Sen. Lucas: Racism Alive and Well in Virginia


This is just incredible.

As we all saw on this website, Mitt Romney actually went to the NAACP National Convention in Houston, TX, cited his family’s history of supporting “civil rights,” told them if they knew what was in his heart that they would vote for him, and he also pandered to them by offering to use White taxpayer dollars to send the Black Undertow to White suburban schools in another ludicrous social engineering scheme designed to achieve the goal of “racial equality.”

You know what? That is just further evidence that Mitt Romney is a racist to the black community:

Racism is alive and well in Virginia and is subtly manifested in Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s outreach to voters, a local legislator and key Obama surrogate said in a recent interview.

Those comments made Friday by Portsmouth Democratic Sen. Louise Lucas during a local radio interview on behalf of President Barack Obama’s re-election campaign have taken on a life of their own, particularly in conservative media.

On “The John Fredericks Show” on WHKT (1650 AM), Lucas said Romney is “speaking to a segment of the population who does not like to see people other than a white man in the White House or any other elected position.” . . .

“Let’s be real clear about it. Mitt Romney is speaking to a group of people out there who don’t like folks like President Barack Obama in any elected or leadership position,” she added.

“We know what’s going on here,” Lucas continued. “Some people may be afraid to say it, but I’m not. He’s speaking to that fringe out there who do not want to see anybody other than a white person in a leadership position.”

Note: This segment of the White population is hardly sold on voting for Mitt Romney in November. He’s overperforming at 1 percent with the black vote though.

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. WTF????!!!!! Are these people living in a permanent “Bull Conor” era or what? So sucking up is proof he rayciss?

  2. ‘That fringe out there’ is tired of the guilt trip and the anti-White bias in the media. They’re tired of lots of things. They know their society is in decline. And while they may not yet understand what the answer is, more and more of them are asking questions. Four more years of Obama will definitely move them in the right direction.

  3. don’t worry folks. she’s just a negress from the hampton roads area of virginia which is well known for producing the world’s absolute lowest quality niggers. this is very tame for those creatures.

  4. Hahahahaha!!!! Nigras like Lucas are so much fun. Send her to the deranged Ms Chastain. They are made for each other.

  5. Imagine her shock if she something like that … and Mitt Romney turned around and said something like, you know what, you are right, I guess I am a racist under your definition, so what?

  6. Yankee Mittens will slow our descent into the black and brown abyss somehow by sucking up to the NAACP and La Raza. Right…

    Wish in one hand and sh*t in the other. See which one gets full first.

    Negro contempt will only inspire Romney the nowhere man to double down on his efforts to prove that he is on their side. Because when all is said and done he really is on their side. Just ask him.

    Romney is the male version of Connie Chastain with one exception. He has nothing but open contempt for white Southern men. Chastain tries to hide hers behind her rainbow delusions.

    Deo Vindice

  7. Apuleius – wrong. I have come to the grotesque conclusion that Mittens wil get us into a war with Iran at 12Midnight, the day he’s sworn in. He will destroy the US military – which needs to happen. The dollah will crash – which needs to happen. Hell wll break loose – which needs to happen.

    Onigra will simply send the drug-crazed flyboys of the JooS military to gun Americans down, is all.

    I don’t need petty vengeance against Nigras, by making the dollah crash wear a Black face. I want the JooSA military DIVERTED off shore.


  8. Romney should say something like this:

    gee shucks I guess I am the most disgustingly white candidate ever.

    This Attitude of permanent victimhood from rank n file niggers is why I want that halfcaste to lose frankly. They will not rest til they annihilate us.

  9. Wish I could have been there, Hunter. I like to think that I was there in spirit.

    Denise, I’m quite sure that you don’t have any skin in the game, so to speak. Some of us will stand to lose more friends and family if your chickenhawk hero gets in. Isn’t he making aliya this week?

    Of course, it has been a long time, if ever, that a Romney served in the military. They were living in Mexico for generations before coming here to fight for negro civil rights. That did not actually involve real fighting on their part, either.

    Deo Vindice

  10. “[he’s] speaking to a group of people out there who don’t like folks like President Barack Obama in any elected or leadership position”

    Sigh. All those years of “Black Studies” programs and people like this are still incapable of making simple distinctions.

    I know there’s no real reasoning with these types, but it’s worth re-stating simply and clearly, just so you can use it in the next argument you have with an idiot liberal. The idea that white voters might dislike a candidate simply because of what he LOOKS LIKE rather than for what he essentially IS, continues to be exasperating: as if whites and blacks had identical interests, goals and temperaments, except for this little pigmentation issue.

    We don’t like folks like Barack Obama not because he looks a little more like Bill Cosby than like Bill Ayers; we don’t like him because he is a Race Man, and he defines his interests and goals in terms of his race, and against our own. There. See that? It’s not that hard to understand, Ms. Lucas. Put in a different sort of abstraction: as the owner of a salt-water taffy factory, I somehow mysteriously happen to find that my political interests tend to be aligned with the Hooray for Taffy Party, and not with the Destroy All Taffy Party or the Islamic Rage Against Taffy Party. Gee, why is that.

    At the height of the tea party noisiness, I had a lot of fun with liberals who were baiting it as a racist reaction because they simply could not stand the thought of a black president. I would ask them: “if Colin Powell were the president right now instead of Obama, and he was pursuing fiscally responsible policies that were not against the interests of these tea party people, do you actually think they’d be out here protesting him anyway, just for the hell of it, because they didn’t like that he was black? Is that what you actually think?”

    There’s this weird tendency in American politics to think there aren’t actual interests at stake, only knee-jerk responses to matters of cosmetics.

    I know this is all quite obvious, but it goes unspoken so often that it tends to get forgotten in the actual discourse. Which is weird, but hardly surprising.

  11. Being kind to savages is a fatal error. The savage sees kindness as a weakness. Give an inch and they’ll take a mile is appropriate in dealing with their type.
    The Kenyan is far more dangerous than all of you think. He wants Civil War. He wants you to try and secede. The pretender to the throne wants blood and violence with all of his black, cold heart.
    The fool is not just a Mooslim, it is also a Commie. Therefore, it is doubly dangerous and doubly anti-White.
    RINO Romney can not stop the collapse of the USA, but he doesn’t want bloodshed in the States. Romney will not order US Troops to fire on Whites who want out of this Jew Nightmare called Political Correctness, or Diversity, but is just plain old Communism. RINO Romney will surrender, but the darkie won’t. The DARKIE is a zealot that will fight to the last drop of YOUR blood.
    That’s the Difference. Vote RINO, or you might see your own blood run. CIVIL WAR II need not be a bloodbath, a sane POTUS will surrender, but the Darkie won’t.
    This Election is like Lincoln vs Douglas. Vote Douglas, not Lincoln.

  12. Exactly what did George Romney do when Detroit burned in 1967? I seem to remember the 82nd Airborne (yes, the 82nd Airborne, not the 101st) being sent to Michigan.

    Mittens will defend BRA to his last breath, if necessary. As a Yankee, you could say it is in his blood.

    Deo Vindice

  13. This Election is like Lincoln vs Douglas. Vote Douglas, not Lincoln.

    “This Election is like Lincoln vs Douglas. Vote Douglas, not Lincoln.”

    You’re right, but don’t vote Douglas or Bell, vote Breckinridge–then Davis.

    Deo Vindice

  14. American politics is a schtik. Here is Sarah Silverstein’s take on ‘yes we can’ and kosher support for Soetoro.

  15. Urban riots are used by speculators to snap up good deals. If a buyer can sit on property for 30 years or buy land that is slated to have new homes built on it or shops the well connected guy can profit from disturbances. There’s a curious sliance between developer Leon Strauss and certain blacks in St Louis in the 60s. Certain areas nigged out like old north or grand center and were deserted by whites. The property drops and the developer then made long term plans.

  16. Some of these “people” should meet a real racists, such as myself. Then some weak sauce like mittens would never be accused of racism again.

  17. Am starting to think that Romney will get that 60-61% of the white vote he needs to win. Not because he will campaign on affirmative action, immigration, anti-white hate crimes or anything else that will help our people.

    But Negroes like this minstrel will remind white people why they should distrust Barack Obama as a symbol of BRA.

  18. She gets labled an “anti-white” there goes the magic negroe effect that is sold to stupid whites, nor can said stupid whites turn around and dun people like us over the head with theirs and hers supposed moral superiority.

    Then we take our jack hammers and pick axes to the walls of Polticial Correctness and start talking like whites about whites and for whites.

  19. “Apuleius says:
    July 25, 2012 at 1:58 am
    Denise, I’m quite sure that you don’t have any skin in the game, so to speak. Some of us will stand to lose more friends and family if your chickenhawk hero gets in. Isn’t he making aliya this week?

    Of course, it has been a long time, if ever, that a Romney served in the military. They were living in Mexico for generations before coming here to fight for negro civil rights. That did not actually involve real fighting on their part, either.”

    How DARE you? I certainly do have “skin in the game”. I have young male reletives that could be brafted, etc – but things will fall aprt long before there’s time to implement a draft.

    EVERY-ONE will literaly have slin in the game, on American soil, when Obama orders “his” troops to shoot any (White) American that refuses to surrender weapons. The policy is laready in place – just waiting to go. Many will refuse to shoot American – but LOADS won’t. I know Romney is a POS. The chaos created by the collapse will totally overwhelm is abilities.


    He’s NOT one of us. His utter failure can BE USED, inthe future, as an EXAMPLE of how his idiotic “philosophies” are WRONG WRONG WRONG.

    But go ahead. Install Obama. Don’t worry about anything. The Hebes and their Pet Nigras will write the White Race out of existence, once we are all gone. The Hebes will say that all the great Whites of the past were Hebes. This theft of existence is already occurring. Read what Hebe propagandists were writing aobut Hebes – “We have contributed so much to medicine and technology! You would not EXIST without us” I’ve been told that directly from Jews. They will wipe any record of us out of existence.

    PLEASE start to glimpe the Big Picture – will ya?

  20. No woman has skin in the game. It’s still not her skin, but the lives of men she knows. Even the chicks in the military are quickly shuffled off to safer camps when things get to dicey.

    Stateside, the same women who look down on us and gobble up all the anti White man media will want to hide behind those same White men when things get bad. My answer be to piss off. I suggest all White men have the same answer

  21. Stonedlifter, once again, impresses us with his keen insight, overarching vision, and impacceblae grace and radiant charm.

  22. Stonelifter–don’t insult people and you won’t get attacked.

    You don’t know what you’re talking about when you say women don’t have skin in the game. All whites have skin in the game. Further to the point if white men stepped up to game 40 years ago we wouldn’t be in this situation..

    We’re all a bunch keyboard commandos and cowards..

  23. Women have no skin in the game. White men will find our strength and win, or we will die. White women will spread their legs for the victor as women have done through out the ages.

    You cannot find a long list of women killing the victors in bed, or poisoning their food etc. It doesn’t happen. Point out one factual inaccuracy in my statement.

    Disprove my point about the historical record of women and victors

  24. Good point about history rewrites. The biblical Noah is Gilgamesh or possibly even Jason. Then they spin a yarn about a patriach. There’s Moses too. Obviously this is a barely masked story about the Egyptians chasing off an occupying power of Hyksos invaders. The Jews, if they were ever present there at all, were likely a mercenary regiment in service of a foreign “Pharoah” that the locals detested. The expulsion of the Hyksos is the only event that jives with the biblical timeline. I’ll go with the Egyptian records as they are a dispassionate and contain no special effects like parting a sea.

    Gradually ww2 has turned into a story about Americans saving Jewish people from the Nazis (soon to be saving Jewish people from the bad bad European Titans). Not about intra-ethnic fighting between German, Italian, Pole, French, British, Russian etc nations with Jewish populations playing a small role as a hostile to Germany. The books that attempt to implicate IBM (Deomag subsidiary) or Ford (Opel) the Brits or what-have-you in the Jewish internments/killings are a slander.

    Up until the twentieth century the role of the Jewish people in European history and that of America has been negligible. After ww1 they appear to have been growing in power at an alarming rate. After ww2 and their development of the nuclear bomb They appear to be writing the entire script.

  25. Stonedgrifter sez–“White women will spread their legs for the victor as women have done through out the ages”

    Rape does not count. Try again..

    “White men will find our strength and win, or we will die. ”

    You’ve had decades. Prepare to die then..

    “Disprove my point about the historical record of women and victors.”

    Logical fallacy. You can’t prove a negative..

    Off you go..

  26. You’ve not addressed a single issue, but made some weak attempt to dismiss clear historical trends. We have a historical record of nations/ tribes invading and destroying male populations, and yes the conquered women do get raped, but they do not seek revenge or fight back. They spread their legs and get on with their life, or in some cases they celebrate the victors and are willing partners. Even months latter, they don’t kill the victors when they have the chance.

    also your quick dismissal totally ignores what a reliable pro BRA voting block and anti anti White man media consumption group White women are. There is at this time, no reason to suspect White women have any skin in the game

    Playing the internet White Knight won’t curry you any favors with White women when the rubber meets the road

  27. You have have nothing but supposition and the information provided to you from jew owned media.

    Prove your assertions or otherwise go pound sand.

  28. Anyone who cannot see the degradation of white women today is willfully blind. Conquest of a people is followed by rape for sure, but a significant number of women will willingly side with the perceived victor. Just look at the French women who collaborated with their German conquerors only to be shaved and humiliated when the tide turned.

    Feminism and its propaganda power over white women ensures that white women will continue to take sides with the enemies of the white race. The huge increase in mudsharks over the past few decades is a clear indication of the loyalties of many white women. Hell, the sitting President is the product of a virulently anti-white coalburner.

    I pity the young white men of today. Many young white women have fully embraced the ethos of “generation skank” and all that entails. According to CDC statistics, around one out of five women age 18-25 has an incurable STD. Many more will be rendered sterile from repeated abortions from their loose sexual mores. Others will delay childbearing so they can be masculinized career women. Ponder the genetic implications of that, if you will.

    White women will support whomever they perceive to be the victors in any struggle. In BRA the perceived victors are blacks, Hispanics, Jews, other non-whites, and most importantly–white women. White women helped elect Obama. The consequences of female suffrage have been catastrophic for Western civilization.

    Our grandfathers would rightly consider most white women today as fallen women.
    Indeed most are. There are exceptions, of course.

    Deo Vindice

  29. Apuleius says:

    “Anyone who cannot see the degradation of white women today is willfully blind… Feminism and its propaganda power over white women ensures that white women will continue to take sides with the enemies of the white race.”

    There is much truth to your post, but in fairness to women they often make decisions (as well as men) based on security and financial considerations – not willful racial treason.

    In Wisconsin during the Walker recall effort it was sobering to see so many women in Madison and elsewhere virulently opposed to modest reforms. The commie profs, government workers (sic), students, unionistas and negro agitators were to be expected, but why so many women in the mix?

    It is no secret that women are disproportionately employed in my state as teachers, administrators, supervisors and assorted personnel in school systems. I don’t know the state statistics, but I checked the staff of 3 schools located within 4 miles of my home.

    What an eye opener! One school had approximately 90 employess, another 80 and the last about 70. First of all, way too many people on the payrolls. Secondly, from what could be determined judging by names, only 30 men could be found among the 240 gov. workers. Several of the men were custodians and coaches.

    The government is the largest employer of women and minorities. Uncle Sam is their Sugar Daddy. White men have become the niggers of today. Money and power rules everything.

  30. History is littered with conquered populations offering up women as tribute to the conqueror. The Normans were very quick to seek out the sisters and daughters of the men who died at Hastings and the subsequent anti-Norman revolts. Henry I kept a harem of Saxons and sired a dozen bastards.

    Is Pocohontas more or less the same for Virginian aristos? A legitimating female lineage?

  31. And you so called white men have what exactly to protect white women?

    You’re a bunch of low testosterone dip sticks who’ve fallen for the same jew media bullshit that the women have.

    By the way the French example is weak because there were not that many collaborators in relation to non collaborators..

  32. Oh by the way fairies, until I see you hosting necktie parties for the thugs and commies I really don’t wanna hear from you..

  33. “Molon Labe says:
    July 25, 2012 at 5:51 pm
    You have have nothing but supposition and the information provided to you from jew owned media.

    Prove your assertions or otherwise go pound sand.”

    Stoned Grifter pounds a lot of things. Pounding sand would at least be somewhat productive. Stonie is a crazy bitter man. Every-one knows ALL he does is whine aobut women and Krauts. Yawn.

    FYI – your posts are terrific!!! You will get lots of adulation, among other things, with your attitude, when the Ultimate Global Smackdown gets Rrrready to Rrrumble! I hear the rumble rising…..

    Women are coldly practical, materialistic Herd Creattures. I beleive this is a hard-wired survival strategy. Human children take a very very long time to rait to self-suffiency, compared to other mamals. Women are ingrained, by Nature, to seek out the most comfortable circumstances, that will permit her to raise her gene codes – the kiddies – to adulthood. Men are programmed to seke out healthy nubile beauties – historically “beautiful=healthy” in order to perpetuate their genetic sequences. Rwas ever thus.

    Women will seek out whatever can produce “the goods”. Should White men actually decide to BE White Men, Men of the West, again – the gals’ll flock back in droves.

    YOU will get to have loads of fun making White Babies the Traditional way. Stoney – he will be trying for those White Heirs Bred in Foriegn Wombs….

  34. Denise, I am laughing here because I am a White Lady!

    It’s funny everyone thought I was a man but I didn’t want to correct them…lol..

    No doubt it’ll be up to the womenfolk to clean this mess up.


  35. ælmyrca run america.

    When the general population actually realizes what this means to them, their progeny and their place in history there will be hell to pay.

  36. Lots of name calling but not one attempt to refute the historical record or the actions of modern White women in america. Not one. Sort of like how the anti Whites simply cry where ignorant racist and move on without attempting to refute anything

  37. There is no name calling but there will be.

    Just shut your face about ‘white women have no skin in game bullsh&t’.

    By all intent and purposes YOU don’t either, ladyboy..

    YOU proved nothing with your assertions..

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