About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. That was so Micheal Moore ….

    That guy is a complete dork to ambush the girl like that and “make a scene” as she’s only an employee and not a manager or an owner.

    He claims he isn’t gay, but he’s lying. He’s too bitchy and lisppy for a straight male; and “making a scene” is a girl thing.

    The girl is cute, BTW.

  2. Please stop using gay terminology (gay and straight). Using their terminology is a capitutlation. When I protested at a gay pride parade I told them that I was “normal” and that I have the right to call myself what I wish. I told the homos that if they wish to call themselves “gay” that is their right but I am “normal”. I have a wife and two children. I served in the US Army. I am not “straight” in any way. I am just “normal”. Think about what I said. You can’t beat someone in the battle of the words if you allow them to set the terminology. These people with their anal sex are abnormal. They are immoral. They have no right to set the language of the debate with us.

  3. He’s not a DWL – he’s a fag, despite claiming he isn’t.

    A normal guy isn’t going to tear into a cute girl – a straight male brain doesn’t work that way. When presented with a cute girl the either get tongue-tied or flirt.

    Plus, he calls the girls “guys” at the end.

  4. That guy is an idiot and must be a fruit. The kissing comment was gross. I felt sorry for the youg lady. What was she supposed to say to him? FU! Here’s your water you cheap twisted loser! While being recorded for all the world to see. She did well considering she was following a script given her from management.

  5. How can any straight white get worked up about supporting the anti-traditional-marriage side of this argument?

    For anyone stumbling onto this post a review of history:

    (1) When economic marxism did not take root in western Europe following WW1, jewish intellectuals re-engineered their dreck into cultural marxism. Cultural marxism sought to overthrow White Christian Western Civilization. One aspect of cultural marxism is the aggressive pushing of homosexuality among White Christians to subvert them. Don’t believe me? Look up Bela Kun and his regime in Hungary after WW1. His minister of cultural was Georg Lucaks, and he pushed the homosexual agenda into grade school! Nothing has changed except now its the descendants of these devils that are pushing the gay agenda.

    So much for the review of history.

    (2) You may consider your participation in the gay agenda as a moral issue – a civil rights issue. You are foolish for believing that. Those who are pushing the gay agenda at the top are not interested in the morality of gay rights – they are only interested in perverting as many White Gentiles as they can in an effort to destroy our civilization. By joining in this attack you are helping the enemy.

    (3) There is also an atavistic hatred of whites evident in this attack. Those pushing the attack are driven quite literally insane when they contemplate that an incredibly successful corporation is outside of their grasp and currently beyond their subversion. This is the inverse of the biblical story. In the biblical story the Chosen People came to the promised land and found the canaanites sacrificing their children to moloch and were rightly horrified. In the inverse of the biblical story, the apostate “chosen people” have come to our Promised Land and are enraged when they have found us to be virtuous. They have been and still are doing everything in their power to pervert us and our institutions.

    Keep these things in mind when you next protest against Chick-fil-a.

  6. The girl was a total sweetheart. This mean-spirited pathetic excuse of a man insults a girl in this ambush (‘how can you live with yourself working for this horrible corporation’ and other nonsense) plus this lovely woman remains above it all.

    If anybody wanted a short video to show young people who are finding their way in this world who the good guys and the bad guys are, this jackass’ video is great material for that.

  7. This loser was an especially nasty piece of work even by DWL standards. I mean think about it. How much courage does it take to berate a poorly-paid White woman who has no control over CFA policy and who can’t fight back?

    What a piece of garbage; I wish somebody would have put a brick through his windshield.

    His moralizing tirade was a classic example of Kevin MacDonald’s concept of “White altruistic self-punishment.” The idea describes the tendency of White folks to punish each other for transgressions against “universal” “moral” principles rather than transgressions against the tribe. I bet he wouldn’t have said anything if there was Black employee waiting at the window.

    By all rights, instead of laboring in obscurity Kevin MacDonald ought to have won the Nobel Prize by now and be a household name. His ideas explain a lot.

  8. Arizona Professor Verbally Abuses Tucson Chick-Fil-A Drive-Through Employee

    ‘Mr. Smith Goes to Chick-Fil-A’ (and makes a douche of himself).

    An Arizona college professor and corporate CFO on Wednesday verbally abused a drive-through employee at a Chick-fil-A in Tucson, and then posted a video of the incident on YouTube.

    Adam M. Smith, an adjunct professor from the University of Arizona – Tucson (Eller School of Management), described himself in the video as “totally heterosexual” without “a gay in me” who believes that Chick-fil-A is “a horrible corporation with horrible values.”


  9. I agree that fruit was as queer as a three-dollar bill. Good for the company that fired him. If he was the CFO/Treasurer, his name is probably on most of their corporate filings and legal documents.

  10. Why would anyone give a minimum wage worker a hard time? That’s right a highly educated college prof!

    Talk about slavers. These asses would have us in chains and then some.

  11. Thank you Sam & Hunter. I didn’t know who this new age Adam Smith was when the link was posted earlier and why I should care. The comments indicated that I should have.

  12. So an MBA/CPA/CFO/Treasurer/adjunct business professor went out of his way to pick on a fast-food employee? It’s disgusting and beyond pathetic, but the again he is the liberal SWPL prototype.

  13. hahaha…..oh he got fired, how sad: NOT !!

    This is the first time I saw a story unfold in real-time. I was on that guy’s youtube site early this morning when there was still less than 500 comments, and it was a riot. Almost every single comment was kicking his pathetic ass….it was great fun! All of a sudden, just when it was around the 1000 comment mark: “user has removed this video”, and POOF –he was gone.

    So I google his name (someone had published it, and his work number, by then) and all of a sudden there are videos all over the place.
    And then the big one: Michelle Malkin put him on her FaceBook as “Douche of the Day”…and in less than an hour there was over 2000 comments, hahaha…..it was hilarious. It just kept getting bigger…..

    Ah, it’s not often we get to witness an outcome this satisfying, minor as it is.

    Ps: Someone on Youtube was talking about setting up a college fund for Rachel the sweet cashier, and I really hope that gets rolling. To see her get a nice chunk of cash after all this bruhaha would just be icing on the cake:)

  14. John King: Awesome comment. So many conservative problems would be resolved if we would stop giving in to PCness and get control of the English language.

    Good point on us being “normal”, those outside this were referred to as “deviants”, “sexual deviants” in this case, or “sodomites”. There is no “gay marriage”, it’s an invented word to put conservatives on the defensive (now we are told we are “anti-Gay marriage”, just like those who were against a centralized government back in 1789 were labeled “Anti-Federalist”). Being an “anti” is somehow tied to “hate” in the minds of the masses. Words have power, and PCness was created to advance the Marxist cause by making conservatives afraid to use powerful words.

    Ever notice that PCness is never ever an issue on the left. It was only meant to paint conservatives into a corner. It only works if we let them.

  15. Outlier says:
    ” Here’s his FB page:”
    “His favorite bands are: Abba and The Bee Gees …. a dead give away.”

    Other: Barack Obama, Democratic Party, LGBT Democrats, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Vietnam Veterans for Obama

    This guy’s committed. LGBT Democrats? Debbie Wasserman?

  16. @John King
    Good point. I will start using “normal” in conversations and drop “straight”, I’m still a bit too cowardly to say “homo” or “fag” in public but I always use the full form “homosexual.” I notice that it makes lots of peoples’ ears perk up, and they listen in on what you are saying, since they probably haven’t heard that full term for a while.

    At the Smyrna, TN Chick-fil-a yesterday when I went to get my hate nuggets, it was so white with so many other millennials like me, along with older couples and young white families. The only blacks I noticed seemed very well to do and one of the guys was wearing a John 3:16 t-shirt.

    I hope the Dems have to play down or remove their homo-house-play-marriage plank to appease the blacks; because unless they get almost all the black vote out voting (and not abstaining, of course they won’t vote for a cracka like Romney), given how Obama is sinking like a stone with white voters, they will just be left with the progressive DWL fringe and the Rio Grande Swimming Champions in November.

  17. Ahhh…. The Tolerant Ones. All they want is to be free to love… and attack anyone who feels differently about their pet perversion.

    I love how the other girl shows up at the end just to smirk at him. Haha, what a dooooshe.

  18. “Ps: Someone on Youtube was talking about setting up a college fund for Rachel the sweet cashier, and I really hope that gets rolling. To see her get a nice chunk of cash after all this bruhaha would just be icing on the cake:)”

    Not only that, but it keeps the bad publicity for the left on rolling. Now everyone who bashes CFA can and will be lumped in with this a-hole. Rahm and the gang thought they could score some cheap “moralizing” points by bashing a li’l ol’ Christian run chain. What could they do about it? LOL, I bet they never saw it turning out like this.

    That dude just outed himself by posting that. “I’m like thooooo hetrothexthual”. Yeah, sure you are bud.

  19. It says he is “interested in men.”

    oooo well spotted Hunter!!

    So this turd lied about not being GAY as well (but we knew he was anyways, haha), I wonder how will he explain this to all his libtardian pals, lol…..
    I almost feel sorry for him……

  20. If he’s lucky, he might get himself a guest starring role on South Park. I could totally see them making a star out of this guy, he’s right up their alley.

  21. “A normal guy isn’t going to tear into a cute girl – a straight male brain doesn’t work that way. When presented with a cute girl the either get tongue-tied or flirt.”

    Exactly, only a homosexual man could hate a girl like that. She was sweet as molasses. Catty homosexuals hate pretty girls because they know they can never be one. Call it vagina envy.

  22. “Why would anyone give a minimum wage worker a hard time? That’s right a highly educated college prof!”

    They really do think they’re above us all. The sign of a man’s character is how he treats people who can’t do anything for him or to him.

  23. Ambush video host Adam Smith could change a nine dollar bill into a stack of threes.

    I hope he gets a new job busing tables in a New Orleans BBQ shack.

    He’ll have all of “diversity” he can handle.

  24. “You will all find it hilarious that this guy (Adam Smith, who was the CFO of Vante, Inc.) has been fired from his job”

    BOOYAH! Go, Vante!

    Can we do a buycott for Vante? Hm. They sell medical supplies. Not sure how to make that come about. Must be some way to send them my approval. Any ideas, anybody?

  25. Hate???? These Demon satanic perverts regard any decent Christian as a hater. The girl should have thrown the water in the asshole’s face.

  26. Bill: I think Barb means we should support Vante for dumping the doofus in record time 🙂

    Note: Someone just posted this about poor wittle Adam as well:

    He also works also as a professor at the University of Arizona in McClelland Hall. His phone number is (520)621-7554. Email is adammba@email.arizona.edu. Fax is (520)621-1261. His boss’s number is (520)621-7554

  27. “Adam M. Smith, the man who took a video of himself confronting a female employee at a Chick-fil-A drive-thru in Tuscon, Ariz. has been fired.

    Here’s the statement from his now former employer Vante:

    ‘Vante regrets the unfortunate events that transpired yesterday in Tucson between our former CFO/Treasurer Adam Smith and an employee at Chick-fil-A. Effective immediately, Mr. Smith is no longer an employee of our company.'”

    Read more


  28. I don’t know about a buycott but perhaps a mass mailing of guaranteed, bust proof condoms would be in order. I would imagine “safe sex” is a paramount concern with this creep.

    Behold, here is the face, mentality and hate filled psyche of our enemy on either side of the Mason Dixon line. From militant homosexuality to militant anti-White genocidal policies, here he is.

    Just a creepy, limp wristed, self hating, miserable excuse for a human being.

    That’s all the Left is. Smoke and mirrors were created to intimidate and distract us from the truth.

  29. John King,

    Bless you and your family. control of the language is CRITICAL. An absolutely bedrock necessity. your accurate use of the word “normal” is perfect. This is how it’s done.

    FYI – the planks of the Franfurt Shul of Deviate Kikes:

    1. The creation of racism offences.
    2. Continual change to create confusion
    3. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children
    4. The undermining of schools’ and teachers’ authority
    5. Huge immigration to destroy identity.
    6. The promotion of excessive drinking
    7. Emptying of churches
    8. An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime
    9. Dependency on the state or state benefits
    10. Control and dumbing down of media
    11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family

    There ya go. They DID it. And now the Battle for Chik Fil A seems to be our Waterloo. A huge National visceral Upchucking of all the Judenpoison.

    I explained this on my Chick Fil A pilgrimage, to my carful of TeaPeople (I had been referring to them as “TeaTards” – but there bunchas of Newbies – and they were very intelligent – but woefully ignorant, Many of them have been deliberately mis-directed. They simply need to be properly educated. I left out any direct reference to Race, or ethny – but conversations grew more pointed as the evening wore on. All of my TeaPeople are very hard-working, honest folk. Salt of the Earth types.

    Even though they are Yankees.

    Most have built their own businesses, over a lifetime. THEY “built that”.

    They are getting seriously cheesed.

    As a side note – we got into a brief conversational detour. One of the ladeis asserted that we are heading into anopther Civil War. I agreed. Some-one mentioned Lincoln, and I promptly rained acid on his name. “He was a total SCUMBAG. He turned Federal rifles on Americans!!!! SHREDDED The Constitution. He totally deserved to be shot. I’m sorry he was, though, as it ruined John Wilkes Booth’s life. The South was RIGHT, and is being vindicated now. The Civil War was NEVER about slavery (they knew this) etc.” Brief thumbnail sketch of Booth’s reasons, etc. I mentioned that there a growing movement for secession, among…ahem….certain Southerners. I told ’em to check out the League of the South. I didn’t get any pushback. They seemed…open. Not in agreement – but not derisive and dismissive. Open. Especially when I stated that secession is not about being unpatriotic – it’s about getting out from the iron claw of the Federal Leviathan. They “got” that. I could see the light switch on.


    Anyway – that Adam Smith clown is a TOTAL fag. Straight men are not BITCHY like that.

  30. “JimBob says:
    August 3, 2012 at 1:24 am
    Hate???? These Demon satanic perverts regard any decent Christian as a hater. The girl should have thrown the water in the asshole’s face.”

    Or scalding hot coffee.

  31. Vante isn’t really taking a stand on an issue the way Cathy is. They did the right thing and that should be enough. Energy would be more productively spent aimed at UA. This is what I meant.

    I’m eatin’ the steamrollin’ story up. It’s almost as if God finally shook his head and declared enough enough.

  32. Ah ok Bill, I gotcha now, thanks…

    I’m eatin’ the steamrollin’ story up. It’s almost as if God finally shook his head and declared enough enough.

    Me too 🙂 And I lol’d at so many comments here and other sites today (and it’s interesting to notice how there is little difference in the comments here and at other sites anymore!) that I swear my face actually hurts from laughing, lol…..

  33. “And now the Battle for Chik Fil A seems to be our Waterloo. A huge National visceral Upchucking of all the Judenpoison.” Perhaps the best, most humorous and quotable comment to appear on this site.

    “I explained this on my Chick Fil A pilgrimage, to my carful of TeaPeople. I had been referring to them as ‘Tea Tards’ but there were bunchas of Newbies and they were very intelligent, but woefully ignorant. Many of them have been deliberately mis-directed.” This is effective activism, in real world action, not just typing online.

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