Better Off Without ‘Em

Northwest Republic

Chuck Thompson’s Better Off Without ‘Em: A Northern Manifesto for Southern Secession is coming out next month.

“Let’s talk about secession.

Not exactly the most suitable cocktail party conversation starter anywhere in the country, but take that notion deep into the heart of Dixie and you might find yourself running from the possum-hunting conservatives, trailer-park lifers, and prayer warriors Chuck Thompson encountered during the two years he spent traveling the American South asking the question: Would we be better off without ’em? …”

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. They will never let you go though. Even though you are the problem to them.

    He had a good point point about 1 and 2 but you could just as easily point out that the left is a fanatical form of orthodoxy.

    There is nothing he points out that the left isn’t as equally as guilty of.

  2. Chuck Thompson- “How can these people not have the same values as I do? They are weird”

    Notice the overwhelming anti-christian bigotry of this guy. Someone from the South should write a book about the North and start out their critique by talking abou the domination of Jews in New York politics and in Northern culture. On the cover of the book use an Israeli flag and a menorah in one corner.

    When is Chuck Thompson going to criticise the muslim nations of the world who don’t share his values? Hey Chuck, when is your book about Saudi Arabia coming out? The middle eastern and north african countries don’t share your values.

    And how about political and cutural influence of Orthodox Jews in Israel? Even some secular Israelis have criticised the influence of the them in Israel. When Chuck, when?

  3. I’d book this guy at every church and town hall and whatnot. At the end of each lecture. Demand partition, secession and independence.

    This book represents an open goal mouth for agitation.

  4. I got the video to play and….

    Look what this yankee is bitching about; we like the old ways and honor God; we’d rather have jobs and work then govt handouts; we like to brawl and we don’t comprises our values. Hell brothers that’s why I’m proud to be Southron and I look down on yankees because they do not. Lestwise not in numbers large enough to matter on a national level

    Is he calling us atheist, socialists and anti real Americans? If so, he is 180 degrees out of phase with reality. If he is saying that is our claim about yankees… well isn’t that so when given what the north is like and their voting record? damnyankees vote for the lefts/ socialist agenda way more often, in larger total numbers then Southron White men and as a larger % of their White population then Southron White men; yankees have less church attendances then the South. The north is full of people not of Founding Stock, and us of Founding Stock are the real Americans. Not niggers, beaners, Swedes, Pole, wops etc etc. It was a yankee congressmen who just married his boyfriend…. the list of this stuff is damn near endless.

  5. Stonelifter, no he was saying that is what the South has historically, from Rutledge to Gingrich, accused the North of being.

    I don’t particularly disagree with anything he says. I do take exception about obstinacy though. There is a good reason for the obstinacy. The Yanks never stop demanding more and more compromises.

    Both the North and the South would be better off in that both regions could govern themselves according to their own light. Ultimately I think the North would self-destruct. But that appears to be want they want.

  6. The founding stock can go take a flying shit for all I give a damn. North or south, the founding stock types are full of bizarre and pie-in-the sky notions. FS Northern types think they’re going to save the whole world somehow.
    FS Southern types think they’re actually going to have their own country someday : No more uncle sam. No sirre bob. That’s why FS southerners volunteer to join uncle sam’s military in droves : because they want to be independent from uncle sam. Jackassess.

  7. It’s just a recycling of the condescending Yankee’s anti-Southern stereo type mantra.

    Do you really think he’d let you go, especially knowing that 90 something percent of your negroes will be headed northward? One Yankee deadly sin consummate hypocrisy.

  8. Southerners complain about jew uncle sam, then trip over themselves to volunteer to join jew uncle sam’s military , then they get shot down dead in third world shitholes fighting and dying for jew uncle sam , their “enemy”: southerners can’t even figure that out , and they actually think they can figure out how to run their own country.
    Want independence for dixie ? Stop volunteering in a military owned and controlled by people you all say you want to separate from. Can’t separate from uncle sam while simutaneously volunteering to join (and get killed many times) uncle sam’s military.
    Must be the only example in the history of the world where a group of people who want independence from an “enemy” government actually volunteer to join the “enemies” military. Jackassess.

  9. Thanks White&Confed. Aren’t those things true of the north though? Don’t they have an openly socialists congress critter on top of what I listed?

    We’d be better off without them; without us they would fall down the socialist rabbit hole at light speed

    when will Hunter block jew-joe?

  10. the Irish and Scots among others did it for UK joe for a whole host of reasons. you really don’t know a damn thing

  11. Southron Whites generally sign up for the high risk stuff for a few years, sow their wild oats, live a little adventure and go back home. Few make it a life. Last numbers I saw from the Army said 80% of their combat arms were Southron and White.

    The casualty rates aren’t very high. The risk are what they are, but not nearly as bad as leftist like jew-joe would have people believe

  12. I can’t account for the regional composition of combat units but casualty stats indicate a spread that follows regional recruitment quite closely. There was a map I saw that pinned out who died. It clustered in LA and the greater NY area. Chicago less so. But overlay it with metropolitan city maps and it’s a close fit.

  13. Btw Stone I’m not suggesting that the combat power of the Southerner isn’t a force multiplier. I’d prefer mountain men and highlanders than anything else if I wanted a job done.

  14. No problem Stonelifter. The North would definitely go full bore socialist without the South. Whether it would half way work or not depends on how it was implemented. If it were implemented on a state by state basis then those majority white states would continue to function so long as they stayed white. But soon as they became too non-white then the system would break down. If it were implemented on a national basis then it would quickly fail because the non-whites would exploit it and the white states would be net losers.

  15. That has to be the worry of southern states with high percentages of blacks. Anything that is socialist simply gets abused by blacks. Socialism functions without an undertow. You might not like it but it works okay. No wonder the Southerners fear it so much. Kang Nig would confiscate everything Mugabe style.

  16. Southerners cry and complain about Linclon all the time, but don’t know a damn thing about their own “precious” Judah Philip Benjamin and the big-shot jews in the south who owned the large plantations ( 1,000+slaves) : And how the big-shot jews in the south worked in tandem with the big-shots in the north to get rid of the slave based economic system because the slave system was becoming increasingly unprofitable to them. The war of 1861 was a giant cover-up to transition the economy from a slave-based one to a corporate -monopoly -based -economic system. Immediately after the war, the Robber Barons showed up on the scene. It wasn’t coincidence. It didn’t just happen. The Southern big-shots, both jew and non-jew, are just as responsible for fomenting the war ( southerners fired the first shots after all) and starting the war, and just as responsible for setting the negroes free. The big-shot jew plantation owners ( 1,000 + slaves) didn’t want slaves anymore. They were through with slavery.
    War was fomented as a means to cover all this up. The big shot jews and big shot non-jews down south are the ones who really and truly set their erstwhile black slaves on the south. Yes, Lincoln is responsible also. So were the big shot large plantation owners and so was Judah Philip Benjamin who was the representative* for the big-shot plantation owners. I never heard a southerner speak honestly about this matter. Wonder why?
    * Benjamin was also a member of the Queen’s Council. He was in the employ of the Queen of England while serving as the Secretary of War and the Secretary of State for the Confederacy.
    Are the southerners ever going to come clean about this matter ? Or are the southerners always pretend they’re somehow innocent and somehow victims ? Southerners sound like a bunch of whiny complaining jews to me. You all aren’t innocent. Your ancestors aren’t innocent. If you’re truly victims — then you’re victims of your own southern ancestors more than anything else.

  17. Apuleius, I knew what that link was before I clicked. Great band. Here is link to Isbell doing a great performance of that song live.

  18. A people can’t separate from an “enemy” government if they send so many of their sons to volunteer/join the enemy’s government. It’s real simple to figure out. It’s not complicated to figure out. Doesn’t really matter how many get killed or not. Join the military and one is tied into and connected to the government. If you all think uncle sam is an enemy then stop joining your “enemy” government’s military. It’s a basic and simple thing to figure out.

  19. Washington applied to become an officer in the Regular army. He was tangled up with the crown. You don’t have a good point Joe. Lee was a US Army guy. Mannerheim was an Imperial Russian officer, Arminius was a Roman auxiliary officer. What’s your point?

  20. 100,000 catholic Irish served the crown in WW1 right before Irish independence. Indeed go into the records of any British war before that time and Paddy is there doing his duty. Even now regiments are stuffed full of Irish Catholics.

  21. Joe’s conspiratorial ranting and raving does provide some comic relief in a roundabout way which I doubt Joe is even aware of.

  22. Understood John. I sent an email off to a freind to see if the Army still tracks jobs and where those people come from and if he would give me the info. The last time we spoke on the topic he told me the Army could not make its recruiting goals without the South East

    I think socialism is repugnant to the Southron man because it reduces his individual liberty; is very secular atheist; takes away firearms; destroys our traditions; elevates the govt over the individual; is seen as something European and yankee-ish, weak and foreign; doesn’t pass the Jefferson, Madison Washington test; it’s big govt and interference with our lives where we don’t want it…. My guess is race hardly plays a factor. It’s a visceral and instant reaction of disgust. I know your pro South John, but as an Englishman there is no way you can understand somethings about us just as I cannot understand y’all.

    That’s how I see it White&Confed, expect it’s yankees, you know they’d do it nation wide with some states rushing to be more socialist then the federal minimal requirements

  23. @ more of the same
    Many a truth is said in jest , this is true as Shakespeare rightfully pointed out.
    If one is indoctrinated with lies and bullshit ,then yes, I’d imagine the truth would sound conspiratorial. That’s not a joke : It’s a sad thing. So many deflect from the truth so as not to see their precious icons destroyed. Unfortunately, many of the “precious” icons were painted by bullshit artists. All of our history books are abridged. That’s not a joke.

  24. If the Confederates were working for the Crown, as you suggest, the Royal Navy would have sunk the US fleet to open up the Southern ports for commerce. That’s how they rolled.

  25. @ John
    Never claimed to understand every twist and turn of our culture and our history :Nor have I ever implied such ; Just presenting another way to look at matters. For a bunch of really “tough fighting men”, you all are very thin-skinned about it, as if you’re all scared to be faced with another viewpoint. That’s not a joke : It’s sad.

  26. You all are incapable of debating like men– good luck going up against and fighting the ” the union army” like men. What a joke. You all are sooo honorable and sooo truthful you all run from another point-of-view like scared jackrabbits from the sound of a gun shot.
    Dixie Flag: In Hoc Signo Vinces!* What a joke. You all can’t even conquer your fear of a different point of view — especially if there’s truth in the different point of view.
    * By This Sign We Conquer!

  27. If you click through the links I provided I’ve demonstrated to you that a central point you keep repeating about southerners joining and dying for Uncle Sam in vastly disproportionate numbers is essentially a myth. Southerns might make up a sort of “spear tip” as Stone points out but by and large he suggests that they are not LIFERS either. If the do make up a corps d’elite as Stone suggests they may have their own reasons for doing so. Highlanders and Irish fulfilled the same shock troop role in the British Army but that didn’t stop them from political devolution or Independence respectively. Your assertions have all been picked apart. You are exhausting everyone’s patience.

    You are incapable of debating PERIOD. Let alone like a man.

  28. no we argue here all the time, but attempting to refute shit you make up isn’t debating. We simply don’t see the point in spending much time arguing with a simpleton who couldn’t poor piss out a boot if the instructions were written on the bottom

  29. People join the military for different reasons, Joe. Do you think that minority gang members are joining to defend freedom? How about the Jewish kids I heard on NPR claim that they joined the U.S. military so that they can benefit the IDF and Israel? As for me, my southern father (an ex-Marine) told me to stay clear of the military because it doesn’t serve my interests.

    Btw, men on both sides of my family have fought in every major war going back to the Revolution and beyond. Men in my family have been at Franklin, Gettysburg, Normandy, the Marne, Korea and Vietnam…… I was told to stay away.

  30. My main point was about the large plantation owners (1,000+slaves) working in tandem with the northern big-shots to transition the economy from a slave-based economy to a corporate- based economy and the quick appearance of the Robber Barons right after the war. Judah Benjamin was the representative for the large plantation owners in the south ( plus he was in the employ of the queen of england). My point was how the large plantation owners — the southern big-shots — were just as responsible for unleashing their erstwhile black slaves on the south as was Lincoln.
    You all are still avoiding all the points trying to deflect from the truth that your own southern ancestors ( in cahoots with northern big-shots) are the ones who unleashed the negro slaves on the south because they no longer found slavery to be as profitable as in the past, and so transitioned from a slave-based economy to a corporate-based-robber-baron economy. The transition took place during the turmoil of the war. That’s why the war of 1861 was fomented and started in the very first place: The Very Exact Reason The War Was Fomented And Started In The Very First Place ; And plenty of southern big-shots were responsible and involved in putting an end to the slave system and setting the blacks free. It’s the truth. Deal with it or not. Not my problem if you all can’t deal with the truth.

  31. your point makes no sense jew-joe because the planter class was devastated from the war. that’s why no one debates you. your ramblings make no damn sense

  32. Joe, you sound like a Larouchite now. The Confederacy was functioning on behalf of the Crown. It’s couldn’t have simply been white people not wishing to live among freed black could it?

    Admittedly slaving nigs and bringing them here was a mistake but the reasons for bleeding kansas etc etc are quite clear. Southern whites didn’t want feral nigs walking around free to loot, rob, rape, murder … The slave owners may have put them in that position but there you are. Johnny Reb was predicting our present predicament.

  33. Joe, you don’t seem to understand what the Southerners here and myself if they’d have me are fighting for.

    Its called freedom, not liberty in the sense of a particular style of governance, though some of that is part of what they want but the same thing everyone wants, to be governed by their own customs and peoples.

    A movie analogy, from the execrable Braveheart — its not that Longshanks was a poor King, he was quite capable its just he was not a Scot. As an Englishman he could not, would not ever understand what it is to be a Scot and as such was not fit to govern them.

    Now certainly over time people can become another culture, depends on where and how close they were to start but thats called assimilation and it only works with small numbers of best if invited outsiders.

    That however is not the issue, whats in play is simple. The Southerners want to run their own affairs on their own lands without the meddling do-gooder Damn Yankees.

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