About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Apuleius says:
    July 9, 2012 at 3:18 am

    “No point in delaying the inevitable. I ain’t getting any younger.
    I don’t much fancy fighting from my wheelchair at some distant point in the future.
    If you skeered, say you skeered”.

    Deo Vindice

    Being scared has a lot to do with it. Not for me & most certainly not for my Husband who does not know the meaning of the word, but for our sons age two & four.

    I’m going to stave off this collapse & resulting chaos as long as I can, hoping our sons will be in their teens before it happens. (And it will happen in their lifetime) Does that make me selfish? What parent in their right mind would want what we all know is coming to occur while raising two toddlers?… Honestly? Yes.

    But Scared? Not quite.

  2. About the same thing that 4 years of Romney would bring us: Jews controlling foreign policy, a close relationship between Wall Street and Washington, more free trade agreements, more legal immigration, more empty rhetoric about “securing the border,” a Supreme Court controlled by the Left, etc.

    The only difference that I can see between Romney and Obama is that a different set of Beltway insiders will be running the show in Washington.

  3. Indeed. They are cut from the same establishment cloth. Obamacare is Romneycare, a further direction of money to the insurance companies. The same bankers are in charge under Obama as were in charge under Bush. This will not change under Romney. Neither Romney nor Obama have or will cut military spending.

    The Republican Party needs to die. Voting third party is the best way to accelerate this.

  4. If the differences between A and B are to subtle to point out in a very quick time, easy to follow manner, then there is no practical difference. Which is how I see Romney and Obama. Neither will do much different than the other because they both basically agree on most topics and are arguing for slight variations of the same themes. Also the reality of dealing with congress and the like means neither will be much different than the other.

    I’ve been preparing for a national collapse in one way or another near on 30 years now. My father did so before me. Not my fault others have not.

  5. “been shot at or shot anyone in the face”

    Why the face. It’s a low percentage shot. Better to aim for the triangle formed by the Adam’s apple and the nipples. It’s full of vital plumbing.

  6. If George W. Bush had won a third term, would he have done anything different from Obama?

    – Bush negotiated the free trade agreements with South Korea, Panama, and Colombia that Obama pushed through Congress and signed into law.

    – Bush was for the DREAM Act and comprehensive immigration reform. He was blocked by Republicans in Congress.

    – Bush allowed millions of illegal aliens to invade America.

    – Bush worked with Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid to bailout Wall Street.

    – Bush pushed through “No Child Left Behind.”

    – Bush expanded Medicare.


    – Bush appointed John Roberts to the Supreme Court who voted with Ginsberg, Breyer, and Kagan in the Arizona and Obamacare cases.

    – Bush started the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Obama continued those wars, started a drone war with Pakistan, and attacked Libya.

  7. From the following post, comments are off.

    “The Republican Party commenced a twenty-five year war of genocide against the Plains Indians, killing as many as 60,000 of them, including thousands of women and children, and putting the rest in concentration camps.”

    I have no problem with this. The Indian Wars were not corporate driven. They were a direct result of the populist sentiment of white settlers. It wasn’t a war on imperialism, it was a war for Lebensraum for white pioneers. We weren’t colonizing the Indians and using them as corporate slaves, whites were replacing them all on their own. It the result of the organic growth of a burgeoning people, and was occurring before the Civil War.

  8. Stonelifter says:
    “How will Romney’s pick for the Supreme Court be better than Obama’s ? We’ve seen the way “conservative” Supreme Court justices vote.”

    Yes, we have. Most of the time they do the right thing. Come on, man. Would you prefer more Ginsburgs, Kagans, Sotomayors and Breyers?

    Stonelifter says:
    “Romney is worthless and weak. He’s a half fag city breed yankee with soft hands. He has no steel in his spine, no fire in his belly. He’s never been in a bar brawl, dug coal, poured steel, been shot at or shot anyone in the face or done anything that takes balls. Hell White men like that pussy is the problem with the White race.”

    This is pricless. Never been shot at or shot anyone in the face? Lawdy, we can’t possibly vote for no city bred yankee pussy that never shot anyone in the face or been in a bar brawl.

    A very persuasive argument. You’ve convinced me he truly is unworthy to be president. Zero qualifications.
    But ya know, if he gets the balls to get stinkin’ drunk and tattoo the hell out of his body to look like a carny freak he’d be making a real manly statement. Then I’d be compelled to vote for him.

  9. With an M-16/4 it’s better to aim for the right hip bone and let the natural rise of the weapon from lower right ti upper left bring itself up and through the target.

    For long range suppressive fire hold low. A lot of shots will ricochet off the ground or water and into the target. For aimed fire with an M-14 or Garand or other proper rifle I’ll hold on the chest or whatever is exposed. Don’t bring a pistol to a gunfight. Fighting with pistols is for officers or cops. I hate ’em both.

  10. Stonelifter’s point is that Romney lacks both the physical and moral courage to be President. He is a silver spoon who is completely out of touch with working people. Can you offer a refutation or you just here to insult anyone who questions the effete robotic phoney that is Romney?

    Andrew Jackson was a real President. Mittens is just an empty suit.

    Deo Vindice

  11. define most of the time? They have sided with big govt on every issue expect for some minor gun stuff. Now the govt can force you to sell your property so they can expand the tax base and tell you what products you have to buy. They also tell us the govt can regulate us because everything we do and don’t do affects interstate commerce

    yep sure sounds like they do the right thing most of the time…..

    as for the rest, you do what you want. I don’t expect neutered yankee fags to understand a mans point of view

  12. What is that the Republicrats used say all the time back in the 90’s?

    Character counts.

    Now here comes ol’ etch-a-sketch riding to the rescue of the glorious union after breakfast at the Waffle House. He even had some cheesy grits with his waffles.

    Deo Vindice

  13. Apuleius has the right of it.

    in other words, he has done nothing in life that requires any kind of courage or toughness. He will back down on every “tough” political battle and the left will get their way in the end. Like Bush etc all always backed down from BRA. Like how one of the “good” supreme court justices almost always flips on us.

    if your M4 rises on you… you need more practice

  14. Romney. Because he’s not Jesse Robinson. And if you notice, he’s an empty suit, and he has gone on record supporting anti-illegal alien policies in the past. If we can build our strength, he’s more likely to support us that Obama.

  15. I think I will vote this election–for Virgil Goode. Because, unlike in the Republicrat party, character does really count. His positions on the issues have the best interests of the country at heart. Of course, he is a Virginian, not some simp from Taxachusetts.
    It may be a forlorn hope, but it is all we got.

    During this campaign, Romney is about to find out the hard way what most of us learned as children. You can’t talk your way out of problems you behave yourself into. If he had any real character, he would know this already, but…

    Never had it, never will.

    I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting on Romney to support us on any issue. If he wins, he will return to his old liberal ways like a dog returning to its vomit. Of that you can be assured. He’s already giving us the signs.

    Deo Vindice

  16. I don’t know if a president ought to list a face shooting on the old resume.

    Kerry actually killed a man face to face. It did him no good.

  17. but have you ever notice how Presidents who were combat vets have done a better job keeping us out of war than the ones who haven’t been through it?

  18. PA. I won’t vote for anybody. For three reasons.

    Obama is a joke.
    Romney is a joke.
    Voting itself is a joke.

  19. The Jews being parasites followed their Eastern & Southern European Roman Catholic hosts over to America from Europe. That’s the facts of the matter.

    The parasite follows the host.

  20. But not black. There’s a critical difference. There’s no way he would have been a viable candidate in 2008 either. GOP would have had a fieldday with him.

  21. not being black doesn’t matter for much John, when kerry is as anti White as most negros

  22. “if your M4 rises on you… you need more practice”

    ALL small arms rise when fired. You need to be paying more attention or you will miss your target on the second and subsequent shots.

  23. if your M4 rises enough that it keeps you out of center mass on a man size target you need more practice. The weapon does not rise that much. It’s a fast, slightly heavy .22….Esp if you have to start at the hip. You should have much, much more control of the weapon then that.

  24. The jews and catholics swarmed all over Pennsylvania when they first started immigrating here in large numbers in the late 19th century. It was easy-pickins’ for them as so many Pennyslvanians were pacifist farmers. The pacificist farmers didn’t stand a chance against the jew/catholic force*. They took over Pennsylvania like one can take a piece of candy from a baby.
    * the catholics and jews were led to Pennsylvania by their respective mobster leaders. Italian mobsters and Jewish mobsters. The mob:
    A: The Capos = Full blooded jews
    B: Next in Command= Mixed blood types: half jewish/half italian
    C: The Enforcers = Low level full -blooded Italians ( southern italians) and low level full-blooded jews ( the less cunning ones, but just as criminal -minded as the capos and everyone else in the mob)
    The mob/mafia is very heirarchial. The heirarchy is based on blood. The mob/mafia own and control the unions ( among alot of other things) in New York City.
    Unfortunately, many founding stock lawmakers turned a blind eye to all of this as they too were on-the-take. That’s why they allowed so much immigration in the first place.

  25. A vote for Virgil Goode is a vote for Barack Obama.

    I live in Missouri and I am voting for Romney.

  26. Mittens Romney – Oregon

    Odds are both will attempt extend and pretend, odds are the economy will tank either way. Romney is marginally better. Mostly though, I think he has a shot at winning Oregon, a small shot but voting third party here doesn’t mean much except to cheese off libs when its close (bush/gore).

  27. Joe says:
    “The Jews are very successful everywhere they go in the world. They have alot more common-sense and loyalty to one another than we do. They’re immensely successful in South America, Canada, in Europe, in all the Middle East countries where there’re Jews. In India. Everywhere they go.
    We would do well to have as much loyalty to one another as they do.”

    Much truth in your post. They don’t sit around hoping and waiting things change. They work together getting things done by hook or by crook.
    If they don’t like a particular party for instance – no probem. They infiltrate and from within cause it to morph into their image. None of that opting out cry baby loser mentality so many of us choose.
    “Well, I just believe the Lord is in control. He’ll change things in His time not ours.”
    “I want nothing of this sinful ol’ world anyway. Let’s all pray, sing hymns and wait for the rapture.” “The system is corrupt both parties suck.” “Everything will collapse soon and then we’ll take over.” “I will make a statement voting for a third party candidate who has NO chance of winning.”

    Joe: “We’ll while it’s true there’re differences and squabbles amongst Jews, they don’t indulge in internecine wars as the white race loves to do.”

    We relish reliving every war, every battle throughout our history of killing EACH OTHER. Complete with costumes, paraphernalia, battle flags, helmets and the like.
    Jewish holidays celebrate defeating gentiles, goyim.

    Joe: They have alot of common sense ( Calvin was really off the wall with his analysis of the Jews). They plan out a goal, and then they work towards it. They know how to dedicate themselves to success instead of sitting around and crying like so many whites do. Their children aren’t out wasting so much time on bullshit and nonsense. Their children are home studying.

    Our kids are busy playing sports, worshipping negro affletes, sticking pins in their faces and wasting money on body ink. That works real well for getting a good job or running a business, doesn’t it? Jews try to look like normal human beings, not psychos.

    Joe: “The Jews see life for what it truly is — a power struggle– then they proceed to prepare and put themselves in a position to face the power struggle called life : And then prepare themselves to succeed. Which they do to an extremely large degree. Everywhere they go in the world.
    We would do well to study their good traits instead of just focusing on their lousy traits. Maybe we could learn something.”


  28. Minnesota – Not Voting

    After conducting a cost-benefit analysis I determined that what I’d get out of voting for Mitt Romney (I could never vote for a nigger) is far outweighed by the $0.57 it would cost in gasoline to drive to my local polling place.

    I’ve mostly given up on America; there comes a point when an institution becomes too ‘tainted’ to be defended any longer. Even if America could somehow veer away from oblivion, we’d have to teach our progeny how their country fought to destroy Western civilization in two wars (in WWI by destroying aristocracy and tradition and in WWII by destroying nationhood and western values), how we fought to make niggers equal, how we fought wars and betrayed previous allies to steal oil from sovereign nations, how we made a nigger our leader, and how we handed over an enormous amount of political power to a race which have proven themselves over many millennia to be conniving and resentful.

    Frankly I’d rather start out with a clean plate, a country founded on the basis of white supremacy and Western values, this means delegitimizing America by not actively participating in its political institutions, by eschewing consumerism and popular culture, and in general doing everything possible to alienate and undermine American power and prestige.

    Unlike many in the White Nationalist movement, however, I don’t view the idea of a “collapse” as a foregone conclusion. In history, all collapses have been precipitated by an opposing large, motivated and intrepid group of interests, for instance the collapse of the French Kingdom was precipitated by Jacobins, the collapse of Jacobin France was precipitated by the military, the collapse of Imperial Russia was precipitated by Bolsheviks, the collapse of the Weimer Republic was precipitated by Nazis, the collapse of the Soviet Union was precipitated by western corporate interests. The point is that while economic strife and social exploitation may have been rampant in Pre-revolutionary France, Imperial Russia, and the Weimer Republic, it wasn’t until an organized group capable of filling the vacuum of power came about that revolution and “collapse” became possible.

    Many people involved in Far-right politics today are discouraged because they know that such a group representing far-right interests does not exist in today’s America. In their desperation they participate in the political process because at least they get to feel as though they are “doing something,” in my opinion this is paradoxical, if everybody thought this way revolution and “collapse” would become impossible, since no group effectively opposing the status quo could come about. What those on the far-right should focus on is developing a viable political apparatus to challenge the legitimacy of the US government, this can be done on a personal level by earning and saving wages, participating in your local militia, proselyting conservatives, acquiring valuable skills or creating or joining an all-out paramilitary, all of which have infinitely more value to the WN movement than driving to your local polling place every 730 days to vote between, as Hunter so eloquently put it, Pepsi or Coke.

  29. I’m filling in a circle next to the name of Willard Mitt Romney.

    I’m not voting for Romney, though. I’m voting to get the black out of the White House.

    HW: I think one of the exigencies of this focus group is that many people answering it live in states whose red or blue status is already a foregone conclusion. Therefore, voting for a “third party” has no consequences. You said you’re voting Virgil Goode, but that’s easy for you because Romney will win Alabama. Those OD readers answering from states that range from light red to purely swing to light blue are far more likely to vote Romney than those in states that Obama or Romney are sure to win.

  30. I’m voting for Virgil Goode. Up until about 2 weeks ago, I had intended to vote for Romney to get Obama out, but Romney’s reaction to Obama’s Dream Act was so weak and pathetic that I have decided that he is worthless. I want my grandchildren to have the chance to make more than $9 an hour, and Romney doesn’t see anything wrong with undercutting the wages of those already here by bringing in millions of foreigners every year.

    Last presidential election I stayed home, because McCain was weak on immigration, but I voted in 2010, and I will vote this time as well.

  31. I live in Florida and Virgil Goode looks “goode” to me!

    I will no longer endorse the corrupt parties thereby making myself an accessories to the crimes. I will vote Goode or I will not vote at all. Thank you for pointing him out, Hunter!

  32. “I’m not voting for Romney, though. I’m voting to get the black out of the White House. HW: I think one of the exigencies of this focus group is that many people answering it live in states whose red or blue status is already a foregone conclusion. Therefore, voting for a “third party” has no consequences. You said you’re voting Virgil Goode, but that’s easy for you because Romney will win Alabama. Those OD readers answering from states that range from light red to purely swing to light blue are far more likely to vote Romney than those in states that Obama or Romney are sure to win.”

    Very good, countenance. Very much like my statement (above) that I’d switch to a third party or a coordinated write-in movement to send a message IF it appeared by October that Romney would landslide here.

  33. “I will no longer endorse the corrupt parties” but you can still vote for the one that APPEARS to be less (even very slightly less) harmful when that is the MOST your vote can accomplish. The poor choice we have is the collective fault of the still-majority-white electorate, who continued voting overwhelmingly for Neo-“conservatives” right through the primaries. We must follow through with what we voted for then and it won’t be taken as endorsement if it is done with protest and in sincere regret, and collective repentance. There is no easy way out. Well, “disengagement” IS easy, but I mean there is no easy way out in doing what is RIGHT.

  34. “Many people involved in Far-right politics today are discouraged because they know that such a group representing far-right interests does not exist in today’s America. In their desperation they participate in the political process because at least they get to feel as though they are ‘doing something,’ in my opinion this is paradoxical, if everybody thought this way revolution…would become impossible, since no group effectively opposing the status quo could come about.”

    Voting in this election for less than one hour would not prevent or hinder anyone from developing or supporting an opposition group.

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