About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “There are parts of the brain that light up and signal sympathy when we
    see people in pain or being punished. Psychological studies have been
    set up in which the brains of subjects were scanned while they watched
    the punishment of people who had cheated in a game. The sympathy
    circuits in women’s brains lit up; those in men did not. Men appear to
    lose their instinctive sympathy for pain when they think it is deserved,
    whereas women remain sympathetic. ”

    Which proves women should never be permitted to take charge of
    institutions especially educational and especially not a country.

    I believe it has been the gradual politically orchestrated emancipation
    of women (out of which the 1960s Womens’ Liberation Movement emerged)
    over the course of the latter part of the 19th century and the whole of
    the 20th which has spelt the near death of Western civilization today.

    Perhaps there is something praiseworthy to be said about certain aspects of Sharia Law after all. http://www.amren.com/features/2012/07/pathological-altruism/

    There’s also the parasite theory. In the first case, a parasite infects an ant which causes it to engage in suicidal activity:

    Dicrocoelium dendriticum


    Yet another parasite which causes self-destructive behavior in humans:


  2. I was an earlier part of that thread but it quickly grew like kudzu after I left. All I can tell you is that you have more patience than I have. I need to prepare a short paragraph/essay putting forth the arguments and evidence for racial inequality so that I can just cut and paste it into such discussions.

  3. Interesting point Robert in Arabia.

    Study after study shows there is a difference between traditionally masculine morality and a woman’s morality. On top of what Robert mentioned, we know women are more likely to think about extenuating circumstances, rationalize miss behavior with he was hungry, tired, did it out of love or you did this so I did that, and we know women seek group consensus on things, including moral issues vs taking a hard stand on right and wrong. In short, men live in the world of black and White, women live in a world of grey, ( 50 shades of them….)

    Now within the family dynamic, I think a woman’s “morality” is important and can serve to soften things in a realm that sometimes requires a softer approach. It’s probably a good thing to extend that “morality” to your extended family, close friends, neighbors and the like. However the more you extend it beyond your close personal relationships the more dangerous it becomes and it is the height of folly to extend it to the a national scene via letting them vote and the like

  4. “Perhaps there is something praiseworthy to be said about certain aspects of Sharia Law after all. http://www.amren.com/features/2012/07/pathological-altruism/

    Robert- Why go with an utterly pagan, non-white mode of hierarchy of the sexes, when Biblical Morality, Patriarchy, and rule by Male Elders/Bishops, is the model the West gave to us, via the Church herself?

    You have a completely superior law code in Mosaic Law, written as ‘ensamples for us, on whom the end of the age have come’ as St. Paul says, when contrasted to the Sand Nigger’s stolen code- and guess who they stole it from?

    Unless, of course, you like Stone, want to contemplate that side of Shari’a, that gives the most pig-headed males, a ‘hundred virgins’ at death, etc., rather than treating the ONE women you stay married to for LIFE, ’till death do us part,’ as if she were the Church, and you were Christ, willing to die for her, above all else…..

    If that is the case, sorry I mentioned the thinking man’s version of Godly Law…..

  5. Equality and freedom has made it possible for Serena Williams to do the “Crip Walk” after winning the gold medal match. This in front of an international audience at what are supposed to be prestigious games based on honor and integrity. Instead we get and African in America representing violent black thugs on international television. I want to make the statement that that women does not represent me and I do not stand beside her.

    Just go check Drudge, it is the link right now. Absolutely disgusting.

  6. The Facebook thread was an interesting read. It demonstrates quite well the degree to which the idea of racial equality and universalist political abstractions have come to dominate nearly the entire philosophical spectrum of thought in this society.

    You had two people in that thread arguing that the concepts of race and nationality were meaningless and unimportant but in terms of their overall worldviews they were polar opposites.

    The first fellow quite strongly advocates having an explicitly Christian concept of culture and society. The second declares himself to be an agnostic and is highly adversarial to the idea of America or the South being thought of as Christian which seems to be why he entered the thread in the first place to make this known. Yet when it comes to championing multiracialism they immediately become as one. You see a Christian and a skeptic both bending over backwards to defend the real sacred truths that our society holds dear and which must be protected at all costs.

    Justin Huff, the Christian from the comment thread, also made another remark about the relation of religion to nationality I wanted to comment on which was,

    “I’m not conflating them. I’m prioritizing them. And religion trumps nationality to me.”

    From a Christian perspective I don’t disagree with his basic premise here just the conclusions he draws from it. I would say devotion and obedience to God does trump that of family, nation and race. Anything placed above God is of course idolatry but that should not be the end of the debate.

    The question then becomes what does the God we are placing first require of us as Christians? Is it as Justin argues to completely ignore all ties of blood and place every Christian on earth no matter how remote the relationship on an equal footing in the distribution of our finite time and resources? Does anyone really behave like that and would it even be truly possible? I say of course not.

    God through whatever means has created or at least allowed the development of various races of mankind that differ from each other on average in non-trivial ways that go beyond mere skin color although skin color has often been used as shorthand to give name to these races as it is the most obvious visual trait that usually distinguishes them.

    However while race is certainly enough to divide it is not quite enough alone to unite people in a functioning harmonious society because of conflicting language, culture, tradition and historical memory.

    A nation or ethnic group is basically a large extended family that is united to a high degree rather than divided in the aspects human life mentioned above that cause so much division.

    So no all Christians on earth can’t be placed on equal footing, it is our duty to look out for those closest to us before we attend to the needs of those more distant.

    I think very few would truly place the needs of their own child on equal footing with the other Christian child that lives next door let alone the child that lives on the other side of the planet. That instinct in general needs to be extended to the ethnic then racial group.

    Even if we are all Christians a Christian must provide and look out for the interests of his own wife and family before that of others. As it is true of the immediate family unit I believe it to be true of our larger national families as well. The Bible says in 1 Timothy 5:8,

    “If anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for his immediate family, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.”

    I see in that verse that blood ties and loyalties are not dissolved by Christianity.

  7. Women fear the notion of responsibility, heap that upon them they shrink back to their designated and necessary role in life. It really is that simple, no need for 5000 word essays.

    You cannot argue with a woman, but if she overextends her delusions then you must heap the notion of responsibility upon them, they run every time. They are self centered, if you can understand that counter-intuitive statement then you are on your way to the New Patricarchy which need not be mysoginistic.

  8. Whatever the great intellectual topic is, is it good for whites? If you need a 5000 word answer, you are wrong.

  9. “I’m not conflating them. I’m prioritizing them. And religion trumps nationality to me.”
    This is simply wrong from a Biblical perceptive. It was the Almighty God who divide men into nations, gave us different languages and scattered us to live in different places during the whole tower of babble deal. God also condemns all versions of cross breeding and excludes mixed race children from the Assembly

    It’s shame so few people actually know what the Bible says on various topics, but you can be sure they have all the stuff that makes them feel good down pat

    You cannot argue with a woman, but if she overextends her delusions then you must heap the notion of responsibility upon them, they run every time.

    I’ve tried that and failed. Women are better at ducking responsibility for their words and actions then I am at pinning it to them. One thing I have learned about them is, they are 100% certain two wrongs make a right and that the wrong you do is worse then theirs. I’m a strong man, but alas not as strong as the rationalization-hamster.

  10. If God wants the races separate, if that’s truly a God-Given, Biblical Injunction, then why does the very same God of the Bible also sanction slavery ? ; The dragging of a different race [ negro] into a White Land ? Seems more like the slave dealers and the slave plantation big-shots [ and bankers of course] worshipped the god of mammon more than any other god.

    In order to cover up their love of Slavery and mammon, they also worshipped the god of janus [ the two-faced god]. Only a two-faced god could simultaneously say “Separate The Races” while in the same breath say, ” Drag The Negro Out Of Africa And Bring The Negros To America, the White Land”.

    Oh yeah, before I forget, the same God of the bible who wants the races separate, yet simultaneously sanctions the dragging of a foreign race to a White Land, Calls us yet to another Law : This Law too, simultaneously, is a God-Given, Biblical Injunction: Pay Your Laborers A Fair And Honest Wage.

    How many mixed-messages is that? The bible sucks shit. It belongs in the garbage can.

    Time for the White Race to write a Holy Book that actually makes sense : Straight-forward, no mixed-messages, common-sense, respects mother nature and the animal kingdom, respects human nature, doesn’t inculcate all kinds of pie-in-the-sky notions, and calls the White Race to Unity, not ever-increasing divisions, as christianity does : Christianity foments division more than anything else.The White Race is greatly divided and subsequently greatly weakened because of christianity.

    The goddamned bible has just got to go if the White Race is ever going to move forward to a viable and sustainable future.

    I believe in Christ. My Christ is not jewish, roman catholic, protestant, or orthodox. My Christ Transcends the bullshit of mixed messages and disambiguation.

    Redemption and Salvation comes from The Domain of Spirit And Light, not the old testament, nor the new testament. Two bullshit books [ along with the talmud, another book that’s for shit, that’s for sure]. It’s beyond cavil.

    Christ is of the Domain of The Spirit. His Light emits from the Heavens, a Benediction, an Edification, and an Enlightening of the human heart and the human mind : A Gift from The Holy Creator.

    Read Savitri Devi.
    Read Paramahansa Yogananda.

    Wake Up White People.

  11. “It was the Almighty God who divide men into nations, gave us different languages and scattered us to live in different places during the whole tower of babble deal.”

    All that is true but I think you are missing a sense in which he is correct that religion trumps nation or is at least part of determining who is part of the nation.

    Would you join the prophets of Baal and the majority of Israel in trying to kill Elijah or would you be a part of the 7,000 of the faithful remnant that God had reserved? Surely enough these prophets of Baal were by blood people of Israel as were those who followed them. You would be siding against the majority of your blood if you opposed the unfaithful.

    If we take RSS’s test “is it good for white people?” and enough white people agree that all the churches should be burned to the ground and Christianity extinguished does one join in this activity because after all they are our blood? I think the answer is obvious.

    God certainly has made distinctions among men. If one blanket says “nation trumps religion” though with no qualification that would indicate one would follow the nation into apostasy and war with God.

    God has established nations yes. That nations should be put in the place of God no.

  12. Where in the Bible is there any sanction of dragging a non-white people into a white land for enslavement?

  13. @Mosin
    The people in the world who wanted a slave economic system used the bible as justification. So when they pulled the blacks out of Africa and dragged the Africans over here they used the bible to justify it.
    I don’t know where in the bible the justification is. Go ask Fr John and/or Lynda. They’re the ones who are always telling us the bible justified bringing black slaves here to the US.

  14. “If God wants the races separate, if that’s truly a God-Given, Biblical Injunction, then why does the very same God of the Bible also sanction slavery”

    I don’t know if this is addressed to me or not but I don’t recall saying in my post that he wants the races to be absolutely separated necessarily (as in not living in the same territory) just that it is a natural basis for division and conflict. If the races are in close contact one must be in a superior position and the other inferior or it will lead to amalgamation.

    However I’m not one who believes there were no drawbacks to the massive importation of blacks to live around whites, I think there obviously were. One can believe slavery to be unwise and perhaps not the best way to organize society without the institution being condemned as a sin by the Bible.

    “Oh yeah, before I forget, the same God of the bible who wants the races separate, yet simultaneously sanctions the dragging of a foreign race to a White Land, Calls us yet to another Law : This Law too, simultaneously, is a God-Given, Biblical Injunction: Pay Your Laborers A Fair And Honest Wage.”

    I see no contradiction between this injunction and slavery. Slavery is a different class of labor from wage labor, so you could say this decree if for paid laborers. Also who is to say food, shelter and taking care of you in your old age is not fair compensation to the slave?

    “Time for the White Race to write a Holy Book that actually makes sense”

    Go for it Joe, you and the World Church of the Creator write all the holy books you want and if you convince people they are of divine origin more power to you. 🙂

  15. “ ‘That nations should be put in the place of God no.’

    Furthermore, it is impossible.”

    Ontologically it is impossible yes.

    In people’s hearts though it is very possible to put a nation and many other things in the place of God. Once again idolatry.

  16. To: Anglo-Protestant American
    I’d much rather read a Holy Book that doesn’t contain mixed messages, let alone the bible which contains one mixed message after another mixed message, ad nauseam.

    If you see no “contradiction between” the injunctions, than you’re either suffering from Cognitive Dissonance – a very common ailment of bible readers — or looking for a convenient means to skirt the discrepancy : The ” contradiction between” injunctions ; Another common infliction found amongst bible readers.

    Whatever it is that’s bothering you, not my problem.

  17. Great Website:
    ” Aryan Myth and Metahistory ”


    I don’t necessarily buy into everything I read at this site, but it’s a good site to learn about the pre-christian Occident. Great site for history buffs and/or those who reject the bible and are looking for a religion/sprituality that doesn’t depend on the bible, and all the mixed messages, and all the Cognitive Dissonance.

    I don’t reject Christ or the Holy Spirit. Just the bible and the churches — all of ’em. Redemption and Salvation come to us as a Gift from God from The Domain of the Spirit, not the old testament, not the new testament.

    If link doesn’t work, Google:
    ” aryanmythandmetahistory.blogspot.com “

  18. Stone I feel your pain, but simply put I can be an asshole and quite direct when advantageous to me. Simply put our women have been abused by the left and their accomplices of the right, and if necessary I will at times break the social conventions of the day. But you being a Southener are more bound to social convention than me. Ironic since I learned my responsibility ethos from Southerners.

  19. “Whatever it is that’s bothering you, not my problem.”

    Likewise and back at you Captain Illuminati. 🙂

  20. You’ve destroyed nothing Joe. You made claims of apparent contradictions that were easily answered.

    Watch out for the Reptilian Shapeshifters.

    America for Americans

  21. @Anglo-American Protestant :

    Speaking of Reptile-ShapeShifters, watch out for :


    If link doesn’t work, Google ;
    ” Bringing in the sheaves, bringing in the sheaves, we shall go rejoicing….” *

    Or, go to “rumormillnews.com”

    * Just kidding. Actually, I think it’s a beautiful hymn. The Protestants have a very beautiful Hymnal. The sermons suck, but the hymnal is beautiful. The sermons in all the churches suck. Throw out the bible. Keep the hymnal. The whole story is in the hymnal anyway. Would be more joyous and uplifting to sing The Faith, than listening to the readings of paul’s letters week after week, ad nauseam.

  22. The Sodom story describes a dynamic as much as anything else. The GLAAD chapter of S&G demanded rights to Lot’s House. Adam “I’m no fag” Smith is a classic example of the pushy bastards.

  23. The transvestite Norse god Loki said, “Spreading strife is my greatest joy.”

    Methinks that Loki is Joe’s real god. A false one, of course.

    Deo Vindice

  24. @ Anglo-American Protestant :
    Thank you for the heads up about avoiding Shape Shifting lizards and whatnot. That’s why I try avoid Washington D.C. , London, and Rome, the best I can.

    @Anglo: I’d avoid St John the Divine Cathedral in New York City if I were you. The Protestants who run the place can be quite slippery.


  25. Maybe gays cluster around Christianity because the gays are born into a world, a culture, an Occident, that clusters around Christianity. maybe.

    Why do heterosexuals who are promiscuous, get divorced at the drop -of- a- hat, get abortions, cheat their relatives and friends out- of- money, gamble, drink, take drugs etc. cluster around christianity?

  26. Maybe gays cluster in the castro because they don’t want to be blamed for every goddamned wrong with this country. Maybe they don’t want to be scapegoats for all the sins of the world. They — qua homosexuals and lesbians — are only responsible for some of the sins of the world. Not all the sins of the world.

    Maybe they cluster in the castro because they’re outcasts as it is, and they don’t want to get assaulted and beat-up as if they’re the cause of all the problems in the world. I don’t blame them.

    I’m against the radical gay agenda, but the homosexuals and lesbians are making some good points, putting their radicals aside.

    In the meantime, this whole Chick-Fil-A campaign/controversy is a contrived and staged media show to distract from the election campaign.

    I’m not going to start hating homosexuals and lesbians, especially not over a contrived and staged media show.

  27. “I’d avoid St John the Divine Cathedral in New York City if I were you”

    I honestly try to avoid New York altogether. 🙂

  28. RobRoySimmons: Your post, as always, is clear, concise and to the point.

    The most effective posts are the short ones. Truth is on our side. The Bible, if you want to take a Christian perspective, AND evolution if you take the scientific approach both support our cause. One poster was very effectively putting the screws to the supposed biology professor by simply asking where does the the life and death struggle for survival ever produce equality???? It doesn’t, it can’t. It’s illogical. The weak die, the strong live, it’s that simple. Don’t let the do-gooder Christians and PC professors, who overwhelmingly believe in Darwin, get away with saying that evolution magically stops at the human race.

    The simple questions are the best…and most difficult to respond to.

  29. @John
    My words stand on their own merits. Go to an olympic sporting event. Relax. You live in England. Yes?

    Well, you mentioned you live in England. I think if you would only go to an Olympics Sporting Event, it would be a welcome break for all of us.

  30. OT but re slavery, who the hell would have picked the cotton if the blacks had not been brought over, and how much would they have been paid? My understanding is the heat was too oppressive and the labor too intensive and no white was thought to be willing to do it at a competative price. Not sure why southerners in pre civil war era never considered freeing slaves and instituting share crOpping arrangements similar to what occured anyway after the war.

  31. Because sharecropping didn’t generate near as much wealth as plantation slavery and was an adaptation to the Confederate defeat in the War Between the States like segregation.

  32. Anglo Protestant American, of course I like to think I will always side with God, Christ and Elijah etc. I walked off the one job that was siding with non-Christians over Christians…. granted not the most dangerous of declaration of faith there is. They were Catholics, mostly, but I don’t split hairs on what is Christian. This life is short and transitory. One day I stand before the Lord. Hopeful I will hear, “well done thy good and faithful servant” then join the ranks of the Lord’s host.


    Stone I feel your pain, but simply put I can be an asshole and quite direct when advantageous to me.

    Asshole? Bovine excrement. What is an asshole these days, but an old school, direct kind of man who is hated by this modern, feminized world we live in, for being clear about his intentions, opinions and self interests? The term has no meaning. What people call asshole behavior today was admire as honest, direct, straight forward etc 2+ generations ago. I remember my grandfather; no one called him asshole, but he’d be the king of assholes in today environment. I remember folks calling my father asshole but you could hear the respect in their voice. Today…. I appreciate men when I don’t have to guess where they stand even when we don’t agree. Now we’re supposed to be “nice”, circumspect, weak; womanish etc vs direct, clear, strong, etc and are called asshole for it. Direct is the man’s way, and cherished, which is why I enjoy your posts. Even when they hit close to home. I know my people aren’t perfect, I don’t expect them to be, don’t require them to be. They are mine and I love them, faults and all. Are you an asshole for pointing them out? Not at all. Hell better then others, you do not put yourself above anyone and you don’t belabor the point. If I ever call you an asshole it is the tongue in cheek bullshitting way

    ……if necessary I will at times break the social conventions of the day. But you being a Southener are more bound to social convention than me. Ironic since I learned my responsibility ethos from Southerners.

    There is Southron and there is Southron. I think you and others don’t exactly pick up on the varying social ways of the South. Which is ok. It’s not your nation and we don’t expect you too. Hell at times we can’t puzzle it out either, but I think you are confusing…. tidewater Va like behavior vs mountain folk, and breaking the social conventions of the day is not always or even normally side stepping responsibility

  33. Great post, Stonelifter.

    I see that being an asshole runs in your family. In which case, I just want you to know, true to your family legacy, you are indeed an asshole.

    Believe me, because it takes one to know one. Else my moniker is not Apuleius.

    Deo Vindice

  34. Thank you brother

    The other guys in the office had to watch me bray like a laughing jackass for a couple of minutes. Very funny post too

  35. Bill family, nation, and race being God is not a Christian sentiment.

    You will find no one saying anything like that in the Confederacy and the old South.
    Many people who mock the “Rainbow Confederates” for being at odds with the ideology and ethos of the South of 100 plus years ago are equally divorced from the traditional South themselves in other important ways. The sentiment above sounds much more like the European New Right which if you wish to embrace it great, just don’t attribute it to the traditional South.

  36. hunter who would have picked the cotton if the blacks hadn’t been brought over from africa? i don’t see how a white only south would have been possible.

  37. I don’t think a white South would have been possible either as Southerners are too lazy and too incapable of doing their own work.

    Plus, there’d be no Mammies around to tuck you all into your beds at night, and change your diapers in the morning.

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