Mount BRA


Here’s the deep philosophical insight of the evening: suppose hundreds of people were converging on Mount BRA from all possible directions. What would they see?

(1) One group of people would see a society that appears to be dominated by radical Jews who use their media and financial power to coarsen American culture and enrich themselves.

(2) Another group of people would see a society in which every single institution is dedicated to the promotion and glorification of black people above all other races.

(3) Another group of people would notice the millions of Hispanic invaders surging across the Mexican border.

(4) Another group of people would notice the decline of Christianity and perceive a general moral collapse going on in American society.

(5) Another group of people would notice how perverted gender relations have become under a culture of free love and liberal divorce laws.

(6) Another group of people would notice the expansion of the central state, the growth of the national debt, and the ongoing loss of liberty in American society.

(7) Another group of people would notice stagnating wages and economic malaise and feel the pain of debt and unemployment in their households.

(8) Another group of people might notice that there are no jobs readily available for college graduates with advanced degrees.

And you know what? Every one of these points of view would be equally true and valid. That’s exactly how the object known as Mount BRA looks when it is approached from different perspectives.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. @Stonelifter
    The average Southerners didn’t destroy the South, of course, but the big-shot bankers in the North and in England, together with the Southern elite “aristocracy”, worked together to foment the war in order to transition into a share-cropping economy [ as the slave economy was becoming increasingly un-profitable] as well as to transition into the newly emerging Robber-Baron corporate-monopoly economy. The Southern elite then invested their profits into the new Robber Baron corporate-monopoly economy ; A Great deal of Southern money being invested in areas outside the South, leaving the South devoid of industry and languishing [ compared to the rest of the US and the Western world in general]. In the meantime, the large plantation manors of the South were left unscathed during the War of 1861. The wealthiest Southerners didn’t miss a heart-beat: They transitioned from chattel slavery to share-cropping very smoothly : Share-cropping being a type slavery ; Slavery without the expense of having to feed and care for the slaves.
    Go study history beyond the grammar-school level , and stop day-dreaming about unicorns.

  2. still makes no sense. They could have done any number of things for the outcome you say they wanted without the loss. They could have freed their slaves on their own, or pulled the strings to have the laws changed, or taken any number of options other slave nations took when they ended slavery without a war. Plus the planters know negros do not work as share coppers very well, which is why they brought chinks into the Caribbean.

    No commercial enterprise operates in the manner you describe because it makes no sense, defies logic and wild ass conspiracy theory webpages doesn’t count as a reference. You are a liar about the black panthers and the nyc riots, you are a lair about italy and the slave trade and you are a lair on this topic as well

  3. Why is the Yankee (WASP-y Episcopalian New Englander) nearly extinct and largely replaced by Catholics and Jewish types in the North East?

    Answer: The Southerner went down fighting and is still quite a potent political thorn in the side. It’s better to go down fighting than bend over, even a defeat can bind a people together. The smart arse Yankee killed his cousins (on behalf of ungrateful swine) and is now experiencing Karmic payback on a genocidal level. John Brown got it wrong. Teh N.E. and Midwest rust belt is paying for liberating savages.

  4. “Show me where they vote differently then each other in numbers enough to matter Sam. ”

    Rural whites in the north vote the same as whites in the south. Just look at a county by county Red/Blue map.

    It’s our vile cities swelling with rootless whites and teeming browns who fuck us every election. In the recent WI recall, Walker won with over 70% of the rural vote. Something has to be done about our cites. It’s a travesty when four population centers get to choose the rulers for everyone else.

    It’s like Rome. With way less style.

  5. Too bad the Southerners loved their slaves so much the Southerners tripped over themselves to work together with the Jew slave-dealers in what is a jew/talmudic economic system to -the-core: Slavery [ and share-cropping] . And some posters say they Yankees are Jewed-out. The Southern big-shot businessmen loved the Jew slave-dealers to kibbles-and-bits. In return for working together with the Jew slave-dealers, the Jews then turned around and f*cked the Southerners right up the butt when the slave-system was becoming increasing unprofitable.

  6. I’m not saying rural yankees do or don’t vote a certain way. Frankly I don’t care. What I am saying is, from our standpoint, and from the end results, it makes no difference. Rural yankees or not, the north forces its ways on everyone else through elections and the like.

    Seriously, how does rural yankees voting a certain way do us one damn bit of good? Or done us in the South one damn bit of good.

  7. Slavery is extremely profitable. What do you think the illegal farm workers are? Or hookers? or grad students and college ball players are for that matter? Every bordello is a plantation.

    I’m not convinced that Jewish people were disproportionately involved in the trade either. I wouldn’t be surprised to find that plantation owners ran up debts to Jewish lenders and suffered foreclosures and that explains much of the involvement (these people are not farmers or men who work with their hands) Or that ship owners were in hock to moloch owned insurance firms. How many crews and Captains were ever Jewish?

  8. “Seriously, how does rural yankees voting a certain way do us one damn bit of good? Or done us in the South one damn bit of good.”

    That wasn’t my point. The rural/urban breakdown is similar across the country. The rural vote is what helped us here in the last election. I don’t live in the South, but the problem is not exclusive to the north. The south has the same issue with their cities. Virginia, Florida, North Carolina 2008 anyone? Hello pot, wake the fuck up. I wasn’t blowing sunshine at you, I was warning you. You’re about to be submerged.

  9. @John
    Then I guess the Southerners are even greedier than the Jews. If you’re correct in your assertion. That doesn’t make the situation any better, or different. It just means the Southerners were more Jewish than the Jews even, and that’s saying alot. Thank you for another explanation and a deeper way to understand the slave-economic system I appreciate it.
    Still, it doesn’t change the fact the Jews were the slave-dealers. Jews owned the shipping companies and slave buying/selling companies : They weren’t the ships captains and crew members of the slave ships . The Jews were in the counting-houses. That doesn’t put the ships’ and crews off-the-hook, however. They too are culpable, as well as anyonee who bought/sold slaves, Jewish or Non-Jewish.

  10. Jim wrote: “Rural whites in the north vote the same as whites in the south. Just look at a county by county Red/Blue map. It’s our vile cities swelling with rootless whites and teeming browns…(that) get to choose the rulers for everyone else.”

    “I’m not saying rural yankees do or don’t vote a certain way. Frankly I don’t care. What I am saying is, from our standpoint, and from the end results, it makes no difference. Rural yankees or not, the north forces its ways on everyone else through elections and the like.”

    So let the point be conceded that what is called “the north” also forces its ways on the rural north, as well as the rural south!

  11. It cannot be caused by latitude (daylength, angle of the sun) or by climate (cooler or warmer), or by genetics (since Anglo-Saxons, Germans, Scots-Irish and Irish living north of the Line are essentially genetically identical to those living south of the Line) but it must be caused by some other factor, or group, that exists or exerts its force not so much in rural areas but mostly in urban, suburban, metropolitan areas both north and south, and east and west.

  12. Jim says:

    “Rural whites in the north vote the same as whites in the south. Just look at a county by county Red/Blue map.

    It’s our vile cities swelling with rootless whites and teeming browns who fuck us every election. In the recent WI recall, Walker won with over 70% of the rural vote. Something has to be done about our cites. It’s a travesty when four population centers get to choose the rulers for everyone else. ”

    In Wisconsin, Walker took 60 of 73 counties, but in reality the election was relatively close. The Milwaukee area is loaded with negroes, border jumpers and Democrats. Madison, the state capitol is commie territory. That is a lot of votes for the rest of the state to overcome.

    We had two jew Senators until Feingold was recently voted out. Our courts are loaded with lefties/yids and the head of the state supreme court is a vicious anti-White jewess. A small minority holds the reigns of power.

  13. The average Southerners didn’t destroy the South, of course, but the big-shot bankers in the North and in England, together with the Southern elite “aristocracy”, worked together to foment the war in order to transition into a share-cropping economy [ as the slave economy was becoming increasingly un-profitable] as well as to transition into the newly emerging Robber-Baron corporate-monopoly economy.

    This is quite possibly the most ignorant historical statement ever posted on this website.

  14. I know rural yankees don’t like my generalizations about yankees, but generalizations is all we have to go by. Y’all are all to happy to make your own generalizations but get cranky when they’re made toward your own folk. We cannot make decisions based on the exception to the rule. That type of thinking leads to bad places, like negros being set free because one or two don’t go feral, and beaners allowed in the nation because one or two are ok, and women given the vote because one or two understand the world etc.

    as I said Jim, the Southron counties that go full bore BRA are full of negros and/ or transplanted yankees. I’ve already recognized it, mentioned, and explained it in my posts. Same for how beaners affect our voting trends. The beaner time bomb in our midst is also a gift from damnyankees, and one that barely impacts the north. It’s another sign of how yankees do things to us without expecting to pay the price of their actions.

    Those counties also have the population to pull the whole state. We have already been swamped which is why I favor Southron secession. If the dmanyankees stayed put, if the dmanyankees had not made negros legal citizens and given them the right to vote and if the dmanyankees had not forced beaners on us, we in the South would not have the issue to the extent we do. Or perhaps not at all.

    The fact is, Southron voting trends buys the north time, northern voting trends are killing the South. Perhaps northern voting trends are killing the north too, but y’all are no kin to me and it’s none of my never mind

    This is not a blog about saving the union or the north, this is a blog about saving the South by Southron Secession. The best, most sure way to save the South is to separate ourselves from yankees, rural and city yankee a like. What y’all need to do is y’all’s business not mine, just as our business is ours and not yours

  15. “That type of thinking leads to bad places, like negros being set free because one or two don’t go feral, and beaners allowed in the nation because one or two are ok, and women given the vote because one or two understand the world etc.”

    Did you just compare rural northerners to niggers?

    Your high-density population centers will end up just like ours, a millstone around your neck. Growing up I don’t think I could name a single liberal, nor did I ever meet one, and I lived about as north as you can get in the 48. Do you really think your high-density population centers are all niggers and “damnyakees”? You are seriously delusional if you do. Lots of diversity-loving “southrons” move to the city and get big-city morals.
    Just look at the SBC. I don’t want to tell you what to do, I’m just telling you that as your population urbanizes, the same thing will happen to you that happened to the north.

  16. James Stuart owned the Royal Slave Company and monopolized the trade while Charles II ran Britain and colonies. He was an Ultra Catholic. He was according Lynda the biggest anti-Jew in our common history.

    As hunter said the Jews had a finger or two in the pie. So what? That’s what they do. Catholic Spain and Portugal had a hand in it. The Dutch had a hand in it.

  17. @Stonelifter:

    “The yankees in the NE look down on everyday Southron Whites. The yankees run the entire nation thru money control and media control, they set the trends with mass media.”

    That wasn’t always the case.

    Before the early sixties, any Yankee meeting a Southerner would think of The Wilkes and Twelve Oaks. Just like people used to think Texans were all cowboys and lived on ranches, people thought most Southerners owned plantations and lived in Antebellum mansions.

    Most Southern accents sounded genteel and refined. Very pleasing to the ear. Even poorer Southerners had pleasant accents. And the vast majority of Southerners were famous for their hospitality and good manners.

    Then all those movies bashing the South came out.

    To Kill a Mockingbird. In the Heat of the Night.

    Of course, some good stuff leaked through. The Beverly Hillbillies.

    There is a damned good reason why Tim Wise hated The Andy Griffith Show.

    But then there was Deliverance.

    The power of the media can never be underestimated.

  18. sorry, Clytemnestra I cannot agree. I’ve read much yankee writing from before 1960’s and anti Southron thoughts/ rants etc are common as dirt. Started in about 1820’s and gained speed, took a slump for a while and then picked up again. There was a strong increase again in the 1960’s as the South attempted to stand against BRA and yankees, but really there is nothing new about it

  19. “I’m just telling you that as your population urbanizes, the same thing will happen to you that happened to the north.”

    There is not a significant genetic difference between Anglo, German, Scottish and Irish whites above and below the Line, but there is more advanced urbanisation in more counties above the line — a cosmopolitan, global cultural difference.

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