Romney and Condi


Three items of note:

(1) First, Jim Robinson of Kosher Republic isn’t backing down from his opposition to Romney:

“Rove, Romney and the GOP-e loathe pro-life Reagan conservatism, loathe the small government tea party and set out to destroy them both. I hate to admit it, but they are succeeding.

As I see staunch pro-life conservatives and tea party patriots folding their small government tents in favor of Romney’s GOP-e progressive, big government big tent, I can’t help but see not only the end of the tea party, but the end of pro-life, pro-liberty conservatism within the Republican party. And if we cannot quickly recover, the end of liberty in America. America’s great experiment in self-government by believers in life and liberty destroyed, not by the liberal progressive statists of the Democrat party, but by the liberal progressive statists of the Republican party. Where the statist Democrats have failed, the statist GOP-e will have succeeded. . . .”

(2) Second, there is no way that Ron Paul’s supporters are going to turn out to vote for a warmongering Bush administration neocon like Condoleezza Rice for VP:

“Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) said Friday that if Mitt Romney chose Condoleezza Rice as his vice president, it would not likely help him to attract former supporters of the Texas congressman’s presidential campaign.

Paul, who attracted a passionate base of supporters during the Republican presidential primary, predicted his fans would be disappointed by the former secretary of state’s foreign policy.”

(3) Third, has a pretty convincing story on why Condoleezza Rice will be the VP nominee:

“I have followed the career of Mitt Romney since 1994. I have read every book about and by him, and I have studied every move he made in the land of my birth. This is why I am convinced Romney will choose Condi Rice for the vice presidency: Massachusetts history, inside baseball, tactics, and temperament. . . .

Then, as now, Ann Romney recommended that he not pick another white male. . . .

Naming Rice protects Romney from the race question, which will surely be raised because of his Mormonism. It reminds people of his family’s commitment to civil rights (something he has long shared), and it allows him to speak to women. Besides, like with Healey, Romney doesn’t have to worry about being overshadowed by Rice. . .

It is not surprising in the least that Ann Romney endorsed Mia Love, the black Mormon candidate running for Congress in Utah, in late June. This is the only candidate that Ann Romney has endorsed. Why? It is simply likely that they have race on the mind.

Which brings us to the NAACP speech earlier this week. Romney is known for pandering on the campaign trail. He has pandered to black audiences before; his gaffe of saying “who let the dogs out” among blacks was painful. Why didn’t he do it here? Because he chose Rice. Romney’s statement that blacks would vote for him if they knew what was “in his heart” was the foreshadowing. By picking Rice, the thinking goes, he’ll show what’s in his heart.”

Note: I think it is fair to say that picking Rice as VP would destroy Romney’s prospects among racialists and libertarians and that it would significantly weaken him among pro-life conservatives who are going to seize upon a pro-abortion double header ticket as the reason to stay home in November.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Ann’s a nice looking woman but Romney does look a bit nervous around his wife. She’s clearly a bit Alpha. Interesting analysis.

    Symbolically he really needs to go for the male vote. If he picks Rice and loses anyway, it’s like salt in the wound.

  2. A white male VP would be a much better choice. It’s generally worked well so far.
    To have a sheboon as attack dog on Obama won’t work. Her heart would never be in it. Poor advice from the misses if true.
    I recall Lieberman rolling around like a puppy in debate with Cheney. Shed be like that. A real judas. Pick a governor or some sort of operator from the Senate.

  3. I’m sorry to point out, but barring some “Black Swan” unforseeable game-changer,

    Romney will lose.

    Obama’s floor is 270 EC votes, Romney is the type of candidate that cannot change that dynamic. He’s a robot. Obama is starting to hurt him, he’s landing his counterpunches. Romney cannot buy this one, like he did the GOP nomination. He can’t boss his rival out of the race, like he did Santorum and Perry.

    Obama has several cards up his sleeve, including a new VP like a woman or a mexican.

    Condi Rice would be a misplaced scape goat, much like Palin for McCain, or Ferraro for Mondale. Romney and crew already know he is going to lose, they can read the polls just like anyone else can.

  4. I understand that respectable conservatives, and rank and file whites will show up to the polls dutifully.

    But why on earth would white nationalists, or in the case of this web site, secessionists support a loser?

    The best card to play is to openly torpedo the GOP, so that they know they can never win without white radicals (Paulites, Infowarriors, White Nationalists, Tea Party). While the more adroit GOP strategists already know that, it isn’t conventional wisdom. The gut punch hasn’t landed. The nausea and the cold lump in the throat hasn’t formed.

  5. If selected she would be a scapegoat. But also a cause as well. I think Romney has a very slim chance of winning. Not much but a shot. If he panders Left with picks like her he’s done for.

  6. This is all superb news.

    It looks like we have about four years to present our case.

    Got Activism?

  7. What if a VP pick said he’s pro life because he doesn’t want to see his people disappear?

    Would that make them worthwhile?

  8. I’m sure your mother is proud of you, Tamer. Nice language.

    Hunter, where is there proof that Ann Romney is pressuring Mitt not to pick a white male in this election?

  9. In Defense of Christie

    Romney needs a fat slob to win the fat slob vote.
    Fat slobbery would undergo a transformative process in this country if we had a Veep that people literally couldn’t help but look to.
    Imagine little fat boys and little regular children in a lush meadow; cherubic fat kids catching their breath as their skinny friends play games in the schoolyard.
    Regaining their breath, for a sluggish sprint to the ice cream truck.

    Fat slobs are the perfect Veep because fatties make the best whipping boys.
    They’re forgiven sooner by their boss and the public than less lardy types.
    This abuse leads to psychological eating and more public sympathy.

    Romney has the normal person vote locked up but takes the fat slob vote for granted at his own peril.


  10. And then what compounds the problem is the Virgil Goode candidacy. Here is the allotment of the white vote in Virginia if he is included in the mix in the PPP poll:




  11. Hunter, that story has Ann Romney pushing for a non-white-male running mate in the Mass. election. Where is there proof that she’s doing it now?

  12. Do something once, your likely to do it again Chris. Past performance is indicative of future performance. Our whole way of steering our life choices lies with that, like when you pick or avoid products and yet we aren’t supposed to think that way for this election?

    Well said Tamer. Have you ever read about the fat acceptance movement? That fat yankee turd would get their vote I’m sure

    Now Chris, you know neither you nor I can cast stones on the foul language thing

  13. @Stonelifter

    Nah, you got me dead to rights on my profanity. But I do respect Ann Romney a lot. She’s been a terrific wife and mother. And I admit I curse quite often, but I never talk to, or about, women that way — even the ones I don’t care for.

  14. I’m not making a call about Mrs Romney one way or the other, Chris. Don’t know, don’t care but she did help produce 5 good looking White kids. That carries much weight with me.

    We don’t get along which is ok by me, but it wasn’t like you to say something about colorful words, but now I’m following; not so much the words but the target.

  15. 313Chris says:
    Hunter, that story has Ann Romney pushing for a non-white-male running mate in the Mass. election. Where is there proof that she’s doing it now?

    Could be true. Could be false. Could be sour grapes from Rappaport’s people. For one, he was former chairman of the Mass. Republican Party. More importantly, he and his family are extremely wealthy, influential jews. They had to be FUMING over Romney’s support of the White chick over Rappaport.

    “Never forgive, never forget” is a jewish maxim.

    Authors of the book Kranish and Helmer just happen to be jews.

    No, really? What are the odds? Ha ha ha.

    I don’t trust them. Unfortunately, almost all the information we receive is filtered through jews.

    “In their magnificent book, The Real Romney, authors Michael Kranish and Scott Helman give an account of the Romney selection process for lieutenant governor. Romney’s presumptive choice was going to be Jim Rappaport, a wealthy, connected Republican, whom I interviewed during the 2012 primary.

    The Romney people — among them Mike Murphy, his campaign consultant, and Robert White, Romney’s longtime associate from Bain — began “working to avert a Romney-Rappaport ticket of two rich white men,” wrote Kranish and Helman. “After evaluating a list of potential alternatives, including African Americans and women, they settled on Kerry Healey, a bright but little-known figure who had two failed campaigns for state representative behind her and a wealthy husband who could neutralize Rappaport’s self-financed effort.”

    There was just one problem: Rappaport. Murphy engineered to keep Rappaport off the ticket, even though he won the nominating convention and had worked with Romney to get him the gubernatorial nomination. This, in turn, led to a primary election with Massachusetts Republicans picking between Kerry Healey, the state GOP’s new chairwoman and Romney’s preferred choice, and Rappaport.

    The campaign was contentious: Romney’s people threatened to sue Rappaport for printing up bumper stickers labeled “Romney-Rappaport.” Healey, with much help from Romney, won the primary, only to go on and be defeated by Deval Patrick”

  16. I think it is fair to say that picking Rice as VP would destroy Romney’s prospects among racialists and libertarians and that it would significantly weaken him among pro-life conservatives who are going to seize upon a pro-abortion double header ticket as the reason to stay home in November.

    This is why he won’t pick Rice. Romney is smart enough to realize that Obama has the black and feminist votes locked up and so won’t waste his time and resources going after them.

  17. And then what compounds the problem is the Virgil Goode candidacy

    I think you will find on election day that very few whites will be voting for Virgil Goode. People tell pollsters all sorts of nonsense because they know it doesn’t cost them anything.

  18. Romney is underperforming McCain by 10 points with White voters in Virginia

    In November, people are going to realize that it is a choice between Romney or four more years of Obama. When that happens. Romney is going to become a lot more popular.

  19. We have Romney’s anti-White wife openly pushing for “not a White male” VP going so far as to suggest a Black woman and STILL people here defend Romney. Amazing.

  20. When Obama rolls out his ads attacking Bain for investing in a company that disposed of aborted fetuses, Romney is done. Gruesome stuff. Romney is done now anyway. But what little chance he has will evaporate for sure then.

  21. The conservative base will disappear from under Romney when the Stericycle attack ads roll.

    He is a deeply flawed candidate in so many ways, yet he’s the best the GOP can come up with? Truly the party is finished as a Presidential option.

  22. People here need to lighten up and not become obsessed with rumors and gossip about foolish VP choices, expecially in this down time of the Summer doldrums.

    Yeah, it sounds like Romney has a pandering, socialite wife who wants the press and the chattering class to stop saying her husband is “racist” – Barbara Bush did the same thing, Bay Buchanan actually got her brother Pat Buchanan to nominate a Black woman John Burch society member as his Reform Party VP. In these terrible latter days, all kinds of wives and relatives of racial pussyfooting candidates are doing meddlesome, stupid things. This is another reason the American Founding Fathers didn’t give the vote to women and our nation held the line on women voting until the 1920s!

    The curse of Abigail Adams is always around our people.

    The key for us is to not whine, or give up, fall down in to conspiracy theory nonsense – we simply have to change the social/political situation in national affairs, the same as we have in State and local politics in the South. We have to make it where no White political (or religious, cultural) leader can not pander to Blacks, NWs.

  23. Not voting in an election is always stupid game play. If you fail to vote, you vote to fail.

    Voting third party is a win when the election is a foregone conclusion anyway or when both establishment candidates are approximately equally repulsive. It’s disruptive. Professional pols hate third party voting.

    Most House races are not in play because of gerrymandering and the tendency, as Pierce frequently pointed out, of people to “be lemmings”. (Lemmings themselves really aren’t lemmings-they really don’t commit mass suicide, that is-but everyone knows the term. ) Most Senate races aren’t in play because of the fact that the Senate effectively awards power by seniority, so once you have a two or three term Senator you hold on to him until he dies, because nonagenarian or centenarian Senators with five decades in can corral a lion’s share of pork for any state, no matter how small or backward.

    Presidential races are “in play” only in a minority of states in any given election, and since most states are winner-take-all, most Americans’ votes for President don’t count. If you vote for the major party candidate who wins, you just piled on. If you voted for the one who loses, you “wasted your vote”. If you vote third party you have sent a message, because third party voting is something “They” watch carefully.

    Therefore, third party voting is usually correct game play.

  24. War criminal Condi is a female Stefin Fetchit for the Jewish lobby too.
    She toured the world in 2002 assuring all who asked that Saddam was contained in a box without WMDs. When her dual loyalist superiors ordered it, Condi shifted in 2003 to claiming Saddam had WMDs and was a threat to the whole region.

  25. Amazing how few of you actually get how elections work, and you are the hope for the White race?
    It’s a TWO PARTY SYSTEM dumbasses!
    It’s Romney or four more years of the same Marxist in office, only then he’ll be off the chain.

    Voting third party sends a message about as far reaching as the bum holding the spare change sign on the corner and is forgotten just as fast.

  26. @Amanda

    What will Obama be off the chain to do?

    The GOP will still control one or maybe both houses of Congress.

    I’ll give it to you straight again: a vote for Romney will help no one’s situation.


    Good analysis re: third parties. In one of these comments, HW posted the split on the White vote in Virginia. I’m sure someone who is paid to notice noticed where Goode is polling re: Romney.

  27. Amanda,

    Most people here can see that the two-party system is a game of three card monte. Read Derb’s latest article at VDARE about The Charge of the Light Brigade.

    The GOP is controlled by its big money Northeastern donors. Those people have no interest in doing anything whatsoever to halt or reverse our national decline. The present system works to their advantage because the black vote nullifies the White working class vote.

    Aren’t you in Mississippi? What happened to immigration reform in Mississippi after Republicans took control of the legislature last year? Did they follow through on their promise to pass Alabama-style immigration reform?

    How is voting for the GOP a solution? If we keep voting for the GOP, we’re going to wind up as a minority just like the Whites in Texas and California. The only thing voting for the GOP accomplishes – most of the time, as I grant there are exceptions – is promoting the financial self interest of big business and providing new jobs for party hacks.

    It is a case of diminishing returns: as the Democrats became more anti-white, the return on voting for Democrats declined. Similarly, as the Republicans have won elections and reneged on their promises and shifted to the Left, the return on voting for them has also declined.

    What has Mitt Romney said he is going to do?

    He said that he would appoint judges like John Roberts. He said he would expand legal immigration. He said that he would negotiate new free trade agreements. He has said that he will put the neocons back in charge of American foreign policy.

    What is Romney going to do for us? Is there anything? Having looked over his website, I couldn’t find anything that Romney has said he would actually do that gives me any reason to vote for him.

  28. I voted for Romney in the Alabama Republican Primary.

    He changed his position on immigration after winning the nomination. Well, I have changed my position on Mitt Romney.

  29. Some people on here seem convinced that another Obama term is better for whites in the long run, than Romney would be in the immediate future.

    Someone explain to me how another four years of Obama is going to magically “wake up” white people? Weren’t the WN’s saying that same thing back in ’08? That a nigger president would finally cause “the awakening” or make “the balloon go up” or whatever screwy shit they fantasize about?

    The economy still limps along, white people just retreat further away, surrendering more suburbs, white people continue to grit their teeth and pay higher taxes to subsidize niggers, white people just impotently shake their heads at the increasing brazenness with which niggers continue to attack whites… I see no signs of a mass white-awakening, or an economic collapse that will take the Federal heel off our necks.

    None of the chest-thumping WN warriors have even lifted a finger in protest against Obama’s openly anti-white agenda — no, just a bunch of Marxist trust-fund babies pretended to be 1960’s radicals and fucked up traffic on Wall Street…and… some squirrely little trigger-happy mestizo/crypto-jew cowboy-wannabe managed to plug a skinny suburban nigger thug-wannabe. But as a racial block, white people have been content to just bend over and spread ’em wider.

    So how is another four years of this demoralization supposed to be more benficial than having a heterosexual WHITE AMERICAN with a cooperative congress, at least attempt to stem the tide? I;m all ears.

  30. @Lew,
    If you cannot fathom the damage that a lame duck Marxist can do with four more years then I cannot possibly explain it to you.

    Ask yourself a question, would we be better off right now as whites had McCain won?

    Mississippi passed voter ID, but has a long way to go. Largely irrelevant to me personally, as we are moving to the Northwest as soon as we retire. Not that I think the Country will survive that long…

    Ask yourself that same question about Romney in three years.

  31. (1) No, I am glad McCain lost. His signature issue was “comprehensive immigration reform.” If McCain had been elected in 2008, we would already have “comprehensive immigration reform” because he would have forced the Republicans in Congress to go along with Democrats.

    (2) Texas and South Carolina also passed Voter ID laws. Both have been slapped down by the Holder Justice Department.

    (3) Romney is already telling us right now that his plan is to do nothing for White people but expand legal immigration, pass new free trade agreements, and start more foreign wars in the Middle East.

    (4) They vote for Obama in the Northwest.

  32. “If you cannot fathom the damage that a lame duck Marxist can do with four more years then I cannot possibly explain it to you.”


    But there will be a vigorous and growing opposition to everything he does. You get a neocon in there and the primary opposition to policies we don’t like will be completely co-opted. The neocon psychos will do ANYTHING. There was a reason Reagan called them “the crazies in the basement.” Obama can’t touch that kind of evil. Too dumb, doesn’t have the money and doesn’t have the depth and breadth of National Security connections. Plus liberals are too brainwashed to successfully combat the neocons, where half-awake conservatives CAN combat garden variety Marxism but CAN’T if they are servicing a neocon administration.

  33. 313Chris,

    (1) I would say that Whites are far more awake today under Obama than they were under George W. Bush. There is far greater anxiety about the future. Obama has been the most racially polarizing figure of my lifetime.

    (2) I’m absolutely certain that a McCain presidency would have been less polarizing and that Whites would have snoozed through the last four years had Obama been defeated in 2008.

    (3) With Obama in the White House and Republicans in the House, the result has been gridlock on immigration and other issues of concern to us, which is about the best we can hope for since the Republicans will do absolutely nothing at the national level to reverse our racial decline.

    (4) Are Whites going to “wake up” under Mitt Romney?

    No, they are going to vote for someone whose “plan” is to outsource more jobs, start more wars, and throw open the door to more legal immigrants. They are voting for someone who doesn’t even give rhetorical lip service to their interests.

    (5) Didn’t you wake up after Obama was elected president?

    (6) The economy is going to limp along no matter who is president for all kinds of reasons. Who is going to get blamed for it though? That makes a difference.

    (7) Some of us actually have protested on the streets.

    (8) A Romney presidency would be far more demoralizing. It would be like the last four years of the Bush administration when the Republicans were wiped out in Congress and at the state level.

    (9) There is no proof that Romney will do anything to stem the tide.

    – If Romney truly wanted to stem the tide, then he would have responded differently to Obama’s provocations: the DREAM Act executive order, his endorsement of gay marriage, gutting welfare reform, pulling troops off the border, and the Arizona decision.

    – What was Romney’s response? Well, I like Marco Rubio’s plan!

    – George W. Bush and Ted Kennedy and John McCain were also White. That doesn’t prove they are “on our side.” Far from it.

  34. Amanda says: If you cannot fathom the damage that a lame duck Marxist can do with four more years then I cannot possibly explain it to you.

    You can explain it to me. I can’t figure out what damage Obama will do that Romney will prevent. What do you have in mind? Just one or two examples.

    Do you see Obama issuing orders to round up and execute all White people? Seize their property? What exactly???

  35. Hunter,

    I’ve been “awake” pretty much my whole life. In the 1970’s, my mother walked a beat in the Cass Corridor when she was still a couple months pregnant with me. So you could say I was around nigger junkies and prostitutes before I was even born. There were blacks living next door to us when we moved into our first house in 1977. Ghetto niggers from the Jeffries Projects started colonizing our neighborhood in 1984.

    To be exact, the point when I realized I could no longer hit the “snooze button”, came during Bush’s second term, when I saw New Orleans transformed into Rwanda and heard the stories about white foreign tourists trapped in the Superdome. But yes, I became explicitely racial after Obama became the Democratic nominee in ’08.

    I’m still supporting Romney until he gives me an undeniable reason not to.

  36. @Lew

    Here’s on example: Obama will cooperate with the UN on their global small-arms weapons treaty. He’ll use that as an excuse to go after the 2nd Amendment. Romney will not.

    I know you don’t give a shit, because you think Dixie will magically arise from the ashes, but I’ll make it clear anway: Give away this election to non-whites, and I promise you will doom this country and every white person in it.

  37. 313Chris are you a GOP operative? Your post sounds like typical GOP FUD to scare the base into voting to be raped by Team Elephant instead of Team Donkey.

  38. 313Chris,

    A fair point. Thanks for responding. And I agree. You zeroed in on what might be the only reason left to vote Republican for president: second amendment rights. Republicans have a better record on guns. No doubt about that.

    But then again, can Romney be trusted? He is after all a liberal from Massachusetts with an anti-gun record (until he started running for pres).

    Romney was for gun control before he was against it.


    – In 1994 Senate race, Romney backed Brady bill and assault weapons ban, saying “I don’t line up with the NRA” and “that’s not going to make me the hero of the NRA.”

    – Romney called Clinton crime bill “a big step forward.”

    – As governor, Romney quadrupled gun licensing fees and vowed not to “chip away” at tough gun laws

    – In 2004, Romney signed permanent state-level ban on assault weapons that was mirrored after federal assault weapons ban.

    – In January 2006, Romney said he owned a gun – then two days later admitted he did not and the gun belonged to his son.

    – Romney bragged about being member of the NRA but later revealed he didn’t join until August 2006, just before launching his presidential campaign.

    – Romney recently said he’s “been a hunter pretty much all my life” but later admitted he hunted only twice in his life, later clarifying remarks by claiming he has hunted “small varmints … more than two times.

    – In 2006 press conference, Romney claimed he had been hunting “many times” after returning from quail hunt in Georgia.


    A lot of info on Romney’s twists and turns here:

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