Romney’s Jerusalem Speech


I can’t put this any better than Palmetto Patriot:

“Did Mitt Romney stand by Arizona on immigration with its battle against the Federal Government? No, despite the fact that his party and constituents have everything to lose from more Third World immigration. Has he met with traditionalist leaders, paleo-conservatives and Southern leaders? Of course not. But he did pander to the NAACP and speak about how a Romney Administration would benefit Black voters. He pandered to Hispanics and greatly softened his once solid rhetoric on securing the borders and opposing amnesty for illegal immigrants. Now he’s going to Israel to pledge his loyalty to a foreign people and government. He’ll promise to keep our tax money flowing to them and to put more US soldiers in harm’s way for them if necessary. It’s obvious that Romney panders to everyone EXCEPT us. Yet we are expected to vote for a man with no pretense of loyalty to us.”

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Obama already informed the Israeli government he’s prepared and ready to go to war. He informed the Israeli government 2 weeks ago. The news was just announced today.

  2. @Gottfried
    I got news for you: Obama was groomed by the Chicago Jew Commie mob to be president. He’s a total puppet dude. You’re very naive to think otherwise.

  3. Joe you’re more of a conspiracy theorist than I am dude. And Communism is a joke in the USA. Zero power. Obama’s biggest contributors come from Wall Street.

  4. @Fr. John+, July 30, 2012 at 12:10 am: Simple solution. Write to Romney and tell him you are voting for him, Because he is the WHITE candidate. Say, “I’m voting Anglo-Saxon.”

    That’s actually an excellent idea. I have created a pre-formatted postcard with which to do just that. Imagine the reaction at Romney 2012 when all these weird white postcards from angry Anglos appear in the mailbox!

  5. The Shit hits the fan before 2016. I want obama to be at the helm when it happens so that my children will look back at this period as the time everyone was stupid enough to elect a foreign born bigger and the whole country went to hell.

    Its gonna happen no matter who is president but od rather there be no deniability.

  6. As Comrade Stalin said “In a democracy it doesn’t matter so much who votes or how they vote, but WHO counts the votes.” So in the JU.S.A. – who counts the votes? Who owns the Federal? I don’t think AIPAC, JINSA, B’nai B’rith want their Manchurian Candidate in power when the SHTF. They will want a White Screw UP – someone they can depend upon to shield the Tribe and accept FULL responsibility.

    Mitt is the most abject, vomit inducing shabbos goy in the race. He’s a ringer for the next POTUS.

  7. What a putz. That we have to vote for this man- even if only to give us breathing room, and the ability to mobilize- is even more a clue as to who owns America- and who must be put to the guillotine, first- for any ‘final solution’ to the Obamantion. The lesser of two evils, is STILL EVIL.

    “A goal of Romney’s overseas trip is to demonstrate his confidence on the world stage, but his stop in Israel also was designed to appeal to evangelical voters at home and to cut into Obama’s support among Jewish voters and donors. A Gallup survey of Jewish voters released Friday showed Obama with a 68-25 edge over Romney.”

    Secession. Now. Today. Forever.

  8. The votes are counted by Jews in Israel by Diebold. Diebold is a Jew/ Israeli owned and controlled company.
    Google : ” diebold + israel”
    ” who owns diebold”
    Might as well just hold the election in Jerusalem.

  9. Mr. Oculus-

    I am honored, sir, (with the voice of Foghorn Leghorn saying that “Sir”!) that you considered my idea to have even a smidgen of merit. I am honored and humbled that you would go so far, as to do this. Let us hope that people will take this idea and go with it. God willing.

  10. YT – you are an example of …well…I’ll be kind. Since WHEN have Nigras EVER taken responsibility for their own actions? When the SHTF – and ONigra’s in – YT gets blamed. That’s ALL that happens. It’s YT’s fault.

    Let’s kill YT.

    Get a freaking CLUE.

  11. Fr John,

    “A goal of Romney’s overseas trip is to demonstrate his confidence on the world stage, but his stop in Israel also was designed to appeal to evangelical voters at home and to cut into Obama’s support among Jewish voters and donors. A Gallup survey of Jewish voters released Friday showed Obama with a 68-25 edge over Romney.””

    They HATE Whites FAR FAR FAR more than they love anything else. I think they hate Whites more than they love money.

  12. Gottfried is either a low-level JDIF paid troll (and a bad one at that) , or Gottfried is the biggest retard to yet post on this site:

    “Gottfried says:
    July 30, 2012 at 4:50 am
    Joe you’re more of a conspiracy theorist than I am dude. And Communism is a joke in the USA. Zero power. Obama’s biggest contributors come from Wall Street.”

    You’re kidding, right?

    Communist + Wall Street = Jew.

  13. “Joe says:
    July 30, 2012 at 1:12 pm
    The votes are counted by Jews in Israel by Diebold. Diebold is a Jew/ Israeli owned and controlled company.
    Google : ” diebold + israel”
    ” who owns diebold”

    “Might as well just hold the election in Jerusalem.”

    Ya mean we’re NOT?

  14. There’s another electronic vote -counting company. It’s called ES & S. It’s owned by Elron-Voxeo. Elron-Voxeo is a branch of the Israeli Military : Israeli government in other words. Elron-Voxeo is the parent company to ES & S. Elron-Voxeo is also the parent company to Diebold. Dieboild and ES & S are owned by the Israeli government. They’ll be the ones counting the votes in November.
    Google : ” elron-voxeo + vote counting + israel”
    ” diebold + elron-voxeo”
    Lots of info online.

  15. geeeesssssssssss…..

    The idea with having a negro in office when the crash comes is not that negros will take responsibility but that it will be a visual reminder to Whites of sound mind/ awakening minds, that negros,women, queers, leftist, liberalism etc destroyed the nation. It makes sense if you think the crash will happen in the next few years. Will it work? I don’t know, but the idea is neither stupid or unthoughtful. However, we can be damn sure, if a White man is in charge when things crash, the left, the media, jews, negros, feminist etc will all blame the crash on White men

    Propaganda wins in politics, not the truth. If the truth wins the world, most especially the usa would be a very different place

  16. “They” should just declare election day a holiday. Give everyone a day off, and just hold the election in Jerusalem. Let the Jews in Jerusalem argue over all of this. They’re the ones who are going to decide the election anyhow.

  17. Send [+ Fr John+] and Lynda over to Jerusalem to oversee the vote counting so there’s no hanky-panky — that’ll keep the Jews on the straight-and-narrow. That’s the ticket.
    Fr John can pray for the Jews counting the votes, and Lynda can read papal bulls to the Jews counting the votes — that’ll fix their wagons. Gottfried could get a job at CNN and go on teevee and tell us Americans everything is pie-in-the-sky. Maybe they can play Andy Griffith re-runs all day on election day. That’d be fun.

  18. Lets blitz Jerusalem with “Foghorn Leghorn” post cards on election day. That’ll show ’em who’s the boss. Yes “Sir”! Yes sirre bob.

  19. Denise, paranoids like you should at least try to be nice about it. There is a Communist Party in the USA the “CPUSA” they are a complete joke, they can barely get less than a dozen people together for a protest. Mostly they send a few idiots to larger leftwing protests. As I said they have zero power, they are pathetic.

    The wealthy Jews (and others) on Wall Street run the show here. And they aren’t Communists. These people give hundreds of millions of dollars to the two political parties and various candidates year after year after year. They have real power, some Commie handing out flyers on a street corner in Chicago wearing a ripped t-shirt they got at the Salvation Army doesn’t have any power.

  20. The wealthy Jews (and others) on Wall Street run the show here. And they aren’t Communists.

    But they funded the Russian Revolution …… may be they have the same agenda. Marx, Lenin, Trotsky were Jews and most of the upper hierarchy of the Soviet leadership were Jewish.

  21. Communism was a front for Jewish supremacy. Marx laid out a theory that parallels the structure of a religion. Trotsky was a full blood. Lenin was a quarter blood. Enough of the hierarchy of the Bolshevik party was jewish for the ntire organization to be considered jewish. Stalin depended on a Jewish wife, and a variety of Jewish henchmen. Most of the radical communists in Europe and the US were Trotskites and Jewish.

    I incidendally came across a fact Marx was a close associate/student of a certain Professor Strauss who denied the historical existence of Jesus. Communist atheism springs from this influence.

  22. “Fr John can pray for the Jews counting the votes…”

    Sorry, the Church has never prayed for the non-elect.

    “Lets blitz Jerusalem with “Foghorn Leghorn” post cards on election day. That’ll show ‘em who’s the boss. Yes “Sir”! Yes sirre bob.”

    Joe, clearly you either are a recent expellee from a mental institution, or a Jewish troll. Or both…..

    Your ramblings don’t make sense, except to emulate the child whose only come-back to insults such as ‘You are such a Jerk,’ is to respond inanely, ‘I know you are, but what am I?’

    Joe, seek psychological help. Seriously. This is utterly infantile behaviour. My kids remind me every day what an immature mind is like. I know….

  23. Important Information about Communism in America :
    An article about Communism in America. If link doesn’t work, Google:
    ” Communism in America”
    Please note: The year 1963 is mentioned at the very start of the article. The year Kennedey was assassinated. The assassination of JFK was a Jew/Commie coup d’etat. It was very successful. Google:
    ” JFK assassination + communist coup d’etat ”
    Very soon after the assassination in 1963 , The Jews in America started pushing for radical policies [ communist policies]. It’s not a coincidence.

  24. This is why all our presidential candidates visit and bow to Israel. It’s at the 14:15 mark:

  25. Communism doesn’t exist. It was just a chimera masking other agendas.

    Kennedy is culpable here as his election depended on blacks swinging from Republican
    to Democratic in a very dramatic way. Kennedy got onside with the “fakir” MLK getting him out of jail and the nogs swung his way in large numbers. Kennedy was the radical break along with his brother. The triumph of the Catholic Irish in America. This lead to the triumph of the nogs win a few years. Then other radicals like Oswald and Sirhan Sirhan got excited. Lefties have a nasty habit of fratricide once they sniff power. See Stalin. See Pol Pot. See Caucescu. See modern feminsm.

  26. All Readers and @ John
    @ John :All the bullshit in the world can’t cover up the truth.
    @ All Readers: Google:
    ” JFK assassination + communist coup d’etat ”
    Lots of information online.

  27. Joe,

    googles that and you come up most of the time.

    Oswald was a leftie. Sirhan Sirhan was a leftie. The inability of leftists to accept this is alarming and funny. I doubt that Kruschev wanted Kennedy dead though. They appeared to have a healthy respect for each other.

    Oswald was quite capable of being on the left and killing a center leftist president. the cibil rights act and immigration act were policies that enjoyed Kennedy’s complete support. Leftists are a fratricidal culture at the best of times. Ted Kennedy more or less JFK and RfK’s clone supported every single leftie idea going, but it’s still possible a
    wingnut leftist might complain and get as upset as Oswald did.

    This is what the left is.

  28. @John
    Your Queen looked really tired and bored-to-no-end at the Olympic Games opening extravaganza . Can’t truly say I blame her. Why were the kids wearing pajamas when they sang the British national anthem? What was that about? Why did they have kids in hospital beds as part of the show? Why was the show sooo Dickens — ish? Very weird. What’s going on over there on the other side of the pond, bloke?

  29. Also, JFK and his brother went after the mob ….. and who were the big wig mobsters …. they weren’t Italians as is the commonly held myth.

  30. Did they go after the mob? The Kennedy family built their fortune on Alcohol smuggling. They were mobsters nothing Noble about them. Nixon would have been a vastly better choice, even though he was a sack of shit too.

    The Olympics is about the Athletes, Joe. The Volleyball tourney is pretty good. The swimming has been great. Football has been entertaining. The opening ceremony? I shrug in its general direction. It was PC rubbish.

    Joe, did you see the illuminati pyramids in the stadium? Or the Zion 2012 logo. Go google that.

  31. JFK was a lot of things — a whoremonger, a gangster, a nepotist — but one thing he wasn’t was a Leftist. Even a cursory reading of his published works makes it clear that his hatred of communism was deep and sincere. Few bootleggers or sons of bootleggers had any use for the Reds.

    His brother Bobby, though, is a different story. The ritual sacrifice of John F. Kennedy on the thirty-third degree of latitude killed more than Americas first and only Catholic president. It killed America’s soul. Dallas killed RFK’s soul, too: after Dallas, the younger Kennedy turned his back on traditional American liberalism and his own anticommunism and began his own tikkun olam project. He made common cause with the Serpent from Shaw’s play (“Some look at things as they are and ask ‘why’…”) and began his own rise to power as a civil rights pusher, an equality promoter, and a Soviet appeaser. When one reads the various quotations of RFK as cited in newspapers during the 1960s, his descent into full-tilt liberalism is all too plain.

    And of course the liberalism of the youngest of the K-clan — and the damage done by him — is well-known by all.

    It is also only just to note that JFK was also a genuine war hero, both aboard PT-109 and in October of 1962.

    I won’t say I admire John F. Kennedy. He was too flawed to be admirable. But I will defend him against the charge of being a Leftist — a charge not even Richard Nixon ever laid upon him.

  32. Gottfried – Communism+Wall Street=Jews.

    Why should I be “nice”? I call ’em like I see ’em. Go do some more reading, child.

    Stoney -how’s your White Eggs in Poor Darky Wombs scheme coming along? Building an Army of Motherless Ulster Scots, to hold off the world? Tell me more about important appropriate propoganda is to a cause. And tell me about no war in Iran….

  33. The article I linked to concerning ” JFK and Communists and Mossad” has a link to (www) scribd (.com). Just wanted to add that “Scribd” is an excellent source for information/facts about a wide variety of important topics concerning White Americans.
    ” Commieblaster ” (.com) is also a good website to learn about communists in America, and the great influence they have in the US government and in American culture.

  34. I don’t rate the freckled ginger. His brothers are a good map of who JFK was. There’s a bar in St Louis called Royale. Owned by an American with Irish ancestry. Next to pics of JFK and RFK you have a picture of MLK. They are peas in a pod. Have no illusions about them.

  35. @John
    I saw all the things you mention about the Olympics. Thank you for pointing it out, but I already know about the things you mention. Why were the kids singing the British national anthem wearing pajamas ? Why were there children in hospital beds as part of the show? You forgot to answer my questions. As you live in England, and as you know so much [ as per you] I thought you might have some inside knowledge, deep insights, etc about the very Dickens-ish opening extravanganza. It was quite off-putting. Why is something like half the stadium(s) empty for the athletic competitions? What’s going on over there bloke?

  36. Did they go after the mob?

    Yes …. it was on TV .. during a Senate Hearing RFK said to one mobster: “I thought only little girls giggle.”

    ” Cosa Nostra Mafia Hearings RFK and Joseph Valachi Newsreel ”

  37. For more information/facts about Obama and Communists and Black Panthers*:
    Google: ” Obama and the Black Panthers and Communists”
    * The black panthers is an army for the Communists. The panthers are not free agents. The panthers take their orders from the top ; The top here means: Obama/Holder. And Obama/Holder take their orders from the Very Top ; The Very Top here means the Head Jew Commie in the US : George Soros.
    Google it.

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