About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Florida- Romney. I work for a DoD contractor and a Romney administration means more defense spending which means more contracts for us and an even better pay day for me. This is of course contingent on who he picks as his VP—- I will vote for Goode before I vote for a Romney/Rubio or a Romney/Rice ticket.

  2. Participation concedes legitimacy. Liberal mass democracy consistently impedes delivering leadership and stewardship to us. Rulership that impedes a necessary component of our collective survival is morally illegitimate.

  3. Write-in for Merlin Miller (A3P) – I’m in RI, which there’s no way Romney will take anyway.

  4. If I vote for a candidate, then I’m voting for an emperor. Therefor, I am not voting. There are two things I will vote for. One is the legalization of cannabis, the other is the dissolution of the union.

  5. Romney will take all the EC votes for Louisiana, whether I vote or not. I will go to the polls just to see how jacked up the process is. I can’t tell you who will be on the ballot that I might vote for.

    I can’t wait for this election to be over so that we can move on to practical politics.

    Even a small minority can act so as to shave a few % points off of GDP and help tank the economy. Of all the factions in this society, the ones that I prefer have been stocking up on guns and ammo and food for a while now. Obama may be lucky enough to stave off collapse until after the election, the winner will have his name attached to the collapse much like Hoover did the Great Depression.

  6. Goode is anti-abortion, pro-gun, anti-free trade, anti-amnesty, secure the border, cut legal immigration, audit the fed, end foreign aid to Israel.

    A candidate that can appeal to racialists, conservatives, and libertarians.

  7. NY,NY – Romney.

    I’m no longer following Romney’s candidacy; it’s more a choice for me between Ann Romney & Michelle Obama. That choice is obvious, Mrs. Romney reminds me of Barbara Bush. Drifter is of course correct though, at the end of the day it’s the % that participate -not whom they vote for – that matters. But I would argue we have ceased as even a nominally white nation and can’t expect the government to safeguard our collective anything anymore. America is now another colored nation administered and bankrolled by a dominant minority. Romney at least would help the economy, but there won’t be social change. Obama was a smashing success for the left as a cultural wrecking ball.

  8. If Goode is on the ballot in North Carolina I’ll vote for him. If not a different third party candidate will get my vote.

  9. Not wasting my time voting in this election – SC.

    McCain got about 53.9% here last time. Romney will probably get about the same. I’m not voting for a moderate Yankee Mormon who supports the Zionists, amnesty for illegals and is against the Confederate flag.

  10. http://www.mittromney.com/issues/immigration

    America is a nation of immigrants. We are not a nation bound by ethnicity, but one bound by the idea that all people are endowed by their Creator with the unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That idea brought many of our forefathers to America and moves so many today to wait in line to come to our country. Welcoming newcomers who share our ideals and work hard to secure a better life for themselves and their families is part of our heritage. A strong legal immigration system is an integral component of what makes America exceptional.

    But today, our immigration system is broken.

    Our immigration system is not optimized for today’s economy. The United States is currently excluding too many workers who will start businesses, create jobs, foster innovation, and help grow our economy.

    We do not grant enough visas to high-skill job creators and innovators our economy needs to make up for labor shortages and gaps in skills. Plus, the current system sends away the great majority of the over 300,000 foreign students who are earning advanced degrees at U.S. universities. And the system for bringing in temporary, seasonal workers is so cumbersome and time-consuming, that too often an employer finds that harvest or tourist season passes before temporary worker visas are approved.

    A porous border allows illegal immigrants to enter the United States, violent cartel members and terrorists possibly among them. And many visitors ignore the terms of their visas and stay in the U.S. illegally.

    The current system is keeping nuclear families apart. Currently, legal immigrants in America often have to wait years to be with husbands, wives, and young children.

  11. What is important this election is breaking the taboo on “white interests” the rest is kerfluffle. Think Wallace 68. Once we break the taboo of whites talking about white interests the rest is pretty much done. Honestly the rest of the human specie can barely feed themselves much less think. The only thing holding whites back is whites honoring a taboo better suited for primitives.

  12. Mississippi- Romney

    When you understand the two party system that we have in place, you understand that voting consists of choosing one of two candidates.

    Anything more or less is an exercise in futility.

  13. In das Gelobte Land im dem Norden,

    The individual vote yields only a microscopic result, yet it costs so little (essentially free) that it CANNOT reasonably be neglected, but CAMPAIGN ACTIVISM — actually ASSISTING the campaign with our time and/or money — is much more effective and necessary than voting. Standing at the polls on election day for the white candidate is the bare minimum we should all be doing — telling the whole truth there to everyone that: (1) He is only VERY slightly less evil than the incumbent; but (2) every possible advantage must be grasped in our current, desperately critical situation; and (3) he is our ONLY possible choice NOW, since most of us voted already, quite deliberately, for the false conservatism in the primaries. We MUST NOT merely express regret and “disengage totally” now, but we MUST finish what we began so deliberately then, but in REPENTANCE now, as we begin changing our course toward the TRUE RIGHT.

  14. Louisiana

    1. Merlin Miller (A3P guy)
    2. Virgil Goode
    3. Stay home
    4. Barack Obama

    — Will not vote or recommend anyone vote under any circumstances —

    5. Mitt Romney

  15. This is an example of institutional capture.

    The GOP ought to suggest, any national from Europe is welcome( excluding the darks)
    and we will work to reciprocate so if you want to work in France or Germany or the UK you can. The darks have messed up a cosey relationship.

  16. I live in Texas and I plan to vote for Gary Johnson. He’s probably as big a piece of shit as both Milli and Vanilli, but a vote for him is a big KISS MY ASS to both major parties.

  17. Michigan – If it were today, Romney. But for November, I’m still waiting on the VP selection. If Romney picks Paul Ryan, I vote for Romney. If he picks Marco Rubio, I stay home.

  18. Two party system has us between a rock and a hard place. Have not voted sense Ray Guns, but just again registered as Repub., but can only see voting for third, as A3P.

  19. Drifter says:
    July 8, 2012 at 7:34 pm

    Re: conceding legitimacy, you make a good point. I think voting Goode, Miller or third party is effectively shouting “system broken” out loud, since everyone knows third party candidates can’t win (by design).

  20. Ever since the general election campaign began, Romney has softened his stance on immigration. He said nothing in response to the DREAM Act amnesty or the Arizona decision.

    His website talks enthusiastically about how eager he is to expand legal immigration – oh, but he promises to build a “high tech” fence. He will also support a federal E-Verify bill that would gut the state laws.

    There is less than a 10 percent chance that I will vote for Romney in November. He will probably pick Rubio for VP. Then it will be a 100 percent chance that I won’t vote for him.

  21. Right now I plan on voting straight R state ticket, and abstaining or third party for national.

  22. At this point I will not vote for either Romney, or Obama.

    I am encouraging my many followers to ask Romney, and Obama what are they going to do for White Protestant Americans? Not for Blacks, Jews, Israel, queers, Hispanics, Latinos, Mormons, Asians, Catholic politicians, etc.

    I hope my Catholic friends noticed that all of the big name Holy Catholic politicians were at Jewperson Barney Frank’s gay wedding Saturday in Massachusettes.

  23. Isn’t that what we have already? A virtual fence? And I have a virtual stack of virtual million dollar bills on the desk in front of me…. Seriously, do they really expect the base to buy this malarky?

    “Virtual Fence”, LMAO!

  24. We do not grant enough visas to high-skill job creators and innovators our economy needs to make up for labor shortages and gaps in skills. Plus, the current system sends away the great majority of the over 300,000 foreign students who are earning advanced degrees at U.S. universities. – Mitt Romney

    Typical Mitt Romney. With unemployment through the roof, Romney says we don’t accept enough H1Bs.

    Translation = screw high IQ Whites with science training.


  25. “Typical Mitt Romney. With unemployment through the roof, Romney says we don’t accept enough H1Bs.

    Translation = screw high IQ Whites with science training.”

    No shit. According to Romney our economy needs MORE workers.. I suppose he would claim the Titanic sank because it wasn’t carrying enough water in the hold.

  26. Amanda: It’s all an exercise in futility. I have been dutifully voting for those goddamn Republicans since I voted for Tricky Dick in 1972 when I was 19. I voted for W both times and knew he wasn’t worth a pinch of shit. I voted for McCain and he would have been worse than Bush.

    Our nigger alpha dog promised us transparency and, despite his best efforts to keep shit covered up, that’s exactly what we got. A nigger in the Oval Office is what it finally took to get our heads out of our asses.

    We are all giving the cult of personality a close look now, and most of them look they deserve to be on the business end of a rope.

    The only way things will change is if we refuse to play their way. Minnesota politicians have been walking on eggs ever since Jesse Ventura’s demented ass landed in the governor’s seat as the result of an overwhelming protest vote. Last I heard, Pawlenty and crew had balanced the budget in that big-spending state.

    You can force them to change, but sometimes you have to vote for a Ventura or a Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho to get their attention.

  27. If by some unforeseen turn of events it appears by October that a landslide victory for Romney is assured, THEN I would immediately change course to recommend sending a message for TRUE conservatism in a coordinated third party or write-in movement.

    Hunter, I OPPOSED the Romney nomination very strongly here BEFORE the primary elections, for all the reasons being brought forth now. Our practical problem is how to recover our ground from this yet another very serious electoral error, IF that will even be possible.

  28. i am from the great state of michigan, i myself will not vote in another american election (unless it is a revolutionary plebicite removing niggers from the citizenship status), voting implies that you are willingly acceptin the status quo, i feel very much a slave to the fed gov and BRA currently, so why should i vote

  29. “I am encouraging my many followers to ask Romney, and Obama what are they going to do for White Protestant Americans” — and their handlers can be counted on to devise very pleasing promises!

  30. @ Jim

    I’m a white heterosexual male with scientific training (B.S. in Biology, concentration in Microbiology, minor in Chemistry, and an internship in an industrial QA Microbiology Lab) and I’m also a six year veteran of the U.S. Army (I’m not going to claim high I.Q. haha). I cannot get so much as a callback, except from the recruiters, but never from the companies…

  31. “Aren’t there a lot more of us than blacks or Hispanics? You would never know it.”

    Not on the coming election day at least, since they are all going “disengaged.”

    It’s so light and fun and easy to do: Disengage.

  32. @Mosin
    I don’t think “voting for” , and standing at the “polls” encouraging voters to vote for, a candidate who is “slightly less evil” can truly be labeled “REPENTANCE NOW” :
    Sounds more like Acquiescence to me. It’s because of so much Acquiescence that our
    “In das Gelobte Land im dem Norden”* is in such a mess as it is ; More Acquiescence is just not going to help us.
    * [In the Promised Land of the North]

  33. Plus , one can’t vote and simultaneously disengage at the same time. One rules out the other. One can’t truly do both simultaneously.

  34. I am shocked that so many nationalists would consider voting for the governor of Massachusetts. Who has already promised Mexicans (NOT Mexican-Americans, but Mexicans) that he would expedite at least 300,000 immigration petitions within a year of taking office.

  35. Jim: I don’t think ANY kind of fence will do much good on our southern border. Lot’s of illegal sonsofbitches arrive on U.S. shores every day by boat. And then there are the tunnels. Smuggling pays a lot better than mining and right now as I type this there are hundreds of Mexicans hauling silver and copper out of mines that are over a mile underground with drifts as long as 20 miles. How are we going to fence them out?

    The way to stop them from coming here to work is to fry the business boys who employ millions of them. Prison time and exorbitant fines will break them of giving illegals all of the jobs they couldn’t offshore.

    As for the drug cartels, if they didn’t have customers, they would quit hauling that shit up here. The big cops need to either destroy the drug market through decriminalizing all drugs, or start sending the end consumers to prison. Everybody knows somebody who is using, and those are the people who are responsible for all of the decapitations and other carnage that is coming closer to your house every day.

    A fence is just a diversion to keep us from demanding the hard enforcement that will actually get the job done.

  36. Referencing RobRoySimmons [July 8, 2012 at 8:24 pm] in part: “What is important this election is breaking the taboo on “white interests” the rest is kerfluffle….Once we break the taboo of whites talking about white interests the rest is pretty much done.” (This is not an attack on the author, we agree far more often than not.)

    If he means talking about the anti-white narrative throughout the media and the campaign of defamation, discrimination, and displacement in schools, cities, neighborhoods, and government agencies, the taboo on discussing issues of particular interest to the diverse white Americans has been broken for at least the last 20 years. But many any don’t know how to talk and need adult examples to learn.

    The taboo that he references is strongly in place on speech that can be made to mean defamation or degradation expressed toward other demographics. No problem picking out a person (just like ADL does) from another demographic who defames or insults or discriminates against or advocates displacement of white Americans and attacking that person. The taboo swings into place when the attack is against an entire demographic…but anything that needs saying can be said without doing that.

    There appears to be a lot of confusion about advocating for white Americans using language that (truthfully as far as that goes) denigrates or insults entire other demographics. That’s not advocating for white Americans at all.

    The real, highest goal will be to maintain a white voice in a white-centric way in discussing social, political, educational, and media/entertainment issues. It’s a toughie but there’s no taboo about it. And there is nothing that needs saying that can’t be said in this way.

    In addition, it’s key to start with campaigning against text books, newspaper writers, politicians, etc., on a small local level to get experience and make people realize we are here and have a voice. We seriously need to get right down on the ground and denounce anti-white Americans as the bigots, liars, haters, and supremacists that they are. It sets a good example for newbies.

    And we need to be specific. I read an anecdote attributed to a high level guy in A3P who bragged that he was at some event in Washington, D.C., where he mixed it up with US Senators. He said that he asked them what they were going to do for white people and they turned away. For an example of a better approach,he could have asked whether they would reform the FBI statistics to stop using “White” as the default category for perpetrators, but using national origins or religions for victims…that could have opened up a dialog. There are hundreds of examples of things that are specific enough that can start change in our direction and teach newbies how to talk taboo-free.

  37. A fence would go a long way. Also, the tunnels can easily be closed — The GI’s in Vietnam closed the tunnels between Vietnam and Cambodia. Put GI’s on the border, build a wall, close the tunnels. Improve security at the ports. Send the illegals back where they came from. Fine and/or punish anyone who hires an illegal alien who manages to invade the authorities.
    Uncle Sam has plenty of troops to protect the border between North Korea and South Korea. But none for the US.

  38. Not wasting my time, either– Florida

    With electronic voting machines the winner will be whoever the bureaucrats and contractors say it is. I’m not privy to who paid off enough of them to win.

    Voting is an empty charade. Both parties have no desire to abandon their real constituencies (lobbyists and interest groups) for the people.

    Deo Vindice

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