where a regular White guy from the North – New York dreamed that he could be welcomed as a local in Mayberry – The Stranger. Many of us dream this dream.
God bless Andy Griffith and all those who dream the Mayberry NC dream.
that was/ is my favorite show for the same reasons HW. The show reminds me a lot of the NC I grew up in, and it’s sad so many folks don’t have those memories of their own
Sure, everybody loves Mayberry, but one wouldn’t want to confuse the character “Andy Taylor” with Andy Griffith, the man who played him. Griffith was a lifelong Democrat and a liberal. He even made a Vote-For-Obama video with Ron “Opie” Howard back in ’08. In the video, Griffith (as Andy Taylor) tells Howard (as Opie) that ”People are funny. Sometimes change scares them, and they’d rather keep doing the same ol’ thing that’s been messing them up than change to the thing that can help them.” Opie responds that he hopes to vote for somebody “as good as Mr. Obama” when he grows up.
Loved him in Mayberry, though.
I loved that show, too. The idyllic version of small town Southern life portrayed was not to far off the mark. Things started to change right around the same time the show changed from black & white to color.
I’m not a big Rascal Flatts fan, but they captured it with this song:
Deo Vindice
I did not know that, Robert. So he was a southern DWL of sorts.
I thought only northerners were like that.
sadly we have our own DWL’s and 1st and fore most he was an actor, which doesn’t say anything good about man, north or South
I let Tim Wise know the news earlier today.
Comment: Very good news, Tim. Andy Griffith has died today. One of the prime
perpetrators of that “Opie Taylor, down at the fishing hole cornpone(sic)
bullshit” is no more. Yet another reactionary white male’s heart has ceased to
beat. Between this and Breitbart’s passing, you should have a happy Fourth of
July, assuming you celebrate that backwards, retrograde, jingoistic nonsense
promulgated by slave-owning racist white males. Did I miss any strident
undergraduate talking point bullets in that assessment of the founding fathers?
He responded….
Actually, Griffith’s passing is sad: Griffith the man was not the sum of the
hagiographic, nostalgized nonsense that was ultimately made of his primary show.
That the show became such a silly hallmark of the “real America” for millions of
whites was not his fault. The fault lies with those white folks stuck in a
childish fantasy land, unable to see the county at that time for what it was. He
was a story teller, and from all accounts a kind and progressive minded one at
that. Sadly, millions of nostalgia addled white people had a hard time, and
still do, understanding the difference between fictional stories on TV and the
real world…that was the problem I was addressing in the piece you reference.
Griffith was a good man. you, probably not so much. Nor Brietbart, though his
death too was tragic, given his family, now left without a dad…
Wise is a real price of work isn’t he? Childish nonsense?
I’d agree that the desire to live in a village like Mayberry is a vanity but it’s not childish.
My parents live in a village of about 1000 in the Cotswolds. Seeing a black is as rare
as seeing a crime.
There’s nothing childish in that desire for tranquility.
Please name one thing he did to help the White people? Just one.
Jews despise the rural life. Jews are the reason Hollywood holds up the world of Mayberry as the epitome of provincial backwardness, ignorance and evil.
Loki says:
July 4, 2012 at 12:19 pm (Edit)
Please name one thing he did to help the White people? Just one.
Jack Ryan replies:
OK – here’s one thing. He acted and produced the greatest American White TV show in TV history. The Black & White version of the Andy Griffith TV show provided millions of Whites in the US and throughout the world great joy and hope that there can exist a White world where simple, regular Whites are nice to each other, take care of each other – and yeah, we’re a funny people.
A good sense of humor is one of the most important self defense weapons we have in this rough world.
If Hunter Wallace appoints me Minister of Culture during a transitional Southern military government, I will pull the plug on on BRA/ZOG TV and feature B&W re-runs of the Andy Griffith show.
Tim Wise understands the power of the Andy Griffith Show, so should we.
Yep, 14 words.
Wise’s words are just dripping with hatred and contempt for Whites as he assumes moral superiority over them.
Anti-racist is indeed a code word for anti-White.
I’m glad he’s dead. Not the man, himself, Andy Griffith – but the character of the Sheriff.
As we mourn the America That Was – it’s kind of oddly fitting that the character Andy passed the day before 7/4/2012
Worth posting mostly because now more of us know the character of the actor. We already could assume that “They” produced nice shows like Mayberry because they were profitable at the time, and useful to get more of our people sold on TV, at the time.
Let’s not look for or believe in paradise from Hollywood, but make it exist again in reality where we are.
Name one thing Loki ever did for white people. Just one.
Joe- As for your comment above, just to be analytical, you are both too hard on we few, we valiant few, who fight the bastard “un-Wises”- as well as on yourself.
I, too, liked most of the pabulum you mentioned. And, unless you watched it all on ‘Nick at Nite,” we are roughly the same age, for I saw them all in first run, as well.
But the AGshow was different FOR A REASON. When a major Sunday School publisher launched a SUNDAY SCHOOL PROGRAM using AG Episodes, I understood. It was not the ‘the South’ or even ‘comedy’ that was going on with AGS.
It was the Gospel.
And, the fact that AGS was a Southern Democrat doesn’t mean that he didn’t have a schizophrenic element to his intellect, that couldn’t see what we see NOW- that Blacks are irredeemable, that White Racial consciousness IS the only Christendom there is, or ever will be, or that the jews in Hollyweird got to Andy just as surely as they did with John Travolta, in a different way. The Deicides will ALWAYS cause you to sin against what is most noble- with Griffith, it was his own racial consciousness. With Ron Howard, it was his entire intellect, as well as his hair…..
But the AG SHOW is not only good entertainment (my brood watched it with avidity, and wanted MORE seasons of it) it was there to teach a MORAL LESSON. That AG came from the Protestant South, and a Christian culture may have been coincidence- then again, maybe not.
Point is, it is good storytelling. And myths outlast their progenitors, even if they did think the Obamanation was a good thing. I can enjoy Andy and Bea (short for Beatrice) and Opie, because they are part of the TRUTH of WHITE AMERICA.
Something the niggers and the jews will never possess. Which is why Tim Wise is the first for the scaffold, come the revolution. And yes, I would gladly ‘cast the first stone’ but I think (from reading the comments on this forum) that I’d have to get in a rather long line. Gott sei Dank.
Separating the actors from the beloved or admirable characters they played is painful business. It’s even worse now that John Travolta has given us another glimpse into Hollywood.
Yesterday my wife was watching “Gone With The Wind” on a cable station and when I heard Rhett Butler’s voice the first thing that came to mind was that Clark Gable had to gargle a Jew producer’s custard to land the role. (I learned that from a book titled “Hollywood Babylon” many years ago.)
I think that what I miss the most about the shows that were on when the “Andy Griffith Show” was still running is the ignorance and childish happy thoughts that shaded my view of the world. Innocence is another word for that type of blindness.
At that time, the Briggs neighborhood of Detroit wasn’t much different than Mayberry, or the Springfield in “Father Knows Best”, or wherever to hell Beaver lived. Then the niggers rioted and blew away all of the rainbows from Briggs and all of a sudden the cops were pigs and “Father Knows Best” sounded like a good title for a kiddy porn movie.
Thank you n**gers. Thank you fag**ts. We’re all part of the cast in your show now and I’m not expecting a happy ending.
(Comment edited for strong language)
When I get to NC, I’m going to buy the old shows, Andy Griiffith, Father Knows Best, and Leave it to Beaver, on DVD and watch them with my girl. It will be a good education for the lass
One more thought about Andy Griffith. Did any of you ever see that movie he starred in called “A Face in the Crowd”? Believe me when I tell you that Larry ‘Lonesome’ Rhodes, Andy’s character, was a far cry from the happy Sheriff. It’s worth a watch, and I think it’s still on netflix.
I grew up in a small city that was like Mayberry R.F.D. It isn’t such anymore, thanks in large part to electronic media.
I think you nailed it, Crowley. I own houses in small towns in three states. The towns in Kentucky and Kansas are nig free and the town, actually a small city, in Texas has maybe a dozen nigs. All of those places, however, have cable and high speed internet, so all of those places have a handful of little White shits who think they are going to grow up to be TRUE NIGGAS.
The good news is that I first saw teenage wiggers in Minnesota in the late 1980’s, but you don’t see a lot of wiggers up there today who are in their mid to late thirties, so I guess most of them outgrew it. That first trip to jail was probably enough for most of them.
Burbank was a whitopia as recently as the 1970s.
The Cops there were notoriously associated with the Klan.
Fr. John+ says:
July 4, 2012 at 4:10 pm
But the AGshow was different FOR A REASON. When a major Sunday School publisher launched a SUNDAY SCHOOL PROGRAM using AG Episodes, I understood. It was not the ‘the South’ or even ‘comedy’ that was going on with AGS.
It was the Gospel.
And, the fact that AGS was a Southern Democrat doesn’t mean that he didn’t have a schizophrenic element to his intellect, that couldn’t see what we see NOW- that Blacks are irredeemable, that White Racial consciousness IS the only Christendom there is, or ever will be, or that the jews in Hollyweird got to Andy just as surely as they did with John Travolta, in a different way. The Deicides will ALWAYS cause you to sin against what is most noble- with Griffith, it was his own racial consciousness. With Ron Howard, it was his entire intellect, as well as his hair…..
Jack Ryan replies:
Agreed – very well said. I note that the viciously anti Christ, anti White forces in Hollywood did force both Andy Griffith and Ron Howard to express Leftist, anti AGS politics and in Ron Howard’s case, he went so far as to direct the blasphemous Da Vinci Code movies. But Andy Griffith never went so far as to renounce The Andy Griffith Show itself – Andy Griffith was concerned with typecasting and he didn’t want the AGS to be his last work as an actor – he had a successful TV series Matlock which I never watched and I think it was just his old, devoted AGS fans that kepts Matlock on TV for 10 years.
Folks, we live under alien BRA rule. So Whites who do somehow manage to breakthrough and produce positive, pro White art, culture are going to come under extreme pressure to “repent” and go over to the other side.
That’s life.
Yes, Fr John, it was/is a VERY good show. However I’m sure it was produced because there was a profitable ready market for it, back then, and from it followed the series of steps leading the hooked white audience down, through the years, to the bottom of the sewer of TV.
Mosin Nagant says:
July 4, 2012 at 5:51 pm (Edit)
Yes, Fr John, it was/is a VERY good show. However I’m sure it was produced because there was a profitable ready market for it, back then, and from it followed the series of steps leading the hooked white audience down, through the years, to the bottom of the sewer of TV.
Jack Ryan replies:
I think that’s a bit rough and a bit CT. The Chicago Tribune’s write up of Andy Griffith’s career reports that the AGS started with some carry over from the Danny Thomas show. Danny Thomas is White, Armenian Christian – I believe (DT is the father of Marlo Thomas of “That Girl”). TV and Hollywood have always had Gentiles, even Gentile Christians around, being successful – and the late 1950s, early 1960s TV was better for our people – it’s not just about $ – look at shows like the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson or Gunsmoke for 25 years. White TV shows with White American actors, White values did very well up until the 1970s when the Norman Lear crowd really took over.
The hollywood schmoozies were probably pissed off because Aunt Bee was always baking applie pies– never matzo ball soup. The schmooze probably saw that as being anti-semitic, no doubt. We know how paranoid “they” are. The schmooze probably saw the Andy Griffith show — Aunt Bee’s apple pie’s and church hats, and all that — as some kind of pre-cursor to a Christian Theocratic Dictatorship that had to be nipped in the bud. The schmoozies-joosies always undermine and usurp us Good and Innocent Christians that way. The hollywood shmoozzies couldn’t bear {The Gospel Truth} that was { The Andy Griffith Show}. That’s for sure. Yes sirre Bob.
What’s the difference between a “Christian” and a “Gentile Christian”? Never heard the term “Gentile Christian” before. I’m confused.
Great article, Jack.
We watch AGS on Netflix sometimes. I’m glad you pointed out the episode plot where the stranger from New York wanted to move to Mayberry because he read about the town and loved it and its people. That’s not unlike my story: moving here to the South for love of its culture (not to mention hatred of the culture I left behind).
I mourn his passing because despite his politics, he created a wonderful show that reflected lovely place that once was and now exists in our hearts.
Playing Roots Backwards: I read “Hollywood Babylon” and don’t recall reading about Clark Gable having to service a Jew producer to land the “Gone With the Wind” role. I will have to see if I still have the book, I’ve been meaning to reread it. I did see “A Face in the Crowd” and thought Griffith was great in that role, as well.
I agree that the electronic media and TV and created a preponderance of Whiggers, which is yet another problem our race is facing. It’s disgusting to see them on the streets and see their drivel posted on Twitter and Facebook, etc.
I gotta 4th of july barbeque party to attend. I’ll talk to you all tomorrow. Ciao.
Jack Ryan wrote this post.
Lily Della Valle: I could be mistaken about my source for that disgusting info about Clark Gable, but I think it was Hollywood Babylon. I may have learned of it elsewhere. The bottom line is that poor old Clark had to pay to play. He got Travolta-ed. I think the guy who molested him was David O. Selznick.
Another Southerner who may as well have been born in Jew York.
I recall him being a liberal.
Have always enjoyed the Andy Griffith show. It saddens me to realize he was goofy in real life.
Mosin Nagant says:
“Yes, Fr John, it was/is a VERY good show. However I’m sure it was produced because there was a profitable ready market for it, back then, and from it followed the series of steps leading the hooked white audience down, through the years, to the bottom of the sewer of TV.”
Jack Ryan replies:
“I think that’s a bit rough and a bitCT…. TV and Hollywood have always had Gentiles, even Gentile Christians around, being successful – and the late 1950s, early 1960s TV was better for our people – it’s not just about $ – look at shows like the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson or Gunsmoke for 25 years. White TV shows with White American actors, White values did very well up until the 1970s when the Norman Lear crowd really took over.
It DOES sound unduly rough, but it’s not necessarily “CT” (Conspiracy Theory?) to suppose they would naturally threaten, target and undermine Western, Christian values.
Yes, “white values (and you don’t say “Christian” values!) did very well (although still targeted and threatened) up until the 1970s” — when the popular audience market was degenerate enough to enjoy significantly worse new products.
I agree that art is never ALL about profit, but it would have been much less profitable to push anti-Christ art in the market of the mid-twentieth century. The market was much better for GOOD shows like this.
Michael Hoffman argues that as Jews increase their power over the culture, Jews become more comfortable ridiculing, taunting, attacking, denigrating and demoralizing the host goyim. This would help explain the arc from AGS/Father Knows Best to MTV/ Django Unchained. The Jewish stranglehold was not as strong in the 60s as it is today.
Go0d bless you Lily Della Valle.
I think, know that you are in a good place in the South. My experience going to college and living in the South is that the local Whites will tolerate and respect you as long as you take the time to learn Southern history, Southern culture – you certainly don’t want to be labeled a “Yankee”, instead try for something else in your White history – you’re “Italian” or I’m mostly “German”, descended from Russian Aristocracy.
Not wanting to worry about negro criminality is a “childish fantasy”. While I admit it is a fantasy given today’s climate, to call such a dream childish says more about timmy than it does the nostalgic whites he bemoans.
Joe says:
July 4, 2012 at 6:21 pm (Edit)
What’s the difference between a “Christian” and a “Gentile Christian”? Never heard the term “Gentile Christian” before. I’m confused.
Jack Ryan explains:
The Jews are a race, or if that is a too much, the Jews are an “ethnic group” (they’ve mixed with everyone). The term “Gentile” means some other person who is not of the Jewish race/ethnic group. Some White men are Gentiles, but not Christians – Ted Turner is a good example of a White Gentile who is not “Christian”. But, the Jews who control the media would not let Ted Turner in to the Jewish Media mogul/power broker club even though he promoted Liberal/Leftist politics and was anti Christian.
These racial distinctions between Jews and Gentiles are most pronounced at the time of Rabbi Saul of Tarsus/St. Paul the “reformed” Jewish Pharisee who supposedly “saw the light” on “the road to Damascus” and embraced the new Christian faith that had been exclusively a Jewish Christian sect, but under St. Paul he’s converting non Jews, Gentile Greeks to Christianity.
The issue of who’s a Jew came back big time in post World War I Germany when lots of Jews pretended to convert to the Christian religion so they would somehow pass for full Germans and not be considered alien Jews.
I hope that helps you understand the distinctions between Jews, Christians, Jews, Gentiles.
@Jack Ryan
Thank you for the explanation. I understand now. I just posted a link to an excellent
article on how Jews and Whites — Christian or otherwise — work together to foment trouble for everyone.
Link is at ” A Modest Proposal”. Again, thank you for the explanation. Your explanation compelled me to do research on the topic as I now had a premise to work on as per your explanation. So I appreciate it. It helped me as I searched for information about this phenomenom of Jews and the “Christian” question.
You’re very welcome Joe. I am glad that I was of some help to you explaining this very confusing subject of who is a:
a Gentile
a Christian
Thanks for your kind words, Jack.
You all might be interested in this music video: Brad Paisley’s “Waiting on a Woman” video:
Fast forward to the video around 1:00. Before that, it’s lame footage of Paisley leaving cell phone messages for a woman who is late meeting him. The song is great, and has Andy Griffith playing an old man talking about his experiences of waiting for his wife over the years. The ending is very poignant. It shows him dressed in white, ostensibly in Heaven waiting for his bride.
Thanks, Lily, and its a reminder, too, that we need another “Music Break.”
Someone removed one of my posts.
Snowhitey says:
“Someone removed one of my posts.”
Jack Replies:
The main article is a “post” – reader comments are “comments” we have some issues with comments that violate the comments guidelines – I think in this case, your comments were in response to someone going “off” and violating OD comments.
Hunter, thanks for correction but the substance of my comment, which seems to have been removed, stands. The show was produced, written and directed by Jews. Except for Danny Thomas, who was a Lebanese Christian and not Armenian, as the…….
(Comment edited my moderator. Please try to adhere to the OD comments guidelines and avoid flame wars, ad hominem attacks on OD writers)
No, Jack. My “comments” were not favorable to Andy Griffith. I was not responding to anyone but you (as in your post). Obviously, you deleted them???
I’ll repeat them as much as I can remember.
I liked the Andy Griffith show. However, my opinion of the man was not as nostalgic as most of the commenters of this particular post. He was not just an Obama supporter but an Obama pusher, just like Ron Howard. Unfortunately, I see very little to praise after I saw him to trying to convince “nostalgic” Americans to vote Obama because the leader of Mayberry believes in him.
Reality means more to me than an image.
I hope this one gets posted.
Doesn’t the button say “post comment” Jack? You’ve posted an article, I’ve posted a comment. But I’ll refer to it as a comment so your “post” isn’t trivialized.
An ironic comment on the fictional planet Nibiru disappeared last week.