About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Hunter-

    I found the Wilmot Robertson quote:

    “In spite of the greater number of northern casualties, the war’s dysgenic effects fell much more heavily on the South. The North had a population of 22,000,000, nearly all white, as against the 12,000,000 in the South, one third of whom were slaves. The Southern officer class, in reckless chivalry, was decimated, while in the North the purchase of substitutes was a thriving business. Seventeen percent of the Confederate generals were killed, compared to 2.5 percent of the Union generals” (Robertson 81).

    To the South’s credit, however, their recruitment policy was far more fair: “The cost in blood to the Union…was paid chiefly by the poorer classes and by those without much education and influence. The Confederacy, by contrast, enacted draft laws which bore on rich and poor equally.”
    -Nathaniel Weyl, “The Creative Elite in America”

  2. I’ve been cheerleader for a national chimp out following an Obama loss in November but these are the kind of whites that will suffer just to bring light to the problems our ancestors acknowledged centuries ago.

  3. Tom,

    we need a Grand Chimpout.

    Not this steady drip drip. The cops need to be set loose among the apes to cull them.

  4. Good point Stone, there’s no point in attempting to discipline one likE you would a human. What you should do is avoid the groid.

    Only the crassly naive would attempt to modify their behaviours.

  5. Folks, they aren’t defeating us with chimp outs; it’s demographics, the “cold equations”. It’s the fact that whites have fewer children at an older age and that more babies born today in America are anti-white, rather than white. Is not California already “majority minority”? In other words, a white nation must by definition be carved out of the United States of America.

    Nor can we win by reactively suppressing chimp outs, though I realize instinct tells you that is a kick ass thing to do. In fact, this approach is why we are in the position we are now and why they are in the ascendancy. It reminds me of kill counts and free fire zones in Viet Nam: we didn’t win, we lost. In order to win, you need the moral high ground and moral unity. (no 60s without Viet Nam, by the way, no Obama without Iraq – think about it… no blacks and browns without slavery and colonialism – “kicking ass” has back-fired.)

    Bob Whitaker’s Mantra has been such a success for remoralization, and Obama has done wonders for white unity. Romney, in contrast, can only manage to divide whites; a chimp out, no matter how grand, is not worth the cost of whites going back to sleep and thinking that everything will be solved by electoral politics.

    Instinct pleases us, especially the instinct for comfort, but ultimately kills us.

  6. I’m sure John, that since she was use to brow beating the White men in her life “with love” she thought negros would demonstrate the same kind of physical restraint White men show to annoying bitches. She paid the price for her feminism

  7. Whites today are like mariners of old who couldn’t swim. If you go overboard you die. I cannot comprehend how a person could get onto a boat without knowing how to swim first, and I cannot comprehend how whites can traverse this sea of madness called America without knowing the basics for surviving around blacks. Why the hell didn’t she just stay away? As soon as she saw the black she should have switched into avoidance mode.

  8. “I’m sure John, that since she was use to brow beating the White men in her life “with love” she thought negros would demonstrate the same kind of physical restraint White men show to annoying bitches. She paid the price for her feminism”


    Liberalism is self-defeating.

    I prefer to use the term “suicidal” myself.

  9. Sean that is sadly very funny.

    I wonder how many hollywood girl power movies she’d seen in her lifetime? Generally I hold a very well earned low opinion of Western White women. However, getting shot is kind of extreme way to fix their stupidity. And yes a woman confronting a strange male is stupid.

    Afterthought, you got the 1st part of your post right, but missed the call on Vietnam. Moral superiority doesn’t mean shit compared to fire superiority. The problem was we didn’t prosecute the war in a winnable manner for a sustain period of time. When we did, the NVA would hit the negotiating table. We’d back off for political reasons and they would gain ground. They held on while we lost the political will power. Now the same “smart” guys are doing the same failed things in A-stan

  10. If the nigs do megachimp, a lot of cops and private citizens will have a turkeyshoot. There’s enough resentment.

  11. I have no idea why ya’ll are excited for a chimpout?? The police will defend and protect the chimps not us..

    Can’t you all understand that this is the most anti-white government ever..and it will get worse..the only white alpha males we have are conviently deployed overseas..

  12. If Romney wins by a whisker the apes will wrath.

    They will have to be supressed.

    I can’t say I’m jazzed about Romney but he might be useful. He’s already baited the NAACP quite cleverly. Booing a guest is a bad optic.

  13. General Stonelifter war is moral superiority in WWII we had it and demolished two countries and did not give a fig, in Vietnam we got half steps because in part we lacked moral highground and therefor defeat.

    For crying out loud the web warriors spent the Bush years telling us how the insurgents could not be beat because in 4th Gen warfare they had the moral persuasion amongst their ranks. Then the General LeMays would blow a gasket and the rest of the population said “Eff it, I’m voting for the black man.”

  14. The black panthers* Declared War against White America from a podium they set up in Sanford, Florida. NOT ONE authority figure, on any level of government, said anything about the DECLARATION OF WAR by the black panthers against White Americans :
    Silence means Assent and Approval —> Assent and Approval means Green Light ———> Green Light means you’re Good To Go !
    As A DECLARATION OF WAR has already been declared ; As ALL government officials have given the DECLARATION OF WAR Tacit Assent and Approval ; As Holder Upholds the “Right” of the black panthers to Stop White Americans From Voting — At The Point Of Machine Guns ! : It would be wise for ALL White Americans to be Very Prepared and Ready to protect themselves and their families as there’s a possibility of massive violence around election time.
    When a people DECLARE WAR, they usually mean it. It would only take one phone call by Holder to the black panthers to get THE WAR started.
    * the black panthers were founded, are funded , and are controlled by the communists in NYC, Chicago, San Francisco/Oakland, and Washington DC. The communists are ascendant in Washington. The black panthers are a type of army for the communists who are ascendant in Washington. The black panthers have units/divisions in every American city and in many suburbs . Anything can happen during the upcoming election.
    The old adage, [Prepare For The Worst, and hope for the best] is Very Applicable to the situation White Americans face this upcoming election. Please Prepare Yourselves.
    At the first sign of trouble, pull your children out of any integrated school Immediately!
    At the first sign of trouble, get any elderly relative out of any city/town/neighborhood conducive to rioting Immediately!
    Children and the Elderly will be The First to be attacked if there’re riots and massive violence.

  15. These punks are trained by their “leaders” to intimidate whites and so he was doing what he was trained to do so yet another city falls to the thuggish black politicians of the Democratic party.

  16. Not sure what your point is RRS. We won WW2 because we had more power and the will to use it. That’s what wins wars. We will not win in hajji land because “we” set up untenable goals, won’t take the necessary steps and won’t use the necessary force. Which is why we’ve had problems from Korea forward. The “war” over here would have been over a long time ago if we were as ruthless to the hajjis as we were to the Japs and Germans.

    There is no morality to it. It’s force and the will to use it.

    The black panthers have been declaring war on White people off and on my whole life. Same old same old.

    Luckily for most folks, the govt responsible for putting down a chimp-out will be local cops not feds,. I think the wish to see a chimp out stems from the belief that it will wake up large numbers of White folk. Not sure how that follows because I don’t live in a place where many folks buy into thinking that negros are misunderstood, oppressed etc

  17. No wonder “we” keep losing wars. I bet I could put the entire general staff and those like it in a room and let them watch Col Kurtz’s soliquy on “morality” and they would come off sounding like Rumsfeld or his Vietnam era doppleganger, and miss the entire point.

    Now this is a problem, we listen to the Generals like Stonelifter and ilk, and while it sounds exciting talking about “firepower” and other tech war points we miss the entire point about morality.

    If you are in the moral right then you can sic the generals and their techie toys on the baddies, till then it is just another circle jerk.

  18. @ Stonelifter and All Readers
    It’s not “the same old, the same old”. Not at all. The last time the black panthers declared war against White Americans was back in the 1960’s. They then proceeded to burn down the South Bronx and burn down other areas of many cities around the USA.
    The black panthers were in abeyance since the 1970’s. They’re now back on stage since the Trayvon/Zimmerman incident.
    The black panthers last declaration of war against White Americans was in the 60’s when they burned down large areas of American cities. They have not declared war since then (not until the spring of this year). They do not declare war “off and on”. Again, they haven’t declared war since the 60’s. That can not be truly labeled “off and on”.
    Again, the last time they declared war was in the 1960’s ( 50 years ago). When they did declare war in the 60’s, they meant it. They burned down many areas of many cities. And that was at a time the government wasn’t totally communist, and not totally supportive of the black panthers as the government is today.
    To All Readers:
    Please be prepared for the worst. It’s alot better to be on the safe side than to shrug it off like Stonelifter does. He’s wrong when he says the black panthers declare war “off and on”. They declared war against white Americans only once before, back in the 1960’s. After Declaring War, they burned down many areas of many American cities. Then they went into abeyance. Didn’t hear from the black panthers very much since the 1970’s .
    Stonelifter doesn’t know what he’s talking about as concerns the black panthers.

  19. What brilliant reasoning, again I swear to god, how are the “local” cops going to be any different from the Fedgov. All this swaggering BS from all these generals and gun nuts is a joke. They can send in a skinny girl into this mix and all she would have to do is call them “racist” and all their guns might as well be flower bouquets.

    I know a guy with literally a basement full of “guns” and he is a tough talker with all this “we” shit that Amuuricans like to spew. He could be drug up onto a stage in front of a crowd and a little harmless girl who wouldn’t know a bullet from a ballet could break him within a minute. (a minute)

  20. Well Joe go get yer guns, hide in the basement, watch “Red Dawn”, and just pray to god they don’t send in someone to call you “racist.”

  21. @RobRoySimmons and All readers :
    I will not hide in my basement or anyone else’s basement for that matter . I don’t need, nor do I have any inclination, to watch a hollywood movie* as any kind of way
    [ a rather puerile, inarticulate way at that] to know the truth of the situation as concerns the black panthers.
    I will not pray to god, or to the gods, so others may not call me names. I don’t give a shit about any names anyone may call me.
    I grew up in the Bronx at a time the black panthers were burning down the South Bronx in the 1960’s. I wrote my post(s) as a Warning to my fellow White Americans about the black panthers. I know what I’m taking about. I stand behind every word I said.
    I have only one gun, if that’s a matter you’re concerned about ( or as you feign to be concerned about ). One gun is enough for me. I know how to use it. I aim well. I also know very well how to protect myself, gun or no gun. You needn’t be concerned. If by chance, I make a mistake in any way as to protecting myself– I’ll pay the price of my mistake. It won’t in any way effect your life.
    In the meantime, I Stand By Every Word I said about the black panthers and the importance of White Americans to be prepared for the upcoming election.
    * Don’t know anything about the movie, “Red Dawn”. Don’t know what the movie is about or if it concerns the black panthers or not. Neither am I the least bit interested in knowing. Not the least bit interested in talking hollywood movies when discussing the fact the black panthers Declared War against White Americans : This is alot more important — and greatly affects White Americans.
    Hollywood movies: End of discussion as far as I’m concerned.

  22. ok RRS, now I understand your point and agree. I think. The decision to go to war is moral or not but once you deiced the morality is out the window. At that point moral is victory for the lowest cost possible in money and friendly lives. I fully support the civilian command of the military in the sense I do not want soldiers making the call on what is a moral reason to go to war, but once that call is made, civilian leadership should give very clear goals and get out of the way

    That’s how it would in an ideal world, I think, but in practical terms morality doesn’t keep your troops from harm or make your weapon systems for effective or your bombs more accurate. It counts for nothing

    I was never higher rank then a captain (03) and the largest unti I commanded was an infantry line company (paratroopers). I have no regard for generals. It’s a political positions and not a statement on the mans ability to lead or win. In fact, at one point officers with no combat time stood a better chance of earning stars then officers with combat time. or so I was told in advance school. I do not know if that is still true or not.

    I can’t see my local sheriffs office standing by and letting negros go feral. If for no other reason then he would lose his job next election. Also, it could be his house burnt down, his wife’s small business looted etc etc. As far as I know, most of the deputies live in the county as well. He is/ they are one of us and would pay the price for inaction. They’ll start of with less than lethal stuff and follow their guide lines, wont “cleanse” any areas or what not, but I doubt they” stand by while negros burn the place down. It is there place too. With that said, you can also count on him and the county DA to go after you if they think your shooting was unjustifiable and there would be no free reign to act out, so to speak.

    What’s your evidence local sheriffs and “gun nuts” won’t act? A whole lot of average guy “gun nuts” put a permanent end to a whole lot of feral negros when their loved ones are threatened. I’m fair certain arm citizens drop more negros then cops. If I remember correctly according to Gary Kleck, something like 800,000 to 2.5 million crimes are stopped by citizens with firearms every year, with 8% of those events ending in the criminal being shot or killed. That’s a damn good track record of folks protecting their own and speaks well for White people defending themselves

    I also live in a county with many bets, combat vets, paratroopers and SF. Active and retired. Also not a group of men who will let negros burn them out for fun.

    Just can’t fine my way into being upset negros burned down yankee cities, but I don’t know much about the black panthers. When was the last time they caused large scale problems? I do know it is highly unlikely they were toting machine guns in public

    I’m a life long preparedness guy. That’s been my life for many years now and mostly all I’ve needed to do is dip into minor stuff like my savings, 1st aide kit for minor cuts etc, spare oil or coolant in the car and what not. Things just aren’t as close to the edge as jew-joe tries to preach. I’m not saying don’t prepare, I’m simply saying be prepared but don’t react to every thing you read.

  23. I don’t own a firearm. A few of the cops I know are exasperated about the downward trajectory of things. My basement is full of Carefully tended flowers and plants, robby. I expect multiple Rodney King riots if it’s close and Romney carries the election somehow.

    There’s you with the Rob Roy moniker as well. Christ. Where’s your Claymore?

  24. Breaker Morant apparently called it the: .303 solution.

    “No person no problem” as Stalin put it.

  25. @John
    I avoid Oakland at all times. Mostly because it’s unaesthetic more than anything else. ( plus the traffic : might as well be in a parking lot).
    I live in Sacramento, CA. Like every city in the USA (and many suburbs as well) the black panthers have a unit/division here. I’m not scared, neither am I complacent as you’re encouraging me, and by inference [ however subtle] encouraging all the readers to be complacent.
    No need to be scared, yet at the same time, it’s important to be prepared for the worst just in case : Considering the black panthers declared war against White Americans and the government — on every level– gave it’s tacit endorsement of the Declaration of War by the black panthers against White Americans, it’s alot more intelligent to be prepared at least. I encourage all readers to be prepared.

  26. Breaker Morant doesn’t cut -the -cake as the discussion is about Trayvon, the Sanford incident, and the black panthers. The discussion isn’t about hollywood movies. It’s about Trayvon, the Sanford incident, and the black panthers : You know, Reality. Hollywood movies aren’t about reality @ John. How old are you : 12 ?

  27. Sacramento is a complete mess. I thought you said something about being in Napa or Marin.

    With blacks you just avoid the groid. Minimise all contact. This isn’t about the film anyway. He actually said this stuff at his trial apparently. Arguably he was a hothead. Or perhaps thick. Morant’s Real dilemma is the same as Zimmerman’s real dilemma. Shoot or don’t shoot? Let yourself be killed or go on trial in front of a hostile elite?

    The case is fascinating. The remarkable thing about South Africa is that it teaches
    us how to act and not act. Remarkable place.

  28. @John
    Yesterday, I said very distinctly [ and you most definitely read my post] that I live in Sacramento, CA and I often times drive up to Humboldt County,CA because the Redwood forests of Northern California are on the list of the most beautiful places in the world.
    Sacramento is in much better shape than the cities of the east coast, the south, the mid-west, and the cities of Southern California. Sacramento is also in much better shape than the cities of the San Francisco Bay Area.
    Still, the black panthers have a unit/division here in Sacramento, as the black panthers have units/divisions in every city (and many suburbs) of the country. I still stand behind every word I said about the black panthers. I still remind my fellow White Americans of the importance [ and intelligence] of being prepared for violence this upcoming election season.
    If you don’t mind @ John. You seem to be perturbed. Very strange as you are supposed to be pro- White American. I will continue my warnings on this thread as long as you continue to deflect from my warnings : with the hope the readers will get distracted and forget what I have to say. I will not allow deflection from this important matter.

  29. Afterthought. Young Whites make up about half the population worse case scenario as of this moment.

    Blacks make up 15% or so.

    We outnumber them 3-1

    The Hispanics and Blacks make up about 40% or so and everyone else 10% (ish) its far from a done deal and its only right now, for now.

    However the key to getting White birth rates up is not “more traditionalism” — its going to be “money money money” .Most of the moral ideology about reproduction is old, pre computer, pre TV and pre Birth control. Baring a total collapse (which means the US will have a population on par with 1850) something I do not belive will occur these things will be around and that world, in which the only thing to do is pop out kids is long gone. In I’d guess 3-5 years male birth control will be cheap (RISUG is in phase 3) and the not so near tomorrow may well be “no kids by default”

    And no, you can’t cut social security to stop that. That will just mean more savings and smaller families.

    Thats the biggest issue I have with much of the WN and Neo-Confederate movements, the former don’t stress the economics enough , I guess they are assuming the 150 million Whites (or even 50) can somehow go agrarian or something. Thats not going to work. Society will remain Urban and if energy becomes costly, will get moire urban. This means smaller families, especially if there are poor paying jobs

    Its seems to me that some Neo-Confeds seem to think that the the return of a kind of plantation system would be good for Whites . Well no. Joe discussed this at some length and he is basically right. A good distribution of wealth is the key to family growth

    As a personal example I’ve worked in Right to Work states for years and while California is dysfunctional to say the least its still, especially in a well run workplace a better place to work than say Colorado. Pay and work conditions are better with Sacramento’s boot on the employers neck and the odds of getting a job are about the same subject to ethnic discrimination

    And yes I agree that Dixie would be heads and tails about BRA or Hispanic run America I’d rather be governed by my own a.h’s than someone else’ a.h’s they are still assholes.

    Basically , no more free babies. If you want good citizens, pay for them.

  30. To All Readers:
    Learn more about your enemy and how, what they think. Learn who is actually behind the black panthers and their goals:
    I would suggest a Google search also. There’s alot of info online.
    No reason to be scared, yet simultaneously, this is not a time to be complacent either. Stonelifter doesn’t know anything substantial about the black panthers. Stonelifter is just shooting his mouth off so he can sound important.
    And yes, the black panthers most definitely stopped white Americans from voting in the last presidential election in 2008. Stonelifter is very misinformed for not knowing this. Google it. It’s The Truth:
    The black panthers stood in front of voting polls ( in Philadelphia) and stopped white Americans from voting while carrying machine guns. It’s not a joke and not anything to shrug off as Stonelifter encourages you to do :Just pretend it never happened in other words, as per Stonelifter. It was even in the mainstream news ( a very brief and passing reference to the situation).
    I’m amazed at the reaction of certain posters here to my common-sense, intelligent, and timely Warning : It really shouldn’t be any kind of issue or anything controversial , or anything that should be deflected from, and certainly not anything that should be disdained ( by some): Not at a website that’s dedicated to what’s best for the white race ; White Southerners, and considering the situation as per the black panthers, white Southerners and white Everyone else wherever they may live.

  31. “Folks, they aren’t defeating us with chimp outs; it’s demographics, the “cold equations”. It’s the fact that whites have fewer children at an older age and that more babies born today in America are anti-white, rather than white. Is not California already “majority minority”? In other words, a white nation must by definition be carved out of the United States of America.”

    I am beginning to think that a ‘massacre of the guilty’ is going to be the only way to equalize the equation. Think of the ‘massacre of the innocents’ in the Bible, and apply it to underage blacks and hispanics. Yes, this is cruel. But unless we can both reduce the ‘surplus population’ and stop the adults from breeding (forced sterilization/castration), even so, our numbers will be fighting like Blood Mountain over in S.A., here in the USA sometime soon.

    Of course, if someone wishes to say: “How can a priest of God say such horrendous things, I would refer them to the Bible, Ps. 137:7-9. (by the way, Edomites are also known as Jews)

    “Remember, O LORD, the children of Edom in the day of Jerusalem; who said, Rase it, rase it, even to the foundation thereof.
    O daughter of Babylon, who art to be destroyed; happy shall he be, that rewardeth thee as thou hast served us.
    Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones.”

    As I’ve noted before (and here is where Orthodoxy is more ‘consistent’ than Roman Catholi-schism) : “A great saint of the [True] Church clearly articulated how far that ‘loving of enemies’ should go. St. Theodosius of the Kiev Caves Lavra noted:

    “Live in peace not only with your friends, but also with your enemies;
    But only with your personal enemies, and not with the enemies of God.”

    Clearly, any ethnic group that is avowedly anti-Christian, that seeks via Noachide Laws to stop worship of Christ as Messiah, falls into that ‘enemies of God’ category…
    and all the works of their father, that they do [John 8:44] are actually DESERVING of our utmost hatred. Such as Patriot Act, ACLU decisions, SPLC lies and disinformatia, media ownership, book/magazine distribution, etc. etc. etc.

    Indeed, one could make the case that to be a true Christian, one ‘has’ to be a [sic] ‘anti-semite,’ to follow the evangelical counsel of Christ, the Psalms, and St. Theodosius…..”.

  32. I always thought the Orthodox churches were much closer to true Christianity than the church of rome ( the church I was born into). The Orthodox church in Russia had to go underground when the communists took over the country and turned into an armed slave camp called The Soviet Union. The underground Orthodox Church gave much sustenance to Russian Christians and it was a big reason the Russians were able to shake off communism.
    I have alot of respect for the Orthodox Church.

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