SNN Podcast: Mark Vogl and Rainbow Confederates

South Carolina

I recently appeared on the SNN podcast to respond to Mark Vogl and the broader group of people who I call “Rainbow Confederates.” In the podcast, I criticized the Vogl’s embrace of anti-slavery and anti-racism and explained why it is non-starter for the Southern movement.

Note: After speaking to the NAACP National Convention in Houston, Mitt Romney is at 1 percent with the black vote.

About Hunter Wallace 12398 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. @ Hunter

    Did you do your rap about the Gay Confederates? If so I want to listen to the podcast. LOL. Paste a link.

  2. It’s the most absurd position. First they want us to apologize for slavery, Jim Crow and so on; then after irretrievably associating the South and the ‘evils’ of slavery/racism expect white Southerners to join you. Why would anyone with any sense jump on the guilt train? It takes a masochist to seek out the chance to grovel and do penance.

  3. I would have to say that this is one of the issues that sets apart Southern activists in the League of the South who are pro-white and who refuse to apologize for the past versus those in the kosher Confederate groups like the SCV who constantly apologize for slavery and who work to paint the old South as a diversity wonderland.

    Mr. Vogl, I hope you are reading this blog.

    Slavery isn’t a sin. Neither is racism. Stop adopting the same rhetoric as those who would have our displacement and subjugation. These sins are completely contrived, courtesy of Christianity post-cultural marxist triumph.

  4. Anti-slavery make complete sense: slavery gave some whites comfort for a few hundred years, at the cost of a potential genocide of all whites a few hundred years later.

    Anti-racism makes no sense; as it is merely a code word for anti-white.

  5. A salute to you Hunter and Michael for your excellent responses to Vogel.

    Refuting the multicultural Confederate nonsense from a pro-South perspective truly is the most unique and important service this blog provides. You are giving the Confederates and generations of departed Southerners who can no longer speak for themselves their voice back.

    I hope one day you do get to rename the blog like you have mentioned several times before because it would serve to break the blog from its pan-white nationalist past and cement it as a champion of the Southern American people.

    I also encourage you to keep working from inside the framework of Christianity and by Christianity I mean the Christianity of the South as it once existed which was a Christianity that recognized the reality of separate nations. As a native of the South you know the religious nature of the Southern people. The bulk of the people of the South will never embrace any concept that is seen as openly at war with Christianity. If there is a return to the racial views of the past it must be made possible for Southerners to view it through a Christian filter and in accordance with the Bible. Indeed from a secessionist perspective that seeks to weaken not strengthen the bonds between the South and the rest of the United States the Christian vs. infidel angle is another excellent wedge to smash things to pieces with.

  6. I have gay friends who support the Confederacy and fly the Confederate pride. In my opinion, northern and southern “holy men” who claim that gays are going to hell is just stupid, and when Southerners do it, it makes the Confederate cause look homophobic to the rest of the country. I’m a proud Confederate and I’m far from homophobic. If my son or daughter wants to be who they are or act a certain way, I’ll incourage them to do so. God loves us all. Enough of that religious hate that makes our cause look back.

    God bless the South, for ALL Southerners. Good day

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