Amurrica Series: Gender Neutral Aircraft Carriers


Yet another milemarker in Amurrica’s terminal decline . . .

“The U.S. Navy’s new class of carriers will be the first to go without urinals, a decision made in part to give the service flexibility in accommodating female sailors, the Navy says.

The change heralded by the Gerald R. Ford class of carriers – starting with the namesake carrier due in late 2015 – is one of a number of new features meant to improve sailors’ quality of life and reduce maintenance costs, Capt. Chris Meyer said Wednesday.

Omitting urinals lets the Navy easily switch the designation of any restroom – or head, in naval parlance – from male to female, or vice versa, helping the ship adapt to changing crew compositions over time, Meyer said.”

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Amerika is fucking doomed. Seriously. Even if we collectively woke up tomorrow were still fucked after years of reinforcing our infrastructure with negro’s and socialistic insanity like this. I’ll tell you what you get when you put women on board a ship with men – pregnant women and a shit load of BCD’s.

  2. They are not going far enough, they shouldn’t have installed urinals OR toilets – but squat toilets to accommodate muslims. Its the latest trend in the UK.

  3. Frigging in the rigging
    frigging in the rigging
    frigging the rigging
    cause there’s *#@k all else to do!

    The Sex Pistols.

  4. Who effin cares but a cadre of stupid reactionairies? “Murrica kickin butt” Floatin effin tombs dude. Great for pounding stupid Japs or ragheads bad for taking on, well anyone else.

  5. With females on board, pissing over the side is likely not permitted.

    I used to live in a college dorm over the summer which was normally an all female building but which was all male for the summer session. No urinals. Only “men’s room” was on the first floor, single occupancy. We just designated one of the many sinks in each bathroom as the official urinal.

    We also (being all gearheads and car guys) stripped and repainted all the tampax dispensers. We used Porsche Guards Red paint and the job was beautiful, but a couple of the women beefed and the school had them painted over with beige wall paint.

  6. I never understood why parents don’t protest.

    Sure, people undergo bad circumstances and the military is a way to get out, get training, etc, but it’s not ideal, and definitely not for a woman.

    Don’t parents CARE that their little girls are being prepared for this? Shouldn’t they be furious about this? What if there was a draft that included girls? I just can’t even imagine it.

  7. America could never have a draft again. The calls of the feminists for drafting woman would be loud, and many young men would (completely logically) argue for their inclusion. After all that same man is going to have to come back and compete with Susie NoDraft for every job in every career field, why shouldn’t she share the burden too?

    At the same time the more traditional parts of the USA, the Red States would refuse to allow their daughters to be drafted, draft boards are local, and so the debate would quickly become regional.

    And of course the far left would pick up anti-draft stuff right where the 60s guys like William Ayers left off.. So there simply isn’t enough unity to compel anyone to do something like that. What about the 30 million illegal Mexicans? We know they get free health care and in-state tuition, but not subject to the draft, ovbviously, because they don’t have ID’s or citizenship.

    Logistical nightmare that has implicitly ended the possibility of a draft. So add to the ways that America falls: fails to mobilize to meet a military threat. Amazing, only two generations from WW2.

    Like the South Park episode on banking where one of the kid deposits $100 an 15 seconds later the Bank TELLER says: “….and, …. it’s gone!” KID: “What do you mean it’s gone??” TELLER: “It’s gone! It’s just not there!! It was there, ahh, but, it isn’t anymore!”

  8. I know there isn’t a lot of love for HAC on this board, but still one of the most fun things I’ve read in a long time is the scene in The Brigade where a flotilla led by a navy ship is steaming up the Oregon coast to attack the rebel strongholds near the mouth of the Columbia river.

    The captain of the largest frigate is a Latina lesbian affirmative action promotion who doesn’t know what the hell she is doing. Her XO, an old salty white dude, knows it, but goes along with her incompetence because, well what are you going to do in today’s Navy.

    HAC lovingly describes her overbearing manner, and at one point she marches into the big gun magazine to load a shell herself, screws up the handling of a dud, and manages to blow her own ship up. All lovingly described on Tom Clanceyesque language with lots of cool big-gun porno for fans of naval artillary. Really one of the most fun things from his books.

    Reading this article it’s easy to believe it’s future history.

  9. Before everyone starts going hysterical, maybe they ought to read the whole article? This appears very much to be a cost-cutting measure, rather than some statement about gender equality. It was mentioned several times that the unrinals were expensive and prone to clogging, so perhaps the navy is just discarding an inefficient, obsolete component in favor of something more adaptable and easier to maintain? Just speculating. Personally, I don’t think women belong on combat vessels either, but I don’t fault the department of defense for making necessary compromises to stay within it’s shrinking budget.

  10. Alfindrum says: We just designated one of the many sinks in each bathroom as the official urinal.

    First time I went to a Cubs gayme, I walked into the mens room and there is this circular stainless steel sink that continually spouts water. Guys were all around in a circle pissing. I never use the restroom at Wrigley any more. I didn’t even know it was a sink at the time, somebody later told me it was a sink after I told them about the “circle urinal at the the Cubs gayme”. I am sure it is a very popular place on gay night at Wrigley …..

    Jackson says: At the same time the more traditional parts of the USA, the Red States would refuse to allow their daughters to be drafted, draft boards are local, and so the debate would quickly become regional.

    Draft boards will never be local again. And because it is the federal government, expect that nearly only white people will be drafted because of who will be running the show. Capiche?

    In all honesty though, this is just pure stupidity. Piss sprays and splashes and gets poorly aimed at times. Most guys aren’t going to sit to piss, so it’s going to be all over the toilets, especially when they know other guys are spraying all over, and then the women only squat and spray all over. Lunacy.

  11. “Alfindrum says:
    July 16, 2012 at 10:28 pm
    With females on board, pissing over the side is likely not permitted.

    We also (being all gearheads and car guys) stripped and repainted all the tampax dispensers. We used Porsche Guards Red paint and the job was beautiful, but a couple of the women beefed and the school had them painted over with beige wall paint.”

    LOL!!! (Sorry Jack – but I DID)! That’s beautiful!!! Hahaha!!!! That’s why I like guys! Guys are funny! That’s awsome. Had I been there, I would have told the stupid humourless females to shut it!!!

  12. welcome to feminist gurrrl power Dixiegirl. The parents do care. They are very happy for their warrior princess

    But Chris313 is right. This isn’t new news and mostly they talk about cost cutting.

    However, putting women in more dangerous roles has been gaining momentum. Apparently its unfair to all the strong, fierce independent little women in the military because the jobs with the best promotions are physically demanding and dangerous ones women are excluded from. No one cares if the idea is good for the nation or if it puts more of a burden on men. No one seems to care the typical grunt carries 150 pounds of gear, and the last I heard was the military is pushing for a unisex PT standard which means lowering the standards for men so women can pass

  13. To a man, the who world’s a urinal.

    I bet it would be cheaper to outfit a carrier for males only. Just saying, though of course the pursuit of “equality” never is forced to suffer a simple cost-benefit analysis. Can you imagine the cost of “equality” if calculated using your standard discounted cash flow procedures? There’s a project for an ambitious radical conservative.

  14. If they lower male standards to meet female PT standards, I would be able to max without breaking a sweat. Fatties rejoice!

    Good thing they still have ex mil contractors around to do all the real jobs, while the regular “military” is out playing patty-fuck.

  15. “The captain of the largest frigate is a Latina lesbian affirmative action promotion who doesn’t know what the hell she is doing. Her XO, an old salty white dude, knows it, but goes along with her incompetence because, well what are you going to do in today’s Navy. ”

    This is what happens when you let a women skipper a boat.

    Modern cutter runs aground, piloted by female (incompetent) skipper.

  16. There are also Navy ships named after Medgar Evers (Civil Rights negro) and Cesar Chavez (Mestizo agitator).

    Whites should just get out of the military.

    It is just gone… it is full blown P.C. lonney-tunes.

    Stay home. Stay racial.

    I never joined because I did not want to kill White Serbians in the 1990s.

  17. Cost cutting? On a handful of urinals? Since when is the Navy worried about cost cutting? And if they were, why here? And what is being “flushed” that clogs the plumbing in a urinal? And this is all supposed to improve “quality of life” on the ship? Something just doesn’t sound right about the official explanation.

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