Romney and Condi


Three items of note:

(1) First, Jim Robinson of Kosher Republic isn’t backing down from his opposition to Romney:

“Rove, Romney and the GOP-e loathe pro-life Reagan conservatism, loathe the small government tea party and set out to destroy them both. I hate to admit it, but they are succeeding.

As I see staunch pro-life conservatives and tea party patriots folding their small government tents in favor of Romney’s GOP-e progressive, big government big tent, I can’t help but see not only the end of the tea party, but the end of pro-life, pro-liberty conservatism within the Republican party. And if we cannot quickly recover, the end of liberty in America. America’s great experiment in self-government by believers in life and liberty destroyed, not by the liberal progressive statists of the Democrat party, but by the liberal progressive statists of the Republican party. Where the statist Democrats have failed, the statist GOP-e will have succeeded. . . .”

(2) Second, there is no way that Ron Paul’s supporters are going to turn out to vote for a warmongering Bush administration neocon like Condoleezza Rice for VP:

“Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) said Friday that if Mitt Romney chose Condoleezza Rice as his vice president, it would not likely help him to attract former supporters of the Texas congressman’s presidential campaign.

Paul, who attracted a passionate base of supporters during the Republican presidential primary, predicted his fans would be disappointed by the former secretary of state’s foreign policy.”

(3) Third, has a pretty convincing story on why Condoleezza Rice will be the VP nominee:

“I have followed the career of Mitt Romney since 1994. I have read every book about and by him, and I have studied every move he made in the land of my birth. This is why I am convinced Romney will choose Condi Rice for the vice presidency: Massachusetts history, inside baseball, tactics, and temperament. . . .

Then, as now, Ann Romney recommended that he not pick another white male. . . .

Naming Rice protects Romney from the race question, which will surely be raised because of his Mormonism. It reminds people of his family’s commitment to civil rights (something he has long shared), and it allows him to speak to women. Besides, like with Healey, Romney doesn’t have to worry about being overshadowed by Rice. . .

It is not surprising in the least that Ann Romney endorsed Mia Love, the black Mormon candidate running for Congress in Utah, in late June. This is the only candidate that Ann Romney has endorsed. Why? It is simply likely that they have race on the mind.

Which brings us to the NAACP speech earlier this week. Romney is known for pandering on the campaign trail. He has pandered to black audiences before; his gaffe of saying “who let the dogs out” among blacks was painful. Why didn’t he do it here? Because he chose Rice. Romney’s statement that blacks would vote for him if they knew what was “in his heart” was the foreshadowing. By picking Rice, the thinking goes, he’ll show what’s in his heart.”

Note: I think it is fair to say that picking Rice as VP would destroy Romney’s prospects among racialists and libertarians and that it would significantly weaken him among pro-life conservatives who are going to seize upon a pro-abortion double header ticket as the reason to stay home in November.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Google : “obama + killing whites”
    Obama is a communist to-the-core. Like the commies in the Soviet Union who loved to kill White Russians : Yes—> Obama wants to kill Us Whites : That’s what he could do as a lame-duck president. It would be a disater for White America to have an African-Born- Comminist -Lame-Duck President.
    This doesn’t imply I think Romney is going to do much for/or even anything for, White Americans ; But at least Romney is not a communist to the very core : As is the African-born communist Obama —> every drop of african blood in Obama is commie to-the-core. Obama : Who was groomed to be the president from when he was young by the communist party here in the States : California communists, New York City communists, and Chicago communists. Google it.

  2. GOOGLE:
    ” obama + ayers + killing whites”
    ” obama + ayers + white genocide”
    ” communist obama + genocide against whites ”
    ” communist obama + bill ayers”
    Bill Ayers is one of the leading communists in the country. He has alot of say in the American communist party. Ayers is Obama’s handler and has been Obama’s handler since Obama was young.
    Google : ” marxists + black panthers”
    The black panthers : a type of Army for the communists [ Obama Is A Communist] declared War against White America in Sanford. The black panthers are Obama’s army and foot-soldiers [ and have units/divisions in all american cities and many suburbs] .
    The panthers were in abeyance since the 1970’s. The commies in Washington brought the panthers back on stage to declare War against White Americans in an election year that will decide if the communist Obama wins the election and be a lame-duck president. This does not bode well for White America. Not at all.
    Obama is an african born communist president groomed by, beholden to, and completely under-the-control of the communist party. This is the last thing in the world White Americans should be voting for : An african born communist lame-duck president with a private army at his command and at his service : A private army for the communists called the black panthers; And the black pathers Declared War Against White America down in Sanford. The Declaration War Against Us Is At The Orders and Command of Bill Ayers and the rulers, leaders, and big-shots of the communist party, including Holder and Obama : considering this, the Declaration Of War by the black panthers against White America is not to be taken lightly, or just shrugged off as nothing : It’s Says Alot: It Says Holder, Obama, and the communists in America want to make War against Us : It Says Everything. Prepare yourselves White Americans. Do not be caught off-guard this upcoming election.

  3. From Lew, ” You can explain it to me. I can’t figure out what damage Obama will do that Romney will prevent. What do you have in mind? Just one or two examples.”

    The 2nd Amendment issue already given, Eric Holder, Solandra (sp), Kagan, Sotomayor, Ending welfare work requirements, AA,

    But you go right on ahead thinking an obama victory isn’t the end.

  4. I don’t see any reason why Romney won’t sign that treaty.

    The main reason I have been tempted to vote Romney is taxes.

  5. Obama victory, the end? Come on. It’s all over but the crying already.

    Bush was The End. It ended with Bush.

  6. Keep pounding those war drums guys.

    I must admit your gallows humor makes me glad I married so well and that we can see the writing on the wall.

    For such a good blog, I’m appalled at the lack of foresight.

  7. Not that he will.

    Here’s some foresight: Disengage now. Romney will not save you. Your neighbor might.

  8. Wow. You really are a jackass. We take care of ourselves. Always have.

    Way to swell your ranks.

    Enlighten us all how its going to be unicorns and rainbows the second term.

    I’m buying time with my vote, nothing more. If you can’t understand that then you need help I’m unwilling to give.

    Have fun with this outstanding group Hunter. I do believe I have pressing businnes to attend to.

  9. Personally, I don’t think an Obama victory will be “the end”. An Obama victory as a lame-duck president , however, will mean alot more violence against White Americans than we already have to deal with from black criminals* and alot more misery for White Americans, especially those in urban areas and heavily integrated suburbs.
    * The black criminals now are random street criminals. If Obama wins, in addition to having to deal with tons of random black street criminals as is the case today, there’s a very good possibility White Americans will be facing a very well-organized, well-funded, well- armed, well-trained army of organized black murderers and arsonists : An organized army of black murderers and arsonists on the payroll of the communist party, controlled from the Oval Office together with Holder’s office. The panthers already declared war against us : The order to Declare War came from Obama/Holder/Ayers/ The Comminists Big-Shots. It won’t be the end exactly, but it will be bloodshed and misery for White Americans.

  10. Romney doesn’t have a very good 2nd amendment track record. Not much to base a “romney is pro guns” opinion on. Treaties are ratified in the senate and I have more faith in democratic senators from rural and Southron states to vote against it then I do about romney not signing it

    This is what GOA has to say about him

  11. LandShark says:
    “Here’s some foresight: Disengage now. Romney will not save you. Your neighbor might.”

    Our neighbors? Not hardly. I wish it were true. Haven’t seen any evidence. Yeah, I know, the internet is loaded with tough guys waiting for the mother of chimpouts. I just don’t see these Rambos in real life. Negroes are terrorizing Whites everyday, everywhere. Flash mobs are robbing folks, looting stores, raping women and killing us with impunity. Whites are afraid to board a bus, go for a walk in a park or order a hamburger at McDonalds.
    Negresses are beating decrepit homeless men and old women are brutalized in broad daylight. Knockout games are the rage. The hyenas video all this while laughing in delight!
    Obama and Holder are covering their backs!! Now we be in charge honkey! No outrage from the Democrat party.
    Only fools think Romney and the GOP would continue the same policies as the current administration. Republicans are fed up.

    From a 2009 Blog entry at Vdare that we learn why Holder seems so unconcerned with the rash of Black-on-white attacks/murders/Flash Mob (Mahogany Mob) incidents that have transpired since Obama took office. In a June 2009, Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing on the S.909, the Hate Crime Bill, Holder testified that these laws only protect certain groups:
    Under questioning, Attorney Gen. Holder was surprisingly forthright in admitting that the hate bill is not intended to protect everyone, or even the majority. He said only historically oppressed minorities were to benefit. This means Jews, blacks, homosexuals, women, etc. Holder made it clear that if a white Christian male, including a serviceman or police officer, was the victim of a violent hate crime by any minority he would have to find redress from traditional law. He could not avail himself of the triple penalties and rapid government/justice system response given a protected minority.
    These catastrophic admissions were extracted by Senators Sessions (R-AL) and Coburn (R-OK). The webcast of the Hearings is here (on right) and the relevant passages are 58.30-61 minutes (Sessions) and 71.30-5 minutes (Coburn).
    Holder made it plain that he is seeking legal privileges for certain groups based on what he told Senator Sessions was
    “the unfortunate history of our nation”.
    Obama’s War on White America is real. It is happening before our eyes. And the attendees of NAACP national conference (sponsored by many Fortune 100 companies) in Houston applauded this war, while booing Mitt Romney.

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