Mount BRA


Here’s the deep philosophical insight of the evening: suppose hundreds of people were converging on Mount BRA from all possible directions. What would they see?

(1) One group of people would see a society that appears to be dominated by radical Jews who use their media and financial power to coarsen American culture and enrich themselves.

(2) Another group of people would see a society in which every single institution is dedicated to the promotion and glorification of black people above all other races.

(3) Another group of people would notice the millions of Hispanic invaders surging across the Mexican border.

(4) Another group of people would notice the decline of Christianity and perceive a general moral collapse going on in American society.

(5) Another group of people would notice how perverted gender relations have become under a culture of free love and liberal divorce laws.

(6) Another group of people would notice the expansion of the central state, the growth of the national debt, and the ongoing loss of liberty in American society.

(7) Another group of people would notice stagnating wages and economic malaise and feel the pain of debt and unemployment in their households.

(8) Another group of people might notice that there are no jobs readily available for college graduates with advanced degrees.

And you know what? Every one of these points of view would be equally true and valid. That’s exactly how the object known as Mount BRA looks when it is approached from different perspectives.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I think most of us here see all of those things, leastways I do, especially if you replace jews with yankees/ jews.

    We might not discuss all those points on the regular, but it doesn’t mean those issues aren’t on our radar screen.

  2. IMO, Yankees are more interested in Jews because Jewish influence is a much bigger problem there. If you are living in Connecticut or New York or New Jersey or California, it might be quite accurate to say that you are dominated by Jews.

    California and Connecticut have four Jewish senators.

  3. but what’s the difference between the two, Hunter? None as far as I can tell from a practical standpoint and Southron position

  4. Some northers don’t see jews as any different than themselves. All jews see themselves different than any non jew.
    Jewish areas in the NE are jewish first, everything else second.
    The jews in the NE look down on everyday Whites. The jews run the entire nation thru money control and media control, they set the trends with mass media.
    The south is ahead of most northern states because of the tradition, but behnd because they don’t see the jew up close as we do in areas outside of the south.
    How many jewish lawyers do southerns encounter on a regular basis?

  5. I would attribute all of the above viewpoints to jewish control of mass media and money control.
    The culture is perverted and ruined thru the emulation of what is plastered on TV 24/7. Gay marriage is promoted non stop on all media outlets. Christanity is drug thru the mud in everyway possible in the media.
    The root of money concearning immigration groups is almost always jewish.

  6. Jews are scarce on the ground in the South outside of their urban enclaves. The typical White Southerner has no physical interaction with Jews on a daily basis.

    As far as White people living in the Ozarks know, Jews are these magical people in the Bible and talking them up earns you Jesus points in Heaven. Which is odd considering that the Jews chose Barrabas.

  7. I definitely think that Jewish influence explains a lot of it.

    Even here though, you can tell there are other factors. For example, the invention of radio, film, and television in the twentieth century, and the rise of the media conglomerates that bought up all the local newspapers and homogenized public opinion.

    You also have the mass public education system which didn’t emerge nationwide until the twentieth century. Then you have the fact that so many people go to college where they are reeducated which wasn’t the case until the GI Bill.

    It gets more complex as you study the issue at a deeper level. We know for certain that the Second World War and the Cold War with the Soviet Union played a major role in changing White racial attitudes.

    Then you have regional differences in White racial attitudes. Jim Crow was limited to the South and West. The Northeast and Midwest had been integrated since the War Between the States.

    So we already had a lot of silliness about race in America. Jewish influence has the effect of pushing our culture to the Left and making every preexisting problem worse than it would be otherwise.

  8. I agree, HW. I have studied the JQ for years. I don’t want to go into every detail, but the jews have been an enemy to the White race forever.
    The mass media and money control can not be underestimated. They are both extremely powerful in shaping the course of events.
    The news media and all the old black and white movies have always been in jewish hands.
    It seems to many who have not really looked into their history as just conspiracy, but if one connects the dots, it’s more than wild conspiracy. Their is a pattern in jewish behavior. Not to say they alone are responsible, yet I think they are the major trend setters.

  9. Sean, down here it’s

    The yankees in the NE look down on everyday Southron Whites. The yankees run the entire nation thru money control and media control, they set the trends with mass media.

    yankees have been doing so before there were large number of jews in the nation to blame things on.

    jews/ yankees are different sides of the same anti Southron White man coin

  10. The Twentieth century really did turn out to be the Jewish century.

    Walter Benjamin’s interest in the cinema is instructive.

    Art In The Age Of Mechanical Production

    he saw cinema as a therapy. I’m only just beginning to fathom what he meant deep down. One phrase sticks out in a new way:

    “Man has reach a stage of development where he can witness his own destruction as an aesthetic experience of the highest order.”

    without sounding like a maniac that’s what mass communication has done to our people. TV, Film, News all are a relentless onslaught on common sense values.

  11. I saw an episode of a vintage TV show called Rifleman the otherday, it seemed so innocent, well scribbled and attempted to teach something useful on a moral level. Compare it to the Kardashian indulgent crap today. TV really is about experiencing cultural vandalism on a grand scale.

  12. The root of the problem in the Luciferian rebellion against God in which mankind has been unhappily co-opted . All the other problems listed above are subsets of this overall conflict between Reality As It Is and the Promethean vision of the enemy of mankind:

    This is a world at war. The forces of Good (God, order, duty, love) are fighting the forces of Evil (Satan, chaos, liberty, self-worship). The Good Guys go by many different names. I call the bad guys the Revolution. Today, the Revolution holds power around the world. We can’t hope to fight it; the Revolutionary Vanguard have the metaphorical Maxim gun, and we have not. It’s called State power, and the enlightened ones have no qualms about using it to further the Great Work. This, as the video notes, is the establishment of a techno-utopia for the Revolutionary Vanguard, and the scouring of the rest of humanity from the face of Mother Earth. The Revolution’s ultimate goal: the enlightened few, walking alone and in silence among the unspoiled beauty of a depopulated world. Heaven will be a Place on on Earth. They Will have Gotten Themselves Back to the Garden. These eternal Mandarins will eat freely of the digital trees of a technocommunist Paradise, their lives extended to the maximum by technological means, their humanity — and the hole in their souls they cannot plug with all their orgasms, hedonism, and soma — genetically engineered away. This is C.S. Lewis’ “Abolition of Man”: they will do away with humanity — their own included — to build by the wisdom of Solomon the new Temple of Hiram Abiff, incarnate the goddess Liberty upon the Holy of Holies, and by so doing realize the promise of Genesis 3:22. [Source]

    The ultimate solution to all problems is, of course, the return of Christ and the reconstruction of universal order. That will occur in God’s own good time. Our goal is to push back the Revolution to the extent possible and re-establish Christendom as a world order — not as a global utopia, but as the visible means of the salvation of the human race. This will be the great era of peace promised by Our Lady at Fatima, after which comes the final temptation of the world, then Armageddon, then the End.

    Our duty is what matters. And what is one’s duty? To love God with one’s entire being, and to love one’s neighbor as oneself. First, one must love God and oneself; second, one’s spouse; third, one’s children and progeny; fourth, one’s ethnos, tribe, and race; lastly, the stranger.

    Our immediate duty, then, is to re-establish love and worship of God, then a healthy self-love (note: not self-worship) as the basis for a universal love. We do this best by rejecting atheism and materialism as the Weltanschauung of our corporate life and returning as a society to the orthodox and catholic Christian faith. We then serve Truth by fighting for the traditional Western social order which places man-led heterosexual and monogamous lifetime marriage and procreation as its foundation. Together with this we must re-install the traditional sexual roles of man as protector and procurer and woman as nurturer and homemaker — along with the related ideals of masculine chivalry and feminine gentility. We must raise our sons to be bold, fearless, proud warriors; our daughters to be sublime, fearless, proud caretakers. We must instill in them our great Western culture of rationality coupled with emotion. We must educate their minds in reason and their souls in beauty. We must steep them in our literature, our music, our art. We must destroy the false goddess Liberty and her church of Democracy and resurrect Cross and Crown upon the altars of our society. We must above all drive out the pernicious cult of the atomistic, Luciferian individual, with all its delusions of godhood, and lead them to the true shrine of the family — both natural and Divine — as the cell of society.

    Anything less will simply return us to where we are now.

    These are exciting times. All we need do is recognize the Truth and cling to it and we cannot fail. We may not individually survive, but I trust that the Almighty will preserve some remant to testify to His power. May we each and all be found to have done our duty when called upon to give a final accounting of our life to that Just Judge.

    I apologize for any formatting mistakes that may be present in this message. Lack of an edit button prevents me from previewing HTML in these reply posts.

  13. Hunter, I would love to see you make the ultimate step toward freedom and turn your back on media and television. You already know that tv and movies do nothing but rot your soul. After a few years without this terrible influence on your life, you will have a new freedom. You could document the process on your blog.

  14. (2) Another group of people would see a society in which every single institution is dedicated to the promotion and glorification of black people above all other races.

    Not just in the US but now the UK …….

    ” London 2012 Olympics: Muhammad Ali’s family will be consulted on boxer’s opening ceremony appearance – London 2012 organisers will consult with Muhammad Ali’s family before finalising what role the former world and Olympic boxing champion will play in Friday’s opening ceremony. ”

    The comments on that Telegraph story are funny: Example: ” Ali is a great, but WTF does he have to do with London, UK, Britain etc? ” etc.

  15. Calling the regime “BRA” is like calling the bad guys in LotR “Orc-Run Mordor.”

    If I lived in Middle Earth, I would no more trust the judgement or motives (pick one) of people denying Sauron’s role and pointing the finger at the Nine, or orcs instead.

    I get what you’re saying, and I agree, but not to the extent I’m going to start calling Mount Doom “Mount Uruk-Hai.” Yes, BRA works for the idiots. I’ll leave riding herd on the idiots to more patient men.

  16. Trouble is, who among this crowd, is a ‘patient man’? We’re the vanguard, all in our own little ways (well, except Joe) so, we need to take the reins and LEAD, ladies and gents.

    Build it, and they will come, I believe someone once said.

  17. What is the Jewish IQ? I can’t find anything to confirm this idea that Jews are really smart. In fact, I tend to disagree with this. I think they stick together, and take care of each other, as they should to keep their race alive, but they clearly corrupt and subvert anything they are a part of. The radical Jews are outside of the realm of comprehension.

    If Jews are really smarter than every other race – and again, I don’t see this evidence anywhere, but I’m ready to be proven wrong – then they should be in a global leadership positions. Personally, I want the best of the best to be calling the shots.

    However, when I look at history, and when I look around me today, the only place(es) I would want to call home are Angelo-Saxon nations: Iceland, Netherlands, Canada, etc.

  18. Svig’s right.

    BRA stands for black-run America. Paul Kersey says the “black-run” doesn’t mean blacks actually run it, but that America is run for the benefit OF blacks. Okay…

    Except the mestizo imminvasion gives lie to BRA, because the hordes of little brown men being allowed to swarm over the border, that phenomenon benefits blacks not at all. Indeed, precisely the opposite:
    The LBMs take janitor jobs blacks used to get. LBMs are ethnically-cleansing blacks from their neighborhoods — sheesh, Compton, even. And LBMs can’t even really be said to be an ally for votes for Democratic wealth transfers, because the apathetic mestizos rarely vote.

    So, there’s something else going on here. BRA is just a diversion while the true beneficiaries of anti- Whitism genocide us and steal us blind and mock us while they’re at it. So who are the true beneficiaries of “BRA” if not blacks? You know who.

  19. Jewish IQ?

    I’ve read that average Jewish IQ is 110 to 114 and white IQ is 100; but there are far more whites than Jews, so its reasonable that there are more whites with IQ’s of at least 110/114.

  20. “Do Jews control New York City? Absolutely.”

    And New York City is the largest city in U.S. So big that NYC mayorship is considered sufficient experience to be President.
    Jews control it. (And Hollywood.)

    Ergo, Jews run America. For the benefit of themselves. Blacks are just dogs begging for an occasional tidbit-toss.

    JRA’s not euphonic, though. Need another acronym.

  21. John Brown and Lincoln certainly set up something we can identify as BRA. Even during ww2 they had soft treatment with the Tuskeegee crap. And then as soon as an Ivy Grad with the right moves came along the country voted him in like a magic fetish.
    BRA is good enough as a working description.

  22. @Fr John
    I’ve always been very patient with all those who give me a hassle just because I “dare” to mention [ and have the audacity to provide links and google search term suggestions] For:
    Freemasons and Secret Societies
    The Federal Reserve Act
    Judah Benjamin ( and goy-boy Elmore)
    The black panthers [ and reminding my fellow white Americans to learn how to protect themselves from criminals]
    The Mossad/CIA assassinated JFK
    The Mossad is responsible for the 9/11 attack
    The Southern big-shots were just as responsible for fomenting the War of 1861 as were the Yankee big-shots ( maybe more culpaple than the yankees even)
    The negative aspects of the Catholic Church ( god-forbid)
    The Vatican-owned bank, Creditio Artigiano ( usury)
    Providing the Southerners with good ideas in terms of strategy
    Reminding the Southerners of the importance of strategy
    Wondering how talking about a bunch of weird Middle-Eastern tribes from 5,000 years ago can possibly help modern-day Americans
    That “peak oil” is a Lie [ oil is Abiotic. The Russians proved it scientifically in the 1950’s]
    My opposition to Uncle Sam’s Empire
    My opposition to Uncle Sam’s wars [ all based on lies, as well as against countries/people who’ve never done us any harm]
    What else? Oh yeah:
    Reminding readers ( I include myself) of The Importance of Self-Reflection, with the goal of Amendment and Betterment of The White Race.
    My opposition to “hobby-horse” playing
    My opposition to “disgression, diversion, deflection” from the important issues/topics
    Requesting posters to “translate” foreign words and expressions [ some posters plastering “OD” with foreign words and expressions, and un-translated too boot ; Many readers not knowing what the foreign words mean ; Such readers effectively left side-lined from the dialogue/discussion.
    Anything else? Oh yes:
    My unending patience and aplomb in the face of ad-hominem slurs and nasty remarks hurled my way for the audacity to provide links and google search terms to Back Up my opinions. Slurs such as : “jew-troll”, “wop”, “wop-jew”, “jew-wop”, “greaser”, and so on unto ad -nauseam and ennui. By His Grace, I always manage to work through the disdain and continue to inform my fellow White Americans With Facts and Substantial Information, by including alot of links and google search terms in my posts : This annoys some here, I do happen to know ; It also annoys some here, I once again happen to know, I’m not what can be referred to as a :
    ” Monocausalist”
    Domine, dirige nos ; Lord, direct us ; Cruce, dum spiro, Fido :
    While I breathe, I Trust the Cross.

  23. barb,

    Blacks have proven to be a wrecking machine. The direct and indirect costs of this population is simply staggering. They were thrown much much more than scraps.

  24. “barb,

    Blacks have proven to be a wrecking machine. The direct and indirect costs of this population is simply staggering. They were thrown much much more than scraps.”

    Compared to command and control of an entire (soon-to-be-former, to be sure) First World country’s infrastructure and wealth, a section 8 apartment and food stamps and Affirmative Action gov’t jobs is scraps.

    Certainly, since what was taken from us middle class Whites to give blacks their tidbits, our neighborhoods, our independence and our ability to provide for our families, since that was nearly all we had, to us that stuff doesn’t seem like mere scraps.
    But to the millionaire / billionaire jews on Wall Street and in Hollywood eating like effendi at tables groaning with caviar and calamari and the finest Dom Perignons — to *them* it’s scraps.

  25. Yankees are simply Judaized Protestants. That’s why Yankees and Jews are both known for being moneygrubbers. The difference between Yankees and Jews is that Yankees are inferior, counterfeit Jews. They try to emulate the Jews, but the Jews eventually arrive on the scene and put them in their place. It was inevitable that the Yankee empire would eventually become dominated by the Jews.

    The same thing has always happened wherever Mammon is worshipped. Setting the negroes free is a Yankee/Jew tactic to bring Southerners to heel. The true Southern man poses an intolerable existential threat to them. They are quick to recognize this, much quicker than we are. The existence of an alternative lifestyle based on personal honor rather than personal wealth is something they must needs destroy.

    Deo Vindice

  26. Outlier is correct.

    But those high-IQ whites aren’t united by a religion+culture+ethne that pushes them to ask “what is good for us?”.

    When they are, as is the case with Mormons they are a force to be reckoned with.

  27. Seems to me the Southern slave owners loved mammon as much as anyone else : More so even. They didn’t have any scruples about living off the work of free labor, while becoming extremely wealthy at the expense of the slaves, and at the expense of the white non-slave-holding Southerners. They [ along with Northern Jews in Rhode Island] had no scruples about dragging a foreign and alien race from Africa into our midst in order to get rich the quickest and easiest way possible. Quick wealth meant more than the unity of the White Race to the Southern wealthy ; Faith, Christianity, Morality, Heritage, Culture, History : Didn’t mean anything to the Southern wealthy, in spite of the big -stink the wealthy Southerners made about how much they loved the White Race ; Their actions were the direct opposite of their their words. The Southern wealthy worked in -tandem with the Jews more than anyone else in the US : Slavery being a Jew/Talmudic economic system in the Very First Place.
    Whites were forced into share-cropping, another form of slavery. The Southern large-plantation owners [ 1,000 + slaves] loved mammon as much as any Jew, as much as any yankee-jew. The Southern big-shots were just as culpaple for the War of 1861 as any yankee/jew. Slavery was becoming increasingly unprofitable. The wealthy Southerners didn’t want the burden of slaves anymore. They fomented the war in the first place. After the war, slavery evolved into share-cropping, another form of slavery. Slavery without the expense of the overhead of taking care of slaves. They didn’t treat the poor white Southerners much better than the blacks. Poor whites were thrown into share-cropping, as well. There was always great malnutrition amongst the poorer white Southerners, and lots of pellagra, and rickets from the malnutrition.
    The wealthy slave-owning Southerners had a firm control of the Southern economy, as the wealthy Southern slave-owners worked hand-in-hand with the Northern Jew big-shots : Together, the Northern Jew slave-traders of Rhode Island + the Southern wealthy, had a complete strangle-hold on the economy of the South. A monopoly ; An Oligarchy. The large Southern plantation owners were The greediest people in America– bar none.

  28. The Southern wealthy took the most they get from everyone– white and black– with as little money as possibe, and gave back to the community, to the country– and even to their own “beloved” South– the very least.

  29. You have to wonder why he shows up. The banner, the flag he can’t quite bring himself to see them.

  30. For more information/facts about the history of Slavery in America and how the Southern wealthy worked hand-in-hand with the Jews, go to :
    If link doesn’t work, Google:
    ” southern slave owners + jews”
    ” iamthewitness” website is on first page of results. [ excellent website in general]
    Another good website to learn more about Jews and Southern wealthy working in -tandem: ( www.) blacksandjews ( .com) [ very informative website]

  31. Sparta only ended badly because the Thebans hated them enough to war on them. Athens itself was defeated by Sparta.

    The Thebans in their stupid democratic zeal were genocided by Alexander and the earth salted.

    The Yankee resembles the Theban fanatic. Sparta kept Greece as a decentralized confederacy with local city states choosing their own form of government as needed. The Universal equality of Thebes and then of Alexander’s Empire robbed Greece of much of it’s special nature.

    What comes after the equality brought to Greece by the Thebans? A Short lived Macedonian Empire. The plebs in Rome were disenfranchised and it didn’t hurt them. Once Caracala granted as residents in the Empire equal citizenship the Empire fractured.

    As for Southern partition perhaps we are in a phase of late Empire. The prospects of
    partition look good. Separatism is the only way.

  32. @John
    You yourself @ John live in England [ you said so yourself] — so one can ask the same question of you. I see the flag, the banner just fine. I’m of the opinion All White Americans, including Southerners ; Especially Southerners — considering the Confederate flag on the opening page of Occidental Dissent — can only benefit from Knowledge, Information, and Facts.
    I have, as an American citizen, every right to share information with my fellow White Americans.

  33. Do Jews control New York City? Absolutely….

    There’s truth in it, but the city is white majority catholic (by 30%). Wasps are 4%, virtually nonexistent, and usually either gay or there for career reasons, which is usually media, more broadly the “arts” (it really has to go in quotes), or finance. Wasps just hanging around, for no reason, just living there—- do not exist. Not so the catholics or jews. The mayors, etc, are about evenly jewish or catholic—– but people do say the jews are “disproportionately” ruling (since they are fewer than catholics.)

    To say Wasps are “disproportionately disempowered” not just there, but in the whole country (given that they really were the majority, before so disincentivized to reproduce)—- would be an incredible understatement, just numerically.

    People go on about the “puritans” and so on—- but it obscures that the majority of the country 50 years ago was very clearly white protestant, and that many of those people were always a far cry from new england. —-The larger American population is taken off focus (and for cause).

    Anyway, it’s genocide.

  34. Apuleius says:
    July 24, 2012 at 3:43 pm
    Yankees are simply Judaized Protestants. That’s why Yankees and Jews are both known for being moneygrubbers. …”

    Well… NYC, the seat of the Northeast power, (and DC), are less than 5% protestant.

    It just makes this assertion impossible to support.

    In centers of power, the protestants don’t exist. NYC has had many Catholic mayors (for instance)… Are they Judaized? The Supreme Court of the U.S. is majority Catholic and made up of mostly Northeasterners. There are no protestant on SC.

    Are the non-protestants Judaized also? Also— was Vatican II Judaizing?

    Sorry, but these are reasonable questions.

    Certainly, all of the above are anti-White.

  35. Harvard, Yale stopping their Restrictive quotas on Jews was suicide. The death of the Anglican church is also monumental.

    It’s a genocide in daylight, it all happened since 1960. Within our lifetimes.

  36. JOE SAYS:

    “Seems to me the Southern slave owners loved mammon as much as anyone else : More so even. They didn’t have any scruples about living off the work of free labor, while becoming extremely wealthy at the expense of the slaves, and at the expense of the white non-slave-holding Southerners…..”

    Joe, lol—– salves were not FREE labor. Slaves costed a lot of money. HW will tell you exactly how much, idk— about today’s dollars $135,000. That’s the whole bone of contention— they were slaves (their owners had to pay for them, so they were not free).

    If you look at the 1865 census, you will see most middle class people cannot afford to eat like the slaves there.

    —I’m not defending it. The wage system is better, overall, imo.

    But slaves were not free. They were owned, their housing provided, medicine provided, food provided

    —– WHAT’S FUNNY… is that today’s masses clamor for “free” housing, medicine, guaranteed jobs, stipend for retirements—

    They just don’t want to be CALLED slaves

    Isn’t that the only real difference?

  37. The rapidity of the demographic decline it astounding.

    However, with NYC and other conurbations this is a cultural trait. The Anglo has always sought out the rural life. Old English proverb: “The Cities Are Traps” refers to how the Romans were slaughtered inside self built prisons by the invading Saxon. They never settled in the old Roman walls prefering the open fields for building farm houses.

  38. Go to :
    For information/facts about Vatican 2. If link doesn’t work, go to :
    ( www.) realnews247 ( .com)
    Very informative website about varied topics, including informative/timely articles with the focus on the USA for the most part. The Catholic church articles are listed on the right side bar. There are quite a few links in the articles, as well, that will lead to even more information and facts about what happened in the Catholic church as concerns Vatican 2.

  39. Dixie,

    You are wasting your breath on these points. It seems clear to me that blacks respond well to an authoritarian master and are best at physical work. sports Coaches in particular resemble overseers and plantation managers. The NCAA is in many ways a farm system for young slaves, some of whom graduate to the full gladiatorial level of professional sport. Without that system few nigs would ever get into college or make serious money.

    Once out of that sport system the majority of brutes fall back into penury.

  40. @John
    I know slaves required care and feeding and upkeep ; That was getting to be a burden on the large slave-owners as the slave-economic system was becoming increasingly unprofitable :I know that ; I mentioned it very clearly—-> It’s the reason the Southern wealthy fomented the war : To get rid of the burden of caring for the slaves. Slavery then evolved into share-cropping. A type of slavery without the upkeep : how convenient. It’s a bargain, it’s. I covered that already. Bye.

  41. I’m from NYC. Not too many Wasps in the Bronx when I was growing up, but there were plenty of Wasps in Manhattan. [ I moved to Manhattan when I was 17]. I met tons of Wasps. The Wasps were just as f*cked-up as everyone else. No worse, but certainly not any better than anyone else.

  42. Vatican II was Judaizing to the Catholic Church, similiar to how the Slave Economic System was Judaizing to the United States.

  43. Wasps don’t want to control anything. The Wasps handed all their power over to the Jews in 1913 when the Wasps passed the Federal Reserve Act. The Federal Reserve Act handed All Money Power– ipso facto Government Power– over to Jew/European bankers. Fuhgeddaboudit.

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