About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Mittens really is trying to do everything he can to destroy the GOP and get Obama re-installed, is he not?

  2. So this is how we’re going to “take back America”? With a Yankee liberal governor of Massachusetts with an affirmative action negress sidekick from Alabama?

    Who promises to expand legal immigration, sign new free trade agreements, and put the neocons back in charge of foreign policy? LMAO.

  3. The Republicans are lazy, cowardly idiots. As long as they can watch football and eat fast food we’re still the greatest country on Earth! Despicable.

  4. Did you take the drudge poll? Majority says he should pick Condi.

    Does he actually think this is going to make a difference in the black vote? It simply makes him look like the pandering politician he is. Why didn’t he pick a winderful Hispanic to pander to the mexican vote? Plenty of people who follow insanity hannity and bum rush would like to see Rubio on the ticket.

    Whites are screwed. We won’t band together for fear of losing our job, a valid fear I must admit, and we have no one in policptics brave enough to look out for white interests.

  5. Don’t freak out, it’s just the Summer no news time.

    And again, I note that the VP doesn’t have any powers except to break a tie in the US Senate.

    If it does come off that this token Republican Black women gets nominated as VP, we’ll have to expose it for lying pandering that doesn’t win the GOP any votes.

    The GOP is called “the Stupid Party”, so most of this VP talk is really stupid.

  6. That convinces me! I’m joining with Chris and voting Willard/Lateisha to save the European-American man!

  7. It just gets better and better.

    BTW, Marco Rubio is Cuban and Mexicans loathe Cubans. If he picks Rubio, most of the Hispanic vote will still go to SuperCoon.

  8. He picked Rice, for what, and extra 1% of the black vote?

    He is losing intentionally, they can’t be this effin stupid.

  9. If the VP pick is Rice or Rubio, there is no way that I am voting for Romney. I’m not inclined to vote for him as things stand now. There would have to be a dramatic change between now and November.

  10. The comments at The Blaze are most depressing. People are so blind and lost. We’re fucked.

    I wish it weren’t true.

  11. Clueless Peggy Noonan column:


    The 2012 presidential election is unusual. It is a crisis election like 1932 or 1980, with the American people knowing we’re at a turning point and knowing that who we pick now really matters. But crisis elections tend to bring drama—a broad sense of excitement and passion. We’re not seeing that this year. We’re not seeing passionate proclamations from supporters of one candidate or the other that their guy is just right for the moment, their guy is the answer. I’m speaking of the excitement of deep belief: “FDR will save the day.” “Reagan will turn it around.”

    President Obama’s supporters don’t talk like that, or think it. Neither do most of Mitt Romney’s. It’s all so subdued.

    What is behind the general lack of passion?

    Loss of faith in the system?

  12. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702304050304577375851104232184.html

    Did you loathe and detest the Bush administration? If so, you’d probably say its ideas were horrible and their execution worse. Did you not loathe and detest the Bush administration? In that case, you might say its ideas were pretty good—only the execution often left something to be desired.

    Now the person who did much of the executing tops a list of names to be Mitt Romney’s running mate. A mid-April CNN poll finds that former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has unmatched name recognition and a favorable rating of 80% among GOP voters. She’s also the person Republicans would most like to see on the ticket, with 26% to runner-up Rick Santorum’s 21%. New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio tie for third place at 14%. . .

    There’s only one problem. Ms. Rice was a bad national security adviser and a bad secretary of state. She was on the wrong side of some of the administration’s biggest internal policy fights. She had a tendency to flip-flop when it came to the president’s core priorities and her political misjudgment more than once cost Mr. Bush dearly. She was a muddler of differences at the national security council. Her tenure at State was notable mainly for the degree to which the bureaucracy ran her, not the other way around.

  13. It’s really okay, folks. The sooner the Republicans die, the earlier our people get their national voice back. This is why the Rs are actually a bigger enemy than the Ds. The Ds are the known enemy; the Rs mask to our people as our friend.

  14. At the time I was for Gore and Kerry…

    Bush opened up a can of Worms. He’s like the forerunner of the abomination of desolation.

  15. Yes, Mexicans hate cubans, especially Criollos like Rubio.

    …there are no mestizos trained up to read a TelePrompTer and pretend to be smart enough, yet.

    I cannot believe I didn’t see the Condi possibility coming. It was so damn perfectly predictable for these pussies in the GOP. #ghey

  16. My theory is that these down time Summer days are the planned days for the Romney campaign to get the Black pandering out of their system.

    Yesterday it was Romney pandering to the NAACP, today it is leaks about C. Rice being on the short list for VP.

    These trial balloons are getting shot down.

    This is as bad as it’s going to get.

  17. Rice was actually a better SecState then Clinton is. The charge that the State Dept ran her is true of every SecState; it’s just a question of degree.

  18. She is the only nigger who would vote for Mitt. Even then, once she is in the privacy of the voting booth don’t count on her keeping true.

  19. Just wow … he goes to the NAACP, tells them that he wants to use public education funds to integrate predominately White suburban schools, and they boo and laugh at him, and he is at 1 percent in the polls with blacks … and the very next day, we hear that he is talking up Congoleeza Rice as VP!

  20. If Romney is showing no regard for us now, what do you suppose he will do if he wins and no longer needs our votes?

  21. Does Virgil Goode look good yet?

    It could be worse:

    Eric Holder, Joe Lieberman, Tim Wise, Kim Jong-il. But it’s not gonna happen because they have scruples and wouldn’t cross party lines.

    Anyone who believes that Romney is picking the VP all by himself is a complete idiot.

  22. There is something about the DNA of the gop these days that makes them want to take the “moral high ground” and consider losing with honor a victory. They are freaking crazy for it as a collection of people on a national level

  23. Who in the hell would vote Romney anyway, regardless of his possible token VP.

    White America has no political solution.

    Maybe it’s time to do it?

  24. When GOP voters no longer vote based on being perceived as PC, the GOP may have a chance.

    For now, the party’s as good as finished as a Presidential option.

    At the state level, the GOP may still have a heartbeat, and there is a fundamental divide between state and federal candidates. Please consider this in November.

  25. Let’s suppose Romney loses against an unpopular incumbent in a depressed economy.

    What will the GOP leadership take away from this loss–that they should become more Politically Correct or less?

  26. What about a Pennsylvanian or and Ohioan or a Virginian? Humdrum geographic calculus. He can even be a Zionist! No no no…a sow instead ?

  27. I smell a Bay Buchanan angle in this stuff – what’s Romney’s wife like on racial matters?

    I will write an article about the wives and relatives of White pussyfooters. These wives and relatives of GOP White candidates like to be accepted in New York, Washington, Ivy League social circuits. They don’t like for their husbands or their families to be called “racists” – Bay Buchanan was the driving force that made her brother Pat Buchanan pick the Black John Birch Society woman for his Presidential VP.

  28. Eric Holder is basically the only reason to vote for Romney. Still, we aren’t “taking back America”, so throwing him out would be worth it to me.

  29. The difference between Romney and Buchanan is that there is absolutely nothing that recommends Romney whereas Buchanan knows quite clearly where we are going, has written about our decline in detail, and would have certainly acted on his own ideas if he had been elected president.

  30. IMO, this is turning out to be even worse than McCain 2008.

    Romney is running purely on his ability to turn the economy around … and his plan to do it is through signing new free trade agreements! Even Bush milked the fag marriage issue to get himself reelected in 2004.

  31. What will the GOP leadership take away from this loss–that they should become more Politically Correct or less?

    They will strive to be more politically correct. It’s what they’ve done after all their defeats. Past actions are indicative of future actions

  32. I’m still rooting for Chris Christie. He’s a good tri-stater and would hopefully bring home the bacon scraps he doesn’t gobble up himself; lovable chunkified guy that he is. Condoleeza or a ‘good southron’ would just be a twist of two different knives.

    Laurel & Hardy 2012!

  33. Sigh… And comments like those on this thread are why I am not a “white nationalist”. WN’s are such a bunch of panicky, hysterical school-children, that it’s frigging shameful.


    So the Drudge Report puts some sourceless rumor on their page, and the white right starts wetting itself and cursing the heavens. Really, the Drudge Report? And how many times have they been completely off the mark? Hell, the Drudge Report might just as well say that I’m fucking Kate Upton behind Justin Verlander’s back, too.

    Now if Romney actually picks the sheboon, then I’ll eat my words and stay home Nov 6, but until then, I’m going to support the white candidate versus the white-hating nigger fuax-president.

  34. Romney may be floating a trial balloon to gauge the reaction. If he did choose her it
    dampens much of of the criticism from the press. He’ll gain as many as 2-3 votes from blacks and a few from feminists giddy over the fact she is female and black. Queer too?

    Freepers, Limbaugh, Hannity, Belling etc. are not excited over Romney who was way, way down on the list of Presidential hopefuls. But they all LOVE Congoleeza. They are doing cartwheels and setting off firecrackers.

    Here is what she said last month.

    June 26, 2012 8:06 AM
    (CBS News) Condoleezza Rice is not interested in being Mitt Romney’s running mate.
    In an interview with “CBS This Morning,” the former secretary of state said, “There is no way that I will do this,” when asked if she would accept a position as the No. 2 on this year’s Republican presidential ticket.

    “Charlie, I didn’t run for student council president. I don’t see myself in any way in elected office. I love policy. I’m not particularly fond of politics,” she told host Charlie Rose, adding that she thinks Romney has “terrific judgment.”

    Pressed on whether she would turn it down if asked, she said, “I’m saying there is no way that I will do this, because it’s really not me. I know my strengths, and governor Romney needs to find someone who wants to run with him.”

    “There are many people who will do it very, very well, and I’ll support the ticket,” she said.

  35. I don’t think Romney will be dumb enough to pick Condoleeza Rice. I think what we are seeing is the usual Jewish troublemakers in the media trying to force the Republicans to pick an unsuitable VP candidate. One of the reasons that McCain piked Sarah Palin in 2008 is that the Jewish media kept going on and on about how badly he was doing with female voters.

  36. If he did choose her it dampens much of of the criticism from the press.

    No it won’t. The Jewish media will just find some other reason to attack him.

    He’ll gain as many as 2-3 votes from blacks and a few from feminists giddy over the fact she is female and black.

    But he will lose even more white votes. Romney needs as many white votes as he can get on election day. Picking Rice will just reduce white voter turnout.

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