About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I figure he’ll pick come one he thinks will deliver a mid-western state with a lot of electoral votes. Not sure who fits that bill. His camp probably floated rice’s name out there as a cheap “shout out” to women and negros since rice said she won’t run and is a PC two fer

  2. A lot of Whites especially older Whites like Romney are stuck in 1968 thinking. For them race relations are still Black and White and if somehow we could fix that it would be all right.

    Thats not the case of course, its a lot more complicated in a Balkans kind of way now that its Black, White, Brown and Yellow — and yeah Yellow is civilized after a fashion they aren’t Whites and for the most part as all peoples are, are on their own side.

    However it will take a little while to get this fixed in peoples heads as Upton Sinclair famously put it.

    It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his job depends on not understanding it.

    However it will happen, just as the comforting and easy US vs. The Reds worlds gave s the more complex modern one so will the Bi-Color one lead to a more complex one and hopefully from there to a White only nation.

  3. What will the GOP leadership take away from this loss–that they should become more Politically Correct or less?

    The GOP almost always responds to any defeat by moving to the left. If Romney loses then they will pick someone even more liberal in 2016. Maybe even a Jew.

  4. You can’t blame Romney too much. As a politician he can’t get too far out in front of his base. If he does, it’s too easy for the MSM to portray him as an extremist and marginalize him. Until there are mass demonstrations of explicit white racial consciousness, no politician will attempt to serve us. When was the last mass demonstration by whites in favor of their own interests? The march depicted in Birth of a Nation? Until whites protest en masse in Washington and some state capitols nothing will change. In other words, Romney is a mirror reflecting our relative levels of whimpiness at the moment.

  5. Holy Shit! Chris is fucking Kate Upton? I didn’t know Kate Upton had a penis! Maybe Kate should run with mitt so a male genitalia is somewhere on the ticket.

  6. Admirer says:
    Until there are mass demonstrations of explicit white racial consciousness, no politician will attempt to serve us. When was the last mass demonstration by whites in favor of their own interests? The march depicted in Birth of a Nation? Until whites protest en masse in Washington and some state capitols nothing will change.

    Good point!

  7. We tried the mass demonstration of White interest in 1861. damnyankees took a disliking to it

  8. Stone,

    I’m afraid a lot of contemporary Wyatt Mann’s have not really fully understood the Confederates, good bless their heroics.

    The last time Anglo dared to stand up for themselves, they were invaded and slaughtered then enslaved by other whites to benefit blacks.

    What is it that WN types in other regions don’t get?

  9. “Until whites protest en masse in Washington and some state capitols nothing will change.”

    Tea Partiers and Occupiers have demonstrated that is a great waste of time and energy.

    Stonelifter added: “We tried the mass demonstration of White interest in 1861.”

  10. The ultimate peaceful demonstration tactic of Secession did not sway the Tyrants who (unfortunately for the demonstrators) had more guns than the demonstrators.

  11. @ Jack Ryan: “My theory is that these down time Summer days are the planned days for the Romney campaign to get the Black pandering out of their system. Yesterday it was Romney pandering to the NAACP, today it is leaks about C. Rice being on the short list for VP. These trial balloons are getting shot down. This is as bad as it’s going to get.”

    I agree, and will now go out even further on this limb:

    Don’t we have better, more practical things to discuss than the IMPOSSIBLE absurdity of HER becoming his VP nominee? It costs us nothing to at least VOTE for the white Presidential candidate.

  12. If he chooses Condaleeza or Rubio, he has lost my vote.
    I will still vote local and just vote against any name that looks jewish or wetback.
    Here in Vegas, no one on any ballot is worth a damn.
    The jews run this place from top to bottom.

  13. there is a hidden cost in voting for Romney, which is it puts no long term pressure on either political party to take the interests of White men serious

    Like I said before, I will not criticize anyone for voting for Romney or whoever. All options suck ass, but lets be clear on the options and tactics involved

  14. and the initial stages of secession where peaceful on the the Southron side. I know the books like to spin the tale we just started shooting at the dmanyankees but that’s not how it went

  15. Romney is actually worse than McCain because of the Mormon angle. White Christians could at least vote for a Christian in McCain, and for most of us, that’s still important.

  16. Col. West and Bobby Jindhal are more popular than Ms. Rice at Free Republic. She is suspected of voting for Obama and was trashed in books written by Dick Cheney and Rumsfeld.


    Christy gets the nod from those who want an attack dog to do Romney’s heavy lifting.
    Most want somebody/anybody who is more conservative than Romney.

  17. Mosin Nagant: It costs us nothing to at least VOTE for the white Presidential candidate.

    How many times do you plan this lie? Voting for this White presidential candidate will cost us dearly. It will put a person who hates Whites like us, the wrong kind of Whites, into the WH where he will use the power of the presidency to serve everyone’s interests but our own.

  18. Lew says:
    Mosin Nagant: It costs us nothing to at least VOTE for the white Presidential candidate.

    “How many times do you plan this lie?”

    An opinion differing from yours is not automatically a lie.

    “Voting for this White presidential candidate will cost us dearly. It will put a person who hates Whites like us, the wrong kind of Whites, into the WH where he will use the power of the presidency to serve everyone’s interests but our own.”

    I would say the current president and his supporters fit your description perfectly. In my opinion they are infinitely worse.

    Obama proves it every day.

  19. It would have been better stated: “How many times must you repeat your wrong position and advice about voting for Romney?”

  20. I’m probably much less convinced about voting for Romney than you seem to be about not doing so.

  21. However, I will continue to express my OPINIONS here that non-voting is a waste and a poor habit and example; that voting for any OTHER THAN Romney (in MOST states, as it appears now) will be helpful to Obama; that another victory and mandate for the usurper (?) President would be probably slightly MORE harmful to us than the genetically white alternative; that the sudden collapse hoped for by many is not assured EITHER way, although a continued decline at least is certain; that it is still possible for a democratic solution to reverse the decline IF the white majority (still so in most states) chooses to awaken; that immorality and apostasy is the root cause of the decline and willful ignorance of the white population.

  22. you say that Mosin, and yet you cannot point to results that prove your point.

    What do Romney fans expect from him that will be different then obama. I don’t see any from a practical standpoint, expect maybe taxes. Maybe. The way I figure it is congress will matter most on taxes and fire arm laws, but past that, they are both the same

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