Live Thread: 2012 League of the South National Conference


Well, it’s time to go take a look.

The conference is here on my doorstep in Montgomery. I should be able to make this one. Besides, I won’t rest until I-85 is renamed the William Lowndes Yancey Parkway.

Update: 300+ comments from Connie on how OD is a naughty, naughty website.

Note: Now that some issues are taken care of you will be seeing me around more often. I’ve taken a two year absence.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Ahhh…how many Nigras are shot by other Nigras,in Chicago, every weekend? This White Man Shooter has a pretty decent kill rate for one guy though.

  2. I think the link has been pulled. I don’t see it anymore. If thats the case, I wonder if it was pulled because Connie’s too afraid people will see what a fool she is.

    Why can’t these “grannies” just go away?

  3. The Africans don’t have a navy, an air-force, nothing. All western countries have to do, all the Western governments have to do, is Stop immigration :No Africans. If Uncle Sam goes to war in Africa, it will produce alot of war refugees : War always produces alot of war refugees; The next thing you know, the christian namby-pambies in the States will be crying about the war refugees and agitating for the refugees to immigrate here ; We already have way too much African immigrants coming here as it is ; We Do Not need any more, especially hundreds of thousands of African war refugees. The USA is headed off-the-cliff as it is. What a disaster it would be. Just another disaster for the US.
    In addition, the communists will be agitating for the African war refugee immigration also while —–> hiding behind the christians do-gooders. Communists have a murderous hatred for Whites : Unfortunately, there’re are plenty of commies in the US. Our current president [ born in africa*] is a communist : The communists are ascendant in Washington and have the most say in Matters -of -State. We would be flooded with Africans here in the States if Uncle Sam goes to war in Africa. We have All the resources we need right here in North America to have a viable and sustainable society/economy/way-of-life : No good reason to invade Africa. None at all.
    * See my posts under, “Is Obama’s Birth Certificate Fraudulent” for more information and facts about Obama’s African-birth and Obama being a communist to-the-core. I include links and google search terms so as to find the most info/facts about the Commie, African-Born Obama.
    War in Africa=Disaster.
    Hey @ John—> You live in England [ you mentioned that the other day] : Go tell it to the Queen of England if you want war so much. Then go join the Queen’s military if you’re so gung-ho for war in Africa : You’re gung-ho for war in the Middle-East also. Go tell it to the Queen of England and your fellow Brits. I hope they tell you to “Buzz-Off”. Your advice is really lousy. Nothing patriotic about your advice.

  4. “Two year abscence?” Hell with this movie theatre massacre I feel like taking an absence instead of listening to all the geniuses regurgitate facts while their lefty dopplegangers sound like a “granny” off her meds.

    I simply do not want to be disarmed and helpless by the anti-self defense crazies who somehow think it is moral to strip people of the right to self defense.

  5. Joe,

    You don’t know me. I find it slighty alarming that you have been tracking what i’ve decided to tell about myself.

    One reason that Europe is being flooded by Nigerians, Congolese is that Europeans are not in control of Africa. Thishas nothing to do with Gung Ho. Which I understand to mean “Team” in Chinese and was adopted by the USMC.

  6. If you readwhat I said Iran is a very dicey proposition. Afghanistan was a failure and Iraq simply suited the Israelis. There is much lower hanging fruit in Subsaharan Africa. Cheaper, bigger payoff and resettlement. Trouble is the US has shot its wad killing Arabs. It’s not like it’s possible to physically colonize the Middle East.

  7. Where did I say I supported any war in the ME? I made a joke about Irsael getting nukes by accident. That’s all.

    The only reason to support anything in Iran might be to overstretch the Dollar.

  8. As per John, who lives in England, the Southerners should secede: Which most likely would mean War ; At the same time, us White Americans : and that would include Southerners, as there’s alot of Southerners in Uncle Sam’s military ; We White Americans should go to War against Iran, and also Wage War throughout the whole of the Middle-East [ while fighting a War-Between-The-States here at home!!! ], while also simultaneously fighting Wars in Africa, while fighting a War-Between-The-States !!! All this War while millions of Mexicans and other thirld foreigners pour into our country, what little is left of our industry continues to be out-sourced, if not outright dismantled and moved to China; All this War while the Chinese are buying up America; All this War while we have open borders!!!
    As per John, who lives in England, wus White Americans should Wage a War here in the United States against One Another while simultaneously Waging War throughout the Middle-East and also Waging War throughout Africa : All this War against the world while we White Americans simultaneously Wage War and Kill Down One Another here in the States !!!: And all this War — Including an Internecine War : A War-Between-The-States here in the US , while millions of thirld immigrants pour into the country !!!
    I don’t think so. Rethink it @ John.

  9. Excuse the typo: Should read “us” not “wus”. Though we’d be really stupid wussies, if not outright jackassess , to listen to @ John’s advice.

  10. If the old grandad at the Oscala Cafe had been there … I doubt the shooter would have
    gotten off more than a couple of rounds. I’m not a gun owner and I can easily see this shooting turn into a 2nd amendment battle. I like the idea of grandpas everywhere packing heat to fend off lunatics and criminals.

    Of course, no mention of the filmic fantasy world the shooter lived in will come out.

  11. Seccession would happen with a whimper. Not a bang. A plebiscite most likely. The same way Scotland is going to leave the UK.

    Personally I’d shut down American ops in the ME. The Arabs can’t eat oil. They do need to sell it. Let the Israelis have a free hand instead of American kids.

    On Africa, the casualties and payoff would be in a favourable balance. There’s also farmland to be had plus: diamonds, uranium, platimum, bauxite, copper, oil, timber, water, exotic game. Just reduce the black population back to spears and eating grubs.
    They are much happier like that. Arabs have civilization and religion and do not take kindly to outsiders. There’s no way to resettle old soldiers or administrators in Arabia.
    As the Israelis are finding out.

  12. @John
    You mentioned the other day you live In England. That’s all. Wherever you may live , England or anywhere else, your advice is Putrid. Nothing sunshiny about your advice: Nothing intelligent or patriotic about your advice to us ; About your constant warmongering, goading us White Americans unto a War-Between-The-States, while simultaneously goading us White Americans to Wage even more War in the Middle-East, while simultaneously goading us White Americans to Wage War in Africa : While simutaneously goading us White Americans on to Kill Down our Fellow White Americans. Disgusting. Your advice @ John is downright disgusting and downright putrid.

  13. Why would partition need to be violent? There are examples of democratic states moving to toward and achieving independence without it turning into an eschatological fantasy.

    Scotland is one example and we will see how they do it. Norway. Slovakia. Even the birth of the Repulic of Ireland was relatively bloodless. Churchill could have massacred the Irish in a campaign of extermination, but the democratic institutions in Britain restrained him. Even then the process could have been less violent. Eitherway it wasn’t an Apocalypse.

  14. How to scare the bunnies at the LOS convention, run in there and call them “racists.”

    Good lord what a bunch of intellectual masturbation this secession talk is. Here is the scenario, tough talking States Righter men gather, talk tough enough to sound as if they could have rolled right thru Chamberlain on Little Round Top day 2. Next step an anti-white calls these people “dangerous ‘racists'”, and of course homophobes and sexists too. States Righter’s Granny companions get nervous that they will not be thought of as “nice.” And for a finale some paleoconman will spend his life either denying that race exists or comes up with the Rainbow Confederacy as to make Granny feel good. (because we don’t want Ma upset)

    Oh, and send money.

  15. @John
    Your advice reeks of talmudic hatred, talmudic love of constant war, constant bloodshed, constant slaughter, constant stealing and looting, constant and incessant Hatred and Murder against anyone — any people — not exactly “us” ; Not chosen by God, like “us”: They’re not “us” —> “WE” have every right in the world to slaughter them, steal from them, and Wage Incessant War against the world, because “WE” are The Chosen Ones; : Putrid and Talmudic [ A redundancy, I know]
    Your thinking @ John is Talmudic To-The-Core : Downright Putrid.

  16. Detroit has seen 21,000 murders since 1967.

    In the Irish war of independence no more than 800 Irish died. No more than 500 tommies or Black n Tans perished. It was a very restrained war given the resources the Royal Navy and British Army had at their disposal.

    In the US civil war the north effectively massacred 200,000 southerners out of a population of 4 million. If the South had been left alone the USA and CSA would have been on as good terms as Belgium and Holland are today, or Sweden and Norway.

    The war was entirely prosecuted by an aggressive north.

  17. When Scotland breaks off the UK the only casualties English v Scottish will be a few bruised egos. There’s no reason for the same process in the formation of a CSA to be any more blood curdling than that.

    Except fanatical patriotards like Joe. They will ensure a götterdämmerung.

  18. RobRoy, what you say might have been true about the League in the past, but there is no question that the League – in particular the League’s leadership – is moving in the right direction. Don’t mistake the League of the South with the PC-ridden Sons of Confederate Veterans.

    The thread hasn’t been pulled. I don’t know how to make a link that to the thread that doesn’t require you to have a FB account though. If you’re on FB, all you have to do is search for the League of the South page and read it. It is a closed group as far as membership and posting, but all the content is public.

  19. I personally think Michael Hill is an honorable man, but he is still saddled with Ol’ Ma and Ol’ Pa types who thinks his duty in life is to keep Ol’ Ma from being upset, and so it is nothing but close loop society for aged reactionairies slowly dying out.

    While HW is there talking tough with his fellow tough talking secessionists ready to run up the Ridge one more time for Col’ Bobby this gathering is dominated by the likes of some step an fetchits (for the anti-whites) by the name of Trotter and Kennedy who would expell any “racists” in a New York” minute. And a “racist” is just about anyone the likes of the SPLC and that anti-white Connie Chastain can agree upon.

  20. Joe,

    You haven’t been paying attention to the battle flag up on the top right of your screen.

    The US, as it is now constituted is designed to annihilate whites. There’s no constitutional room to dodge the nogs and mestizos. It can’t be fixed short of a legal partition. No white American need fear a CSA carved out from the belly of BRA. And it need not be a violent event.

  21. This sort of thing is playing out in Atlanta’s suburbs too. White neighbourhoods are “disincorporating” (made that word up) from counties where there is a tax leeching nig majority. No blood spilled as of yet.

  22. @John
    I see the Flag of the Confederacy fine. Your advice is lousy, Confederate flag, or no Confederate flag. I already explained why your @ John advice is really stupid, un-patriotic, a disaster, lacks common-sense, lacks any intelligence ; As well as being downright putrid. Not writing another post about your lousy advice. My words in my above posts speak for themselves.
    The readers now have a choice as to our conflicting viewpoints. It’s up to the individual reader to decide, of course: And as it should be :
    “Our native soil draws all of us, by I know not what sweetness, and never allows us to forget”* :
    That’s why I’m wondering why you @ John spend so much time on this website when you yourself said you live in England. What about your own native land? One would think you’d be spending more time on Albion/English/British websites — and not all your time at “OD”–if you have so much love for “native soil”.
    * Ovid: ” The Poems of Exile”

  23. “so it is nothing but close loop society for aged reactionairies slowly dying out.”

    I was at the conference last year, and younger generations were well represented. I think you’re criticizing something that you really don’t know much about.

  24. Fifteen years Jared of membership in the LOS and all I got for it was a Black Confederate fairy tale. They simply like all reactionairies never learned to deal with the evil anti-whites and their one word “racist.” So Ol’ Ma sits there in terror under the shadow of false authority called “anti-racism” while some genocided minded jews (they cannot help it their entire culture is about the genocide of others) and the whites who think they are going to transcend humanity (another Yankee perversion) basically call for our liquidation in the name of some “higher cause.”

    No thanks.

  25. Joe,

    Hunter, knows who I am sonnyboy.


    does this thing need credentials? I might just drive on down to see for myself.

  26. I don’t see it as soil. It’s more to do with who gets to have what.

    I’d prefer to see people with Mc prefixes run most things. Then suffixes like Ton,Son, Don, ly, by. It’s not about clumps of sodbut rather pints of blood.

  27. John,
    It’s very nice Hunter knows who you are, cloudyboy ; I don’t care if the Queen of England, the Duke Of Marlborough, Petula Clark, and Twiggy from your “precious isle” homeland where you live, knows you : Your advice is still lousy, to say the least.

  28. My bad advice: that Africa is more readily exploitable than the intransigent Middle East?

    My advice is actually spot on.

    Infinitely larger returns and less liability?

  29. Fair enough, RobRoy, but the League today is moving in the pro-White direction. I’m confident that HW’s analysis of the conference will confirm that. Let’s wait and see what he says.

  30. If I’m not mistaken, there is more than one ‘John’ regularly posting to OD. One is in England, and another is in St. Louis, I believe. As ‘John’ is such a common name, maybe one or both of them should alter their posting handle to something more specific, to avoid misunderstandings? Perhaps ‘JohnUK’ or ‘JohnSTL’.

    Coincidentally, there is more than one ‘Chris’ here, so I eventually just changed to ‘313Chris’ and added a gravatar. Makes it a lot easier for people to identify exactly who said what to whom, for back-and-forth interaction.

  31. Has the tide changed with the LOS? I’m wasn’t sure if I was going to stay if the rainbows kept dominating. Looking forward to good news for all of us that couldn’t make it.

  32. I bet there was well over 200 people attending the conference today. There were no rainbow advocates speaking here today, Unreconstructed Texan. You would have enjoyed Dr. Hill’s speech.

  33. Of course partition will be violent to some degree. The north is full of yankees, jews and germans. They can’t abide the idea of free people living next door to them and being what they are, will attempt to force free men to live by the german/jew/ yankee way.

    Which is why we need to wait for the unavoidable economic collapse heading our way

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