I’ve been out celebrating a cluster of birthdays this weekend (my brother and two best friends) and haven’t yet read through the 250+ comments in the previous thread.
I already know what I am going to find and what I am going to do in response so here goes: basically, I hate echo chambers and I hate nannying people even more, so I generally let people have their say in the comment threads.
This policy has always been in place to allow people to substantially dissent from my point of view and to generate debate. In other words, it is there to permit criticism and to prevent this website from becoming another dull, boring echo chamber. I assume that I am going to be wrong on occasion like the time I voted for Mitt Romney.
Unfortunately, this policy of allowing people to have their say avoids one evil – namely, this website degenerating into an echo chamber – while inviting another evil – which is to say, hobby horse riding, attention whoring, and allowing threads to degenerate into snipe fests.
Instead of making a grand new policy statement, I will use my discretion to moderate comment threads to encourage more productive discussions instead of the OD equivalent of WWE Royal Rumble.
Note: Just off the top of my head, here are some examples of content we could do without: men vs. women sniping, conspiracy theories, and unproductive sniping between Southern nationalists and Normal White Americans (NWAs).
My deepest apologies for getting into online Flame Wars. I should know better, and I do know better. This behavior is destructive, demoralizing, and counter-productive.
This is your blog. I’ver been an ill-behaved guest in your house. My problem is that I don’t take a lot of the flaming stuff seriously; I’m usually laughing to myself, when I’m writing snarky stuff. I had a long conversation with my hubby, and my partner Aryan Goddess, over the threads I participated in. I never intended for things to escalate so badly, from an offhand remark.
I have far too much respect for your intelligence to abuse the hospitality you’ve exhibited. My hubby dozed off some time ago. During my lengthy conversation with The Goddess, we lamented the fact that we don’t want to see your blog destroyed by childish idiocy. The work you do is far too valuable to by underminded by deranged feuds.
I will always read your essays, etc. I am going to be much more circumspect, in any comments I add – if I am still permitted to comment here. Again, apologies, form my marrow, for engaging in reprehensible behavior.
Oh, I enjoy some good flames as much as anyone. I still haven’t read that massive comment thread. It is true though about the bad chasing out the good in the comments.
Flame wars in the comments section of iSteve probably set back “my awakening” by a year, if not more. WhoTF wants to join a bunch of cranky/nasty malcontents, even if they’re right? Self-deprogramming is hard enough as is.
The revolution will be rotisserized.
With the corn crop destroyed, and I see it all around me, I think food is gonna be red hot issue this winter. The harvest in missouri and Illinois has been destroyed, and that’s with the Miss running right through it. I cannot begin to imagine the holocaust in Kansas, Iowa and Indiana. and then the livestock slaughter! The riverbeds are shallow enough to walk through it seems. The chicken thread touched a nerve for deeper reasons.
Denise lights the fire and then steps back and assumes moral highground.
Similar to Joe.
The irony is, Denise won’t allow it on her blog, yet she uses OD as her own little battlefield, to be vulgar and insulting.
As a senior citizen, Denise is shocking foul mouthed and perverse.
Is this a meta thread? I hate meta.
Never the less it points to deep anxieties. The Mega thread exploded over food and homosexuals. Looking around at the grass stubble I worry about the food supply after a scorching summer. Food prices are going to produce rioting. See shakespeare’s Coriolanus for social effects.
Nice Royal Rumble video! Back from the good ole days of shitty fake wrastlin’! Used to love watching that stuff! Jake the Snake, Roddy Rod Piper, Macho Man. Nice!
Sean, let us save our energy for the real fight. If we win, we’ll have time to fight amongst ourselves. But for the now, all minds are needed, all souls are required. Let’s unite and fight the specter amongst us.
I just want to take a moment and apologize to John.
John, I was being real prick towards you on that thread, and I was out of line more than a couple times. I apologize for that. I imagine you’re a good guy in person, and I shouldn’t have taken your comments the way I did. Looking back on it, I was doing the same thing to you that I accused others of doing to me — re-fighting an old war. It was juvenile and stupid of me, and I’m sorry.
Get rid of Joe. His unformatted, ego-driven contrarianism adds little and detracts much.
I still have no idea what’s going on.
We will win, John, I have no doubt.
Intresting times ahead, but things eventually will fall back into place.
Someone here wrote, “White supremacy equals civilization”
Very true.
No other race can claim the achievements of Whites, not by a long shot.
No prob chris.
I don’t seek to harm white folk. I’m really worried about what I see in the cities in America. I’ve had inlaws robbed, burgled and whatnot. I’ve had friends mugged and beaten. I’ve seen nice places Like the Y at Carondelet Park or the Galleria in Brentwood wrecked in a few months right before my eyes. Used to avoid the subject now I am trying to figure out what to do going forward.
I’ve personally seen nothing like this scale of abuse back in the UK.
Sean – read Hunter’s post.
I don’t think your posts were a problem. Or mine. We were just bantering. I wasn’t offended by anything you had to say. English people never play victim. Niether should Americans.
There’s a more serious issue with Joe. That dude is trouble.
There is some crass stupidity on display with Stone and Denise.
Hunter – read the first few posts, on that big thread. It gets going right away….
Of course – I’d be delighted to give you a completely unbiased, 110% accurate account of who said what.
Just ask me! ; } !
Stone and Denise ought to be cool.
John – I’m not the instigator. For shame. I simply give as good as I get. I learned, in kindie garten, don’t dish it out if ya can’t take it back. Some folks, apparently, did not.
I’m glad that you and Chris are making up.
John – I am cool. Always.
Always right, and always cool. The right-est, and the coolest.
(The above is a joke. For the record)
I did, Denise. You use this place as your playground, how about open up your own blog to an open comment section?
You won’t do that, will you?
It’s just people blowing off steam, in my opinion. It’s been a long, hot summer for everybody. Tempers are short. Apprehension is high. We’re all waiting for the Japs to raid Pearl Harbor, or the Krauts to torpedo the Reuben James, or some other cathartic black swan to come flapping into the lagoon. Instead, what we get <faut de mieux id Chick-fil-A. It’s frustrating.
I enjoy reading a good online rantfest, but I’m not a joiner. My motto is “no enemies on the White”. I do confess to a love for recreational trolling, but it’s all meant in good fun. Fr. John+, for example; I enjoy needling him from time to time, and of course he’s wrong about a good many things, but he’s a White Christian for all of that and is therefore on the team as far as I am concerned. Danaos ante portas; I’m not going to snipe at my fellow Trojans.
Yall play nice … if Marc Ferguson shows back up, then the gloves can come off.
Flaming of drive bys is still permitted.
See – nothing like a good shit fight. And then everybody is the best of buds.
Having surfed through the previous discussion, I can see it was mostly a flame war involving Denise, Stonelifter, John, Sean, and 313Chris. Surprisingly, Joe’s usual babbling wasn’t the worst of it.
I just figured it was the men vs. women stuff again because that has spiraled here in the past.
Flaming of drive bys is still permitted.
Actually, I liked it when Euro liberals like Trine showed up – at least you can debate with them. I wished this happened more often.
Stonelifter and Denise,
Take the private feud elsewhere. It doesn’t matter who started it.
There’d be no feud if it could attempt to refute what I say with out the personal attacks.
I’d not call her out on it if others would.
It is a slippery slope to enter when posts get moderated. I stopped passing on articles from Elusive Wapiti when he closed comment to all but his friends. Spearhead is almost as bad.
Hurrah for free speech on Hunter’s blog!
“There’d be no feud if it could attempt to refute….” Feuding, with an “it”? Now, regain the vaunted southern chivalry! (Not to imply chivalry does not exist elsewhere.)
The comments would be better if there was less sniping, more civility, better formatting, less trolling, less vulgarity, and more substantial discussions. We can shoot for that ideal without this site becoming an echo chamber.
Ready now to learn, read about, practical productive things….
We’ve put up with Joe for this long to avoid the slippery slope.
Right, Hunter, and an “echo chamber” would be much worse. Beckite Tea Partier’s websites are like that. Little of value ever appears in their extremely self-disciplined commenting.
Perhaps better said: Tea Partiers’ websites’ self-restrictive commenting, since some of the commenters know better.
I hate websites like that. They suck. Boring.
Breaking News… breaking…
Romney appeals to White Voters!
‘Cokie Roberts says Romney’s Poland trip meant to excite ‘ethnic white voters’
Clearly Mosin you know as much about chivalry as you do about other topics; which is not a damn thing.
Chivalry was a code of conduct between fighting men and had very little to do with how a man treated a woman. Part of chivalry was to not accept insult or damage to your person, reputation, and property. As well as not accepting insult/ damage to the person, reputation, and property of your liege and subordinates.
Chivalry was at all times a two way street; woman would act a certain way and men would act a certain way. When women fail to live up to their end, men are not required to live up to their end. In this case a woman’s husband or father would rein her end because not putting her in check would earn him a trip to the battlefield, put the offend man would be clearly in his rights to shut her shit down.
Now I know you are all full of the modern version of the word, but women killed that version when they elected to become feminist and take on masculine roles, use masculine language, adopt masculine behavior, etc. Even in the more modern version a woman was only treated as a lady when she acted like a lady.
If you want to fix your ignorance I suggest you start with a book called, The Book of Chivalry. It was written by Geoffroi de Charn, a French knight in the late 1200’s early 1300’s. What you will find is a book about what is honorable and un-honorable. The book also ranks actions and lifestyle choice as some honorable things bring more honor then others. Nowhere in it will you read “take shit off foul mouthed women”.
Actually I suggest all men read the book as a reference to proper masculine behavior. I love the book and reread it on the regular
‘Cokie Roberts says Romney’s Poland trip meant to excite ‘ethnic white voters’….
What’s he want to be president of? Poland? What the hell does Poland have to do with anything? I don’t get it.
One more reason to not vote for him.
Off topic—- but one thing the more Euro-focussed people don’t get, is that Americans have a very different relationship with Europe (or used to.)
Nor have they looked to it like more connected protectorates, like Canada.
I really hope “real Americans” get some land somewhere, somehow—– just so their spirit can live on somewhere on the globe. That sort of libertarian (but self-protective) spirit of seeing and saying, inquiry, real freedom.
It’s so sad what some people think “freedom” is, in the u.s. now, compared to the people who’ve been on their own ranches for 350 YEARS.
Why can’t the others see that—and try to protect it, rather than just react jealously? Trying to rip it down? 350 YEARS of real freedom on your own farm—- whatever these “Americans” are talking about, with their “freedoms,” makes no sense.
What they really believe is “freedom” is just total tyranny to Generational Americans.
Even people in the rural belts—- could, until recently, just run around at home, outside, with their clothes off, lol. It never occurred to them not to simply OBSERVE whatever is in front of them, and talk about it if they want to.
It’s rocket science for city people.
@ Hunter Wallace
I’ve always been a contrarian. Ever since I was a kid. It used to drive my father crazy. I’m not a contrarian just for the sake of being a contrarian, though, I just happen to see things differently than most. I honestly don’t mean to be a troublemaker. Sometimes, when one holds “contrarian” views, one is considered a troublemaker right-off-the-bat. It’s not easy being a contrarian. I’m not trying to play victim. After all is said and done, I do greatly enjoy being a contrarian.
Still, for the sake of peace, I will tone down my contrarianism the best I can, without compromising my point-of-view on any topic being discussed, of course. I will also cut down on my more sarcastic and sardonic posts. Personally, I like to debate. I find I learn alot from my philosophical opponents. A philosophical opponent compels one to think deeper about the subject matter, and compels one to learn more about the subject being discussed.
Although I disagree with quite a few things I hear at “OD”, I hold no animosity or dislike of any kind for Southerners. I’ve always found Southerners to be down-to-earth, friendly, honest, and polite. Not a fake politeness, either. A true politeness. I respect that in Southerners. I appreciate Southern culture. For whatever it’s worth, I wish the South, Southerners, the best. The negative things I do say about the South refer to the leadership, not average Southerners [ don’t like yankee leadership either].
I’m not opposed to Southern secession. If it ever comes to pass, may it come to pass in peace, not internecine war. Too much white Caucasian blood has been lost in the past over the historical matters discussed here at “OD”. It’s beyond my keen to know how it will all play out. I just pray in my heart war doesn’t come to this country, south, north, or any other region of the USA.
I appreciate “Occidental Dissent” website. I’ve learned much since finding the site. I appreciate your work Hunter. I will do my best to tone down my contrarianism. I will debate in a more civilized manner, with less sarcasm and less sardonicism [ I will do my best]. I shall tone down my iconoclasm as well. The best I can.
Again, thanks for Occidental Dissent. I appreciate your time and work.
Hunter – I do not want to engage in flame wars. I think they are stupid, and a complete waste of time.
I do want to point out that Sean wants to keep this thing going – he’s insulting me for my supposed age (I am not a Senior – but why do you hate old people, Sean?). His entry into to this thread is to attempt to insult me for apologizing to you for engaging in a flame war). He and Stoner take EVERY chance they get to take a shots at me. They are backed up by the odious Runner Away from Savages, and LandLoser. The Rules, for them, is insult and slur any-one that they choose to, especially me, and then howl and screech and carry on like autistic 3 years olds, of they get a taste of their own medicine back at all.
Their leader, Stoner, rains negativity on anyone and everyone who shows up on YOUR blog, that doesn’t suit his narrow, arid worldview. (That’s how it started). He NEVER EVER EVER offers any practical suggestions to help Whites, except himself, in the real world. His “positive” posts mostly revolved around bragging about himself. He thinks he owns this blog” ???? I don’t. I think YOU own this blog. I think their attitudes are a terrific way to drive potential allies or contributors away. Which he’s done.
And no, Sean – I and Aryan Goddess (who I can GUARANTEE has done more in the REAL WORLD, to awaken Whites to our impending Demographic Winter, than your quartet of little selfish boys, will EVER do) are not going to allow open Comments. Those that have already been approved, and who get approved, can write anything they want. Because WE already know that they have something to SAY. Something positive and lucid to contribute. We are actually getting good readership. We want to draw people IN. To quote Aryan Goddess, we “…don’t want freaks contaminating our site.”
I think Hunter is absolutely brilliant, and his work is invaluable (and he needs to start writing books, like Kersey does) This is the last “personal” post I will write, because YOU won’t “let it go”. I won’t contribute to ANY flame wars again. Henceforth, I will not “see” anything you, or your ilk writes.
Sean remembers what you called his wife, a woman who gave you no offense
I very much welcome White men to read her words. They make my case for me
I remenber what you and Sean said to ME. And as far as “foul-mouthed”? The stuff you expected us to post on our blog would get you locked up in a psych ward, for sexual deviates. You guys have a REAL mental block about the vicious way you treat others – and then WHINE when you get it back in turn. Just like Jews.
you hit, I hit back harder. Welcome to man land
and Sean’s wife said nothing to you
If you two want to continue fighting, please do it somewhere else.