About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. With all due respect Hunter and all you Neo-Confederates, you’re all a bunch of damned fools. Secession was the mistake that the South made during the Civil War that doomed the USA to BRA. If they had been a Rebellion, like Lying Lincoln and his traitorous nigger-loving abaloneyists named them, they would have won the Civil War and BRA would have been aborted like a coon crack baby before it was ever born.
    Secession will only give FEDGOV and BRA an excuse to attack and subjugate you all by military force, like they did to the stupid Confederates. You’ll have a new breed of Jewish Carpetbaggers moving in to steal everything you own, while FEDGOV troops march you into FEMA camps for re-education.
    If the South had been a Rebellion, they would have appointed a real leader to attack Washington, instead of that muddle-headed fool General Lee – who stood at the outskirts of Washington with his army instead of marching in and burning it all to the ground and lynching Lying Lincoln like the skunk he was…
    After Bull Run, the Confederate Army had an open access to Washington and could have marched into it unopposed by fleeing blue Yankees. If J.E.B. Stuart had been the commander instead of Robert E. Lee, the Confederate Army would have burned Washington to the ground and killed Lying Lincoln – cause he needed killing.
    Secession is just a repeat of the mistake of the South in the Civil War. In the next Civil War, it had better be a Rebellion, or you’ll just be subjugated by FEDGOV military forces like the Confederates were.
    There are no half-measures in war, and no substitute for Complete and Absolute Victory. In Civil War II, expect to have to torch Washington and burn it to the ground, or you’re just wasting your time. Don’t forget to string up the skunk while you’re at it.

  2. I agree that everyone at the conference was in agreement with their dislike of both parties and both candidate. From my anectotal experience via the speakers and listening to other attendees, motivated my opinions. Perhaps I over stated the sentiment of the group, perhaps not. That being said, I don’t think Mr.Taylor endorced Romney either, he only advocated practicality in our political positions.

  3. BRA is Northeastern culture. Even before the War Between the States, blacks were citizens with voting rights in Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, Massachusetts, and Connecticut.

    Uncle Tom’s Cabin – an anti-slavery polemic that glorified negroes – was the most popular book of the nineteenth century.

  4. Were it not for the Union, BRA would have remained a regional disease of Yankeedom. Every cultural disease of the Northeast becomes a continental problem because of the consolidated government in Washington.

  5. “Unlike McCain, he never won over Kosher Republic either.”

    McCain had the war hero thing going. Romney has a pussy-boy frat boy aura about him, so no war-hero pity-vote.

  6. The chest thumping here must resemble the same that took place in 1860-61.

    You guys still don’t get it. An Obama victory ensures a collapse, but you’re all prepped & ready for War I’m sure. Your women & children have every need addressed & are going to be self sufficient as you march off to War.. Wait, what’s that you say? You’re not ready or willing yet to be going off to fight for your beliefs?

    Sit down & think LONG TERM and prepare for the collapse that is coming anyway.

    Just because the canoe is going over the cliff is no reason to paddle harder TOWARDS the edge.

  7. To say “There is absolutely no difference between Romney and Obama” is rhetorical overstatement because there ARE many profound differences: racially and in family life and religious background, business and work experience, et cetera that all add up in Romney’s favour, very slightly however, but still SIGNIFICANTLY in THIS critical time.

    The fearful position that a white President MUST NOT be elected BECAUSE HE WOULD BE BLAMED for economic collapse must be weighed against the possibilities that (1) “They” might continue to manage or slow the decline so well that no sudden or obvious collapse ever occurs, and (2) the possibility that whites might be blamed and marginalised EVEN MORE after a second Obama victory and mandate than under a white Neoconservative.

    Others hope that another Obama victory will GUARANTEE the desired (by them) sudden collapse. Yet the same handlers and bureaucracy rule effectively whether the Federal Figurehead is Red or Blue. It had also been hoped that Obama’s first victory would bring a sudden end to endless wars, but so far there has no significant change in foreign policy.

    To sum up: I see VERY little difference, only a very small advantage in Romney,
    but “every little bit helps” in this very critical time — and it still costs nothing to vote.

    No wait, Amanda sums it up too: “Just because the canoe is going over the cliff is no reason to paddle harder TOWARDS the edge.”

  8. Wherever Yankees settled, Jews thrive for some reason. They are far less successful elsewhere. Profound

  9. Check this out:


    If Romney is elected president, it will be the second coming of the neocons. It will be the Bush administration all over again. We will gain absolutely nothing from Romney, but the neocons will be back in the saddle for another game of Risk.

  10. The fearful position that a white President MUST NOT be elected BECAUSE HE WOULD BE BLAMED for economic collapse must be weighed against the possibilities ———————— even if Obama presides the collapse he will just blame Republicans in Congress and the mess he inherited or Europe or Iran….. …. Obama presiding the collapse in no way means he will accept blame for it.

  11. “Sit down & think LONG TERM and prepare for the collapse that is coming anyway.”

    No point in delaying the inevitable. I ain’t getting any younger.
    I don’t much fancy fighting from my wheelchair at some distant point in the future.
    If you skeered, say you skeered.

    Deo Vindice

  12. “I realise the Vanguardistas can be a bit, well, too American History X “

    You can’t be too American History X!

  13. The Jews are very successful everywhere they go in the world. They have alot more common-sense and loyalty to one another than we do. They’re immensely successful in South America, Canada, in Europe, in all the Middle East countries where there’re Jews. In India. Everywhere they go.
    We would do well to have as much loyalty to one another as they do. While it’s true there’re differences and squabbles amongst Jews, they don’t indulge in internecine wars as the white race loves to do. They have alot of common sense ( Calvin was really off the wall with his analysis of the Jews). They plan out a goal, and then they work towards it. They know how to dedicate themselves to success instead of sitting around and crying like so many whites do. Their children aren’t out wasting so much time on bullshit and nonsense. Their children are home studying.
    Their heads are not full of all kinds of pie-in-the-sky horseshit religious notions. The Jews see life for what it truly is — a power struggle– then they proceed to prepare and put themselves in a position to face the power struggle called life : And then prepare themselves to succeed. Which they do to an extremely large degree. Everywhere they go in the world.
    We would do well to study their good traits instead of just focusing on their lousy traits. Maybe we could learn something.
    I don’t like jew commies ( I don’t like any kind of commies for that matter), but still I see the Jews have some traits we would do well to emulate and incorporate into the general white “Christian” culture.
    Maybe they wouldn’t be so antagonistic in the first place if our churches and religious leaders* throughout history weren’t always calling whites to violence against them and always trying to force them to “convert”. Maybe things would be better if our religious leaders weren’t so goddamned intent on converting everybody ; Jews and everyone else all over the world, into our bullshit religious system. Personally, I respect the Jews for not buying into our bullshit religious system. Look where Christianity has brought us as a race. I like to give credit where credit is due. A people don’t become extremely successful based on negative traits alone. That doesn’t make sense.
    * While our white Christian Catholic and Protestant leaders were calling whites to violence against the Jews, the same white Christian leaders were running to Jew bankers every 3 weeks for loans and to make business deals with the Jewish big-shots; So the Jews saw clearly what liars and hypocrites and what pharisees the Christian leaders truly were (are). The Jews probably figured they might as well stick to their own Jewish pharisees. I can’t say I blame them. Seems to me the Jewish pharisees did alot more good for their fellow Jews than our Christian pharisees ever did for the white Christian race.

  14. If you thought NAFTA was a loser, Mitt wants a “Trans-Pacific Partnership” free trade agreement.


    Mitt Romney believes that free trade is essential to restoring robust economic growth and creating jobs. We need to open new markets beyond our borders for American goods and services on terms that work for America.

    George W. Bush successfully negotiated eleven FTAs, encompassing sixteen countries. He also had the vision to commence negotiations with a number of allies around the Pacific Rim to expand significantly the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

  15. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trans-Pacific_Strategic_Economic_Partnership

    The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), also known as the Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement, is a multilateral agreement that aims to further liberalize the economies of the Asia-Pacific region.[1] In 2007, negotiations, which are still ongoing, began for an expanded version of the agreement, encompassing a larger group of countries. These negotiations have drawn criticism and protest from the public and elected officials, in part due to the secrecy of the negotiations and a number of controversial clauses in draft agreements leaked to the public.

  16. So, if Mitt Romney is elected president, we get (1) Supreme Court justices like John Roberts, (2) Jewish neocon control of American foreign policy, (3) the virtual farce and an expansion of legal immigration and H1-B visas, (4) the Trans-Pacific free trade agreement and possibly dozens of free trade agreements, (5) a promise to fight the anti-Semitic poison that is delegitimizing Israel, etc.

  17. excuse me: I was typing my comment while another Joe posted on the board. I’m the “Joe” who thinks Judah Philip Benjamin was a big troublemaker and a real shark.
    I’m the “Joe” who thinks the white race has it’s collective head up it’s collective ass for indulging in internecine war so much– and loving every minute of it : I’m the “Joe” who calls his fellow whites to examine our own cvollective faults before being so quick to point fingers at others.

  18. What’s the difference between Romneycare and Obamacare?
    There is next to no difference between the policies Romney pursued as governor of Massachusetts and those Obama has pursued as President. Obama is just more honest about it. Cold comfort, that.
    I judge a man by his actions, not his words.
    Mitt is a gun grabber, too. Do your homework. Romney is not our friend.

    After Obama/Romney signs off on the UN Small Arms Treaty and the government begins implementation, it’s a moot point, anyway. It’s on.

    Deo Vindice

  19. BTW, I didn’t see anything about affirmative action at Romney’s website. He doesn’t even have a tough stance on illegal immigration. This is someone who couldn’t even condemn Obama’s unilateral DREAM Act amnesty.

  20. No way the Senate will ever get the 2/3rds votes necessary to consent to the treaty. 44 Republican Senators have already told Obama they won’t vote for it and there are a good number of Democrats that won’t either. I doubt it would even get a majority.

  21. The most important election of our lifetimes … quite literally, it will determine nothing more than the distribution of jobs in the Beltway. Instead of Obama’s face on these bad policies, we will have Romney’s face on them.

    The Republicans in Congress are far more likely to block destructive legislation with Obama in the White House.

  22. How will Romney’s pick for the Supreme Court be better than Obama’s ? We’ve seen the way “conservative” Supreme Court justices vote. It isn’t good and Romney will pick a moderate, even if he controls the Senate. People keep voting and doing the same shit, thinking this time will be different. No wonder we’re in such a mess. Our people can’t even correctly recall the actions of the GOP over the last 30+ years and change their behavior to match reality

    White men have been advocating and doing the Mosin plan for years with no positive result. I to use to advocate and do the same thing but stopped when I figured out my efforts were better spent elsewhere. How long should we keep trying things that don’t work?

    There is nothing in Romney to vote for. The only thing he’s done worth a damn is produce 5 White children, but you can be damn sure they’ll grow up to be DWL’s like their parents and I know middle-class men who have done 5 or better.

    Romney is worthless and weak. He’s a half fag city breed yankee with soft hands. He has no steel in his spine, no fire in his belly. He’s never been in a bar brawl, dug coal, poured steel, been shot at or shot anyone in the face or done anything that takes balls. Hell White men like that pussy is the problem with the White race.

    How will Romney improve the economy? I hear/ read folks say that, but I don’t understand how that will happen. He will not end the labor and environmental laws that crush our manufacturing base. He made his cash sending jobs overseas. We don’t need that kind of “improvement”. And we know where he stands on immigration. not good at all. Not even better or different then Obama

    Romney has never produced wealth. He’s made money by sending jobs overseas and financing stuff (adding more debt to the world) but as far as I know he’s never created wealth by adding value to raw materials. We don’t need the allusion of wealth (consumer debt) but real wealth, creating and producing; adding value to things and the world.

    I voted for Baldwin last presidential election. I’ll probably write in Goode this time around. I can’t bring myself to vote for Romney and I’ll be voting for local candidates and on local issues anyway. I might as well take the time and write in Goode. Goode won’t be in the ballot in NC, but writing in names if fairly easy at my polling place. Or was after I asked how to do it.

    The folks in charge don’t give a damn about third party votes or the system being broken. The folks in charge are the kind of people who operate well in the current system and have no need to change things.

    I live in NC. I will vote in county elections. Who my sheriff is matters a lot more then who drives the nation into the ground. Same for judges and county commissioners. These are the men who or will not enforce BRA dictates. Plus these are local men with long histories in the county and reputations on all levels. I can look them in the eye when I shake their hands, talk to them at church or at the shooting range etc and get a feel for the man.

    I think it would be best if the nation collapses with a negro, woman or some other favored BRA group in charge. Facts will not change people’s mind, we need better propaganda and to exploit propaganda opportunities

    Negros will not chimp out if Obama loses. The negro handlers are making sure they don’t get their hopes up this time. They are already being told to expect that vs the 1st time he ran and they were told he couldn’t lose.

  23. George Wallace said, “There’s not a dime’s worth of difference between the Democrat and Republican Parties.”

    It was true then and it’s true now.

    Wish more people had listened to George Wallace instead of George Romney back then. We wouldn’t be in the shape we’re in now. The Detroitification of Amurrica will proceed whether it is Romney or Obama who holds the reins in DC.

    Deo Vindice

  24. The funny thing is, I can’t remember a time when there was less of a difference, not just policywise, but in terms of the rhetoric too. If you go back to the 1990s, affirmative action and illegal immigration were hot button issues.

  25. Don’t worry.

    Romney is going to make up for his collapse of support on the Far Right by winning over Northern DWLs and Hispanic voters. The strategy for winning the election is to underperform Reagan, Poppy Bush, George W. Bush, and even John McCain with the White vote.

  26. Georgia

    Virgil Goode or write in for Ron Paul.

    I simply could not bear to see the neocons back on the throne. My brother is a military officer and I do not want him deployed overseas again to fight yet another war for Israel.

  27. Here’s what I’ve been thinking about Justice Roberts. I think he is still a strict interpreter of the constitution and I think that the cocksucker is probably right about Obama’s mandate. It doesn’t matter that Obama’s crew vehemently denied that it was a tax. What matters is that it appeared to be a tax to Roberts, which meant that it wasn’t unconstitutional. Those four lefties voted for it because it fit their agenda, but I think that Roberts vote was based on his interpretation of the constitution.

    Is anyone surprised that we got fucked again by that same piece of used Yankee ass wipe that has been used to shove niggers and free stuff and special privileges for niggers down our throats ever since the end of WW2. Roberts is just the goddamn piano player, he didn’t write the music. The problem is that Yankee Constitution.

  28. The Constitution has been a dead letter since 1861. Lincoln’s actions proved that the Constitution was a failure. The “federal government” was supposed to be the agent of sovereign states. The “federal government” was supposed to secure the ends of the Preamble.

    It didn’t work out that way. There is no “federalism” in the “federal government.” It is not even accurate to call it a “national government” as the state is dedicated to dismantling the nation.

    Why not call it “the central government” or “the consolidated government” or “the government of unlimited powers” or “the government created by false advertising”?

    That would be a more accurate description.

  29. So, if Mitt Romney is elected president, we get (1) Supreme Court justices like John Roberts, (2) Jewish neocon control of American foreign policy, (3) the virtual farce and an expansion of legal immigration and H1-B visas, (4) the Trans-Pacific free trade agreement and possibly dozens of free trade agreements, (5) a promise to fight the anti-Semitic poison that is delegitimizing Israel, etc.

    And what do you think four more years of Obama will bring us?

  30. The most accurate description from my point of view would be “hostile tyrannical foreign occupying power.”

    Deo Vindice

  31. I think we can see why Romney is at 54 percent with White voters.

    The other 46% is made up of Jews and race traitors. If Romney is so bad for whites then why is Obama winning the Jewish vote?

  32. If Jack Pumpkinhead were the Democrat in the race they would vote for him.
    Outside of negroes, they are the most loyal Democrats. The few that are Republicans are only there to set policy for the neocons and drive out/marginalize real conservatives–they put the “control” in “controlled opposition.”

    Deo Vindice

  33. This isn’t a case of “worse is better.”

    I’m not convinced that Obama is “worse” than Romney. I see very little difference in their actual policies.

  34. Jews vote for Democrats because more of them define “Jewishness” as support for “social equality” and “social justice” than “support for Israel” – the Jews who believe that “support for Israel” is more important tend to vote Republican.


    “Core Qualities of Jewish Identity. When asked which qualities are most important to their Jewish identity, nearly half (46%) of American Jews cite a commitment to social equality, twice as many as cite support for Israel (20%) or religious observance (17%). Fewer than 1-in-10 say that a sense of cultural heritage and tradition (6%) or a general set of values (3%) are most important to their Jewish identity.”

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