2012 League of the South National Conference


The League of the South is holding their national conference near Montgomery on July 21-22.

This is practically on my doorstep. Although I haven’t registered, I will almost certainly attend this time.

I’ve seen enough over the last two years to give up on the Union. I don’t believe John McCain or Mitt Romney are capable of turning this ship around. Eight years of George W. Bush inspired even less confidence.

Anyone else planning to go?

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Hunter – I’m sorry that you didn’t make it to the Council Conference – but I hope that you have a wonderful time, at the LOS. I’m sorry I can’t make that one.

    Southerners are the BEST people.

  2. Could you propose to them to establish a “Golden Dawn” vision for the ENTIRE USA?

    Or can we have a ‘League of the Northmen’ up here? I just found out that MN is ‘voting’ on a ‘gay marriage’ amendment later this year- and that bunches of sodomites and lezbeans have ‘moved here’ to ‘influence’ the vote. It’s as bad (and of the same ideology) as illegal aliens being able to vote! I mean, what right to fags and dykes have telling us that WE need to change OUR definition of marriage, when God made it a covenant/sacrament?

    Oh, dear God, Smite them all. Starting with Barney Frank. And then Anderson Cooper; and Ellen Degenerate, and Rosie O’Dykenall.

  3. Hunter – sorry I missed you. WE missed you. We had a marvelous time. Haughty Blonde, and cohorts, were very sorry not to have met you in person.

    Too bad about the accident. I’m glad to hear that you are un-injured. Good luck onthe new car thing!

    FYI- I saw a great sign, in WV, on my return trip. There was a huge billboard bearing the legend “Get Rid of NoJobama” just over the WV border. It was put up by some sort of coal miner’s group. I must do some research.

  4. Yep, I will be there, crackers. It’s just a short drive for me from my home in South GA to the Conference.

    I hope you can make it HW. I believe that you will find many of the members to be of like mind.

  5. I’m going to try and attend, its right up the road from me. I’ve got so much going on work wise, it was difficult to make to the CofCC conf. Denise I regret not having the pleasure of meeting you, I enjoy your comments. I was there with my family, but I was in and out of the meetings frequently. My oldest daughter attended with me while my wife and other children went shopping and to the Grand Ole Opry, that was the only way she would agree to come with me if she could go shopping:). I was wearing a grey jacket. Friday after the meeting we visited Andrew Jackson’s home, http://www.thehermitage.com/. What an incredible man and president. If only Romney had his conviction of ideas, and character.

  6. I wrote a short post about Marriage:

    FYI- I saw a great sign, in WV, on my return trip. There was a huge billboard bearing the legend “Get Rid of NoJobama” just over the WV border. It was put up by some sort of coal miner’s group. I must do some research.

    Denise, West Virginia has been and will always be the land of people who do the jobs nobody else wants to do. Coal mines, power plants, steel mills, chemical production. Remember the Bhopal gas leak in India, Union Carbide owned an even bigger plant in West Virginia that made the same thing. Gone. Just like the company. Sued out of existence. Power plants shutting down. Who the fuck is going to keep the light on in the shitholes of Baltimore, DC, and Killadelphia? Because that is where West Virginia produced power goes. No mining permits have been issued in years. Patriot Coal filed bankruptcy Monday night. Wheeling Pittsburgh Steel, Weirton Steel gone. Ormet (in Ohio) gone but because of a huge power cost increase after the power plant that supplied them shut down.

    I wish you had taken a picture. Do you know where it was? I messaged a coal friend about it.

  7. I wrote a short post about Marriage:

    FYI- I saw a great sign, in WV, on my return trip. There was a huge billboard bearing the legend “Get Rid of NoJobama” just over the WV border. It was put up by some sort of coal miner’s group. I must do some research.

    Denise, West Virginia has been and will always be the land of people who do the jobs nobody else wants to do. Coal mines, power plants, steel mills, chemical production. Remember the Bhopal gas leak in India, Union Carbide owned an even bigger plant in West Virginia that made the same thing. Gone. Just like the company. Sued out of existence. Power plants shutting down. Who the fuck is going to keep the light on in the shitholes of Baltimore, DC, and Killadelphia? Because that is where West Virginia produced power goes. No mining permits have been issued in years. Patriot Coal filed bankruptcy Monday night. Wheeling Pittsburgh Steel, Weirton Steel gone. Ormet (in Ohio) gone but because of a huge power cost increase after the power plant that supplied them shut down.

    I wish you had taken a picture. Do you know where it was? I messaged a coal friend about it.

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