About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Tradition Family Property was founded by Professor Plinio Correa de Oliveira as a chivalric order for the Roman Catholic Counter Revolution. They are military and their formation is at the St Louis de Montfort Academy in Pennsylvannia.

    When the Pro Life Movement marched on Washington in 2010, TFP uploaded some great vids to their website http://www.tfp.org. Pro Life is another great cause that finds huge support among the White demographic – that march of 300,000 people was virtually a sea of White faces. A nation that aborts and contracepts itself out of existence will certainly not be long upon the land. So it was very good to see the Counter Revolution represented there.

  2. “Neo-Nazi” is now just a code word that jews/leftists use to describe ethnic European caucasians.

  3. @,,,, “Pro Life is another great cause that finds huge support among the White demographic – that march of 300,000 people was virtually a sea of White faces. …”

    These handful of t.v. “ISSUES” that the dumbed down public is given as something to “take sides” on just points up how totally forgone and stupid the public has become.

    Take homosexuals. They are always in societies. Left alone, they are about 4% of any society. In a pro-gay-propaganda environment, like the U.S., where people are basically PAID to say they are homosexual, the highest numbers YOU WILL EVER get are about 7-8%.

    This means when you’re pushing Rosie O’Donnell’s and Ellen Degeneres, when Ellen is giving $30,000 in a down economy to a high school kid who takes a girl to her prom, when Cynthia Dixon (or nixon, can’t remember) gets a career jump start for being with a female, daily issues surrounding it are on t.v. for conditioning the public, etc, etc.

    ALL THAT— and it’s still only 6%, if that of the population.

    And yet—- all those ignorant dumbed down “Conservatives” just don’t get it.

    The System plays them like a fiddle, especially the more recent few generations of “americans” they congregated in the “big cities of power.”

    Framing abortion as “Pro-Life” is about the most anti-LIFE thing around. These “pro-lifers” HANG THEIR WHOLE MORALITY on … what, lmao!!!—- that they don’t abort babies? Or they sleep with the opposite sex??

    Don’t you see—- that right there, is how DUMBED DOWN your own sense of morality has become.

    NO ONE even bothers to wonder about just 40 years ago—- when no one could even IMAGINE “gay homes” or endless abortions.

    The idea that such could EVEN BECOME a “moral issue” was unthinkable.

    What was your “morality” back then? Do you have any idea?

    That this is what you’re given for your grand morality should astonish you.

  4. And “being White” SHOULD NEVER be framed in this way, imo.

    Whites are Whites. It has NOTHING to do with the straw issues a hopelessly stupid dumbed down public is given to “rally around.”

    THAT WAS THE WHOLE POINT of the “free White society,” wasn’t it?

    Unlike the Europe “conservative traditional society”— where Catholics Kill “Heretics” (who didn’t think exactly like them—and rejected craziness like transubstantiation, papal infallibility, and confession–which got so many people blackmailed in Europe, btw), which is to say those Dictatorships of Europe (which Americans now have to live in)—- a White free society involved people who are allowed to THINK (outside the confining ignorant box of these silly straw issues: left-right, gay-straight, either-or, marriage–yes/no, black-white, welfare-warfare, etc.)

    It was the immigrants from Europe (duplicating their kind of society) who insured Americans had to kiss a free society goodbye—- isn’t that just dependent neo-feudal populations?

  5. Well said Dixiegirl. The best I can say about those catholic marching 300,000 is that they are white and they might just might have more whites.

  6. Robroy:

    Idk—- I do hear what you’re saying—- but deep down, if they do remain, say, like the “Christian” Jackson Pearce girl here, just an unconscious tool, I would not be so sure about your idea that the blind and stupid, if just White, can lead to a future, at all.

    Implicit whiteness…. is just exactly that. When you scratch the surface, all kinds of other things might be beneath. And that’s how we wound up here…no?

  7. The “Christian” tools of anti-white agenda —- is what I meant.

    Scratch the surface….and all those Kevin Mac’s “implicit Whites” can be anything.

  8. Dixiegirl, I thought it was all those Yankee Anglo Saxon Protestants and their non Catholic descendants who were responsible for the plight of Dixie and who insured that Americans could kiss their freedoms goodbye. Didn’t the former let all those riff raff Catholic immigrants (like my paternal grandparents) in here in the first place? Do you consider me to be your enemy? Do you think I want to torch Protestants? Do you think I vote Democrat? Do you think I’m anti-White? Do you think I hate and ridicule Southerners? Should I be banned from posting here?

    Anyway, what is the point of your chronic complaints about this? Do you have any practical solutions to offer now other than shipping me and other sons and daughters of White Catholic immigrants back to the old country?

    Or, is all simply lost and nothing left to do but bitch and point fingers?

  9. You expect hypocrisy from the Left and once again we are not disappointed. With their boycott they attempted to harm CFA if not drive it out of business putting thousands out of work because of the beliefs and actions of its owners but when Valente fired Smith because of either his beliefs and actions or more likely because he embarrassed the company well that was ‘unfair’. Well boohoo and cry me a river. Damned scum.

  10. Lynda, TFP is a great site.

    Anyone who studies the rise of Protestantism knows it proceeded following the expulsion of the Jews from Spain after the Reconquista. The Protestant Reformation began the destruction of Christendom, which has reached its full fruition in BRA.

    The influx of Jews into the Netherlands resulted in the Dutch war for independence from Spain. It’s no accident that the Puritan “pilgrims” who founded Massachusetts were sheltering in the Netherlands with their fellow Jewish malcontents before they left for the new world.

    The Yankee abolitionists were not Catholics, they were Protestant dissenters, in other words, Judaizing Protestants. Liberalism, with its concern for an invented and imaginary “freedom” is only the natural outcome of the Protestant dissent.

    Most people in medieval Christendom had no idea of any theological intricacies that the Protestants seized upon. Christendom was a united white worldview that was undermined by heretics who had only the best intentions. They were the first purveyors of hope and change. The other “change” agents were perfidious Jews.

    You can burn heretics or you can have heretical BRA, where feral negroes burn innocent whites. Dixiegirl obviously prefers the latter.

    Deo Vindice

  11. Fr. John, I don’t know about it being a mental disorder, but if you remove the Jewish psychoanalytic paradigm from the equation, it is what we used to call a sin.

    Fr. Don Felix Sarda Y Salvany completed a full diagnosis at the turn of the last century.

    Deo Vindice

  12. Via Media time, here.

    Dixiegirl- “Unlike the Europe “conservative traditional society”— where Catholics Kill “Heretics” (who didn’t think exactly like them—and rejected craziness like transubstantiation, papal infallibility, and confession–which got so many people blackmailed in Europe, btw)…”

    Funny, but it was White, Christian Europe- you know, the ‘motherland’ for Canada, USA, Oz, and NZ- that gave the world the Bible, the Ecumenical Councils, the University, Christianity, fought the Arians, fought the Huns, fought the Hagarenes, and even fought the Jews/Khazars – in East Rome, by outright battle, and in West Rome, by ostracization, and ejection from the Motherland(s). So, saying that the facts of Real Presence- “This IS my BODY”, Confessing your sins “one to another”- even to a caring priest, and other sillinesses like the Hypostatic Union, the Nicene Creed, etc. are nothing to you, means you care nothing for the Europe/Christendom, that GAVE THEM TO US. (and don’t confuse Rome with the Church catholic- it’s a common error- see below)

    Now, on the other hand…..

    Apuleius- “Anyone who studies the rise of Protestantism knows it proceeded following the expulsion of the Jews from Spain after the Reconquista. The Protestant Reformation began the destruction of Christendom, which has reached its full fruition in BRA.

    The influx of Jews into the Netherlands resulted in the Dutch war for independence from Spain. It’s no accident that the Puritan “pilgrims” who founded Massachusetts were sheltering in the Netherlands with their fellow Jewish malcontents before they left for the new world.”

    Umm, yeah. Or no. First off, the other 4/5ths of Christendom, once Rome had apostasized herself in 1054, noted (sadly) that ‘Rome was the first Protestant.’ How true that statement is.

    Secondly, most of the Jews did NOT go to the Netherlands, but to MUSLIM countries. Calvinism, known as the ‘Frozen Chosen’ theology of the Protestant Reformation, is not Calvin’s alone- why, even an Augustinian Friar with a Doctorate, named Martin Luther, wrote of Election/Predestination in his massive book, ‘Bondage of the Will.’ Perhaps you’ve never read it, like most Westerners, who should know their history/church history better.

    The jews (if/when they are mentioned) by Luther, and by later Calvinists, NEVER are considered as ‘equals’ to the ‘Elect’ of the Christian church- i.e., White Europeans. Funny thing, too. People wanting to become RC’s today, are enrolled in, of all things, a ‘Book of the Elect’- so, Ape, it’s a case of ‘pot calling kettle, come in kettle’ with your selective way of looking at Church History. Not that I fault you. The Romish propaganda is pretty difficult to break free of, much like Jewish propaganda that they are ‘the Chosen People.’ But, when you DO break free, the lies just become so much flotsam and jetsam in the floes of cultural destruction by the very powers that once said, they stood for White Men/Europe. Nowadays, Rome, riding on the EU Beast, cannot hide any longer her Whore of Babylon status, as she was wont to do, in days gone by…..

  13. Those comments on the link were the most moronic I have ever read. The ‘gay’ Idahoans were just disgusting.

  14. Thanks for setting me straight, Fr. John. No Jews in the Netherlands, eh? Maybe your animus against the post Vatican II Catholic church has blinded you.

    Don’t confuse Protestant dissenters with all Protestants. It’s not like Protestantism is monolithic. There are only about 20,000 different Protestant sects. High church Anglicans or Anglo-Catholics could hardly be confused with iconoclastic Protestant dissenters. Nor did they much care for them. The religious persecution the Puritans claimed to be escaping from was Anglican.

    Iconoclasm is something the Protestant dissenters had in common with–Jews. Hmmm….


    The Jewish influence on Separatists and Dissenters is clear. Deny that all you want. I could give a fat baby poot.

    Most of the lies about Catholics burning heretics were deliberate distortions of what happened during the Spanish Inquisition. The targets of the Spanish Inquisition were conversos, Jews who pretended to convert to Catholicism but continued to undermine the authority of the church.

    Too bad we all can’t be like the sinless Orthodox. But then we all know that Catholics have a monopoly on evil. Just ask our Jewish friends. They like you hate the Church above all else. I’m sure that brings much comfort to Protestants and Orthodox. It always has.

    Deo Vindice

  15. Protestantism in England was about nationalism and male succession. The pope was a captive of the Emperor and the Emperor claimed the English crown. This created a situation that would have bled England dry. Henry VIII, Mary, Elizabeth, James…

    No Jews in sight. Or even behind the scenes. As if the Dutch had no reason to pursue nationhood outside Spanish control.

  16. The diamond industry in Amsterdam has one thing in common with the diamond industry in New York/New Amsterdam. ALL of the diamond cutters and others who work there are Orthodox Jews. It is an ironclad requirement. You won’t see any affirmative action lawsuits against these businesses, though.

    Deo Vindice

  17. It’s interesting to see how diamonds (demanded by women at engagement and beyond) are totally and utterly immoral. I’ve never spent money on them. I do not see the point of them.

  18. The 300,000 Pro Life on Washington was a largely White affair and it crossed religious lines. Tradition Family Property was there to salute them.

    This is the role of an elite that has undergone specific formation to play the role of an elite in a conflict. Only people dumbed down in Masonic schools think that people just spontaneously rise up in unity, organize themselves and enter into conflict.

    Elites must undergo formation and long training by those who understand the needs of a cause and can provide and support that formation.

    The St Louis de Montfort Academy where this Roman Catholic chivalric order is formed runs summercamps for boys in Louisianna.


    Another great rally, (of which very little on YouTube) was held on March 31 2005 outside the Woodside Hospice in Pinellas Park, Fla when Terri Schindler Schiavo was executed by order of the state as being ‘unfit to live’. As a severely disabled person she was dehydrated to death when the Court upheld her ex-husband’s appeal that all her supports be withdrawn and her loving family’s request to look after her was denied. A terrible crime committed by the state.

    If you will look at the photos of Terri’s death vigil you will see how extensive is the support for Pro Life among the Whites and how well organised that support is.

    Christians turned out for Terri’s death vigil in droves. Kids, old people got arrested. Priests for Life were there. Pro-Life was there. An Organisation that fights for the rights of the disabled in hospitals to have food and water and care (We’re Not Dead Yet) was there.

    In this video see the pictures of the vigil outside the Woodside Hospice at 2:10

    In the vid below, Father Frank Pavone gives an update on the judicial murder of Terri Schindler Schiavo

    This is a moral issue that draws massive support from conservative Whites.

    I have been to ProLife Catholic Action outside the abortion clinic. Every week, my parish sends both laiety and clergy to the sidewalk outside the clinic to hold vigil for the deaths of the innocent ( a sin crying to heaven for Divine vengeance). The icons of the Sacred Heart of Christ the King are held up together with the icons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary our Queen Mother in the order of grace. The de Profundis is recited together with the Rosary. Women who think they have no other choice but to kill their unborn are given literature with names and contacts of people who are offering all kinds of support to the young mother or young family.

    Usually she is accompanied by a surly boyfriend who thinks this crime will solve his financial problem. He is usually the one who is enraged to see the hands extended to the young couple offerring support and help.

    The people who drive by and join the vigil are almost always White and some are Christian, not all are Catholic.

    The clinic staff is just unbelievable. Once I was standing near the window and an old bat opened the curtain a little to see the numbers. As the Rosary began and those who were able knelt on the pavement – she hissed. Hissed!

  19. @Apulieus

    Thank you for posting that link to Fr Salvany’s work at Aug 4, 12 10:49 pm. An essential text for the new millenium.

    The Masonic MO does not change. The tactics of infiltration, networking and strategic capture of an organisation could be applied to the state, to an institution like the National Education Association, to Media cartel, to banks.

    He mapped it out with the Church, but the MO is the same.

  20. When Henry VIII dissolved the monasteries and appropriated all the property of the Church in England, I hardly think it was a case of England being ‘bled dry’.

  21. Good point about the monasteries. Generally the loot was given to Henry’s cronies. The architectural vandalism was disasterous. However the church was functioning as a foreign agent itself. More or less the whim of whoever happened to occupy Italy. It’s no surprise that ties were severed.

  22. @’Fr’ John

    Nuova Roma was at war on two fronts – in the East and the West. The Great Schism of 1054 A.D. was the terminal crisis of a long process.

    If the Church and state are one – then you have two options. The state rules the Church – as in Byzantium. Or the temporal and spiritual domains are ruled by state and Church respectively. In the West the spiritual domain had precedence because the polity was a Christendom. The Christian faith was what held these nations together. The Western Patriarchate – the See of Rome – annointed the Emperor and deposed kings who placed themselves outside the laws of the Church as unfit to rule.

    The nations of the West fought a two front war with Islam for almost a thousand years. They came together as a Christendom under Rome. These are the nations that developed political institutions like Magna Charta, the Bretton Parliament, Declaration of Arbroath, the Estates – constitutional monarchies with legislative self-rule.

    For example, in the excommunication of Henry VIII it was the Chancellor loyal to the wider polity, to Rome, St Thomas Moore who defended the right of the House of Commons against the monarch.

    It was the West that was victorious on two fronts in the War against Islam precisely because of its Ecclesial structure. At any rate, Jerusalem did fall to the West in 1099 A.D. (please remind us here of all the Muslims and Jews and Byzantines helping them who lost their lives in this military victory). I do think you should get over it.

  23. The monasteries and church houses in England owned 1/3rd of the land and had peasants working for free as chattel. This was a direct result of the Norman invasion and the monks (Cluniacs I think) who followed in the wake of the invasion. That much property in the hands of abbots and monks is a clear and present danger to any nationalistic government. The abbots grew fat on tithes that
    abused farmers. After the reformation we start to see farmers own their plots in title. Yeoman farmers begin to emerge at this time in large numbers.

  24. You are so right, Lynda.

    Catholic Spain in the West and Catholic Austria and Poland in the East saved the Europe repeatedly from Islamic aggression. Protestant nations, like their Jewish allies, often supported these Islamic attacks financially and otherwise. The Orthodox were and still are content to pay their jizya to their Islamic overlords. Over time they convert to Islam, so it’s all good from their point of view.

    The Hagia Sophia is now a museum mosque with most of its beautiful Christian art covered up by Islamic scrawl. Perfectly fine for the Orthodox and their iconoclastic Protestant friends. They don’t find much appeal in the image of Christ, something they have in common with Muslims and Jews.

    Under US influence following WW2, Europe capitulated to being overrun by Islamic hoards. The Protestant US actively encouraged this. Protestant President Bush disingenuously proclaimed Islam as a religion of peace. The next President, nominally Protestant Barack Hussein Obama, was educated in an Islamic madrassa as a child and proclaimed that America is a Muslim nation.

    Protestant Britain is ground zero for the Islamic takeover, with sharia law upheld by English courts that persecuted Catholic recusants for centuries, outlawing mass on penalty of death. Even now, a Catholic cannot inherit the British throne, but the Archbishop of Canterbury openly advocates for the implementation of sharia law in England.

    Additionally, following the US invasion of Iraq, Chaldean Catholic Christianity has almost completely ceased to exist in US occupied Iraq. This was part of the plan, no doubt. Islam has historically been regarded as the scourge of Christians. They must have not gotten the memo.

    I’m sure the Orthodox are quite content with this recent development. Like Protestants and Jews, their animus delendi against the Church overrides every other consideration. They are much happier to accomodate Islamic and Communist party concerns.

    You would think the Protestants and Jews would be happy after they rewrote our liturgy and prayers as part of Vatican II apostate ecumenism. But that just wouldn’t be so, would it? As afflicted as the Church may be, none of these pretend Christians can contradict Our Lord’s words to Peter, however they may try.

    The real whore of Babylon is the Evangelical Protestant Jew worshipping US.
    Guess who is occupying Babylon (Iraq) now? It ain’t the Catholic church for sure.

    By their fruits ye shall know them. Indeed.

    Deo Vindice

  25. Protestant Freemason and Jewish business partner Harry Truman made the decision to drop the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki not out of military necessity, but because both cities had the largest Catholic populations in Japan. Nagasaki had the largest Catholic population in Asia. Catholicism was virtually wiped out in Japan as a result. No accident there, either.

  26. Dr. Oliver, who was smarter than all of us here put together, considered the Reformation a great tragedy for the West, that is, Whites. I am not so sure about that.

    The Reformation broke the ecclesiastical power of Rome, which is what gave us a Latin America populated by mestizo mongrels, and required the then-blatantly-corrupt Church to stage a Counter-Reformation of its own in which it essentially admitted it had been utterly corrupt.

    It was also an example of the difference between Whites and orientals, that is, the other group of people on the planet with some level of intelligence and societal order. The Chinese had had movable type and fireworks-gunpowder-for millennia and they had no impact on the social structure whatever. They simply provided amusements for the mandarins. When rediscovered by the West, they upended the social structure in under a century. For Protestantism was a technical revolution as much as a theological revolution: it depended on direct access to the scriptures by every one of the faithful, access made possible by Gutenberg’s printing press as much as any other thing. Catholicism never encouraged bible reading by the masses, and actively discouraged it until the Third Reformation which was Vatican II. But the main barriers to widespread bible reading, and the expository preaching Protestantism fostered, were the lack of physical access due to the price and scarcity of books, the lack of literacy, and the lack of knowledge of Latin, the only language in which scripture was allowed (despite none of it being originally in that language).

    My own parents, born circa 1930, both were raised in the Roman Catholic Church and told me when I was of high school age that “Catholics don’t read the bible”. By then that was certainly less true, but this was what they themselves were told by nuns as late as 1950 or thereabouts. Modern Catholics may find this difficult to believe, but I am under 55 and that’s what I remember being told. I was sent to CCD classes (mid-70s, well after V2) and there we did read scripture, but just the NT, Psalms and Proverbs, and I remember being told never to argue religion with protestants (lower case “p” out of disrespect) as that was only for those trained in apologetics, such as, well, priests. And being told that the King James Bible was particularly anathema and we should throw any we had in the house out.

  27. The White Race needs to throw All the bibles in the collective dumpster, and write a new book that actually makes sense : See ” Chechar ” website for details.

  28. @ John

    Under Magna Charta, the Commons and the peasants actually had rights at Common Law. They had the right to common pasture, right to mow hay, right of forage, right of field and stream – rights, rights, rights.

    The Church upheld these rights. All the abbots were signatory to Magna Charta.

    It was after the War of the Succession that the Bank of England and Parliamentary Supremacists under the Crown stooge on the throne enacted the Closure of the Commons and cleared the Highlands.

    You are total Ignoramus. At least get some basic facts straight.

  29. @Vendikar,

    The Reformation did not break the ecclesial power of the Church and the Holy See in Rome. The nations that cut themselves off from the Church initiated a revolution of degeneracy that is in our time drawing to a close. It is the nations that removed themselves from the Church who are broken.

    The See in Rome is merely usurped. So. The Church will get it back. Our Lord set up the Chair of Peter as the continuation of the Chair of Moses in Jerusalem under the Israelity Covenant. The Chair of Moses was usurped by the Idumean Jews at the time of Christ. The Chair of Peter is usurped by the same outfit today. Will they be able to hang onto it? Short answer from scripture and history: No.

    But for now, they have it. They have played with fire. Now the fire is going to play with them.

    The Church retains the full ecclesial power to ordain, renew, build and expand. The Church is the order of the Kingdom of the reigning Christ. It is the order of that Kingdom for nations in the time that the Evangel goes out to the nations.

    The Church sent the Evangel to pagan nations originally. The Church is sending the Evangel to apostate nations today who are so far gone in faith and morals that they are enacting into law the sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance.

    The Church has the power to bring this disaster to order – as it is doing in parishes springing up all over the world to serve people who are renouncing the Devil and his works, the empty display and false values of the world and the sinful desires of the flesh.

    Who cares if Catholics read the Bible or not. It is the Tradition of the Church which gave us the Bible and transmitted the text down through the centuries. Catholics attend Divine worship – the liturgy always includes the lessons from O.T., Epistle, Gospels and Psalms. They hear / read the Bible as it was meant to be received and understood – within the worshiping Covenant community and expounded by those who have the authority to do so – those who are in the Apostolic Succession or ordained by those in the Succession to teach as catechists.

    The Bible is the library of the Covenant. It is not of private interpretation – to be printed off by the enemies of the Church, read like a secular text by individuals who have their own opinions about it and then a whole group of them gets some whacko idea so off they go to form their own church.

  30. Lynda, I don’t know about all that, and don’t care. I have theological issues with Catholicism but the issues don’t bother me none, no one’s soul is at stake in the differences, and the topic bores me.

    However, here in NC the Catholic Church is balls out 100% on the side of the invaders, to the point young Catholic women no longer feel safe in church while their husbands are deployed. Young Catholic families don’t want their kids around the beaner kids, don’t like their being more services in Spanish then English…. We all know what the mexicnas bring and folks don’t want to deal with it on Sunday. Expect for abortion and gay marriage the church is 100% on the side of BRA as well. Want to end force busing? The Catholic church will fight you. Want to improve firearm rights? The Catholic church will fight you. Went help rallying to remove a statue of a Confederate general? The Catholic Church will help you

    That is the reality we have to deal with. Locally, whatever money you give the Catholic Church, some part, large or small, will go toward helping our genocide, or supporting some other local BRA issue. Same with taxes, true, but the Church won’t send armed troops to take all you stuff like the IRS will. One is by compulsion with the very real threat of force, the other is voluntarily giving your money to an organization that is hostile to your family and way of life. Not overtly hostile like negros, but helping the mexican invaders in aiding and abetting the enemy.

    I don’t understand why White Catholics stay in these kinds of churches. Your soul doesn’t depend on the church you attend. Your soul depends on your right relationship with God through Christ. We’d be much better off as a people if Whites would leave these types of churches and find ones that support our people and our traditional ways. We’d starve them of money, man power and send a message

    I know this will anger and offend Southron Catholics which is not my intent. What the Catholic church is today… it breaks my ex father in laws heart, and he’s as good a Southron White man God ever gave. And perhaps the church behaves better in some AO’s then others. However, the Catholic church, and others, must be dealt with in a practical manner. Supporting the Catholic church in my AO is supporting the very forces that want to ruin us as a people. The Catholic church in NC, time after time has elected to court beaners over what’s best for Catholic White families, or Whites in general. Most likely because, before the mexican invasion the church was dying. Catholics were shutting down churches, schools and having priest drive from location to location to hold services. Now they are building new churches, full of brown people who don’t speak English, hostile to us as a people and our traditional Southron ways. Starving the church of White peoples money is a very effective weapon; defending the Catholic church … doesn’t help the cause because frankly, most people don’t care about the in’s and outs of Catholic doctrine. People care about more day to day issues, like being replaced by mexians, competing with mexicans for jobs, keeping their family safe from mexicans, all the mexican drunk drivers, all the mexican drug and violent crime and having their kids go to neighborhood schools.

  31. if you don’t read the Bible, how do you know what your priest, pastor, church etc are telling is accurate?

  32. Joe has the correct view.

    Go to : http://chechar.wordpress.com

    Very informative website concerning Western civilization. Many very intelligent articles about Christianity’s role in Western culture.

    If link doesn’t work, google “checharwordpress” . I would highly suggest this website. Especially for history buffs and/or those who question the bible and the churches in general.

  33. Of the services I have attended if late there’s often a black priest who cannot speak English. That’s a real problem with the Catholic church. Indeed most services I had in England had Irish priests. Sounds silly but it’s really a problem.

  34. Lynda,

    you advocate an economy of serfs based on a feudal structure. That’s a recipe for superstition and ignorance. See Michael Wood’s history of Kibworth for an account of this medieval world. It’s on PBS. You are a walking talking joke.

  35. The Catholic Church has Always, from the very first day She opened Her doors for business, supported a serf-based economy [ a form of slavery]. Always.

    Now the Catholic Church is Pushing for Communism, yet another form of slavery.

  36. @Mosin
    Yes. I made a slight over statement, just slight though. Yes, the Vatican is a type of parasitic enterprise.

    I like they way you have with words. Excellent summation you made.

  37. Although, the Vatican is one of the most amazing places on the planet. St Peter’s really is something to behold.

  38. @John
    The Redwood Forests of California are Alot more beautiful to me than the vatican. I’ve been to both. There’s alot more honesty in the Redwood Forests. That’s for sure.

    Go to You Tube, type in ” Pavaroti : Care Selve”

    [Congratulations on the men’s rowing Gold, bloke]

  39. Why is there an ancient egyptian obelisk in the Very Center of St. Peter’s Square ? One would think a beautiful water fountain* would sit at the Very Center of St Peter’s.
    * Vita Acquam : Water of Life.

    Rome is known as the “city of fountains”, yet at the very heart of St Peter’s one finds an egyptian obelisk, not a Fountain.

    Water traditionally represented Christianity [ or is supposed to as per the religious history books]. One would think a Water Fountain would sit in the Very Center of St Peter’s ; Not an egyptian obelisk: A symbol of the ancient egyptian religion.

    Christ freed us from ancient egyptian religious bondage, yet the symbol of egyptian bondage sits in the middle of St Peters. It’s the first thing one sees upon entering St Peter’s piazza.

    I have no use for the vatican.

  40. Back home, and back indoors in a severe storm.

    “I like they way you have with words.” But glancing back, somehow misspelt hierarchy.

    I also much prefer forest surroundings to stone and cement.

  41. Watch your step Mosin. Another misspelling, and you’re outta here. [ we all misspell from time to time, no problem].

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