About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. LOL this is great.

    Man, if it comes out that Obama wasn’t born here AND the economy collapses soon after like we all think it’s going to, all hell is going to break loose. Exciting times these are.

  2. Wasn’t his birth announced in a contemporary Hawaiian newspaper? That would seem to pretty well settle Kenyagate, although he could always be hiding something else. It’s hard to imagine anything else that would be that much of a bombshell, though.

  3. His dad might nit be Kenyan. Isn’t there a theory that his dad is actually a Chicago black nationalist?

  4. The Frank Davis theory is quite an hillarious idea.

    It means that Obama’s settling in Chicago is part of finding very alternative roots.
    Obama is very very light for a halfcaste. Baby Momma Dunham wasn’t a pale blondie either. Davis was a full on commie.

    Anyway, he’s a black president. This is very undesirable. It’s a humilation directed at whites.

  5. A lowly county sheriff, but how I wish our country had 100 of these. Never underestimate the power of a locally elected county sheriff.

  6. The fascinating thing as always (not new, and not surprising, but as always, simply fascinating) is the consistently hostile and completely incurious tone of the reporters asking the questions. A respected and experienced LEO is standing there in public telling them something utterly intriguing, something which, if substantiated, is a real humdinger of a story; and regardless of whether it’s true or not (which is hard to determine and requires questioning to do so), they, in their capacity as professional question-askers and truth-seekers, couldn’t care less. Instead they circle their wagons, to a man, in a desperate attempt to not do their actual jobs, but instead to protect President Boyfriend.

    The hive-mind consistency is simply stunning. The body-snatchers metaphor is more and more convincing; nothing else explains the sheer consistency of the stance.

  7. Man, I love this guy. Arpaio is tough as nails. Because of his age and career stage, he probably feels he has nothing to lose.

  8. That said, the birth annoucements are problem for anyone claiming something happened other than what Obama says happened.

    Two different papers. Two birth announcements. Both on the same day.

    whatreallyhappened com/IMAGES/obama-1961-birth-announcement-from-honolulu-advertiser0000.gif

    whatreallyhappened com/IMAGES/ObamaBirthStarBulletin.jpg

  9. They want Pulitzers. They want to keep their friends.


    Whowhatwhenwherewhyhow, take train home, say goodnight to lousy kid, bang the crypto-bulldyke as she reads Susan Sontag’s “On Photography”, passout, awake, train to work, whowhatwhenwherewhyhow.

    It’s like being trapped in 5th grade social studies only you don’t present your Current Event to the class, you submit it to your Affirmative Action baby boss. The journalist – by definition a man that missed his calling in life – thinks the fact a press conference occurred is the story because that’s what he’s paid to report and finds that to be tax enough on his sole skill-set. By sarcastically dismissing new evidence he feels less bad about not actually doing his job..

    We need more INVESTIGATIVE REPORTERS and less journalists.

  10. We Birthers have always been right on this issue. There’s tons of anecdotal data. I made up my mind when the issue was raised prior to the Kenyan’s installation. I can walk up stairs RIGHT NOW, and have a copy of my Birth Certificate in hand in what…15 seconds? The Kenyan has spent a fortune trying to squelch the issue. Remember the words of that Watergate Jew – “follow the money”. The shekels spent trying to defeat challenges settle the illegitimacy issue once and for all.

  11. Much as I like Sheriff Joe, I think he’s wasting his time. That certificate could have been crafted by kindergartners with crayons, and Hussein Soetoro would still be King of America, Dear Leader and Sexiest Man Alive. Why? Because of millions and millions of “white” people who have no regard for the future of their race, and millions and millions of non-White “people” who agree with them–all of whom, incredibly, are allowed to vote.

  12. The birth announcements prove nothing, except that somebody (presumably a relative) submitted them. They are not gleaned from hospital data necessarily. Many newspapers in those day allowed relatives to post announcements of a birth in the (extended) family, even in cases when the birth was not a local one, if the baby’s parents had local ties.

    The address given in those announcements was apparently occupied by someone else at the time of the supposed birth.

    I’ve looked at those copies of the announcements in detail several times, and they are hardly evidence that would hold up in a court of law anywhere in the U.S., then, or now. If any of us had to offer proof, nothing but an original, long-form birth certificate would be accepted.

  13. “The Kenyan has spent a fortune trying to squelch the issue.”

    Yup. Why did it take him three years to release the “long form” or whatever that he finally produced last year after Trump harrassed enough?

  14. No one in the mainstream of Republicanism will touch this with a long pole. They are too afraid of what it might mean were it to be true.

  15. Obama was a designer baby. His mom probably deliberately sought out a marxist magic negro to father him with the hope he’d grow up to be a left-leaning leader or politician.

    Who knows, may she had a marxist friend or family member plant the birth announcements.

  16. You have to view this from the perspective of a lawyer. All the actions of O’s aiders and abettors are lawyerly and meant to give them plausible deniability in the case hard evidence ever does show up to disprove his birth narrative.

    An employee of the Hawaii department responsible for birth records signed an affidavit stating that at the time of his employment he came to know that there was no record of O’s birth in their files while he was employed there. This fact in and of itself does not disprove that O was born in Hawaii, but it makes it highly improbable that he was. If he was born in an Hawaiian hospital (as claimed) a birth record would have been created in the ordinary course of business. If a birth record was not created, than it is highly unlikely that he was born in an Hawaiian hospital. The production of an apparently fraudulent birth certificate is meant to obscure this possibility and give the false impression that a contemporaneous record of O’s birth was created by the Hawaii department of health, when in fact one may not have been created.

    Hawaii is stonewalling, saying that they now do have a record of O’s birth in their files. This may be true because birth records can be updated with later information. What Hawaii will not answer is whether the birth certificate produced by the White House is a true and accurate reproduction of a physical record created contemporaneously with O’s birth. If the only record of O’s Hawaii birth now in Hawaii’s possession is a few affidavits submitted in the 2009 – 2011 timeframe by witnesses, than the whole charade has been a fraud perpetrated by those seeking to prevent a credible investigation of O’s birth.

    For instance, in the recent dispute involving the Arizona secretary of state and Obama’s campaign regarding O’s appearance on the Arizona ballot, the Arizona SOS (associated with Romney’s campaign) never asked whether the birth certificate produced by the White House was a true and accurate reproduction of a record held by Hawaii. Instead, he only asked that Hawaii confirm that certain facts of Obama’s birth narrative were confirmed by records Hawaii holds. The Arizona SOS was a true turncoat and traitor in this affair because he didn’t demand an answer to the proverbial 64,000 dollar question, and actually helped in the cover up.

  17. Very, very sorry to see Sheriff Joe and many OD readers falling down in to this ridiculous conspiracy theory nonsense about Obama’s birth certificate.

    These CT idiots always insist that they are privy to some secret, deeply hidden truth that once exposed to the whole world it will change the course of history, reverse some bad event in the past and make everything good again.

    These CT idiots are insisting that they will reverse the results of the 2008 Presidential election that elected the half Black Kenyan mongrel Obama – and some old patriot will somehow be appointed to reverse Obamacare, the Great Society, the New Deal, the Federal Reserve Act – you name it.

    If these CT idiots have there way, we won’t even contest the 2012 Presidential election coming up as everything will be “changed” by exposing THE TRUTH of the Obama birth certificate, 9/11 being a complete Government “insider job”, something about Bill Clinton’s sex life and the Death of Vince Foster.

    Please, please if you or anyone you know and love starts falling down in to these CT – Conspiracy Theory drop out societies – get help.

    I can seriously see Sheriff Joe giving up on border control, taking down Black gang members to go 100% of the deep end and try to pedal this Obama birth certificate CT and all sorts of CTs to anyone and everyone, including invading hordes of Central American Indian illegal immigrants.

  18. Maybe the “CT idiots” are just trying to get it into the heads of white Americans to wake up and stop supporting foreigners, africans,communists, etc. I don’t think the CT’s are doing any harm whatsoever. The white types who voted for Obama — and the many whites who will be voting for Obama again– are the ones who deserve our ire–not the people telling us the truth about Obama.

  19. JR: With all due respect, you are making an argument that it is not politically expedient given the forces arrayed against us to depose Obama because he is not constitutionally eligible for the office. Your argument has nothing to do with the actual facts and truth of the situation. There are some people that are committed to the truth and apparently you are not one of them. Please refrain from calling those who demand that our government deal truthfully with its citizens “CT idiots”. Someone might turn around and call you “a coward who won’t fight for the truth” or even “controlled opposition”.

    Just to check up on your own belief system, do you still believe in the government’s original story regarding the Gulf of Tonkin, and that the attack on the USS Liberty was a “case of mistaken identity”? If you don’t, that means you now accept narratives that were once called “conspiracy theories”. Continuing, your attack on “CT idiots” means that you get to believe in your conspiracy theories debunking government propaganda but others don’t get to believe in theirs.

  20. Re: “CT = Conspiracy Theory drop out societies”:

    Everyone’s “CT” but me and thee, but sometimes I think THEE a little “CT.”

    I’m not really “CT” either, but then, one man’s “insane ridiculous CT” is often another man’s perfectly sane awakening to a factual reality. On the “2012 Apocalypse, Planet Nibiru and Ancient Aliens” I’m a total ridiculer too, but on the Obama birth certificate issue I’m just very doubtful and I’m NOT actively inquiring or involved.

    I agree with Jack that the birth certificate inquiry is a distraction from what we all SHOULD be doing. (“What we all should be doing” does NOT include dropping out from political party involvement or not even voting in the next election.)

    It could be argued that Southern Secession is yet another “CT drop-out society” but probably most of us think it is not THAT unrealistic.

  21. Please re-read OD’s comments guidelines:


    “8.) Conspiracy Theories – There are any number of websites that cater to conspiracy theories. This isn’t one of them.”

    As for the Gulf Of Tonkin incident and the attack on the USS Liberty – the first was contrived, to be used as an excuse to escalate US anti – Communist military involvement in Viet Nam, the 2nd was a deliberate attack by Israeli military against a US warship, yes, this attack was covered up.

    Its a waste of our time now to obsess about the Gulf of Tonkin incident – the Viet Nam war is long over, we lost. Now Viet Nam wants an alliance with the US to contain China which is on Viet Nam’s border.

    The Israeli military attacks all kinds of people in accordance with it’s mission to defend Israel as a Jewish ethno state. The Israeli military just participated in expelling thousands of Black African illegal aliens from Israel, that’s not some super secret conspiracy, just Israel doing what is best to promote/protect Israel as a Jewish ethno state. Lord how I wish the US military would do the same here in America/North America to protect, promote America as a White ethno state.

  22. The sneaky way to handle the Obama eligibility situation is for the republicans to go along with the demo’s narrative to preserve their own credibility, but to secretly bankroll investigations into same just to see what falls off of the bush when you shake it. You never know who might “start talking” or what document “may fall into your lap”. The way to think about it is that it is like playing the lottery – maybe this long shot will pay off and discredit a whole swath of leviathan.

  23. Speaking of conspiracies, may be this case will be a break through to collapse the Holocaust myth ……

    ” Ex-Montrealer charged with war crimes in Hungary ”

    ” A 97-year-old Hungarian man suspected of taking part in the deportation of Jews during the Holocaust was taken into custody Wednesday, questioned and charged with war crimes, prosecutors said. ”


    Keep our fingers crossed !

  24. Wow JR, you argue like the opposition, don’t you? Reminder: these comments regarding the birth certificate controversy were in response to a blog post that broached the subject and not the result of a thread hijacking, so surely you don’t expect others to muzzle themselves when OD itself raised the subject? Also, this paragraph of yours is sheeny-like in its intentional misrepresentation of my argument:

    “Its a waste of our time now to obsess about the Gulf of Tonkin incident – the Viet Nam war is long over, we lost. Now Viet Nam wants an alliance with the US to contain China which is on Viet Nam’s border.”

    It is clear from my argument that I’m not “obsessing about the Gulf of Tonkin incident”. Rather I only brought it up to show that the almighty JR himself who is ever defending OD from the stain of conspiracy theories now believes in a narrative that was once called a dreaded “conspiracy theory”. Get it?

    A couple more gatekeeping posts like this and some might question your motives.

  25. The knowledge that obama is ineligible can do nothing to preserve the union, which is the ostensible goal of those persuing the matter. However, from our perspective it isn’t too negative, certainly not worth our effort though.

  26. “It is clear from my argument that I’m not ‘obsessing about the Gulf of Tonkin incident’. Rather I only brought it up to show that the almighty JR himself who is ever defending OD from the stain of conspiracy theories now believes in a narrative that was once called a dreaded ‘conspiracy theory’. Get it?”

    Exactly. One man’s “insane ridiculous CT” is often another man’s perfectly sane awakening to a factual reality. It could be argued that Southern Secession is yet another “CT drop-out society” but probably most of us think it is not THAT unrealistic.

  27. What about the conspiracy theory about how all the yankees want to destroy the South? Shouldn’t that be banned as well?

  28. Sheriff Joe don’t scare. The DOJ came down on him like a ton of bricks, he says fuck you and taunts them some more. Imagine if we had 100 Sherriff Joes, we could break them.

  29. Admirer writes:

    “these comments regarding the birth certificate controversy were in response to a blog post that broached the subject and not the result of a thread hijacking”

    Jack Ryan responds:

    Yes, you are correct. And this is Hunter Wallace’s blog, his web site – he calls the shots (he also made the comments guidelines prohibiting CTs). So, HW made this post about Sheriff Joe falling down in to wild conspiracy theories over Obama’s birth certificate. I wish Hunter Wallace had included something like:

    “O dear, once respected White law and order, immigration control Sheriff Joe Arpaio has apparently fallen down in to promoting wild conspiracy theories about President Obama’s birth certificate – as if this is going to reverse the 2008 election and deny Obama a 2nd term.”

    Well, I note that the beloved Sheriff Joe A is getting very old himself and our old White men often do foolish things in their old age – he could be trying to marry some 20 something Playboy bunny or embrace PC liberalism and the “gay lifestyle” – instead he’s pushing wild CTs. Oh well.

  30. jack ryan says:
    July 18, 2012 at 7:31 pm

    “Well, I note that the beloved Sheriff Joe A is getting very old himself and our old White men often do foolish things in their old age – he could be trying to marry some 20 something Playboy bunny or embrace PC liberalism and the “gay lifestyle” – instead he’s pushing wild CTs. Oh well.”

    More likely he believes there is enough evidence to prove crimes have been committed.
    Our country is filled with plenty of public figures to mock and ridicule. Sheriff Joe should not be one of them.

  31. @JR: Sheriff Joe and his milieu reminds me a little of the movie “Electra Glide in Blue”. The MSM treatment of Sheriff Joe has been right out of that movie – they’ve done everything but called him a pig to his face. In the end of that movie, Robert Blake’s character has been persuaded by propaganda to go light on the enemy (young drug-dealing hippies) and it costs him his life. He is a metaphor for our response to the counterculture – at every turn conservatives have caved in to the counterculture, resulting in the slow death of our culture and way of life. Yes, Sheriff Joe may be a throwback, but maybe it is better to fight and lose than to surrender. At least you retain your self-respect.

  32. I don’t care how old Sheriff Joe is : He’s telling us Americans the truth. Who cares about his age, that’s not the issue here at all. Good for him. We’d be alot better off if more Americans were like Sheriff Joe — whatever age– than the namby-pambies most Americans are. He’s pushing truth– not CT’s , and certainly not acquisescence to a communist agenda out to destroy White America.

  33. Ann Dunham was probably more anti-white than Barack Hussein Obama, Sr. Her hatred of white people and communist lack of sense led her to travel the globe shacking up with one diversity after another.

    Barack Hussein Obama, Sr. gave his baby a name and then left. He has been photographed during their marriage with his ring taken off. He had a wife in Kenya also.

    As a final insult to her, and her family who raised him, Obama titled his book “Dreams from my Father”.

    However much black people hate whites, they really just care about their own. It takes a white person to see hating white people as a Jesus-like self-sacrifice for God’s eternal truth of “fuck whitey”.

    Obama was a designer baby. His mom probably deliberately sought out a marxist magic negro to father him with the hope he’d grow up to be a left-leaning leader or politician.

    It’s certainly true, but at the same time, it’s probably giving the old mudshark too much credit.

  34. Joe says:
    July 18, 2012 at 8:08 pm
    “I don’t care how old Sheriff Joe is : He’s telling us Americans the truth. Who cares about his age, that’s not the issue here at all.”

    Jack Ryan responds:

    Here’s the truth. The 2008 election of Barack Obama is not going to be reversed now over some obscure, hidden technicality over his birth certificate. If White Americans don’t get their acts together, really, really soon and concentrate on events in this year 2012, Obama will have been elected twice, once in 2008 and again in 2012!

    Those White Americans who spend most of their every waking moment obsessed with some strange, obscure event in the past – some secret CT – conspiracy theory that somehow has prevented honest, sincere Constitutionalist Libertarians all pushing the age of 80 to be in complete political control of this…

    Great, Christian Constitutional Republic….

    These people are idiots, kooks, nut-cases, societal misfits who simply cannot function in mainstream American society.

    Our racial adversaries like the Blacks, Jews, Mexicans don’t waste their lives obsessing about wild conspiracy theories of the past, instead they concentrating on the here and now, doing things like block, racial voting, taking over local government control of former White American cities. In case folks haven’t noticed, LA now has a Mexican mayor, same as Detroit, Memphis, New Orleans, St. Louis, Atlanta, Washington DC have had Black BRA mayors for many years.

  35. Re: “Sheriff Joe A is getting very old himself and our old White men often do foolish things in their old age – he could be trying to marry some 20 something Playboy bunny….”

    The old-age is foolish meme appears again! We know Jack must be not be old.

    Where is drawn the Mason Dixon line of age, above which men are bad or foolish, and below which men can be wise?

    The very, very old Sheriff is at least not so foolish as to chase lewd women (“Playboy bunnies” suggested) but he is still somewhat wise (from my point of view) to chase after truth — even though (from my point of view) he’s chasing it down a blind alley.

  36. Too bad kooky ol’ Sheriff Joe is wasting his time on conspiracy theories. He could be doing something useful. Yes, I’m being sarcastic.

    Joe is extremely productive and functions very well in this society, doncha think?


    Sheriff Joe: ‘I’ll Put Up More Tents’ If Supreme Court Upholds Arizona Immigration Law
    If the Supreme Court decides in favor of Arizona’s tough immigration bill, the Obama attorney arguing against S.B. 1070 predicted “mass incarceration” of “Latinos” – illegal aliens, in Arizona.

    But Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio said that would be “no problem” – he’s got room for them in “Tent City”.

    “We lock up people all the time,” Arpaio said in a phone interview. “Since I started enforcement, we’ve arrested on the streets, investigated – in our jails over 51,000.

    “I didn’t see any problem, other than the fact that some activists and politicians in Washington (don’t) like me enforcing the illegal immigration law,” Arpaio said.

    “And by the way, if they think that it will overcrowd the jails, I’m not concerned. I got room in the tents. I got plenty of room…I’ll put more tents up,” Arpaio said. “So that should never be an excuse (that) you can’t house these people.”

    Arpaio’s department apprehends a staggering 25% of ALL illegal aliens captured in the entire United States each year. And since over 70% of those illegals were headed for states other than Arizona when caught, the Sheriff and his deputies protect all Americans with their operations – a good reason why cynical politicians who want those votes want Arpaio stopped. That is why George Soros-funded groups have pledged to spend $10 million to defeat Arpaio for re-election this year.

  37. Sam,

    The stats you gave on Sheriff Joe A are awesome!

    Since a high percentage of the nasty Mexicans illegals that make it across the border end up in my Chicago, Joe is a special Chicago hero to us here.

    This is another reason I don’t want Sheriff Joe to fall out of the real world to embrace conspiracy theory nonsense. I don’t want him marginalized.

  38. “I don’t want Sheriff Joe to fall out of the real world to embrace conspiracy theory nonsense. I don’t want him marginalized.” I understand and agree, but that old age stuff….

  39. “Yes, you are correct. And this is Hunter Wallace’s blog, his web site – he calls the shots (he also made the comments guidelines prohibiting CTs). So, HW made this post about Sheriff Joe falling down in to wild conspiracy theories over Obama’s birth certificate. I wish Hunter Wallace had included something like:”

    Sheriff Joe is fucking with Obama. You really think for one second an old fox like Arpio thinks he can take down the presidency with this? That’s not his goal. He knows this shit gets to Obama, Trump showed how easy it was to rile the man-child half-breed with this stuff. Arpio is thumbing his nose at Holder, Obama, and Co. That’s all this is. Obama said he would investigate Arpio, so Arpio “investigates” him. He’s mocking them. He’s removing their air of superiority and moral legitimacy, and teasing them, taunting them on the national stage. Who else will do it? Bohner? Romney? Arpio is better at this game than any of the posters on here. Instead of ripping on him for being “old”, you should be taking notes.

  40. There’s nothing foolish about banging 20 year old chicks; there is everything foolish in marrying american women regardless of their age

    there is enough people dismissing and disparaging Old White men, the last thing we need is supposedly pro White White men joining the other team

  41. “There’s nothing foolish about banging 20 year old chicks”

    Fornication is foolishness and destructive.

    “there is everything foolish in marrying american women regardless of their age”

    I agree it is extremely dangerous and costly, especially outside the walls of a true Christian community, but unlike fornication, it is not sin.

    I believe in intra-ethnic white X white marriage nonetheless: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJLwcNrbNgc

  42. Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines and God granted him wisdom beyond all men

    David had more then one wife and was punished for adultery and murder.

    The bride price for non virgin women was 1/2 that of a virgin but no such thing exist on the value of a husband.

    etc etc etc

  43. Jim says:
    July 19, 2012 at 5:15 am”

    Sheriff Joe is ********with Obama. You really think for one second an old fox like Arpio thinks he can take down the presidency with this? That’s not his goal. He knows this shit gets to Obama, Trump showed how easy it was to rile the man-child half-breed with this stuff. Arpio is thumbing his nose at Holder, Obama, and Co. That’s all this is. Obama said he would investigate Arpio, so Arpio “investigates” him. He’s mocking them. He’s removing their air of superiority and moral legitimacy, and teasing them, taunting them on the national stage. Who else will do it? Bohner? Romney? Arpio is better at this game than any of the posters on here. Instead of ripping on him for being “old”, you should be taking notes.”

    Jack Ryan replies:

    OK, I hope you are right – and I agree that Sheriff Joe A. is one of our very, very bad leaders – he gets things done. How many White guy leaders do we have that will/are putting tens of thousands of hostile NW invaders in concentration camp tent cities? Our other libertarian leaders like Garry Johnson and Ron Paul want to welcome the NW, 3rd world immigrant invaders and change tax policies in some way to make them all productive, tax paying Republicans.

    Still, the birth certificate thing has all the ear marketing of the same old, same old Right Wing conspiracy theory nonsense that has plagued the American Right Wing since the 1950s. I really hope Sheriff Joe doesn’t fall down anymore in to this CT nonsense. Why can’t he investigate Obama and the Obama Administration over Fast and Furious – trafficking hi tech assault riffles to the Mexican drug cartels? That’s a much better issue for him/us.

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