Illegal Alien Freedom Riders


Foreigners have the “civil right” to invade America and flagrantly break our laws:

Note: Maybe they will stop in South Carolina where Carl Roden can great these illegal alien Confederates?

“PHOENIX — The route they will take on their cross-country trek resembles a slithering snake — up, down and around in a series of intentional detours that are equal parts political strategy and provocation. Their bus leaves from this sprawling city in the desert at sunrise on Monday, carrying 30 men and women who say they have chosen to live in the shadows no more. . . .

No papers, no fear” is their motto, and the words are stamped on T-shirts and posters that went on sale at a party here on Wednesday to raise money for food and water, lodging and toiletries, gas and rent of the bus, and also a bail fund. It is not as if anyone is looking to get arrested, but they are preparing for it.

The bus will traverse unfriendly territory for immigrants who are in the country illegally — states like Georgia and Alabama, where the police are allowed to check the immigration status of certain people they detain.”

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Amazing. Since they are openly identifying themselves as illegal aliens, it should be easy for a properly functioning government to deport them.

  2. They’ve been doing these kinds of ‘freedom rides’ since the early part of the decade.

    At first I was shocked that our ‘immigration officials’ did not interfere in any way or make any move to question their presence here. But back then (10 or so years back) I really thought ‘our’ government was there to serve our interests. Silly me.

  3. “The bus will traverse unfriendly territory for immigrants who are in the country illegally — states like Georgia and Alabama, where the police are allowed to check the immigration status of certain people they detain.”

    That says it all doesn’t it?

  4. “No papers, no fear” is their motto, and the words are stamped on T-shirts…

    Perfect. Now you know whom to shoot on sight.

    Lock and load, gentlemen.

  5. Papers? Twaddle.
    The problem is they don’t have fear. Sensing cultural malaise the frijoleros are ‘organizing’, negrifying their politics when they should be picking onions. It’s doubtful a passion play featuring Joe Arpaio could raise the requisite funds.

    ‘Mr. Torres said joining the ride forced him to come out to cousins, aunts and uncles who had no idea he is gay. “I want to be the voice of the queer community,” and the only way to do that is to embrace his homosexuality publicly, he said.”
    This Beaner is on the clock full-time for Big Gay.

  6. Quote from article: “If all goes as planned, they will get to Charlotte, N.C., on Sept. 3rd!”

  7. yep we are sadly the #4 detestation for beaners. The catholic church is a major factor in that and beaners have ruined many towns in our state. hells bells we have a MS13 problem in the state now

  8. But if you notice where they are heading in NC, its to one of the areas infested with yankees.

  9. Stone- Where in NC is that? (a Yankee-infested area)

    I was in NC a couple years ago (Mid-Western area, near W-Salem) Was hot and humid as blazes, but loved the people- the WHITE people that is….lol.

  10. Any of the big cities in NC are yankee infested, Winston is a bit less so, but with more jews. Funny enough Charlotte with all the banking doesn’t seem to have as many of them

    Charlotte is a little more western then the middle of the state, up next to SC. Charlotte and Raleigh are the most infested parts of NC. It’s so damn bad, natives live outside of town and avoid newer neighborhoods.

    Both were wonder places, full of beautiful, polite White people who shut the towns down on Sundays to be with family and now….. I’ve not been to Charlotte in years and I only go to Raleigh for business. I never visit either one for pleasure

    Tamer, I look forward to it

  11. What happened in Raleigh-Durham really does meet the criterion for Genocide, doesn’t it? More than doubling the population with people incited and made hostile to the locals. Locals losing money on homes just to get out of where their families had been for centuries.

    There should be a funny Yankee Transplant book—- just full of stories about them.

    Maybe that would help them realize they’re not really very nice or interesting people, most of the time.

    Around that area, they are either military (and usually very transient, b/c of that, also), and/or people for “research triangle park”—- sort of a mega-Newark.

    Somebody told me it was like “New Jersey before what they did there caught up with them.” —–More violent now, for sure, but still with a semblance of ok looking places (albeit weird suburban Northeast housing and mulch everywhere)—

    But their neighborhoods are just like in NYC/ L.A./ Chicago, etc. People from totally different worlds stacked on each other. Their “values” being ridiculous things like being “anti-abortion” (Not that abortions are good—BUT these people can’t even fathom just 40 years ago, when NOBODY, even the worst ingrates, wanted abortions. What on earth was “morality” then??

    I mean, when your mark of high morality (that you’re so proud of, lol) is that you don’t do in little babies— well, you’re pretty screwed.

    They made the same “work parks” and public parks, and public pools, and strip malls, and slapped up housing with lots of mulch—

    they really think that is what America is/was

  12. Oh— meant to say the population was doubled overnight—- some towns in under 5 years, some in about 10. MASSIVE population Transfer.

  13. —– Really, I think they planned all that, ever since the Tobacco Acts.

    Clearly, that land devaluation was going to take 10-15 years… with people trying to hold on, until they finally spent up their money and had to sell. That took them to the mid-seventies to 1980.

    1980— the Tobacco Acts made it ready for “development” (violence, ugly houses, foreign city-style populations who are government dependents or corporatist, often economic fascists)

    30 years into the transition—- with what must be one of the larger Population Transfers in u.s. history— The Tobacco Acts made central NC, which used to be a seat of Generational Americans, home to the first colonists, into exactly New Jersey.

    There is no difference.

  14. Well said Dixiegirl

    The chicoms are doing the same thing to Tibet, as the yankees have done to us in NC and people call that genocide

  15. Mr. Torres said joining the ride forced him to come out to cousins, aunts and uncles who had no idea he is gay. “I want to be the voice of the queer community,” and the only way to do that is to embrace his homosexuality publicly, he said.

    Mr. Ramirez said he had made no special plans.

    I don’t get it. How did it force him to “come out”?

    Is he so unable to refrain from being sodomized that he knew some member of his family would walk in on him being womanized by some down low truck driver in an interstate rest stop?

  16. Well I say about 100 American-Americans should immigrate onto the bus, and especially the driver’s seat. Americans should immigrate to all spaces surrounding the bus, rwendering it immobile. They should immigrate in front of the doors, making it impossible for the greasy little shit-monkeys to leave, or move.

    Viva la inmigracion!

  17. If you don’t believe illegal immigration,as well as unchecked “re-patriation” of people from dung hut countries is not an issue,visit ANY major amusement park in America. All the non-whites of various heritage outnumbered whites dramatically on our last visit to one.And those huddled masses are quite fertile.

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