If the 2012 presidential election were held today, would you vote for Mitt Romney, Barack Obama, a third party candidate, or stay home/none of the above.
Please include your state.
Note: I live in Alabama. I would vote for Virgil Goode.
If the 2012 presidential election were held today, would you vote for Mitt Romney, Barack Obama, a third party candidate, or stay home/none of the above.
Please include your state.
Note: I live in Alabama. I would vote for Virgil Goode.
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Obama has already shown that the “virtual fence” was a con: a Democrat president can turn the system off. It was nothing but a boondoggle/talking point to get out of building a real fence.
Fresh from the CofCC conference and the consensus among speakers was that a vote for Goode was a vote for Obama. That a vote for the lessor of two evils was just that. Hold your nose a vote for Romney. Mr. Jared Taylor went on to debunk the Worse is Better philosophy in my opinion. Per his research there is no evidence through history to support the view that when Whites backs are against the wall they magically develop racial conscienceness, he says actually the opposite is true. We have to look at this more straight forward and not make dicisions based on assumptions . I know my comments don’t reflect very well the points of his talk, I will search his website for transcripts, to give you guys a better picture of of his thoughts . I remember thinking afterward that is was a most grown up talk, without wishful thinking.
Ross Perot gave us Bill Clinton.
We could have voted for President Stephen Douglas.
Hunter: Yep, there is still a lot more Pale Faces than there are Blacks and Browns, but as I pointed out a couple of months ago when I stirred up plenty of shit by talking bad about White Trash, not everybody with a White hide is our brother.
We have to worry about the folks who still believe that Abrahound Lincoon was the great unifier. When those folks’ kids are all living in their dens and basements and groceries are scarce and home invasions are commonplace in their neighborhood that used to be upscale, then maybe they’ll vote for a reincarnated George Wallace. As long as they are still comfortable they won’t even be aware of the problems that all of us who visit this site discuss daily.
Not “In the Promised Land of the North” but in the promised land IN the North, Joe. It denotes a certain region within a certain state.
Re: “encouraging voters to vote for, a candidate who is ‘slightly less evil’… labeled ‘REPENTANCE’…(s)ounds more like Acquiescence to me”:
It is not acquiescence but necessity. Voting deliberately wrongly for the Neocon in the primaries should be followed by voting for him regretfully (IN REPENTANCE) as well as out of necessity in November. Like David, we are allowed by God to choose among two severe punishments both of which WILL cause great harto our people. David was allowed to choose, in his regret or REPENTANCE, what he thought would be the lighter punishment, the one LEAST harmful to his people
“Plus, one can’t vote and simultaneously disengage at the same time. One rules out the other. One can’t truly do both simultaneously.” Of course not. I was being ironic about disengaging, while others here are quite serious about it.
This has happened before.
Southerners were pushed up against the wall. The Whig Party collapsed. The Republican Party was the anti-Southern Party. The Democrats split and Lincoln was elected.
Typo above: “WILL cause great harto our people” should have been “WILL cause great harm to our people.”
Not only would I support Romney, but I would open my wallet if he would pick Ron Paul as his running mate! Ron not Rand.
Robert makes a good point. However it’s only important if you are in a battleground state. In Cali? NY? Alabama? Do what your conscience dictates. In an area where there’s competition probably vote Romney.
I will state openly that secession is the solution and that I desire it and would vote for it today.
Robert, thanks for sharing the good advice, I think, from the conference!
It matters a great deal to PACs like Crossroads GPS if Romney wins or loses. He has raised over $100 million dollars.
Does it matter to anyone here? What’s Romney going to do? Build the virtual farce. Expand legal immigration. Expedite Mexican immigration. Pass a federal E-Verify law that would gut the state laws.
He says on his website that he will appoint Supreme Court justices like John Roberts. He is for more free trade. He is accusing Obama of being weak on Israel.
Oh, let’s not forget that Russia is our #1 enemy.
The leadership in western nations over the past several decades has been highly questionable.
From the UK …
Students could be exempted from immigration figures to help hit Coalition target –
Students could be exempted from immigration rules to help hit a pledge to cut drastically the number of non-Europeans settling in Britain under plans being considered by Downing Street.
Losers !
The only hope is the BNP.
Joe: The tunnels in Viet Nam were like mole tunnels. They were barely underground, yet those tunnels gave our troops fits.
The only way to close the tunnels is to shut down the trade that makes the tunnels profitable.
And what about the boats. Spend a day with a set of good binoculars in Ft. Lauderdale or Miami Beach and you will understand that shutting down the boats is a pipe dream, too.
A border fence is just a diversion to give stupid people a solution to root for.
Your faith in the troops is laughable. Who do you think has transporting most of the heroin from Asia to the U.S. since the beginning of the Viet Nam War? Yeah, they’ll straighten that border shit right out. Are you wearing great big shoes, an orange wig and a nose that honks when you squeeze it, or what?
The Hamptons are upset with Obama:
I will crawl if need be to vote for A.B.O, Romney in this case. Voting for any other candidate is like voting for Obama at this point.
Oops, forgot state. I am in Florida
Totally agree about Romney being useless. However I’d like to see the niggers have the smile wiped off their faces.
I live in the Perpetually Blue Morass of Connecticut, and I’m gonna vote for RINO Romney! Why? Because I want to screw the joos, and make the libtards at MSDNC cry! I have no love for Romney, in fact I despise his pro-joo RINO ass, but if even ONE Blue state goes Red in this Election its going to be All Shock and Awe for the joosmedia and libtard commie bastards!
I want to see all these liberal commies crying and moaning on November 7th! What is this Election is Not Close at All? What if its Romney in a Landslide?
There’s gonna be a Chimpout either way! If the Kenyan Monkey Turd from Mombasa LOSES the Urban Apes will Chimpout in Anger, and if it wins then they Chimpout in Celebration like an NBA Victory Party.
Still, I want to see the Big Fucking Frowns on their Ape Faces if the Nigga in Charge Loses and Loses Big! I’ll have a Shotgun ready for the party that follows.
All you fools that live in Blue States that want to vote third party – DON’T DO IT! I’m telling you right Now, if Even One Blue State goes Red in November the joos in Hollyweird and Hymietown are going to be crying in their coffee come November 7th! That alone is enough for ME!
Secession really is the only answer.
Deo Vindice
I have no doubt that people will keep voting for Republicans like McCain and Romney until the demographics give the Democrats a lock on the White House.
What will they do then? Secede? If so, the sooner we secede, the better.
“Aren’t there a lot more of us than blacks or Hispanics? You would never know it.”
Your YKW dollars at work.
Sleep, sleep, my shegetzes. Watch your brand-new negro gods on ESPN, and doze.
Except for you, pretty blonde shiksa. You’re invited to the party in the Hamptons.
John says:
July 8, 2012 at 10:39 pm
Totally agree about Romney being useless. However I’d like to see the niggers have the smile wiped off their faces.
A nationwide full scale chimpout following an obama loss would be magnificent.
I really want to just sit home but I’ll probably get dragged to the polls anyway. Virgil Goode it is.
Jared Taylor was at the this CofCC thing? Did anyone get any video of him deconstructing that “worse is better” nonsense?
I really need to get in the loop on these things. If I had known Taylor was going to be speaking at that thing, I might have gone. Maybe next year. Assuming we’re not in the middle of some violent national breakdown, of course.
I realise the Vanguardistas can be a bit, well, too American History X but I do think the idea of “worse is better for now” does fit here. Obama has probably created more awakened Whites than Dr. Pierce ever could have dreamed of, but I do not want to vote for Obama again (I was dating a Yankee girl at the time in college, and she was with me when I filled out my absentee ballot. I sincerely considered writing in Ron Paul, but didn’t) so I will be voting for Merlin Miller on the A3P: it might as well be a vote for Obama as it takes away a GOP voter.
PS. By coincidence, I knew one of Romney’s sons (yes I was a Mormon for a while, please forgive me 🙂 and got to meet Mitt once. Really nice man, who’s raised a beautiful, all-white family with tons of grandkids. He’s a good man but his policies are more race-blind, supply-side gop codswallop.
I was planning to go, but something came up at the last minute.
I’ve never voted for a Republican presidential nominee.
Barack Obama
Because worse is better for now.
“Does it matter to anyone here? What’s Romney going to do?”
We knew EXACTLY what he was going to do, LONG ago, and now we bear corporate guilt and responsibility and face certain punishment for our overwhelming white vote for him and his clones.
Does it matter to anyone here what OBAMA’S going to do (or I should say, what his Handlers will do, through him) after his second and most powerful and conclusive victory and clear mandate for “Hope and Change!”
“I have no doubt that people will keep voting for Republicans like…Romney until the demographics give the Democrats a lock on the White House.”
The alternative being, then: Not voting for Romney for the SECOND TIME in this election cycle? Like a shotgun marriage following an unholy relationship, we’re stuck with him now, or face worse punishment. Let’s stand and do our duty, and change our ways.
Oh, I forgot- Tennessee, write in for Merlin Miller.
Better question, who do you donate to? Or volunteer for? Might be a fun bit of cointel if you catch my drift.
It is a struggle of reason against gut reaction, discipline versus emotion, now. We don’t have wings to fly out of this pit. We can only climb upward, and the vote for Romney is a necessary, but only VERY small, step up.
I was to have voted for Ron Paul, had he won the nomination- which I was sincerely believing he would, until the Iowa primaries.
I would vote for Romney, except for the fact that he appears to be nothing more than an ‘Oreo Obama.’
I’d vote for the Obamanation, if only to guarantee the US’s speedy demise. But his attempts to be as Caesar have made me more willing to pray for his speedy death, than ‘four more years.’
I have not investigated the CP’s candidate as of yet. I am actually more in favor of secession, than anything else.
Sorry, anyone who votes for Romney on the grounds he won’t be as bad as Obama has shit for brains, or more likely in this audience is simply caught up in some very confused thinking. There are always exceptions like Jared Taylor. Even brilliant men like him are not right 100% of the time.
Romney’s supporters keep repeating over and over and over again without a shred of evidence to back up their position that Romney is the “lesser of two evils.” Court appointments? Please. Romney said he would appoint more like John Roberts.
If Romney will be so obviously better, where are the links to Romney’s web sites, speeches, You Tube videos, and position papers that show exactly how Romney will be better for Whites? They never seem to appear in these threads. It’s interesting. Why not? Romney’s supporters have to use assertion with evidence because none exists that he will be better.
Wavering in Tennessee. Recently I posted here, arguing that a vote for Romney is imperative because of future Supreme Court appointments…. Yeah, like John Roberts.
Don’t be Fools! For once, we know WHEN a Chimpout will occur! It will be Bigger and Better if the Kenyan Monkey Turd LOSES than if it wins!
All you ex-military men should station yourselves on top of a Big Box Store, and wait for Targets of Opportunity! You KNOW the Urban Apes will go straight to the Big Boxes for their FREE Big-Screen TVs while the Poleece are busy with the Gangstas in the Hood! It will be a Turkey Shoot!
Make sure to wear a uniform in case a dumb cop comes and asks what you’re doing. Tell ’em you’re National Guard shooting Looters! Those blue bellies ain’t too sharp you know!
All you Secessionists are Missing the Big Picture! There are STILL more of US than there are of THEM! We can turn this Whole Thing around in a Week if we make a Stand NOW!
Why settle for a Region, when you can have the WHOLE USA? If the Mombasa Monkey Turd LOSES then ALL HELL WILL BREAK LOOSE! The Perfect Moment to Turn Things Around!
November 7th, 2012. It could be the Start of a Second Revolution if everything goes the Right Way. Vote for the RINO, and make a STAND! Don’t wait for the Numbers to Turn against you! NOW rather than Later is Best!
Don’t settle for a State or a Region, Take America Back – Whole!
White Supremacy Now or Never! White Supremacy Forever!
Another word for White Supremacy is CIVILIZATION. Don’t you Forget it!
John, you would probably work in the Red machine itself, through the local Republican committee — however telling everyone the whole truth and only the truth, about WHY Romney should be chosen, not their official reasons. Financial assistance by those who can afford it would need to be directed very carefully to avoid helping them further mis-inform/mis-educate the electorate. Year after year over 90% of all election victories go to whatever candidate who has the most money to spend.
Mitt Romney
Need someone “less terrible” than the incumbent.
There’s lots of mischief to be had in an election. Particularly if you get close to key players. Think on that fellow travellers. You can infiltrate too. 😉
Never waste an opportunity to get a carefully edited version of your view out there.
Montana — Outlaw all the way. Staying home. Make the F*$kers come to us. Little BEYOTCHES.
@Judge Dredd
“Make sure to wear a uniform in case a dumb cop comes and asks what you’re doing. Tell ’em you’re National Guard shooting looters!”
Hell, here’s an even better idea: Get yourself an Israeli Army uniform, and tell ’em your protecting the local Jewish community. Then accuse ’em of being rabid anti-semites who want to abandon the poor defenseless Jews to the wilding black mob, demand an apology for being bothered, and threaten to mention them by name & badge number to the “powerful Jewish interests in Washington DC”.
“A nationwide full scale chimpout following an obama loss would be magnificent.”
I’d like to see Obama lose and Zimmerman acquitted on the same day. Now wouldn’t that be grand?
John, no mischief intended, just truth telling.
DiverCity, what’s to waver about now? No surprise. It was clear all along that Neo-“conservatives,” including Romney and Roberts, can only be NON-conservative. Return to the question of which of the two is likely to be even very slightly less harmful, in both short and long term.
“Hastening collapse” may sound thrilling now…. The better alternative is I think still possible.
Jersey, Merlin Miller
“ ‘Hastening collapse’ may sound thrilling now…. The better alternative is I think still possible.”
By “the better alternative” I didn’t mean Romney. I meant such better means as VOTING, versus non-voting and other de-constructive “disengagement.”
I’m also freshly back from the CofCC conference, and I do not agree that there was a consensus among the speakers that we should support Romney. The first speaker (whose name escapes me at the moment) and Jared Taylor both advocated a vote for Romney over Obama, but a number of the other speakers were emphatic in their absolute disgust with both parties, including Keith Alexander and Sam Dickson.
Lew says:
July 8, 2012 at 11:28 pm
Court appointments? Please. Romney said he would appoint more like John Roberts.
Up until last week John Roberts had a good record.
He had the reputation of being a strict constitutionalist, not a flaky activist. We need more justices with that philosophy. That is the reason Romney chose him as an example.
We also know the left makes it virtually impossible to nominate any candidate perceived to be too far right of center. Therefore, we try to sneak someone in who does not have a strong paper trail the libs can tear to shreds. Unfortunately, the strategy backfires from time to time.
Check out the Senators opposing Roberts’ nomination.
On September 22, the Senate Judiciary Committee approved Roberts’s nomination by a vote of 13–5, with Senators Ted Kennedy, Richard Durbin, Charles Schumer, Joe Biden and Dianne Feinstein casting the dissenting votes. Roberts was confirmed by the full Senate on September 29 by a margin of 78–22.[26] All Republicans and the one Independent voted for Roberts; the Democrats split evenly, 22–22. Roberts was confirmed by what was, historically, a narrow margin for a Supreme Court justice
There is absolutely no difference between Romney and Obama; as such, I would prefer a black face be in charge of the collapse and thus I prefer Obama over Romney.
That being said, I’ll be voting third party; either American 3rd Position or Constitution Party.