Pandering To Blacks: The Stupidity of the GOP


This is what happens when you address the NAACP National Convention:

“The response from one NAACP leader after Mitt Romney’s speech before the organization on Wednesday? He favors white people.

“I believe his vested interests are in white Americans,” Charlette Stoker Manning, the chairwoman of Women in NAACP, told the website BuzzFeed following the Republican candidate’s Wednesday speech in Houston.”

This is what Conservatism Inc. gets after fifty years of “fighting racism,” preaching colorblindness, and pandering to the black vote:

“In the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll, Barack Obama is beating Mitt Romney among African-American voters by 92 percent to 1 percent. Romney’s speech to the NAACP today isn’t likely to change that dynamic.”

Mitt Romney is at 1 percent with the black vote!

About Hunter Wallace 12408 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Drudge is carrying a report that the negros boo’ed mittens when he mentioned repealing obama care. I’ll give her credit for that one

  2. “I believe his vested interests are in white Americans,” [said] Charlette Stoker Manning, the chairwoman of Women in NAACP”

    So, a woman whose chairmanship literally proclaims that her vested interests are in, as it were, the advancement of COLORED PEOPLE, has a problem with someone whose racial vested interests may also be, uh, racial.

    Would that she were right.

    Meanwhile, the irony! It burns, it burns!

  3. Now we just need Mittens to lose! Obama 2012!

    If anyone meets Mitt, say, “that’s nice you talked to the NAACP, but what White organization will you be speaking to? Will you speak to the Council of Conservative Citizens?”

    The White vote is like Voldemort — that which must not spoken of. Hehe, the sleeping tiger.

  4. Wait, maybe he wasn’t pandering? I don’t know, but I don’t trust the son of Civil Rights governor George Romney, or the man who said he “cried tears of joy” when the Mormon church surrendered to giving blacks the priesthood.

    But look at this – the plot thickens. They think maybe Romney wanted to get booed by the NAACP:

    On Wednesday evening, a pool report surfaced from a fund-raiser in Hamilton, Montana, in which Romney revealed how he’s framing the NAACP incident:

    By the way, I had the privilege of speaking today at the NAACP convention in Houston and I gave them the same speech I am giving you. I don’t give different speeches to different audiences alright. I gave them the same speech. When I mentioned I am going to get rid of Obamacare they weren’t happy, I didn’t get the same response. That’s ok, I want people to know what I stand for and if I don’t stand for what they want, go vote for someone else, that’s just fine. But I hope people understand this, your friends who like Obamacare, you remind them of this, if they want more stuff from government tell them to go vote for the other guy-more free stuff. But don’t forget nothing is really free.

    While reporting the news, Rachel Maddow said, “It seemed like Mitt Romney wanted to get booed at the NAACP this morning.” She explained, “He wanted to wear that around his neck like a badge of courage. It looks like he is not wasting any time in doing so.” Later on MSNBC, Lawrence O’Donnell suggested that the Romney campaign intended to get booed so that the video could play “in certain racist precincts where that will actually help them.”

    Guest Goldie Taylor agreed, and went a step further, pointing to Romney’s seemingly saying that black voters should support Obama if they’re so fond of government handouts. “That tells me all I need to know about Mitt Romney, who at first I believed was just disconnected,” said Taylor. “Now I know his problem is much bigger than that.” Similarly, Daily Kos wrote that Romney used “racist rhetoric,” and Mediaite accused Romney of making a “naked appeal to the ‘welfare queen’ brand of racial and class resentment.”

    It’s entirely possible that Romney only spoke before the NAACP so he could brag to his base about staying true to his principles before a tough crowd, but telling those who want “free stuff” to vote for Obama is actually something he’s done repeatedly in front of people of all races, creeds, and colors. In March he told a young woman who said she wanted free birth control, “If you’re looking for free stuff you don’t have to pay for, vote for the other guy. That’s what he’s all about.” That same month he said at a rally in Atlanta, “I’m not going to be promising you all sorts of free stuff. It doesn’t take a leader to promise giveaways.” And when speaking about student loans in May, Romney said Obama is going to promise “a lot of free stuff” to students who aren’t as enthusiastic about him as they were in 2008. Appealing to people who hate free stuff may not be a wise strategy, but it’s been a favorite Romney quip throughout the campaign, and race has nothing to do with it.

  5. “I told them lazy niggers they’ve gotta work for their bread, but they were having none of it…”

    LOL, that’s a funny take.

  6. I find it hilarious that Romney is polling behind either a third party candidate or none of the above among the Negroes.

  7. MSNBC. They are doing God’s work. The more they polarize around race, the quicker comes the Great Chimpout. Romney is playoing them like a fiddle.

  8. Events like those at the NAACP convention need to be analyzed in the context of the national adoption of politicized multiracialism. We all recall that pluralism was imposed on American about 100 years ago, to be followed by multiculturalism about 50 years ago.

    Political multiracialism became the new ideology of the fedgov, states, and many cities & universities about 10 years ago. It is an ideology that has killed multiculturalism which always reeked of hypocrisy in its claims of inclusion and representation, and which was meant to create a new culture unified around hostility to the white cultures.

    That has metastasized into political multiracialism in which every demographic is its own political party. The fallout includes the fact that the Democratic Party is little more than a coalition of “taker” demographics with their own political parties who have no idea as to what democracy is about, much less the republican form of government or the US Constitution.

    This lends urgency for white American peoples to form new continental congresses, conferences, and coalitions among themselves for the purpose of managing political power. The notion of a unified USA is dead, and the field is prepared for new structures and regimes, not to mention new states and nations.

    We need to end the fighting among ourselves, and cooperate in making new loyalties and new futures. It is strange that after a couple hundred years of victory over wild animals and wild humans in the forests and plains that we would have encouraged new kinds of wild animals and wild humans to live with us, but we will just reverse that tendency and try to pass this knowledge along to our descendants: non-white people are not white people in different colored skins.

  9. I don’t think it will work John.

    Romney will deny or apologize for every “racist” charge against him.

  10. His speech should have been:

    I will give everyone 40 Acres and a mule, a college degree from Harvard, a 52 inch plasma screen, a kilo of Cocaine, a 5 bedroom house and a Cadillac. Finally you will be proud of America and never have to work anothe day in your lives! Holla.

  11. Romney still has family in Mexico. It will be too hard for many to get past, knowing his biases, no matter what he says.

  12. Yes, this is how we must “spin” this.

    The White candidate was tough but fair with the entrenched Black government, welfare crowd. Romney DIDN’T pander to the NAACP, he told them he would cut all unproductive government programs and encourage Black Americans and all Americans to work for their living as the private economy will pick up.

    Blacks on welfare, Blacks in the Federal Government are like spoiled children who don’t want to be told to stop misbehaving – Romney and White political leaders aren’t really evil White RACISTS, they want to improve the lives of poor Blacks trapped in welfare and trapped in the immoral culture of the criminal welfare underclass.

    It’s tough love – not pandering…. even when it really is pandering.

    OK, now let’s go to work to elect White, pro officials like that tough sheriff in Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio. If people here don’t want to vote in the Presidential election, then OK, but please vote and work at the local level.

    I’ve had solid success and met many, many new activists working in local campaigns and on Congressional campaigns. Yeah, the Presidential campaigns suck and we have little impact/influence. But, that’s life.

    Somewhere in your local community there is a new, younger White political leader waiting to be found, please work to find him/her.

    We can compete with Blacks in boxing, MMA – we can learn to get down at the local level and compete and win with Blacks, Mexicans, Muslims, Jews etc.

    Please, a little less whining and a lot more hard work.

  13. nice post Jack. And it fits with my thinking of regardless of the outcome of events we must portray things to fit our message

  14. Maybe its the dog whistle politics, and maybe it will work for him. Left wing whites and jews siccing “Crazy Nigger” on the right wing that want to cut back on the Left’s money rackets.

  15. This right here is why I’m against “representative” government in all its forms. Every political process “selects” for a certain kind of person: a monarchy selects for aristocrats, a theocracy for religious leaders, and so forth. In other words, each system favors one certain type of person in the quest for power.

    In any system where voting plays a role, the type of person “selected for” by the system is the ambitious, power-hungry salesman with a personal agenda and the ability to convince people to go along with it.

    In other words, a con man.

    Democrat, Republican, to hell with all of them. The person who runs for office is by definition hungry for power, and people who are hungry for power are the next-to-last pewople who should ever be given power. (The last people who should ever be given power are people who “want to make the country better”.)

    Voting is like being asked to decide which prison rapist is going to make you his bitch. As always, on Election Day I will be casting my write-in vote for Cobra Commander. At least CC is honest about what he wants.


  16. You’se guys ought to watch Biden’s speech. I’ve never heard him speak before. He always seemed like a total buffoon – and I know he’s a boozehound.

    He’s a GREAT speaker. He barely used notes. He’s really excellent. Lively, personable, brilliant modulation. He’s a natural. Not a teleprompter in sight. He was looking at the audience, the entire time. Greeting people personally. I understand his career now.

    He lies with the genius of Lucifer. Total loving, gleeful, relaxed, “aint’ this great?” persona – he was having a wonderful time! He’s lying with a genius and brilliance that is …pure revelation. He LOVES lying.

    His speech was a work of genius. He told the NAGAS everything they wanted to hear. Obama has saved the world – I’m not kidding – from a global depression! The Republicans are MEAN. (Actually – he’s all Bright Glory when discussing Obama, and Y’all – but goes sotto voce and….sad….when references…those….Republicans).

    The NAGAS really are that stupid. EVERY single thing he told them was a total lie. I total inversion of every single issue he cited. Everything. The NAGAS don’t care at all. Totally oblivious to reality, and how economies function. ‘Bama SAVED the American auto industry! He created 200,000 auto jobs! YAY! Woot woot! Praise him! Dat Obama a GOOD Prezdint! Dem Republican jess be rayciss ‘n sheeyit – jess tryng to keep the Brutha down….

    Really -watch his speech. That’s how it’s done. Oh – it’s completely EVIL , straight fomr the bowels of Satan, and all – but it was genius. Evil genius. Biden is the guy you’d want on your team.

    Barry Soteoro didn’t attend the convention, though. Hhhmmm….it’s teeny bit controversial, his blowing them off due to “scheduling conflicts”. Ogh well. Don’t be to hard on the Brutha. Dat Biden….he White. but he ok.

  17. how do you define doing ok John? Last I checked there wasn’t much in the way of individual liberty in Germany, there birth rate is very low, their taxes extremely high, there sucking hind tit on the immigration issue….

  18. Money. Purchasing power. The Germans pretty much dominate Europe and some distance beyond.

    The Chinese hold most of the chits as well.

  19. well we don’t share common ground on that one John, purchasing power while important doesn’t mean as much to me as say Germans anti hate speech laws, their low birth rate, insane firearm laws, laws that make it really dicey to defend yourself, being told how long I can warm my car up for, or when/ how long I can wash my car, or cameras everywhere etc etc

  20. They like order. The Anglo-Saxon doesn’t.

    Here’s a joke about the English.

    “if we had no rules what would that make us? French! If we had too many rules, what would that make us? Germany!”

  21. I wonder what that makes us Ulster Scots? My great-grandfather use to say we had two attitudes, pissed off and ready to kill everything in sight

  22. Reivers. A millenia of living on a War torn border. That’s going to select some warroir genes.

    Cheer up!

  23. “I believe his vested interests are in white Americans,” Charlette Stoker Manning, the chairwoman of Women in NAACP,”

    Will any black person read this sentence and see the irony?

    Or will they just shake their heads sagely and say things like “Yessuh!” “Uh-huh” and “Go ‘head on sistah.”

  24. “Mitt Romney is at 1 percent with the black vote!”

    Given the margin of error there is a chance Mitt Romney does not exist!

  25. I think David Duke won 8% of the Black vote when he ran for Governor of Louisiana. It shows that Blacks don’t like rich White Republicans pandering to them, you’re better off taking a firm, but fair program of law and order, executing Black criminals and keeping out illegal alien NWs which will earn the respect of some Blacks.

    The moral of the story is:

    Never, under any circumstances pander to Blacks.

    It’s the same as dressing and acting like a homo punk in a majority Black prison. Don’t do it.

  26. @ John
    I can’t vote for him : I don’t want a mere lousy Cadillac. I want a Lamborghini. Italians, oops, excuse me, Wops Build The Best Automobiles In The World :
    As [+ Fr John +] is praying for the best man to win the election, I know I will be driving up to one of the most beautiful places in the world : The Redwood forests of Northern California , in the Best Built Car In The World: The Wop Built Lamborghini.
    You Southerners who like race cars and NASCAR should check out these Italian beauties : There’re totally awesome dudes.

  27. I’m English. I see Southerners as close cousins though.

    Aston Martin or a McClaren built F1 for me as far as cars go. McClaren wipes the floor with next best design house.

  28. @ [+Fr John+]
    Will God ever forgive me for going off-topic? You know, I’m not really into saying “Mea Culpas” as I explained yesterday in one of my posts. You think God can handle that?
    Contra Spem Spero
    [ Hope Against Hope]

  29. “You Southerners who like race cars and NASCAR should check out these Italian beauties : There’re totally awesome dudes.”

    I spoke with the editor of Motor Trend Italy at the Detroit Auto Show a few years ago. He said European cars are heavily over-rated and that the cutting edge of innovation in autos has been in the US for at least the last twenty years. He made fun of German cars like BMW and Mercedes in particular, said they are over-engineered tanks with a 1980s chassis. He LOVED American cars. And he was a very proud Italian.

  30. The thing is, normal people can actually afford American performance cars. Cars that equal or best european machines costing three times as much.

  31. “While reporting the news, Rachel Maddow said, “It seemed like Mitt Romney wanted to get booed at the NAACP this morning.” She explained, “He wanted to wear that around his neck like a badge of courage. It looks like he is not wasting any time in doing so.” Later on MSNBC, Lawrence O’Donnell suggested that the Romney campaign intended to get booed so that the video could play “in certain racist precincts where that will actually help them.”

    This is PURE JUDENFILOSOPHIE. No one is right, except us. We are morally superior, because we are the ‘Chosenites’ (Chosen only in their own minds, and by their own vetting agency), we only can call other foul names, because we can’t be:

    (big breath here) “racistnazisexistelitisthomophobeswho-wanttokillsixmillionjewsandrepealobamacare.”

    The only way to fight such mentally deranged individuals, is to cut ANY legitimacy out from under them. I’ve said it before, I’m sayin’ it again: That’s why I am: Christian, Orthodox, that’s why I believe in the CI Paradigm, that’s why I am a Solutrean, and a Fouding Stock adherent/apologist.

    We are the Israel of God [Gal. 6:16] The faith of the fathers has not been tampered with, and calls the Jews (and their minions) “Deicides” and “Hagarenes” not ‘elder brothers’ or ‘worshiping the same god’- because they aren’t, and they don’t!

    We are the Adam of God; Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Son of the Father, is of OUR flesh, OUR color, OUR race, OUR ethnicity, and will be for ALL TIME. He is OUR SAVIOUR, alone. End of story. [Eph. 1:4ff.]

    We are the first inhabitants of this continent- some 10,000 years BEFORE the ‘Amerindian’ came and raped OUR women, and killed OUR men; and we ALONE are the ‘Posterity’ that this continent was both promised to in Scripture, and attested to in FACT by US being HERE FIRST.

    We are (in fact) the only ‘New JerUSAlem’ there can EVER be, in YHWH’s eyes. The first is fallen, the Second is no more, and the Third was destroyed in 1917.

    The effing Jews, Indians, Blacks, etc. HAVE NO GROUND TO STAND ON with this paradigm. Mock it if you will, but the mind anchored in these facts cannot be swayed, except by martyrdom. And, even there, we WIN.

    IF they (Jews/Minions) can believe the lies of the Talmud- or their ‘gay wrongs’ , at least my paradigms have more historical and biblical veracity, than theirs. I give them NO QUARTER, for they deserve NONE.

  32. @Jim
    The editor of Motor Trend sounds like one of those traitors Hunter Wallace talks about in his ongoing series about white traitors. I must ask Hunter Wallace what category of traitor to place this “Italian sell-out ” over at Motor Trends. Sounds like he was being paid by an American auto company. Very undercover to me. Sell-out!
    Yes. The editor’s opinion was not without merit. I just wanted to bust-the-chops of the 2 Johns: @John and @ Fr. John+ . I always enjoy doing that.

  33. If I could have any car, I think I’d like a fully-restored 1935 Auburn Speedster, the most beautiful automobile ever built.

    Realistically, I’d like a 1951 Ford Custom Convertible.

  34. History has come full circle. This is what the party of Lincoln and the Radical Reconstructionists sowed, and this is what they are now reaping. Écrasez l’infâme.

  35. Kievsky is right.

    Until the GOP explcitly panders to middle class whites, they are finished as a Presidential option.

  36. The fact that the blacks at the NAACP reacted so negatively to Romney will show whites that blacks will continue to support policies that undermine white America. This is why Romney was smart to go to the NAACP. The big losers in this situation are the blacks since moderate white voters will be alienated by the actions of the NAACP.

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