Mount BRA


Here’s the deep philosophical insight of the evening: suppose hundreds of people were converging on Mount BRA from all possible directions. What would they see?

(1) One group of people would see a society that appears to be dominated by radical Jews who use their media and financial power to coarsen American culture and enrich themselves.

(2) Another group of people would see a society in which every single institution is dedicated to the promotion and glorification of black people above all other races.

(3) Another group of people would notice the millions of Hispanic invaders surging across the Mexican border.

(4) Another group of people would notice the decline of Christianity and perceive a general moral collapse going on in American society.

(5) Another group of people would notice how perverted gender relations have become under a culture of free love and liberal divorce laws.

(6) Another group of people would notice the expansion of the central state, the growth of the national debt, and the ongoing loss of liberty in American society.

(7) Another group of people would notice stagnating wages and economic malaise and feel the pain of debt and unemployment in their households.

(8) Another group of people might notice that there are no jobs readily available for college graduates with advanced degrees.

And you know what? Every one of these points of view would be equally true and valid. That’s exactly how the object known as Mount BRA looks when it is approached from different perspectives.

About Hunter Wallace 12398 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Ann Barnhardt just wrote a very informative article about Communists [in Chicago] : Catholic-communists and Jew communists, and Obamas relationship with the Chicago commie gang. Obama was groomed by the jew commie mob in Chicago to be the [ really: their] president. The Jew commies in Chicago had help from the Communist-Catholic Cardinal Bernandin. Go to :
    If link doesn’t work, Google:
    ” ann barnhardt + alinsky obama bernadin”
    The “freerepublic” website/article will be on first page of entries.

  2. Bill Ayers was invited to speak to educators in Milwaukee. Catholic institutions sponsored him.
    Bill Ayers and Marquette

    First, it was Alverno.

    Then, Mount Mary.

    Now, John McAdams points out that the Marquette Educational Policy and Leadership program of the University’s College of Education also was an official sponsor of the Rethinking Schools celebration that highlighted that most venerated educator Bill Ayers.

    I’m confused about Marquette’s alleged Catholic identity.

    Among the respected reformer Ayers’ “accomplishments” is being a founding member of the radical, violent Leftist group the Weathermen, later called the Weather Underground Organization.

    Terrorist Bill Ayers does not apologize for his efforts to overthrow the U.S. government via violent means. However, he does regret he didn’t cause more destruction and damage to the country.

    Ayers, the expert on educating our children, was an author of Prairie Fire.

    The manifesto states:
    We are a guerrilla organization. We are communist women and men, underground in the United States for more than four years. We are deeply affected by the historic events of our time in the struggle against U.S. imperialism.

    Our intention is to disrupt the empire, to incapacitate it, to put pressure on the cracks, to make it hard to carry out its bloody functioning against the people of the world, to join the world struggle, to attack from the inside.

  3. @ Hunter: “Jews are scarce on the ground in the South outside of their urban enclaves.” But this is true in the North that I know, where they don’t work the soil or live in true agrarian settings, but in cities, towns and suburbs. They’re not part of the real farmer networks, not even as lawyers.

    @ Cotton Co. Expat: “Hunter, I would love to see you make the ultimate step toward freedom and turn your back on media and television. You already know that tv and movies do nothing but rot your soul. After a few years without this terrible influence on your life, you will have a new freedom. You could document the process on your blog.” Interesting suggestion, applicable also to MANY others. Yes, ignore, boycot, and don’t waste the time or the admission or cable service money! Popular media is NOT worthy of study or citation, including Daniel Tosh, and the endless copycat zombie and vampire shows — in my extreme opinion.

    @ Svigor: “Calling the regime “BRA” is like calling the bad guys in LotR ‘Orc-Run Mordor.’ If I lived in Middle Earth, I would no more trust the judgement or motives (pick one) of people denying Sauron’s role and pointing the finger at the Nine, or orcs instead. I get what you’re saying, and I agree, but not to the extent I’m going to start calling Mount Doom ‘Mount Uruk-Hai.’ Yes, BRA works for the idiots. I’ll leave riding herd on the idiots to more patient men.” Good comment, Svigor, which echoes some of my own comments heretofore about the “BRA” label that is so appealing to southeastern staters of slave-owning heritage.

  4. @ Stonelifter: I agree, most of us are like all of these hypothetical groups: We see all of these things and points of view. However there really are many who do see only one or some of these realities.

  5. You’ve missed the point of what BRA is. It’s a sort of taboo, heresy thing.

    No one actually cares much for the black (except nuts like John Brown) but are seeking status among their own kind through pandering. Jews tend to be the masters of this status seeking. The matyrs who were killed in Mississippi for example. Most of the Jews simply profit from the block busting by grabbing property at a steal, and law suits as attorney’s for the plaintif.

    But it’s still being done for the ostensible benefit of retarded apes. Btw aorc just means
    foreign devil in OE.

  6. Paul Kersey is right.

    BRA is very, very, very real. Just look at the debate we have been having on the League of the South Facebook group. We even have “Southern nationalists” like Connie Chastain and all these other Rainbow people who believe in running Dixie for the benefit of the poor, oppressed negro.

  7. FYI – I am Jew-baiting, on a Mainstream site – and it’s going fabulously well. No accusations of being a KNAAAZEEE yet. That could change – but so far so good! HA! Expulsion 110 is right around the corner!

  8. John – I was race-bating on yet ANOTHER mainstream site. I introduced Race into a particular issue. Hell hath broken loose, of course – but…ahhhh….I basically told my accusers to piss off. Others began to do the same. Now others are weighing in, with their own “Niggers are MEAN” stories. The “handlers” are getting shouted down…

    Hee hee hee hee….

  9. @Tamer of Savages
    I don”t know if “Riverdale is still Waspy”. As far as I know, Riverdale was heavily Jewish when I lived in the Bronx [ a million years ago]. You @ Tamer of Savages live in NYC. Drive up to Riverdale and check it out. I live in California now for the last 12 years.
    Or, take the #1 train and get off at 231st Street. Give my regards to Harlem along the way. Might give you an opportunity to tame some wild savages while you’re on your way to your Riverdale fact-finding mission. I ain’t going back to find out. It ain’t happenin’. Fuhgeddaboudit.

  10. I have horse turds in my pasture make more sense then joe. Planters could have sold their slaves in South America for a profit if they wanted to divest themselves, but somehow we’re supposed to believe the planters destroyed themselves and their wealth to divest themselves of slaves….

    I know you are trying to defend your people Mosin, but the fact is there is nothing to defend. yankees gave us BRA when they gave us lincoln, and there isn’t a spits worth of difference between the way yankees, jews, negros, queers etc vote. yankee land, the mid west and the left coast have reinforced BRA at every turn. The South and the West have voted against BRA time and time again, especially so at the state and congress level.

    There was a transitional period, because the democrats use to be the party of the Southron White man. It took awhile for folks to catch on to the switch. Unfortunately that is becoming less true because the gop isn’t exactly anti BRA; because of the transplants from yankee land, and california; and changing demographics with that wonderful yankee gift of open borders, but as Hunter has demonstrated time after time, if the north voted like the South, we wouldn’t be in this mess.

    If you go back in your reading, before the jews showed up, you will see yankees had the same anti Southron White attitude, voting trends etc as they do today.

    Standing in my boots, as a rural Southron White man, with a practical mind….. yankees, jews, negros, beaners, queers…. What’s the difference? Maybe up north, there is a difference, but from the way y’all force us how to live, there is none. And there is nothing new about it either

  11. “BRA is very, very, very real. Just look at the debate we have been having on the League of the South Facebook group. We even have ‘Southern nationalists’ like Connie Chastain and all these other Rainbow people who believe in running Dixie for the benefit of the poor, oppressed negro.”

    Being “run FOR” is not the same as the “run BY” that “Black run” implies.

    “Black run” is inaccurate (as Svigor wrote, above: “Calling the regime ‘BRA’ is like calling the bad guys in LotR ‘Orc-Run Mordor.’ ”) absolutely, and possibly, euphemistic, not naming who really runs. But it seems to be targeted and acceptable especially to southeastern staters of slave-holder heritage.

  12. We’re topping 1,000 comments on the LoS Facebook page. It has been revealing … seeing how many White people, even on the Far Right, who believe they are morally obligated to run their societies for the benefit of the Black Undertow.

  13. “I know you are trying to defend your people Mosin, but the fact is there is nothing to defend. yankees gave us BRA when they gave us lincoln, and there isn’t a spits worth of difference between the way yankees, jews, negros, queers etc vote. yankee land, the mid west and the left coast have reinforced BRA at every turn. The South and the West have voted against BRA time and time again, especially so at the state and congress level.” I do not defend the people you’ve listed, and they are not mine. I do however note that your broad generalisations that are true on the state and regional levels are not necessarily accurate concerning the way things are — the way people live and think, and how they vote — everywhere north of the Line on the LOCAL level. I think RURAL Pennsyltuckians probably have much more in common with you than metropolitan Atlantans.

  14. Being “morally obligated to run…for the benefit of the Black Undertow” is not what “Black RUN” seems to mean. But “ARB” (BRA reversed) meaning AmeriKa-Run-for-blacks is accurate.

  15. people in rural Pa had a chance to stand for liberty and White men, they elected to support america’s 1st tyrant, crush state rights and White men instead. The people In PA have continued to do so with their votes ever since. Does it mater to the people being crushed if its only 51% of the people in PA doing the crushing? It does not.

  16. Joe said:”Or, take the #1 train and get off at 231st Street.”

    That is the Bronx, Joe. I was in that area back in the 90’s. The 1/9 train ends at 242nd, Van Courtland park. Yonkers begins at the edge of Van Courtland. (I used to live in the area).
    231 st (and Broadway) in the 90’s was all puerto rican, dominican and nigger. Housing projects and slum buildings. There are a number of jewish enclaves in Yonkers. They were redistricting school zones to have public schools be essentially all jewish schools.
    In the 90’s I would take the train downtown and there would be 1-800 cop shot posters with a reward and pictures of niggers and PR’s who where murdered in the area with reward money for information.
    Definetly was not a jewish of wasp area then.

  17. You have a powerful point, Stonelifter! I just reviewed the election results, and yes, it was 56% for the tyrant. New England states were around 60 to 75%. Virginia gave him 1%, Maryland 3%, and he wasn’t on the ballot in other southeastern states.

  18. Stonelifter, I can see why you view all northerners as yankees. From a southern perspective it makes sence. But in no way is your average White guy up north your enemy or is even aware of the hostility from southerners.
    That being said, the two groups of Whites have very little in common other than skin color. Up north is run by White liberals and jews.
    But rural Whites areas are excellent places to live.

  19. @Sean
    That’s okay. Tamer of Wild Savages is a tough guy. He’ll do okay, even if gets off the train in a “bad” neighborhood. As he likes to tame wild savages, Tamer will be in his glory in a darkie sort-of-neighborhood.
    There’s a section of Riverdale in the Bronx which is heavily Jewish. Between the Hudson River and the Henry Hudson Pkwy. The closet #1 subway* stop is 231 st and Broadway. Tamer is just going to have to travel through a little-bit of a rough area to get to the Jewish enclave. Unless he has a car. Or he can take a cab.
    As the # 1 train crosses over into the Bronx from Manhattan, it’s then called the “El”. “EL” is for elevated. Elevated tracks.

  20. It crosses over at 225st, from Harlem. Can’t remember if it goes underground headed south at 225th. (near a hospital?)
    If I remember correctly, west form Broadway it improves, alittle, but that would be further north of 231st.
    I never heard the subway in NYC reffered to as the “l”. It was the “train”. Or MTA.
    This was ages ago I left though, thank God. It was a shit hole then and I’m sure it’s a shit hole now.

  21. @Stonelifter d All Readers
    The Sothern slave owners would have had a very difficult time selling their slaves in South America :
    Slavery Abolished In:
    Mexico 1810
    Argentina 1813
    Uruguay 1814
    Ecuador,Colombia, Panama 1821
    Chile 1823
    Federal Republic of Central America 1824
    Bolivia 1831
    Venezuela 1840
    Peru 1854
    Cuba 1862
    Dutch Colonies 1863
    Brazil 1888.
    Looks like Brazil is the only possibility, except Brazil was chock-full of slaves. The slaves could be bought dirt cheap. Slave owners in Brazil didn’t need to buy American slaves anyway: The Brazilian slaves had plenty of babies. The babies were had for free. No need to buy slaves from American Southerners.
    The American Southern slave-owners got alot of mileage out of their erstwhile black slaves through the share-cropping system. Share cropping is slavery without the over-head of having to feed and care for the slaves. They made plenty of money off black [and white ] share-croppers. The Southerners would not have recieved any compensation anything close to what the blacks were worth to the Southern wealthy as share-croppers.
    Google: ” what year was slavery abolished”
    A simple google search will give the abolition dates for slavery in any country one may be interested in.

  22. Sean says:
    Stonelifter, I can see why you view all northerners as yankees. From a southern perspective it makes sence. But in no way is your average White guy up north your enemy or is even aware of the hostility from southerners.
    That being said, the two groups of Whites have very little in common other than skin color. Up north is run by White liberals and jews.
    But rural Whites areas are excellent places to live.

    Bump for truth! Except for the part of having little in common. I’ve lived in the north and south. White folks have a lot in common with each other.

    As for the ‘war’. I didn’t start it or fight in it. Neither did anyone else here. Place the blame or give credit to folks long since dead, if you must.

    To say that jews = negroes = queers = yankees, is just nonsense.

  23. Show me where they vote differently then each other in numbers enough to matter Sam.

    Now you began to understand Mosin. When you look at the maps for obama and NC, you will see obama won NC in the negro counties and the counties heavy with transplants. Which is also where the queers, jews etc live in numbers. Same goes with VA as well. MD for that matter, expect the filth has spread so much in MD it’s hard to find and actual multi-generational Marylander. And oh how I loved Maryland! Not the land of my birth, but Southron Maryland was lovely in all ways that matter, and very Southron. It breaks my heart to see what yankees/ federal employees have done to her. Literally tears in my eyes heart broken

  24. @Sean
    Yes, near a hospital. I forgot thename of it.
    I’m very happy in Northern California. I’m glad I’m outta there also. It was a shithole for a long time. The decay started in the 1950’s. Long story. Yes, the elevated trains is referred to as the “El”. Google: “Third Ave El”. It was dismantled in the late 1930’s, and the steel was sold to the Japanese [ who then made weapons with the steel] It’s true. Google it, if you’re interested in NY City subway history. But yes, native New Yorkers always referred to the elevaed trains as the “El” trains.

  25. ps, Sam, the war goes on by the way y’all vote. Voting is an act of force. yankees vote to force BRA on us. The level of force is removed from most yankees, as in your not the one who show up with rifles to enforce yankee will, but yankees vote so BRA will do it for them

  26. I had a buddy years ago from Loiusiana, right around the time of Katrina. His accent was very similiar to my thick Boston accent. At first when I was talking to him I thought he was from Boston. After a few minutes I realized it was allitle off from my own.
    Anyway, we got along fine, but our life experiences were completely different. We found common ground along the lines of discussing how niggers behave. It started off when I asked him if all the rumors of nigger looting and rapes during Katrina were true.
    I have met other southerners as well and have always gottoen along with them as well.

  27. Yes, Stonelifter and Apuleius are anomalies. All the Southerners I’ve ever met in real life were intelligent.

  28. No, I am not intrested, Joe. I lived there for three years when there was 1200+ murders per year in the early 90’s.
    I hate that place and have only been there a few times for funerals since. It was a good thing to live there in my late teens/twenty though, really opened my eyes and toughened me up.
    But in that time I never heard anyone call it the “l”.

  29. Sean
    I never asked you to like the NYC, or anywhere else . And I don’t give a sh*t if you never heard anyone refer to the elevated trains in NYC as “el” trains, or not. If you’re not interested in the subject, why did you involve yourself in it in the first place?
    Tamer aimed a post at me [ @ Joe], and I shot one back at him [ @ Tamer] , then you jumped into the middle of it. If you weren’t interested in the subject, why did you involve yourself in the conversation in the first place? Pretty f*ckin stupid.
    If link doesn’t work, Google:
    ” new york city el trains”
    Tons of Information online about NYC’s “El” trains.

  30. Always looking for trouble on this site aren’t you?
    You are a major distraction here, it is beyond me why you have not been banned yet.

  31. Yes Stonelifter. How Brilliant of You!
    Brazil has always been in South America. You don’t have to check @ Stonelifter to see if Brazil is still in South America. Brazil has always been in South America. It’s not going to get up and move to another continent.

  32. “Now you began to understand Mosin. When you look at the maps for obama and NC, you will see obama won NC in the negro counties and the counties heavy with transplants. Which is also where the queers, jews etc live in numbers. Same goes with VA as well. MD for that matter….” Nevertheless, when you look closely at the county and township election results in much of rural Pennsyltucky you will see voting similar to your own state, and the people not that different now. Those well-funded, liberal and Neocon-minded transplants you see invading and changing your state are are not the same people as the poorer, rooted-in-place conservative farming and farm-related folk who NEVER voted Obama, and do vote for anti-immigrationists such as Metcalfe whenever they can, and put up Ron Paul signs all along the roads with only the best of conservative intentions.

    “(T)he filth has spread so much in MD it’s hard to find and actual multi-generational Marylander. And oh how I loved Maryland! Southron Maryland was lovely in all ways that matter, and very Southron. It breaks my heart to see what yankees/ federal employees have done to her. Literally tears in my eyes heart broken.”

    Yes, all of central Maryland and northern Virginia is now completely overrun and destroyed by the taxpayer-funded and stupidly, repeatedly overwhelmingly voted-for liberal-neocon Mis-government Beast!

  33. “stupidly, repeatedly overwhelmingly voted-for”

    The Republican-registered electorate did it again in the spring primary season.

  34. How does any of that mater to me Mosin? And why should it mater? The end result is the same. yankees destroying what is good ie the South and our ways, and attempting to force the rest of us to live by their stupidity. The north has forced BRA on us, at some points literally with armed troops. The rest is only window dressing.

  35. To All Readers and Stonelifter
    They could have sold the slaves in Brazil, but the blacks were worth alot more to the wealthy Southerners as share-croppers. Plus, there was an over-abundance of slaves in Brazil, the Southerners would have taken a giant loss. Also, there was an abolitionist movement in Brazil as well : The Brazilian plantation owners would have been reluctant to buy slaves as it was clear that slave system was coming to an end throughout the whole hemisphere ( see above abolition dates). The slave-system just wasn’t as profitable. The economy was in flux. @ Stonelifter : Your attempt to deflect from the issue has failed.

  36. so having their homes burnt down made more sense? nothing proves the insanity of slow joe the jew troll like his idea Southron planters destroyed their wealth, homes, lives and the South to make money…. You know, just like Ford burns down their plants when they need to retool

  37. To All Readers and Stonelifter
    Of all the large plantations in the South, only 2 were burned down. The rest remained intact —> All the rest of ’em were left alone. It was the yeoman farmers who had their homes burned down during Sherman’s march to the sea, and other Yankee military campaigns, not the large plantation homes : They survived the war unscathed. Google it. It’s the truth. One can find the info even in mainstream history books as well. It’s not hidden knowledge. Not at all.

  38. @Stonelifter
    Now you’re deflecting from the truth. Discussion is now over ; As you @ Stonelifter have devolved into making ridiculous comments about “unicorns”. I can’t be bothered with your @ Stonelifter inane and puerile remarks, especially when designed to deflect from the truth. Discussion over.

  39. the discussion is over joe because you have no facts only wild accusations that defy logic.

  40. @Stonelifter
    I know you have alot of facts to back you up because you devolve into talking about :
    Laughing online big-time.

  41. I am not the one trying to prove something to the effect, the South destroyed it’s self to make money, which defies all logic. In fact it makes as much sense as unicorns

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