Romney’s Chance to Embrace Outsourcing

National Review

Here’s the latest from the VIPs (Valuable Intellectual Properties) over at National Review:

“There is a story, perhaps apocryphal, that Milton Friedman was touring the Chinese countryside when he came upon a government project where workers were digging a canal. Friedman was surprised that instead of bulldozers and modern earth-moving equipment, the workers were using shovels and wheelbarrows. Thinking this was remarkably inefficient, he asked the bureaucrat in charge of the project why this was so. “You don’t understand,” the bureaucrat responded. “This is a jobs program.” “Oh,” Friedman replied, “I thought you were trying to build a canal. If jobs are all you care about, take away their shovels and give them spoons.”

One wishes that Mitt Romney would display a bit of Friedman’s common sense in responding to the silly controversy over outsourcing at Bain Capital companies. Instead of defensive technical explanations about when he left the active management of Bain Capital, Romney should point out the central fallacy of Obama’s argument. Contrary to the president’s complaints, outsourcing is generally good for America.” . . .

There is a reason, after all, why LeBron James doesn’t mow his own lawn. Even if he were the world’s best lawn mower, his talents are much more valuable directed elsewhere. It is what David Ricardo referred to as “comparative advantage.”

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “As Friedman pointed out, economic policy is not about preserving every single job that currently exists at any cost.” – Therefore no jobs may be preserved under any circumstances.

  2. “Contrary to the president’s complaints, outsourcing is generally good for America.” – Who are you going to believe, me or your lyin, stinkin eyes?

    “United States once had a thriving buggy-whip industry.” – that labor saving capital investment, not hordes of foreign cheap labor did away with.

    “Certain types of operations, such as call centers, for example, or unskilled product assembly, are simply too costly for companies to do in the United States. ” – Which is why they were done here for decades with zero problems?

    “avoiding foreign trade barriers” – Lets cut straight to the chase here, the Chinese have said if it isn’t made in China they ain’t buying it. what a wonderful argument for free trade.

    “All of this makes U.S. companies that outsource more competitive in a world market, allowing them to hire more workers here at home. And generally the jobs created here are better paying than those unskilled jobs that have been forgone.” – Surely you have an example of this, of some good jobs,in equal or greater numbers to the bad jobs shipped overseas, that simply couldn’t exist without outsourcing?

    “One would think that a president who was concerned about the plight of the poor would favor policies that helped low-income Americans to stretch their dollars.” – The best thing that can be done to help the poor is to allow them to accumulate status, higher wages do this, cheaper goods does not.

    “But for some reason, on this issue as on so many others, Romney has been unwilling to make a full-throated defense of capitalism.” – It is called an election year, people will be vastly more forgiving of “ATMs take jobs” than of “foreigners taking jobs is good”.

    “But our nearly jobless recovery has nothing to do with outsourcing.” – It also has to do with mass immigration, the destruction of labor market scarcity, the resultant unwillingness of businesses to invest in labor saving capital, and so on, finally some wisdom from our friends at the national review.

    “To pretend that it does is to ignore the real job-destroyers — debt, taxes, regulation, and the burden of government.” – Oh wait, never mind the above.

  3. The American working class is sinking badly. I know dirt poor WORKING White people right here in Connecticut. I also know some ILLEGAL aliens making 15 an hour plus lots of overtime. They are making out like bandits.

    Romney is a piece of shit Rockefeller Republican. I’m going to vote for Obama.

  4. The whole article is just such Northeasterner-Think.

    For instance, I had to search LeBron whatshisname, since I’d never heard of him, the guy the article-writer says has better things to do than mow his own lawn.

    It reminded me of all the characters I met in a BIG CITY, who were secretaries or whatever, and all had this TIME IS MONEY and MY TIME IS VALUABLE attitude toward life.

    So, they had maids, wanted car services, etc. The BIG CITY was all about “feeling pampered” and important. Some shitbag can do the “dirty work,” and you are too good for it.

    This is where the meme comes from DOING JOBS AMERICANS WON’T DO.

    In reality, what this means is “Doing Jobs Northeasterners Won’t Do.” (Although they are full of endless stories about their sad shit-on days in the ghettos, or when the Evil WASPs were shitting on them and due to Puritans, or some such, they had to work in a deli, or sell shoes, or make garments… or, well, the point is, do something THEY FELT was so terribly far beneath them and they weren’t happy with it).

    The point of MOWING your own lawn, is a) it keeps you humble b) you can relax doing something mindless c) while you do mindless things, you often come up with some of your best thoughts, innovations, etc.

    Oh wait. LeBron is not engaged in thinking work. Right.

    Men in a BIG CITY see ‘outsourcing’ as what women want. They always want you to go to a spa, or get pampered, or have your feet scraped by Asians, or pedicured, manicured, massaged, and so on.

    Like the proverbial Jewish American Princess in one more funny JAP joke.

    For the Northeasterner, “Class” is something akin to being one of those women in the olden days, with their feet bound. Like you do nothing, outsources everything, and doing this, tells you that you are worthwhile.

    It’s really anti-life, imo.

  5. Romney is a piece of shit Rockefeller Republican. I’m going to vote for Obama….

    A lot of people seem to be saying that. He’ll be in a second term looks like.

    Romney really is someone a significant group of the anti-democrat americans just won’t be able to vote for, and Condi-Rubio rumors did not help.

  6. Ross Perot was right. The giant sucking sound is now silent, the pool is empty.

    The conference room blue-bloods could not have chosen a worse candidate. Their candidates are always preordained losers, the only reason Bush I made it was due to Reagan’s coattails.

  7. …And the courts.

    The ballot in Florida was highly problematic.

    Gore would have been a better president. Marginally.

  8. Friedman’s critique is internally consistent. In the narrow paradigm within which Austrian economists argue, they’re generally always correct. Fiercely automating and downsizing when it’s advantageous to do so is more profitable for shareholders. It creates wealth which wouldn’t exist had the peasants dug the ditches by hand or used spoons.

    The wheels come off the Austrian wagon when one begins accounting for externalities. If the aim of an economic system is to maximize the enrichment of a cabal of oligarchs, then you can’t beat Austrian economics. However, if the aim is to create a large and stable middle class, then decisions have to be made which are sub-optimal from the narrow perspective of shareholder profit maximization.

    If, for example, the regime feared that a vast mob of disgruntled and starving peasants would revolt, then it might well be optimal to have peasants dig a canal with spoons. Theoretically, the canal could be dug with machines, and the difference could be redistributed to the peasants, but workfare keeps the peasants busy and promotes traditional family lifestyle patterns while welfare has a corrosive impact on individuals, families, and communities.

    Government officials intuitively get this, and rely on workfare as much as possible. This is why we have so many Black government employees. The challenge with workfare is that the participant must show up and play along with the “job” for it to work. With a massive subset of Blacks, that’s simply not going to happen. It’s true for a good slice of Whites, too, for what it’s worth.

    I believe that an honest and complete analysis would show that the overwhelming majority of Americans have been shifted to one form or another of non-obvious workfare since the factories left…and using protectionism to bring the factory jobs back would indeed be a variant of workfare. Wealth in America is increasingly generated exclusively by a smaller and smaller subset of technocratic elites…elites whose ethnic backgrounds and hipster subcultures are increasingly compelling them to jettison their spirit of noblesse oblige (or transfer it to from their kinsmen to Haitians and Ugandans).

    This process isn’t going to reverse until the peasants become disgruntled enough to revolt, as it’s no longer a matter of our elites coming to their senses. The elites are no longer our elites in the same way they were a couple generations ago.

    And when the peasants revolt, here’s hoping that Michael Tanner and the rest of the National Review staff will be among the first against the wall.

  9. “I’m going to vote for Obama…. A lot of people seem to be saying that. He’ll be in a second term looks like.” Looks like…white voters, even conservative whites, will be showing their approval of their black Overlord, as the novelty of his Change becomes their new establishment and finally their settled Tradition, and their royal dynasty. Someday the King Obama monument will rise in the royal city beside the great idol of the Forerunner King (MLK) thanks to the white voters who voted overwhelmingly for their black Lord again, just one more time.

  10. Isn’t there a CT drop-out group one can join that believes: “voting for Obama again will bring on Sudden Collapse and successful white revolution”? If not, the Obama campaign should arrange to have one organised.

  11. “I believe that an honest and complete analysis would show that the overwhelming majority of Americans have been shifted to one form or another of non-obvious workfare since the factories left…and using protectionism to bring the factory jobs back would indeed be a variant of workfare. Wealth in America is increasingly generated exclusively by a smaller and smaller subset of technocratic elites…elites whose ethnic backgrounds and hipster subcultures are increasingly compelling them to jettison their spirit of noblesse oblige….”

    The urban thought pattern is centered on money-making, and urban “morality” (“how much you are worth”) is about how much you are REALLY worth. Nearly everyone has to doubt the value of his labour, that it might be worthless mere “workfare,” while knowing with full certainty that only the TRULY productive, gifted, god-like Elite (not including undeserving wealth- consuming “trust fund babies”) are truly WORTHY of their hire, or their wealth. This is Austrian, AynRandian, ultimately quintessentially URBAN thinking. Those who live in liberty out of the global urban rat race think far differently.

  12. Mosin,

    I don’t want to reward the anti-white Romney. Alex Linder is right — we have to attack conservatives more than liberals. Everyone knows liberals aer the enemy. Conservatives are the more dangerous “pretend friend.” The fake friends like Romney are there to prevent the real White resistance from rising.

    If the check pants, country club, illegal alien loving Rockefeller Republican is rewarded with the presidency, then the Republicans will go to the Left even more. Rockefeller Republicans need to lose and lose some more.

  13. Do you really think the Neocons would swing to the right if Obama is re-elected, rather than taking the much easier and natural (for them) course of shifting even further left after the SECOND “People’s Mandate”? In an Obama landslide and second administration more Tea Party- and other semi-conservative Republicans would lose their positions, who have been the only force effectively stalling the advance of “Hope and Change” in his first term. White conservative votes for Obama leading to a second Obama victory will not teach the RIGHT lesson (such as you intend) to the Republican Neocons. It will only make the Neocons who survive (there will STILL be, has to be, a second party) become even more Neocon. Homely old saying: “cutting off your nose to spite your face.”

  14. I like seeing blacks lose.

    My pleasure seeking biological glandular system and neural receptors are to be trusted.
    Seeing Kang Obama lose would be like seeing Balotelli collapsed crying while the Spanish celebrated a 4-0 victory over the Eyeties.

    Imagine the agony on the chimp’s face? Imagine the chimpout. Go with your gloating!

  15. Nearly everyone has to doubt the value of his labour, that it might be worthless mere “workfare,” while knowing with full certainty that only the TRULY productive, gifted, god-like Elite (not including undeserving wealth- consuming “trust fund babies”) are truly WORTHY of their hire, or their wealth. This is Austrian, AynRandian, ultimately quintessentially URBAN thinking.

    There aren’t URBAN and RURAL facts. There are facts and there are falsehoods.

    As a thought experiment, how would the employment picture look if all the rest of the tariffs and trade restrictions were revoked? What if all but the most critical government jobs and bureaucratic sinecures were revoked? What if the minimum wage where revoked, the earned income tax credits dried up, the military were scaled back to what was truly necessary for homeland defense, and the military-industrial contracts were limited to procuring only what was truly necessary from the lowest bidder in the world?

    This isn’t about urban vs. rural. Truck drivers clearly add value. Car mechanics clearly add value. But there’s not really much for the unskilled and semi-skilled masses to do which is truly necessary in a post-industrial economy. Essentially, they have to busy themselves with unnecessary service jobs, many of which could easily be automated.

    Assuredly, many of the “cognitive elite” aren’t adding value to the economy, either. But the ones who are doing so are creating more wealth than dozens and sometimes thousands of factory workers and farm hands.

    But, yeah. You accidentally prove a point that needs to be made: It’s absolutely vital that you pretend that workfare is necessary and valuable work. If you discuss what’s actually going on, people get all shitty and defensive.

  16. This whole thread really made me laugh, especially this attempted meme: “In reality, what this means is “Doing Jobs Northeasterners Won’t Do.””

    Let’s review: the reason that we live in BRA is because which regional/ethnic group imported millions of Africans to do agricultural work:

    A. Northeastern Puritans
    B. Midwestern Catholic “ethnics”
    C. New York Dutch
    D. Dixie’s Plantation Owners

    Now I know there were lots of middlemen making fortures serving the market, but like the fried chicken and rap music markets, it’s the availability of end-users that drives the existence of the market, not the shipping industry.

  17. This isn’t about urban vs. rural…. But there’s not really much for the unskilled and semi-skilled masses to do which is truly necessary in a post-industrial economy. Essentially, they have to busy themselves with unnecessary service jobs, many of which could easily be automated. Assuredly, many of the ‘cognitive elite’ aren’t adding value to the economy, either. But the ones who are doing so are creating more wealth than dozens and sometimes thousands of factory workers and farm hands.”

    No, it IS all about urban and GLOBAL versus rural and local, and the labour of every small “dirt” farmer, for example, DOES have REAL value — a value that cannot be calculated in dollars. The Austrian-AynRandian-Capitalist ethic is a false morality, opposed ABSOLUTELY to our true Western, Christian heritage.

    Truly, “the love of money is the root of all this evil.” A man’s true worth is NOT his current value to the global economy, but rather he has value in himself. Freedom and dignity are not economic terms.

    “It’s absolutely vital that you pretend that workfare is necessary and valuable work. If you discuss what’s actually going on, people get all shitty and defensive.” Too much of the white race has already been persuaded falsely to join the rat race, where they learn to pretend they are necessary.

  18. “unnecessary service jobs”

    Gotta give all those new (since the 70s) “career women” something to do. Imagine the workforce halved, women stay home with kids, less wealth siphoning scams like headstart and daycare, the value of a man’s labor would shoot up.

  19. “Instead of parroting “Who is John Galt?” ask: Who is the rat race?”

    I read an interesting book by an ex-hippie about this. “What men know that women don’t” or some such thing. He used the example of a Mexican fishing village, where the men worked for about 3-4 hours in the morning, and had all they needed. He then compared them to the “industrialized” peasants working in outsourced factories for 12 hour shifts and having a lower net worth AND quality of life at the end of the day. Now there aren’t enough fishing quaint fishing villages to go around for all of us, but it was an interesting point.

  20. Matt P. thats a hell of a post.

    The entire edifice of modern life depends on a strong middle class and this means inefficiently high wages and work sharing. And while yes a family farm can sub in for this we can’t all have such things (not enough land) and a nation of isolated enclave communities that are self sufficient would not be able to anything in terms of group projects It can support a White race but its a 2nd rate economy with very limited ability to do anything big, no growth or Space exploration , little Science, little progress and a small population. Granted no adventureism either but every cloud and all that

    If we don’t find a way to have a middle class all the factories cannot be sustained in any way shape or form. Also people with no incentives to participate can either only be killed or incarcerated or alternately will they’ll forcibly communize society . This is what we have now and its not working well for us in any way shape or form.

    And as an added bit of fun it leads to dysgenic breeding, responsible smart people (yes even on the left) always end up with smaller families and this reduces the national IQ by a measure. The people we need, smart, disciplined and with good forward time orientation either end up working too much or dropping out and this reduces numbers and investment in children

    This is an era of cheap ubiquitous birth control, abortion and mass celibacy (because of female hypergamy) not an age where women must have a hubby to get by. This means no free quality kids and Euro style birth rates. While correlation is not causation if people can’t see that 50% Youth Underemployment in say Spain (or anywhere) probably leads to lower than expected birth rates they just don’t get it. People need money or wealth (lands etc) to support children and given social conditions if they don’t get enough, they won’t have them. This is even slowly working in Africa, Brazil everywhere. Pay or else.

    Now we probably won’t see a massive White crime wave or an uprising, not because of the police state but because X-Box and Internet are cheap and bleed off tension but a society dies harder from neglect than revolution.

  21. @ Jim: I understand what you mean, and also what Matt meant. But now, let’s no longer accept the paradigm of the rat race, but realise we are free men who will not be bought or sold, who have value in ourselves: Gott mit uns. All the good work of our hands is sacred.

  22. “Now there aren’t enough fishing quaint fishing villages to go around for all of us….” Not enough liebensraum. You believe that as when rats overpopulate and get too crowded, they behave differently, even unnaturally — so must the crowded white race behave differently, unnaturally?

  23. Typo corrections: “Now there aren’t enough fishing quaint fishing villages to go around for all of us….” Not enough liebensraum.

    “Now there aren’t enough quaint fishing villages to go around for all of us….” Not enough lebensraum.

  24. To Jim’s point about halving the workforce. Its not possible save by diktat. Women don’t want to leave and business don’t want them gone.

    Not only are they more tractable employees they consume more .Given that Western society lives by the creed of the cancer cell, constant growth, a policy that reduced opportunities for that without raising short term profits ala outsourcing and such would be resisted.

  25. “Its not possible save by diktat” — or by a religious re-awakening: Women’s role or place in the rat race is not their place in Scripture and our historical racial culture.

  26. “Not only are they more tractable employees they consume more.” Excellent point. The vast majority of foolish, unnecessary, wasting, PROFIT-MAKING “consumption” is theirs. The rat race depends on their unrestrained “consumption” as well as their absence from their scriptural, historical role or place.

  27. Kievsky: Maybe he’s in there because he will sell out whites in the event of a war! We don’t get a do-over if we get nuked! That’s it were dead game over! The elites want the population reduced to 300 million – maybe he’s just the man to do it! The stakes are so high you have to take into consideration even seemingly low probability events.

  28. MN, I do not believe there will be a religious reawakening especially of a Christian variety. There area lot of reasons for it and while arts of the US may be a slight exception but in a broad sense, its ceased to serve White needs

    Most importantly it is a universalistic faith of locust eaters which is a poisonous ideology and the source of most of our troubles.

    What we need is some kind of religion for Whites, by Whites of Whites. Not necessarily WN 1.0 Christianity hate is optional but something we can say is “that thing of ours” and binds the group better and is not plagued with warmed over Judaism.

    No White should ever think of Jerusalem or the Middle East . He should think of what lands he has taken and his natural homes in Europe and Vinland.

    If we can get that and make it stronger than the mass case of PTSD we seem to have gotten from WW2 and the Cold War we can have a revival of faith .

    Until than, for most people Christianity will fail them.

  29. I understand the theory of voting in Kang Nigra, to sparl “White Revolution” – but it won’t work. The hammer wil come down so hard and fast none of you, having a snit over Romney, will know what will hit us. The Nogs will go full on NAGA – and NO ONE will stop it. It’s bad enough already. with NAGA’s running loose. Voting for Obama and Holder will SIMPLY be a mandate on an American AMC tyranny.

    Step carefully on this issue, boys and girls. Sometimes worse is just WORSE.

  30. Aren’t those Jews adorable!

    As for voting for the white guy over the black guy, it doesn’t matter; the black guy is going to win. The debate about who to vote for becomes tiresome, when the outcome is known.

    The question is what comes after, and that is a gut check.

  31. “Women don’t want to leave and business don’t want them gone. ”

    Yes, but men are more productive. Isn’t that always the goal? More productivity?

    So, to couch it in corporate newspeak, it’s a “win-win-win”. The kids win, the middle class wins, and companies pay more but receive higher productivity. Yes, it would have to be imposed on the resistant, but it’s a proven workable model. Unlike our current collapsing paradigm.

  32. Matt Parrott,

    Great post, always good to see your byline, minor quibble.

    Friedman’s critique is internally consistent. In the narrow paradigm within which Austrian economists argue, they’re generally always correct

    Friedman lead the Chicago School not the Austrian School.

  33. FWIW, Chicago/Austrian econs split the Federal Reserve (among other issues). Austrians like Rothbard thought it should be abolished. Chicagoans like Friedman, Becker, etc. essentially take its existence for granted.

    I think this is one reason (not the only) mainstream con trash like Tanner rarely say anything good about Austrians like Rothbard. They don’t want liberty-oriented readers who haven’t yet figured out the con following an economic theory that challenges the need for having large, privately-owned, for-profit banks controlling the American money supply. This is conjecture of course.

  34. Regarding, “You don’t understand,” the bureaucrat responded. “This is a jobs program.” “Oh,” Friedman replied, “I thought you were trying to build a canal. If jobs are all you care about, take away their shovels and give them spoons.”

    I agree with Matt Parrot. And my first thought were the same. It is a “jobs program”. It is meant to do more that just busy idle bodies. I could see Milty questioning if they were digging with beach shovels and pail, but they were not. Friedman would rather idle the workers and use bulldozers because it is marginally cheaper. Friedman is an idiot in my opinion. He is the reason niggers celebrates April 15th and we do not, he was a proponent of the idea of the EITC, and he is a huge fan of a large powerful Federal Reserve.

    And regarding another post by someone else, where is Fr. John?

  35. The Austrian argument would say that jobs wouldn’t be sucked out to never return if the US Treasury wasn’t busy vacuuming up the dollars of the capital account (that offsets the current account – i.e. trade deficit). That is, the money spent on foreign goods needs to come back somehow. Instead of American goods that would provide jobs, it goes into the treasury market. The Austrian school generally says that government meddling either through direct fiscal policy (jobs programs) or monetary intervention (Friedman and the monetarist school) causes malinvestments that need to be worked off.

    Each school of thought generally has a reasonable policy for specific circumstances. The reason this recession has gone on so long, and will not end until this key point is identified, is that the circumstances that created it are not the same ones the typical Keynsian or Monetarist policies were designed for.

    The Washington Economic Establishment is still treating this like some sort of temporary economic lull due to inventory buildup. Its actually because of the years of malinvestments that have built up in the system that they refuse to let be liquidated.
    The only people that accuratly predicted this current mess back in the early to mid ’00s used this Austrian line of reasoning. The ones who didn’t were Keynsians or monetarists. For an excellent overview of this, see the 2008 election republican primaries when Mitt Romney et. al. laughed at Ron Paul for waving his arms in the air about this very issue. Robini, Schiff, Janzen and a shit load of other people ahve been on CNBC saying this same thing to be laughed at by the reps. of the current establishment at the time.

    Anyway, the one-way road of jobs overseas is a symptom of the same problem.

    What economists never seem to account for is that steady-states, long-run or equilibrium never exist in reality. Every economic event can be traced to a root cause of some policy that was in response to some other event ad infinitum.

  36. Jackson says:
    July 18, 2012 at 9:38 pm

    If you’re just looking to troll southerners, 2/10 for getting me to respond. If not, you have a pretty shallow way of looking at it.

  37. Matt Strictland,

    People need money or wealth (lands etc) to support children and given social conditions if they don’t get enough, they won’t have them. This is even slowly working in Africa, Brazil everywhere. Pay or else.

    Here’s a worthwhile primer on the dynamics of global birth rate patterns…


    But now, let’s no longer accept the paradigm of the rat race, but realise we are free men who will not be bought or sold, who have value in ourselves: Gott mit uns.

    I agree with this, and see part of the solution as encouraging people to transition from the traditional cycle of wealth generation and consumption to performing different kinds of “work” and altering their consumption patterns. We don’t exist to furiously produce and consume at the fastest rate possible until we die.


    Great post, always good to see your byline, …

    Likewise, comrade!

    Friedman lead the Chicago School not the Austrian School.

    Thanks. Noted.

  38. @Jim

    How far back does one have to search to find a decent, marginally populist GOP Presidential candidate?

    McCain (Beltway corruption personified)
    W (Product of a Nepotistic dynasty)
    Dole (“We concede the 96 election.”)
    Bush I (The Insider’s Insider)
    Reagan (Faux populist, kept on a tight leash by GOP bigwigs)
    Ford (“I’m just happy to be here.”)
    Nixon (Prescott Bush’s honorary son.)
    Goldwater (How did this happen?)
    Nixon (See above.)
    Eisenhower (FDR killed the GOP. Country clubbers begged this guy to bring it back.)
    Wilkie (Northeast country clubber)
    On and on…

    The truth is the GOP has not run even a marginally populist candidate in a hundred years.*

    Looking at that list of GOP Presidential candidates, many common elements spring to mind:
    – indifferent to white middle class Americans
    – pro-big-business
    – extremely friendly to, or a member of, the Northeastern establishment
    – often pro big government
    – universalist/melting-pot view of America

    My overall point is that Romney is totally consistent with GOP candidates for at least the past 70 years.

    *In fact, the last real populist to run for either major party was William Jennings Bryan, Democrat, in 1900.

  39. @ Matt Parrott: “I agree with this, and see part of the solution as encouraging people to transition from the traditional cycle of wealth generation and consumption to performing different kinds of “work” and altering their consumption patterns. We don’t exist to furiously produce and consume at the fastest rate possible until we die.”

    Thanks for the confirmation that our views are, as I thought, not really so dissimilar.

    But before there was the modern “traditional cycle of wealth generation and consumption” that you recommend be altered, there was another, venerable Tradition that never needed reform or improvement.

  40. “My overall point is that Romney is totally consistent with GOP candidates for at least the past 70 years.” Good point. The vast majority of registered Republican voters and party activists have been responsible.

    I liked Goldwater, and Wallace (American Independent Party) in their heydays.

  41. I don’t like this video …..

    Here’s a worthwhile primer on the dynamics of global birth rate patterns…

    We have large famblies and you support us, you have small famblies and gibs us your money via government extortion via taxation.

    And then he starts comparing voluntary family size reduction due to the cost of taxation to support negroes with government coerced reduction of family size as if it is equal.

    Now fambly planning equals life expectancy ……
    And of course Sub-Saharan Africa comes in last. Geee …. you think maybe a Sub-Saharan bucks trying to ass rape an 7 year old might have anything to do with that?

    So now we are at BR vs. SK. vs. UG. Money doesn’t just necessarily make things better. Neither does Westernization. Negroes will still rape anything that moves and soon this guy’s charts will see a down turn in Africa as AIDs rates climb.

    And he fails to even recognize the stagnation in US wages while other countries have climbed at our expense.

    Now the $100 computer will fix everything. Hello Bono, is your African WiFi network ready yet?

    This guy is a piece if shit. And he is feeding his shit to college students ……

  42. @ Matt Strickland: “MN, I do not believe there will be a religious reawakening especially of a Christian variety…in a broad sense, it’s ceased to serve White needs. Most importantly it is a universalistic faith of locust eaters…a poisonous ideology and the source of most of our troubles.”

    Christianity, which does NOT look toward an earthly city (Jerusalem) and is very definitely NOT “warmed over Judaism” (Synagogue of Satan) nor essentially universalistic, is that THE LACK OF WHICH is the MAIN source of our troubles.

    Christianity as such has never “ceased to serve our interests,” but we have (speaking corporately) ceased to serve Him. We (speaking corporately again) are swallowing poisonous new ideologies rather than return to the Light where our deeds would be reproved.

    You may be right that there will be no Christian revival, not even in the southeastern states — in which case I predict no renewal of the Western people, not even in the southeastern states.

  43. There will be no Christian revival until the church turns back toward God and dumps all the anti White man bullshit. That won’t happen until things get bad enough folks remember who and what made the world so great.

  44. Ps, it’s funny to me outsourcing is catching up with Romney when my “dumb redneck kin” held that against him during the primaries. Just goes to show about the common man’s common sense

  45. The Ricardo reference in hysterical. The National Review is stuck in discredited 19th Century economics. Maybe Romney should tout the Iron Law of Wages while he’s at it.

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