Romney’s Jerusalem Speech


I can’t put this any better than Palmetto Patriot:

“Did Mitt Romney stand by Arizona on immigration with its battle against the Federal Government? No, despite the fact that his party and constituents have everything to lose from more Third World immigration. Has he met with traditionalist leaders, paleo-conservatives and Southern leaders? Of course not. But he did pander to the NAACP and speak about how a Romney Administration would benefit Black voters. He pandered to Hispanics and greatly softened his once solid rhetoric on securing the borders and opposing amnesty for illegal immigrants. Now he’s going to Israel to pledge his loyalty to a foreign people and government. He’ll promise to keep our tax money flowing to them and to put more US soldiers in harm’s way for them if necessary. It’s obvious that Romney panders to everyone EXCEPT us. Yet we are expected to vote for a man with no pretense of loyalty to us.”

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The son of an Irish mobster going after an Italian mobster through an American legal mechanism.

    Read the piper case and mossad. It’s actually quite good intreaging. I do not think that the dispute required an assassination though. The Israelis developed the bomb
    in conjunction with White-run South Africa.

    I also think that his case that analyzes why America armed Israel with conventional weapons (in exchange for slowing down the nuclear push perhaps?) is not evidence that a nuke supported by America post assassination.

    Kennedy was a cold warrior and Egypt and Syria were already Soviet satellites as evidenced Nasser in the 1950s. The Israelis were a natural fit along with the Royalist Saudis and the Shah. Selling them conventional weapons does not set off alarm bells in that context. Africa, Asia and the ME were theaters of proxy wars between the USSR and USA. Luckily nothing kicked off in Germany. That would have triggered Armageddon.

    However, supporting Israel is
    certainly inexplicable today.

    The opening ceremonies were a kooky dud.

  2. When Eisenhower demanded the French, British and Israelis evacuate Sinai why didn’t he get a bullet from Mossad right then?

    Arguing about a nuclear program between ALLIES doesn’t seem like enough of a justification (or smart rationale) for assassination. Funding an AstroTurf opposition and creating some sort of scandal seems more likely and is more in character Jewish.
    They could have outed his numerous affairs funded some swiftboat crap and that sort of thing. Concessions would have been more forcoming and there would be no risk of discovery.

    Part of the point of assassination is the propaganda of the deed. It doesn’t do you much good if almost no one knows you did it.

  3. Robert O – terrific post on the Kennedy’s. JFK’s story has always been illustrative, to me. A cautionary tale, to the 9th degree. He knew the score – why didnt’ he ROUND UP the devils, and deal with them accordingly? THEY obviously don’t care about Rule of Law, or ANYTHING decent and good. Why do we, or any leaders, extend ANY niceties towards them?

    Vlad Tepes knew how to deal with enemies.

  4. Yeah, I voted for him because he was talking tough on immigration back then, but he has since changed his position, so I won’t be voting for him in November.

    Do you ever question your own judgement? You’re a good writer but your discernment needs examining. I want to know how you can be so perfectly exact about 1876 but so completely off base for 2012. ??

    Is it age? I could understand that, but it just doesn’t come off that way.

  5. Personally I think this is more likely if you are looking for a rightwing killer:

    assassination is an African solution to an African problem. Kennedy was hip deep in kicking whites out of Africa: Algeria, Congo.

    Kennedy was bosom buds with Kwame N’Krumah, The followers of Lumumba like Alouda. In a few years Kennedy pissed off every major mining company in Africa, the French, the Belgians and the whites in SA, Rhodesia, Namibia and elsewhere. AND on top of that every American who admired Castro.

    Kennedy’s bahaviour in Congo was that of a race traitor.

  6. Denise read this leftie account of Kennedy helping niggers kick whites out of Africa.

    when Obummer relayed up that story about his Dad coming to America cause of Kennedy he was expressing how much the nigs in Africa loved Kennedy. Many of those horrid scenes in Addio Africa where the nigs are butchering whites are related to Kennedy’s handiwork.

  7. If you skip to the American involvement section you will see that Kennedy punished white secessionists inside Congo.

    if you want a conspiratorial motive for assassination originating from the right these it is. Mines, colonial gendarmes, white separatists, with greivances, Americans who could see the way Kennedy sided with blacks like Nkrumah and Alouda. Kennedy More or less doomed the white man in central Africa.

  8. A lot of people are saying, give Obama a second term. The fit will hit the shan before 2016. Worse is better. Obama will own the collapse. Let it burn. And so on.

    These people may very well be right. I don’t know. Prognosticsation was never my strong point.

    But what if they’re wrong? Can you people guarrantee it will all work out according to your plan? What if worse is just worse? What if BRA doesn’t collapse, but instead consolidates its power? What if, four years later, there are three more black lesbian judges on the supreme court, with an average age of 34? And four more federal agencies to enforce federal job and contract reservation for blacks? More hate crimes legislation, more illegal alien amnesties, more handouts for parasites, more black criminality and … just more of the same? What if Whites don’t wake up? Do you have a plan B?

    Looks plain reckless to me.

  9. No, I voted for Ron Paul in 2008, but didn’t feel like voting for him again in 2012 because he had also softened his position on immigration. Paul was saying then what Romney is saying now.

  10. As BRA consolidates whites will be forced into penury and humilating situations.

    See “Camp of the Saints” for the situation on steroids.

    Continuing on the Kennedy question. This guy was clearly antiwhite.

    Here is Kennedy crowing over helping to kick whites out of Congo. Not too long before he was assassinated.

    ‘The end of the secession [white lead and organized]… is warmly welcomed by the United States and all who are concerned with the future of the Congo and the whole of Africa, This secession has been a serious source of contention and an obstacle to progress in the Congo for the past two and a half years.’

  11. “Progress” for Kennedy indicates the expulsion of white people who built the infrastructure there.

    I think Kennedy was astonishingly antiwhite. And even then I still reckon he was killed by another leftist.

  12. Joe,

    you worship Kennedy. From the perspective of a blog that is WNationalist or WSupremacist your presence makes no sense.

    Kennedy OBJECTIVELY sided against whites in the South, in Africa and in Asia with consequences that must have enraged the dispossessed whites.
    A tenuous link to a spat over Damona doesn’t quite make sense. Eisenhower thwarted Israeli ambitions in Sinai in 1956 (by making them withdraw from Egypt) more dramatically and completely than anything Kennedy ever attempted. A terse letter or two doesn’t mean assassination is in the offing.

  13. @Joe

    I too will have to decline the Jerusalem junket. The papal encyclicals are now online and anyone who wishes to clarify their mind about who are the enemies of the Church, civilization (any civilization) and humanity can avail themselves of knowledge.

    Start with Pascendi by Pope St Pius X – the greatest document of the 20th century, rivaled only by Quas Primas by Pope Benedict XV on the subject of the kingship of Christ over all nations.

    I think people should make up their minds about what is right. The questions are: what is true? what is right? what is good? Then analyze the political situation. Don’t start with the political situation. Very little can be decided at the fag end of a degenerate process anyway.

    The Christendom of the West was the Church, victories in wars that had lasted a thousand years, rule over the Synagogue, the Roman Imperator, monarchies for Christian nations, parliaments and charters which gave measures of self government to estates and commons.

    What you are debating is a political decision in a Jew owned democracy of a slave nation founded by Masons to be an asset of the Bank of England West India Co. And you get to VOTE.

    Only nations as nations (ethne) will emerge from this. So the question is: what candidate could be best for your people?

    So what if Romney is the most abject, vomit inducing shabbos goy in the race? So what if Bibi shat on the floor at the Jerusalem press conference and told Mitt: “eat it” – he would get down there and eat it, wipe is mouth and say “yum yum” on camera? If you think he will help your people as POTUS – vote for him.

  14. @ Lynda and All Readers
    I never said Romney would help anyone, necessarily. I know you know how to read @ Lynda. Pointing out that Obama is a communist and tied into the black panthers does not in any way I inferred Romney ” will help [our] people”. My Basic and Fundamental Message: I said Obama is tied into the black panthers, and Romney’s not tied into the black panthers. That’s the difference between the two.
    None of my posts did any harm whatsoever to the White Race and/or the Catholic Church, or any kind of church . My posts on this thread contain alot of solid facts and information for my fellow White Americans. Not my problem if that perturbs you. You’re perturbed by all the information/facts I linked to today. That’s your problem. Don’t try to make it everyone’s problem.
    Don’t put words into my mouth : That’s what you’re trying to do. You’re doing it on purpose to try to distract the readers from what I truly said– trying to distract the readers from my Basic and Fundamental Message : Obama is tied into the black panthers, and Romney is not tied into the black panthers : my Basic and Fundamental Message to All the readers.
    It’s disgusting of you @ Lynda to stoop to such a low level of debate, to lie, distort, and negatively embellish what I said to try to get the readers distracted from my Basic and Fundamental Message. One would think a White woman who is so concerned about her White race wouldn’t try to distract from an important difference between the candidates ; Quite possibly, the only substantial difference between the two : Especially as Obama and Romney are supporting a war with Iran.
    Go read a papal bull and relax.

  15. AnalogMan nailed it. After discovering this site recently I’m beginning to wonder why I keep coming back.

    Obama furthers BRA, society does not collapse under him… yet.

    Vote Romney and continue to prepare. I guarantee you aren’t ready yet.

  16. Amanda,

    If there is a case for Mitt Romney that differs from the case for George W. Bush or John McCain, I would like to hear it. A vote for Romney is a vote for more wars, more free trade, more legal immigration. This man hasn’t given us a single positive reason to vote for him.

  17. White Americans are not prepared at all for a total collapse, not at all. The people who wish to see a total collapse thinking we’ll all be better off somehow, need to rethink.
    Amanda has the correct view.

  18. “online and anyone who wishes to clarify their mind about who are the enemies of the Church, civilization (any civilization) and humanity can avail themselves of knowledge.

    Start with Pascendi by Pope St Pius X – the greatest document of the 20th century, rivaled only by Quas Primas by Pope Benedict XV on the subject of the kingship of Christ over all nations.”

    Oh, Lynda, at it again? First off, arguing with Joe will never result in a win. He’s infantile in either his mind, or his ideology. Can’t decide which.

    Secondly, you know as well as I do, that the Church that gave us the Syllabus of Errors, is NOT the same organization that gave us Rembert Weakland, Cardinal Bernardin, and the Sodomite Clergy on Gay Parade of the last forty years.

    Two words to explain that dichotomy.
    Vatican 2.

  19. So let me get this straight: we are not prepared for a total collapse now, but we will be ten years from now, when the demographics are worse than they are now, and we have less political power than we do now?

    If the South had listened to Rhett and seceded in 1846 or 1851, we would be an independent nation today. Instead, we waited to 1860 to secede, and by that point the North had a larger population, more industries, and more railroads, and we lost because resistance came too late.

    That’s actually my greatest fear: we will continue to play this game of voting for whoever the GOP vomits up as their nominee no matter how bad they are for us, and then we will resist only as a last final of desperation, and we will lose because we will be too weak and will have waited too long.

    Every year that we choose submission over resistance, the less likely we are to end up with anything but an absolute total despotism in the long run.

  20. To All Readers:
    To all readers who may not be sure what “Syllabus of Errors” means:
    “Syllabus of Errors” refers to the combined posts of [Lynda + Fr John] . Their posts, combined, can rightfully be labeled the Syllabus of Errors.
    Pope Sanctii Phoniiface the 69th { of blessed memory } gave [Fr John’s + Lynda’s ] combined posts { The Syllabus of Errors } His Holy and Sacred Blessing at a Papal Mass in the Vatican, then he sprinkled [ Fr John + Lynda] with Holy Water from Water drawn from the Very Well Patriarch Shem used to draw Water for His Sheep.
    Deo dignus vindice nodus
    [ A knot worthy of god to untie]

  21. @ Hunter Wallace
    Truly, White Americans won’t be prepared for a very long time. White Christian — or so-called Christian — America needs to get it’s house cleaned up first. Family life is in shambles [ Big Time] . Can’t win any wars if family life is not united and strong. White Americans need to get their house in order first before going to battle against all the forces arrayed against us. I don’t mean to be pessimistic. I’m just being realistic. It’s just basic strategy.

  22. An interesting movie plot would be for secessionists to force a Constitutional Convention, which would require 2/3rds of the state legislatures:

    “The Congress… on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments,…”

    If 34 states passed an Application for a Constitutional Convention, the mere act would effectively dissolve the Union.


    Because any Convention would be utter chaos. So many competing interest groups would be fighting, nothing would happen or the Constitution would be all but rewritten. The rewritten Constitution, if it were ever released from the Convention for ratification, would be so repugnant as to cleave the country to pieces.

    Hence, Congress would stall for as long as possible, but the mere act of not calling a Convention would itself provoke a Constitutional crisis. People would question the validity of Supreme Court decisions and military oaths, with the Constitution itself in flux. The entire legitimacy of the government would come into question. The states that originally applied could organize their own Convention.

    Chaos would inevitably spread everywhere, once 34 states applied for a Convention. It is a nuclear option of a kind.

    The challenge would be to get 34 states to apply, then sit back and watch the fireworks.

    Maybe Warner Brothers can produce it? A popcorn munching summer blockbuster to be sure!

  23. If the US ceased to idolize race traitors like Lincoln, Kennedy it would be a good start.

    It’s best to push ahead quick as possible. If the Confederates had acted a decade earlier
    they’d have been hard to beat. If they had acted in 1848 it would have been over in a flash.

  24. @Hunter Wallace
    Romney will give us ” more wars, more free trade, more legal immigration”, as you say. It’s true. The same can be said for Obama : More wars*, more free trade, more legal immigration. The same.
    The difference is that Romney is not tied into the Chicago Communist gang in Chicago– A gang which includes the black panthers. The panthers take their orders from the head Communist in the country, George Soros , via Obama/Holder. There’s a much greater chance of Greatly Increased Attacks and Murders of White Americans with the African-born Communist lame-duck Obama– totally beholden to the Lansky family, Bill Ayers, and Soros. All of them want to see White Americans murdered in large numbers. I’ve written many posts with links and google search terms to “OD” about this important matter over the last few months. Google it.
    The black panthers– on orders from Soros via Obama/Holder — Declared War against White Americans in May. The black panthers were speaking on behalf of Obama when they Declared War. More correctly, Obama/Holder are the ones who Ordered the black panthers to declare war in the first place. The black panthers are not free agents. The panthers are an army for the communists now ascendant in Washington.The declaration of war not been rescinded.
    Romney is not tied into that. Obama is not only tied into it, he’s Second in Command after Soros. That’s the difference betwwen Romney and Obama. That’s the difference between the two– It’s a Huge Difference. Very much so.
    * Obama supports a war aginst Iran as Romney does. I included a link in one of my above posts on this thread of commentary about that.

  25. Let’s try to put a good spin on this:

    Romney is going to Israel, expressing strong US military support for Israel to shore up his support from White Southern Evangelicals who are rabidly Christian Zionists. It’s true they really are rabidly pro Israel.

  26. Jack Ryan says:
    “Romney is going to Israel, expressing strong US military support for Israel to shore up his support from White Southern Evangelicals who are rabidly Christian Zionists. It’s true they really are rabidly pro Israel.”

    Exactly. They are ecstatic. They have forgiven most everything they don’t like about Mitt. “Blow the trumpet in Zion, Zion -Romney’s our man.”

  27. @Jack Ryan

    I hope you’re right. But last night I saw a really disturbing Marines commercial… maybe it’s just sabre-rattling, I dunno. It really looks like the US government is preparing to invade Iran.

  28. Iran can handle themselves. They would kill 10,000-15,000 Yanks if Iraq is anything to go by. I do not see this being done.

    Might we see the Israelis send in an air raid? Does a bear shit in the woods?

  29. Obama officially informed the Israelis two weeks ago he’s prepared to go to war in Iran. A vote for Obama is not a vote for “peace” or less empire-building. Not at all. Washington is waiting for orders from Jerusalem. There’s going to be war with Iran, doesn’t matter who the president is.
    Obama doesn’t want to make a big stink about his support for an Iranian war in order to keep some votes from the those leftists who oppose any war with Iran. That’s all. Still, Obama definitely informed the Israelis he’s prepared and ready to involve the US military in a War with Iran.

  30. The Iran invasion hype is probably Overton window propaganda. Anyone who wants airstrikes will seem sensible next to a person calling for an invasion. The idea behind such propaganda would be to make the people who want bombings seem reasonable and to let Obama/Romney tell the public they selected a “moderate” solution, i. e. bombings over an invasion.

  31. @John
    Just because the assassination of JFK in 1963 was a Jew/ Communist coup d’etat, it doesn’t naturally follow that I “worship” JFK. He had his faults. Whatever JFK’s faults, his assassination was a Jew/Commie coup d’ etat. Immediately after his assassination, the jew/commies in the US started for pushing communist policies Real Hard and Unrelentingly : Immediatley afterwards.
    You keep talking about JFK’s policies in Africa. That’s a side issue. You’re just trying to deflect from the truth. You’re perturbed because I included links in my posts about the truth.
    I never said, nor implied, I “worship” JFK. I said*, with links, that the JFK assassination was a Jew/Commie coup d’etat.
    * I will continue to say [ with more links] if you @ John keep hassling me about it.

  32. No harpy, right now I am making money and spending my time with a lovely girl. Tall lean and less then half my age. Face of an angle, with perfect pale skin and hair… the most amazing brown hair I’ve ever seen on a woman. She could be on the Dutch field hockey team

    Really I didn’t know the usa made girls like her anymore. She does have to many tattoos for long term. Even if one is of our flag

    But I can tell, harpy your old man is still a pussy and has not yet taught you manners. No wonder you hate strongmen who won’t put up with your shit. Must eat at your vile little harpy heart knowing you can’t have a better man at your old age with your dried up and useless womb.

  33. Lew,

    this is also my reading of the situation. Invading Iran would cost too many lives. And the Russians/Chinese might actually fight The US over the place.

  34. @ Lew
    Can’t win a war just with bombing. Israel wants Iran totally controlled and dominated. You can only do that with ground troops. It’s going to be a war with ground troops.

  35. If the Russians/Chinese want to get involved in the war, they’re going to get involved in it if the US just bombs Iran, or send troops in after the initial bombings. A war is a war dudes. Doesn’t matter what form the war takes. If there’s any kind of war in Iran, ground troops or not, and the Russians and/or Chinese want to get involved, they’re going to get involved.
    I agree that War with Iran is going to lead to much greater war throughout the whole Middle East. I’m opposed to Usrael’s empire-building. I think it’s disgusting. Still, I don’t have a say.
    The Israelis are running the show now. Not Washington. Their decisions are not based on what’s best for the USA. That’s for sure. Our sell-out leaders — pretty much all of them– don’t seem to care very much about what’s best for the USA either.

  36. Kennedy enabled communists in Africa and Asia. I didn’t deny that a Leftie killed him.
    I just don’t think that the Kremlin would have wanted such a useful idiot dead. He handed central Africa to Russia. He was in the process of handing them Indochina. He confirmed their grip over Cuba. He ensured the release of MLK in America.

    I don’t think he got murdered by Mossad because he was against nuclear proliferation in Israel. It’s too much of a leap to suggest the assassination is connected to a few stern letters and a policy conflict like that. Kennedy was racking up so many enemies on the white supremacist right over Africa (Katanga) that they might be a better fit. Still there’s Oswald. A loopy guy who was mad about the Bay of Pigs.

  37. @John
    I didn’t say anything about the Kremlin. I said Jews in the USA. Not the Kremlin. Jew/commies in the USA assassinated JFK. It was a jew/commie coup d’etat. End of discusion. I already provided alot of links. Go read ’em @ John and go learn something substantial. Stop deflecting from the truth.,

  38. Robert, liberal, commie what’s the difference outside of the speed at which they wish to take over your life? Both are anti liberty and anti White supremacy. And both are on the left of the political spectrum. Especially as it was originally defined with the left being for govt and the right being less govt; the far left being complete govt control and the far right being anarchy. Not sure how right wing got spun into meaning a certain kind of dictatorship when it use to be applied to anarchist.

    I will give jfk his due though. He was a brave man in WW2 and he banged the best looking women of his time unlike clinton who’s affairs were extra embarrassing because he was porking porkers

  39. So what if Romney is the most abject, vomit inducing shabbos goy in the race? So what if Bibi shat on the floor at the Jerusalem press conference and told Mitt: “eat it” – he would get down there and eat it, wipe is mouth and say “yum yum” on camera? If you think he will help your people as POTUS – vote for him.

    When I saw that picture, I wanted to visit Israel just to piss on that fucking wall.

    You are Catholic, or Jewish, or Mormon, or negro Voodoo religion, etc. But you don’t participate in other’s religious rituals. If my church was real, it wouldn’t allow Romney to have communion …. and it would definitely not apologize to a lesbian for telling her to go get communion elsewhere cause we don’t serve dykes.

  40. Syria/NATO etc. is trending big time on the news aggregators. It might all kick off sooner than we think.

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