Condoleeza Rice as VP

District of Corruption

(1) She is pro-abortion. Can’t wait to see how that would go over with the Republican base.

(2) She was an affirmative action disaster under Bush.

“Let’s briefly review Noonan’s argument for Rice to appreciate just how wrong it is. Rice is a figure of “obvious and nameable accomplishment”? Which accomplishment would that be? Completely failing to do a competent job as National Security Adviser? Presiding over the worst period of U.S.-Russian relations since the Cold War? Facilitating Hamas’ takeover of Gaza? Advising Bush as he embarked on one of the greatest debacles of post-WWII U.S. foreign policy? Helping to shape one of the most disastrous foreign policy records of modern times? Take your pick. No one can take any of that away from her. Her accomplishment is obvious. Noonan says that Rice wouldn’t be “learning on the job.” Certainly not. She didn’t seem to learn anything while she was in her previous administration positions, so why start now? Choosing her as the VP nominee would have a “certain boldness.” Then again, driving off of a cliff demonstrates a “certain boldness.”

The problem with Larison’s analysis is that we are living under BRA.

Why did she get the NSA job in the first place? Was there any other compelling reason aside from the fact that she was a black loyalist?

Note: Obama has his job because he is black. The same is true of Eric “My People” Holder. Romney himself almost lost the Republican nomination to the Herminator. Don’t ever underestimate the racewhippedness of mainstream conservatives.

“Colonel” Allen West is the Tea Party’s choice for VP.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Pander away GOP, because soon whites will tire of the one way street and demand they be pandered to as well. Go Condi, Go Col. West. (truth be told I could think of lot worse COs to soldier with)

    David Duke was more popular with blacks than Mittster, but no one will ever mention that inconvinient fact.

  2. “Conservatives” whose only real job is to conserve the status quo are on a very slow learning curve.

    Like how 1965 and the Vatican II made a few new people see what protestants had been staring at for 1500 years. After about 10,000 Herman Cain’s, a couple “Conservatives” MIGHT notice how cynical it was to co-opt the “taxed enough already” movement, especially by bringing in those who live on taxes anyway, then put at its head an ex chairman of the fed, make him black to boot, (so all the movements can have one), and THEN turn around and morph it into “occupy wall street.”

    A Jesus-ism: “Let the dead bury the dead.” Apparently even GOD could admit some people never “wake up,” join the living… whatever you want to call it.

  3. She ought to have been sacked 10/11 for failing to anticipate Bin Laden’s determination to strike on the US mainland.

    She’s a useless black.

  4. Rice was also part of the invite the world invade the world administration of the lying sack of shit George Bush. A black female forgetaboutit or female for that matter.

  5. She’s ” the new face of America”, as Bill Clinton said of Obama (i.e. mixed race) …

    Rice discovered on the PBS series Finding Your Roots[7] that she is of 51% African, 40% European and 9% Native American or Asian genetic descent, while her mtDNA is traced back to the Tikar people of Cameroon from Wiki.

    In the future, we’ll all be like this, or similar.

  6. She’s a sign of how stupid and useless Americans will be if they continue to interbreed with blacks. I recall her performance post 9/11

    “who could have guess Dr Evil would strike in mainland America!”

    my dear, a security advisor is paid to speculate about possible scenarios. Anticipating such things is YOUR paygrade. Rice appears to fail upward.

  7. Yeah, she was a WOMAN BLACK Loyalist.

    Two strikes (home runs?) on the Affirmative Action scorecard.

    The GOP is mired in the 1960’s- or the BS of the Reaganites, that blacks will change once we give them enough time/money/opportunities. I’ve watched Colin Powell vote for the Obamanation. Enough of this garbage. Put a fork in it.

    Secession. Now. Today. Forever.

  8. I’m pretty sure she said if you opposed the wars in the Middle East you were a ‘racist’. I’m certain she said something to that effect.

  9. “We don’t want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud.”

    simply stunning mendacity.

    Here’s the thong though, where would the hypothetical mushroom cloud be?

  10. Romney’s “Key People” in trying to get Obama re-installed:

    Key people Matt Rhoades[1] (Manager)
    Beth Myers,[2] Peter Flaherty[3] and Eric Fehrnstrom[4] (Advisors)
    Stuart Stevens (Strategist)
    Ashley O’Connor (Director of Advertising)
    Rich Beeson (Political Director)
    Gail Gitcho[5] (Communications Director)
    Andrea Saul[6] (Press secretary)
    Spencer Zwick (Finance chair)[7][8][9]
    Lindsay Hayes (Speech writer)[10]
    Gabriel Schoenfeld (Op-ed ghostwriter)[10]

    What can we see, at a glance, about the majority of these names?

  11. Contact the Mittens for Obama campaign at “Romney for President, PO Box 149756, Boston, MA 02114-9756, or call 857-288-3500.”

  12. The Iriny is that Obama is probably reflexively suspicious of Jews. Most blacks are. I’d hazard a guess that he is sympathetic to Palestinians as well. Romney otoh is a pawn for various reasons.

  13. “Stop pandering to blacks already..”

    More like they’re pandering to SWPL independents and Republican white guilt.

  14. The GOP base will largely accept what is placed before them, and for our part it simply doesn’t matter. The case for disunion is strengthened if America spends every election throwing out the previous administration.

  15. Romney and his crowd definitely feel that Whites owe blacks and that no matter how much we give blacks, Whites can never give those bums enough.
    It’s just preposterous that Whites keep putting out the hand to those who hate them and will rip their hand off at the first chance they get.
    They completely ignore Whites like we don’t exist, much to their peril.

  16. What’s the difference between Rice and any of our white representatives ? All of ’em are too chicken- shit to speak up against the federal reserve banking stranglehold over this country. At this point what difference does it make if the represenative(s) is a chicken-shit black or a chicken-shit white ? The jew bankers still have complete control and The Ultimate Final Say About Every Policy In The US — in Washington and in the state capitals.
    Every year the Congress votes whether to “renew” or “not to renew” the federal reserve banking system “charter”. Every year since 1913, our representatives
    [ overwhelmingly white Americans] vote to keep the jew big-shot bankers in charge. What’s the difference if a black representative(s) votes to renew the federal reserve charter or if a white representative(s) votes to renew the federal reserve charter ? :
    Zero Difference.
    I know Rice is not a congress critter– Still, by inference, I use Rice as another example of a long line of sell-outs. In this case, she happens to be black. The overwhelming number of white representatives and white government officials are no better than Rice. Not at all. They’re all reading from the same script : And the script is written by the federal reserve bankster/gangsters :

  17. Joe, The quickest way out of the Almighty Dollar is a secession. The currency would be crippled. You said yourself you’d fight to stop a secession. You never make any sense. Pick a side.

  18. See my latest post under “Slavery, some kind of positive good, I don’t know what kind of goddamned good, but somehow it’s good according to some” article.

  19. If Romney is smart, he will make a lot of noise about fielding minority and women candidates, but in the end, pick the most competent and conservative White guy who is not well known he can find.

    It can’t hurt him. I don’t care what Diversity Candidate the GOP bed-wetters pressure him into picking, the Usual Suspects still depict them as the White Christian Heterosexual Male Party. Well, BE the White Christian Heterosexual Male Party. dammit!

    I don’t think the GOP understands how sick and tired anyone in the American Public who is watching the country burn while all these aggrieved gender-based, ethnic, alternative lifestyle and racial activists try to grab up every scrap of power they can.

    IOW, I don’t think the GOP gets it. That Barak Obama and Sarah Palin effectively refilled the cracks in that glass ceiling with their antics. That the American Public are sick and tired; they’re fed up to “here” with women and minorities. Moreover, Obama’s administration has been so corrupt and inept that, in spite of the Bush Fatigue the public still suffers from, people equate effective, competent administration with White men. Not just Whites, but Non-Whites who are more concerned with bread and butter issues than anything else.

  20. The GOP “understands” fine: The GOP knows who butters their GOP white bread . Just like the Democrats know who butters their “democratic” dark bread . As we’re speaking of “bread and butter” :
    Federal Reserve banker/gangsters = Butter : Ands lot of Butter. ; Not even real butter;
    Margarine [ fake butter]———->fake $$$$$$$——-> Fiat Money.

  21. the federal banking system be leroy’s fault and sh***t. whitey be havin’ nothin’ to do with it……sh****t. Who be blamin’ whitey ? ….. f*ck….. that be so wrong crackers…..

  22. Ponnuru happens to be right this time:

    1) Her selection would seriously offend many social conservatives — possibly enough to depress their turnout. In general, I think claims that conservatives will stay home in this election are overblown: Opposition to President Obama is running pretty hot. A vice-presidential nominee who is “mildly” in favor of letting a million unborn children be killed every year, though, would be one of the few things that would make this scenario plausible. Keep in mind, she would be the first pro-choicer on a Republican ticket since Roe v. Wade — unless she flipped and made herself look like a political hack just as the country was being introduced to her as a candidate.

  23. Relax, my fellow Euro-Americans. BainMan isn’t going 365Black. This Condi gig is just Romney dialing for douchebags. He’s just playing to the more intelligent side of the White Hipster Affluent Liberal Electorate (WHALE).

    There’s more on this topic over on my site if anyone is interested.

  24. @Robert Oculus III
    I just shot off a commentary to your website, “Robert Oculus Report”. A very compelling commentary, I’m proud to say. I did my best to be succint and to-the-point. Sometimes I have a tendency to write long posts. I kept it short, however, because I’m not sure how much bandwidth you have. I know Hunter has alot of bandwidth. That’s another reason I like “OD”. I never get hassled for writing long posts here as I do sometimes at other websites. As long as I keep my paragraph structure in check [or at least if Hunter sees I’m trying and he sees I’m making an effort at it], Hunter Wallace doesn’t hassle me about long posts as some webmasters have an annoying and rather imperious tendency to do.

  25. Condi claims to be fluent in Russian.

    When she was in Russia, they tried to speak a few words to her. Not only is she NOT FLUENT IN RUSSIAN, SHE DOES NOT EVEN KNOW BASIC CONVERSATIONAL RUSSIAN!

  26. More news sources that C. Rise is not interested in being VP.

    I think OD was wrong to repost unsubstantiated gossip that Condoleeza Rice was going to be given the GOP VP position. White Americans spend way too much time obsessing and stressing about the Presidential election which now takes almost 3 1/2 years.

    This is time White Americans should be doing other activities, spending time with their friends and families, living real, positive lives. And the political activism we should be doing is state and local organizing where our work really does make a difference.

    And all this unsubstantiated gossip was about the Vice President position, a position that has really no power unless the President dies in office.

  27. @jack ryan

    I agree. White people are too eager to hit the panic button these days.

    Niggers or not, it’s still summer! Spend some time at the beach, or go to a baseball game. Take a load off. The election will still be there tomorrow.

  28. I’d take negro West over Condi any day. He’s a standard, run-of-the-mill good ol’ boy uncle tom negro. I’ve worked with guys like West. Condi is a fackin’ weirdo. But the thing is, if Romney picks either it won’t result in one extra vote from blacks or white. I’m pretty sure Romney knows that, and that’s why I doubt he will.

  29. 313Chris says:
    July 13, 2012 at 11:11 pm
    @jack ryan

    I agree. White people are too eager to hit the panic button these days.

    Niggers or not, it’s still summer! Spend some time at the beach, or go to a baseball game. Take a load off. The election will still be there tomorrow.

    Jack Ryan replies:

    Very well said Chris – beautiful thoughts. And I’ll just add one more for our guys. Go smile and maybe even wink at some slightly overweight White gal who maybe isn’t so sure she’s pretty – too many White gals fall for the false love of Black guys because White guys ignore them or put them down.

  30. If Romney is smart, he will make a lot of noise about fielding minority and women candidates, but in the end, pick the most competent and conservative White guy who is not well known he can find.

    nope he is mostly likely bleeding support from middle class/ working class White men who don’t like games and won’t read between the lines and see it as a ploy

    good Lord Jack, what is your problem? now White men are to flirt with women we find sexually repulsive? If those fat chicks want a White man the shouldn’t be fat. Fat is unhealthy which is why we are genetically programmed to find fat people unseemly just as we are programed to find youth more appealing because they are more fertile

  31. Stonelifter says:

    “good Lord Jack, what is your problem? now White men are to flirt with women we find sexually repulsive? If those fat chicks want a White man the shouldn’t be fat.”

    Sure, but skads of White men are also fatsos. Dear Lord, where I live every other guy is a tubby. I am not sympathetic to porkers that park in the handicap spots in front of the local buffet then waddle out after several hours of stuffing their faces.

    Don’t get me wrong. I have sympathy for people with physical problems, or are truly disabled.

    I’ve never been fat. People claim I’m naturally trim. Not so. I work at it, never allowing myself to gain more than 15 lbs. over my ideal weight.

    I’m in my early sixties, have visible abs and people say I look like an athlete. I lift weights, go biking, and watch my diet. High protein, low carbs, moderate fat works for me. If I wish to enjoy a slice of birthday cake I must earn it with a hard workout. Don’t smoke, rarely eat junk and only have a glass of wine during holidays.

    My wife says I have an obsessive personality. I like to think I’m single minded, focused and disciplined.

    Congratulations to Hunter for transforming his physique. Well done, sir!

  32. Stone,

    the Beau Brummell officer type was ostentaciously charming, it doesn’t hurt if the region lives up to that stereotype.

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