About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “I will vote Goode or I will not vote at all.” You’re not swearing to that, are you?

  2. Vote Romney, but no one should vote for Romney without protesting very strongly, publically, all he stands for!

  3. >>>Virgil Goode looks “goode” to me!>>>

    Good-e good-e says teenager congoid frank e. lymon from 1958

  4. “As a foreigner, alas, I’m not allowed to vote. I want Obama to lose” — so then GET ACTIVE in the campaign, offer real support, which is MORE effective than casting one vote. But in the process, don’t fail to tell everyone the truth about the evil. Being a cannon that is somewhat LOOSE on the Red ship is most helpful to our cause!

  5. “if your M4 rises enough that it keeps you out of center mass on a man size target you need more practice. The weapon does not rise that much. It’s a fast, slightly heavy .22….Esp if you have to start at the hip.”

    Point blank ranges are absurd. My real world results say otherwise.

  6. @Tamer of Savages
    Look around you at the present state of the US and tell me honestly that uncle sam’s imperialism over the last 100 years or so years , and uncle sam’s Imperial Empire has done the average middle-class white American any good. The hard reality of imperialism is eventual destruction, decline, and decay. Look around at present-day America.
    I don’t know what academics* have to say about “imperialism in principle” , and I really don’t care that much. The proof is in the pudding, and in the case of uncle sam’s imperial empire, the pudding has greatly poisoned the US.
    * Many academics are paid by Washington think-tanks owned by corporate interests like the Rockefeller Foundation or the jewish/zionist/neo-con AIPAC to write books and/or newspaper – magazine articles. Their word is greatly corrupted and mendacious to begin with. Many so-called “intellectual” academics are venal, paid shrills and nothing more– in spite of the intellectual airs they put on.

  7. Vote Romney, but no one should vote for Romney without protesting very strongly, publically, all he stands for!…”

    If you vote for him, he probably doesn’t care if you don’t like him.

    Personally, I can’t imagine pulling a lever with his name on it.

  8. Empires always exhausts their home country and eventually degrade their own people to equal or lower political status than their foreign subjects.

  9. Mosin Nagant:

    That’s the way it always is with third parties. They tend to do better when the race between the Republican and the Democrat is a foregone conclusion in favor of either one. If people perceive a close race, then they’ll fall back in line behind either one, depending if their proclivities are left or right.

  10. http://www.rense.com/general95/israel-inequality-injustice.html
    Another country of smart assess* . Reminds me of the old expression : “He’s so smart, he out-smarted himself .”
    The owners of the military-industrial complex benefit from imperialism. As well as the CEOs of the big corporations benefit from empire. That’s about it. Oh yeah. Banks also.
    * At least the ruling class of Israel. The same ruling class as here, when one cuts through all the bullshit. The Israeli’s are ruled by the same big banks and the same corporate interests. Great unrest growing in Israel about the government’s increasingly imperial over-reach in the Middle East. I think both the US and Israel are slated for destruction as per the rulers of the world.

  11. Romneycare was about getting the illegals and low-skilled working class whites out of Massachusetts, and then the magic Negro Duval Patrick extended it to illegals but gave the low-skilled working class whites no break. Having lived in Boston for four years, there is a certain class up there that vocally hate the liberal bulls–t that the Mass. elites peddle, and Romney and his donors wanted to drive them out of the state so they could be a Northern Connecticut.

    So, Romneycare is a bit different in purpose to Obamacare, even if it’s identical in form. Not that that is a good thing.

  12. “The gap between Black and white households ballooned during the 23-year study period, as white families went from a median of about $22,000 in wealth to $100,000 – a gain of $78,000. In the same period, Black household wealth inched up from a base of $2,000 per family to only $5,000. The sweat and toil of an entire generation had netted Black families only $3,000 additional dollars, while white families emerged from the period with a net worth of 100 grand that can be used to send a couple of kids to college, make investments, help out other family members, or contribute to the larger (white) community. The typical Black family has no such options. [The study did not take property ownership into account. If property were included, the disparity would be larger.]

    Viewed another way, the median white family was 11 times richer than the median Black family in 1984 ($2,000 vs. $22,000). By 2007, the white household had become 20 times richer than its Black counterpart ($5,000 vs. $100,000).”

    The economic argument against imperialism is a non-starter. I would add that in 1980, Americans enjoyed THE highest standard of living in the world and we still do if the black undertow is adjusted for. In foreign policy it is exceedingly rare for a governing elite to have policies that are distinct from the common people. Israel may come to mind for some but while Israel represents hypocrisy and a willful violation of multicultural precepts it puts food on the table and cars in the garage for Whites like Singlemalt.

  13. The US, like Rome ought to civilize lesser nations – with or without their consent – until they can govern themselves. This is neither a right nor a privilege but a service that Americans deserve compensation for providing.

  14. yeah yeah yeah…… now it’s all the faults of the blacks. The destruction of the US has nothing to do with anything else but the blacks. What a pile of horeshit.

  15. the only reason to have an empire is to open markets for your products and secure resources. Whatever “good” it does for the others is incidental. Historically, empires that last do provide real benefits for the others, but that should never be and never has been the reason for expanding

  16. @Stonelifter
    No need for me to go to a tactical shooting school. Being the really tough GI Joe/ Johnny Reb hero soldier that you are, you’re the one who’s going to save the country. I know that’s true ’cause you say so. And you’re just soooo tough.
    My real world experiences have been real enough, real enough to shoot plenty of commentary chock-full of facts, information, and common-sense. I guess you don’t care for my comments ’cause my words lack animosity : The main theme of the great majority of your comments. That’s pretty much all you have to share and offer : animosity.
    I’ll pass on the tactical shooting school. Or, I’ll go to tactical shooting school if you go to hiking school and go take a hike.

  17. ” ‘Vote Romney, but no one should vote for Romney without protesting very strongly, publically, all he stands for!’ ….If you vote for him, he probably doesn’t care if you don’t like him.”

    Who cares if he cares? Finish the course and continue making the message clear.

  18. Anybody want to crack at this one?

    Who deported more illegal aliens?

    A) George W. Bush

    B) Barack Obama

    I doubt anyone even needs to look it up!

  19. clearly jew-joe you don’t understand that I come to damn the union not save it, and will not left one finger to persevere the union or keep yankees safe, unless they pay me my going rate and it doesn’t assist them hold on to the South.

  20. West Virginia voter. I will vote absentee for Mitt Romnierez.

    I want Barack Obama gone. Until a third party gains enough strength, you have to go with the Republican because of the way our political system is set (f cked) up. We have pure evil in office. Barack sat in Revrun Wright’s seats for 20 years. Revrun Wright is pure Nation of Islam. Pure evil. We are just “white devils” and they hate us. There could never be enough “reparations” to make them happy.

  21. @Stonelifter
    Go ahead. Go save the South. Do what you want. I never said otherwise. Stop typing and go out and save the South like you’re always saying. Or, just keep on typing. As you please, of course.
    I understand you now ( thanks for explaining yourself) : You hate the North, but will fight for the North nonetheless if only the Northerners would pay you enough money to fight for the North . How venal.

  22. Stonelifter damns the Yankees and in the same breath says he would fight for the Yankees if the Yankees paid him enough. Go Rebel!

  23. Wisconsin voter.

    Sam will cast a ballot for Romney.
    I confess to having voted for Mr. Baldwin last time around.

  24. I will fight for them if the prices is right and it doesn’t hurt Southron White’s or our interests as a people. Our against Whites in general. If the South was free, I would gladly take a contract that hurts yankees and their interests. I will also not fight against Christians. I walked on a contract in the Balkans because it was assisting moslems over Catholic and Orthodox Christians. Past that, a contract is a contract and if yankees want to help make me wealthy, who am I to stop them?

    The interesting thing is… it’s ok to get the best price possible for the peaches and soybeans I grow, and its ok to get the best rent possible on the houses I own, and it’s ok for a computer nerd to get the best price possible for his skill set, but that doesn’t apply to my skills with a rifle. What a hypocrite

  25. Romney- currently in Nevada.

    Swing state, anything I can do to get Michelle O nigger out of the White House. Anything other than that, I just don’t care who wins.

  26. Romney…and for one reason only. I believe that his victory could bring the black mob and illegals out on the street tearing thing up and making “or else” demands all over the country and that, I think, would be a very good thing for us.

  27. I look forward to the Great Chimpout.

    It will be an excuse to dramatically change the political balance for the better. Thus Romney.

  28. Voting for Romney will give you four more years of Obama as well, but in a less intrusive way. We’re all screwed. Third party will not win because of the Romney voters and whoever gets in – Romney or Obama – will keep the same folks in charge.

    You just don’t get it. Nothing will change. Nothing!

  29. Snowhitey says:
    July 10, 2012 at 5:42 pm
    We’re all screwed. Third party will not win because of the Romney voters and whoever gets in – Romney or Obama – will keep the same folks in charge.

    You just don’t get it. Nothing will change. Nothing!

    Well then, we should all just kill ourselves and get it over with.

  30. If the great and devoted Confederate hadn’t skipped town to escape to Europe after the South lost the war of 1861, Judah-boy would have declared Apuleius “Caesar of Richmond” :
    ” Caesar Apuleiusium Gloriosiium Confederatium . Amenium”
    Virtus Tentamine Gaudet.
    [ Strength Rejoices in the Challenge]

  31. “someone needs to attend a tactical shooting school and real world…….”

    Your never too old to learn but… Been there. Done that. I’ve been in many a firefight and I built a pretty good bodycount firing an M-16 in just such a manner as I advise. Unlike you I speak from infantry combat experience. (Face shots! Bad advice, sheesh… you sound like a cop who play acts with force on force toys.)

  32. Let us get one thing clear here: if Obama wins in November, the 2016 Republican candidate will make Mitt Romney look like David Duke. Whenever the GOP loses an election – particularly a presidential one – they respond by moving to the Left. The only hope that white America has is in a Romney victory.

  33. “someone needs to attend a tactical shooting school and real world”

    You’re never to old to learn new tricks but been there, done that. You need to stop the force on force playacting and grenading dimwit hajis in their bedrooms. And learn to take a tip from a actual combat infantryman when it is given. You smell like a cop.

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