Do Nothing

Counter Currents

In response to Matt Parrott’s article “Do Nothing,” I decided on the spur of the moment to “do something,” which was to figure out how to add prominent click through links on the sidebar to the CofCC and League of the South, so that people the people who are reading our regularly updated website – particularly our own people, White Southerners – might start forming real world social networks in their local area.

Note: IMO, one of the biggest problems that we are facing is that everyone is atomized and connected to the system vertically through the Jewish-dominated television networks, whereas they ought to be connected horizontally to each other at the local level as they used to be in the past.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Well, here’s something to DO.

    When the Police become agents of the Government to harass the Citizens, to stifle free speech, and to see Law, not as a golden cord that binds all mankind, but that which comes forth from the barrel of a gun….

    Well, not only have they transgressed the boundary of ‘civil servant’ to ‘thug for hire,’ history reserves its most vile epithets for those who act as ‘hired guns’ – Mercenaries, Janissaries, Hessians, Mafia, ‘killers for hire,’ Storm Troopers (think Star Wars), ‘shills for Israel,’ NWO pawns, and the aforementioned, ‘thugs.’

    Anyone who is paid for killing another as a job, who thinks themselves above the law- or, what is worse, AS the Law (no man has that right alone) rather than defending his community, his homeland, his family, kith, kin, and kirk, ” to safeguard the public welfare,’ in other words- is nothing but the machine gunner for Satan.

    And is anathema, thereby.

  2. Matt is right about “thrashing around” or what Jim Goad calls “tantrum politics.” He is also right about the exhibitionist vantards who self detonate on television to draw attention to themselves. “The Joker” is another example.

  3. Well folks it is stupidvision that gives Ol’ Ma and little Missy their live’s taboos to obey. And if anything after listening to the tough talking Southeners (that I sympathize with) their first job in life is patronizing Ol’ Ma and little Missy. Yes you will probably have to upset Ol’ Ma and little Missy by first smashing the stupidvision and secondly you southeners will have to break the prime directive of social convention and upset Ol’ Ma and little Missy by telling them to STFU.

  4. CC puts this same thing out every month. They must have it down to a form letter by now, with optional words and phrases here and there to make it almost sound different. It’s their idea of doing something.

    As for Page, maybe he’s a vantard and maybe he’s not. But I think that, beginning with Breivik, we’ll see more of this as time goes on. They’re fit to be tied over there. Much more so than here.

  5. “Do nothing” is navel gazing. While Matt is doing nothing he could study the rise and fall of the Jim Jones cult, that is the basic framework of what vexes us this day, but writ large.

    As for his swipe at us at BUGs with his “mantra” comment, we are asking the questions that are destroying the anti-white cult as a couple of harmless questions killed off the Jones’ cult.

  6. Bill Yancey says:
    August 7, 2012 at 1:12 pm

    “CC puts this same thing out every month. They must have it down to a form letter by now, with optional words and phrases here and there to make it almost sound different. It’s their idea of doing something.”

    And don’t forget the ‘Send Money’ link at the bottom. lol

    As for Hunter’s idea of horizontal networking, I think it is a good one. I also suggest we regularly invade anti-white territories and push our message in their face, as they can’t deal with mantra logic.

    Case in point, I had one anti-white not an hour ago, repeatedly calling whites that object to their genocide, “f*cking faggots”, while a gay marriage activist looked on. Anti-whites self destruct, when confronted with the mantra. The larger the audience they do it in front of, the better for the white cause.

  7. CC is comprised of intellectuals with no real answer to being called “racist.” So they seek comfort in a version of transcendentalism of being too smart to be bothered with the rabble, be they anti-whites or whites. Their latest cause celebre has been about the writings of an overwrought woman who in 1948 thought Hitler was still alive and going to lead his people to victory (no I’m not making this up).

    As for the two groups HW links up to, when they have an answer on how to deal with the word “racist” they will be worth joining en masse. (FTR I pay dues to the CofCC) As of now that single word vexes them to no end, witness the LoS’ granny problem and CofCC’s Kyle Rogers and James Edward’s lengthy essays on how to deal with the word, which are too long and convey weakness.

  8. Vertical organization seems a real bad idea, in the long run.

    Isolated tools wind up at the very top—- and turn into real paranoids. While the bunch of dis-informed, mis-informed masses pool below, from whom any instruments for critical thinking were long ago removed…. with them left hanging there, like “talking heads,” those weird half people without any torsos on t.v.. Well, it’s fitting maybe, that the part with balls is what talking heads lack.

  9. I laugh when folks call me racist, and ask them if name calling invalidates my position. Kind like when women go on and on about how terrible I am because I don’t defer to them or think they are perfect for being born with a vagina

    How do you handle the “dreaded” r word, RRS?

  10. I like to play with this question:

    what is the nearest thing we have to superstitious medieval HERESY in the modern world?

    Normally they figure it out in three guesses. Then you see the lightbulbs switch on in their heads. Try it.

  11. And that’s why today’s “yankee” is NOT a “Puritan.” (Besides which, wasps don’t even exist in the Northeast Fix-Others crowd, nyc being 4% wasps, much less do puritans exist)

    This is the difference between the “Northern” and the “Southern”—- Southerners Fix themselves and Northerners must fix everyone else. (But now they live in the south, too)

    So, there was a triumph of the “Managerial class,” some say, of the Fix-Others Types. Of the people who don’t “live their own lives.” —-the real heart of leftism and welfare statism, the central manager type.

    It’s really very European. and Neo-feudal. Feudalism existed in europe without one single Puritan in sight—- and many collected their money because they knew better than everybody else how to fix the population and run everyone’s lives.

    People without their own money MUST be managed (by the people who collect).

    Puritans are hardly the only missionary managers.

  12. Stone, standard BUGs formula with a few tweaks depending on the situation and who I am being harangued by. But I never allow anyone to assume they are morally superior, which is what too long essay’s end up conveying.

  13. How does it work for you, RRS?

    When I’m doing the routine, I’m not doing it to change the mind of the person I’m arguing with. I’m doing it to encourage fence sitters to let them know its ok to be “racist” and stand up to the anti White bullsh!t. Laughing at them and my question does it invalidate my argument, I think, has the bigger impact on the fence sitter/ closet racist.

    I’m no saying that’s the way to do it. Just wondering how other folks work it out for themselves and how it works out

  14. When people throw “racist” at me, I ask them to define what they mean by the word. I point out that they used the word, I didn’t; so they must have some idea of what it means. So please explain to me. Be precise.

    Virtually any definition they attempt to give can be shredded with ease. It turns into a reverse shaming session: me shaming them for their ignorance, their superficiality, and their manifest, venomous anti-white hate. I always end with: so now what we have established is that, in reality you hate whites. Why?

    The other thing I do is, point out that blacks and Hispanics have lower IQ (both mean and average) than whites; most often they leap back at me (with barely suppressed venomous glee) with “Yes but Asians and Jews have HIGHER IQs than whites!! So there!”

    To which I calmly reply, Yes, but we don’t make social policy based on that fact. We don’t twist and shred ourselves in agony trying to close the white-Asian gap, we just accept it for what it is. But we turn our entire society upside down trying to “fix” blacks and Latinos, which cannot be done. Cannot. Be. Done. It isn’t about hate, it’s about recognizing that the earth isn’t flat and the sun doesn’t rise in the west. Why do you hate science?

  15. Of course it works well for me, otherwise I would not be here flapping my gums via the keyboard. But two things, I’m a cautious man who only counterattacks, think Longstreet and I am very verbally adept if on my own turf, otherwise I actually keep quiet.

    One of the things about the BUGs program if you will is that we know we are not there to change the hearts and minds of the anti-whites, and we want them to “say it louder.” Kind of like an isurgency where we expect to create over reaction by the establishment.

    We are going to destroy the taboos of the what MW calls “soft control.”

  16. Grinch good for you, but I bet you make it too lengthy and hence sound more like a hapless reactionary than you should, that is just my guess.

    The anti-whites have nothing but a word and some silly ass taboos. I beat the Jim Jones comparison like a rented mule, but that is close enough to what Amurrica is these days, one giant anti-racist cult with a mesiah figurhead and lunatics with guns and violence in their hearts for dissenters. Both are fails and all it took is one person to show up at the gate, and ask a simple question about going home and when one dozen people took up the offer the cult imploded.

    Whites are tired of being called “racist” and spat upon, they can go home now if I had my druthers.

  17. Thanks RRS, I’m not particularity verbally adept, which is why the BUG’s can help out.

    I’m no longer in a position where I have to be particularity careful, but I try to tailor the message. At work, I can’t let the n-word fly at random, someone might over hear, but we have none working for my company. When we’re on our side of the fence, all bets are off and racist jokes and the like fly with reckless abandon. When dealing with others on the camp, as long as I keep it to things like crime stats and the like, no one will make a fuss.

  18. As usual, one thing that always appears consistent with the pro-white movement…. cannibalism. Who needs liberals, marxists and other deterrents when the white movement is self-imploding?

    We all need to stick together regardless of little idiosynracies that drive each other batty. Liberals rarely attack each other. And the reason is? And, that is why they are so successful! They don’t waste their energy that way or give the enemy fodder.

  19. RobRoy,

    “Do nothing” is navel gazing. While Matt is doing nothing he could study the rise and fall of the Jim Jones cult, that is the basic framework of what vexes us this day, but writ large.

    I’ve studied the Jim Jones cult in quite some detail.

    As for his swipe at us at BUGs with his “mantra” comment, we are asking the questions that are destroying the anti-white cult as a couple of harmless questions killed off the Jones’ cult.

    Don’t let my opinion about the prospects of your project interfere with its progress. I’m of the opinion that critique is only effective when deployed against opponents who are integrally vulnerable to critique (the Western classical liberal tradition) or those who depend entirely on persuasion as a means of control. Whether or not the jackboot of contemporary liberalism is rife with contradictions and double-standards, it’s still going to be on your neck.

    But that’s just my opinion. You do your mantra thing. I’ll do my navel-gazing “intellectual” thing.

  20. Good luck to you Matt, but you miss the point, we are not there to change the minds of the anti-whites, hell they practically are our best friends. I’ve always said if they ever get tired of being anti-white then I’ll write the propaganda for them.

  21. We at BUGs have at most times the subtlety of the NKVD, its not for everybody. Good luck to the CC endeavor, we certainly need the abstract thinkers and artistes. But one word of advice, they simply need to learn how to better deal with the word “racist” for their own good.

  22. I wish more people would think of the word ‘racist’ in a more traditional way. The British called colonists ‘yankees’ to poke fun at them. The yanks, at least in the north, then claimed it as a badge. Southerners did the same thing with the word ‘rebel’. Any idea how meaningless the word would be, within a week, if large numbers of people put a little sticky on their shirt that said ‘I’m a racist’?

  23. “The British called colonists ‘yankees’ to poke fun at them.”

    I’ve always favored the Dutch interpretation that “yankee” was a pejorative term the invading English colonists gave to the settlers of greater New Amsterdam.

    E.B.White once joked:

    “To foreigners, a Yankee is an American.
    To Americans, a Yankee is a Northerner.
    To Northerners, a Yankee is an Easterner.
    To Easterners, a Yankee is a New Englander.
    To New Englanders, a Yankee is a Vermonter.
    And in Vermont, a Yankee is somebody who eats pie for breakfast.”

  24. FWIW, in the discourse war beyond our own sites, I’ve distilled my message to two points:

    1) Whites have common interests. Whites need to work together.

    2) Anyone who objects is anti-White.

  25. “Any idea how meaningless the word would be, within a week, if large numbers of people put a little sticky on their shirt that said ‘I’m a racist’?”

    I’m seriously considering having a few political buttons made up with the words “Question Diversity”.

  26. Great idea Hunter. Anything done to encourage networking among whites helps. Our enemies rely upon the old strategy of “divide and conquer.”

    When someone calls me racist, I usually respond with, ” What? Oh, you mean I’m white.” If they aren’t white, I leave it at that. If they are white, I add, “what color are you?”

    It usually stops them dead in their tracks, which is all I want.

    Deo Vindice

  27. Apuleius
    “It usually stops them dead in their tracks, which is all I want. ”

    If you are feeling ambitious and want to turn it back on them:

    In your opinion I am racist. You are just calling me that because I am white. Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

    When enough whites are using similar to the above, ‘anti-white’ will be the word respectables fear, instead of “racist”.

  28. Anti-whites don’t like white genocide exposed. All the name calling and changing the subject is about this. All their efforts to justify the extinction of the white race is being exposed by a small group of internet warriors over at Bugs.

    Whites can bitch and complain or pick up some verbal weapons of destruction at

    Let’s do something effective. Exposing white genocide is great therapy for rebuilding the white race from the inside out.

  29. “When someone calls me racist, I usually respond with, ” What? Oh, you mean I’m white.” If they aren’t white, I leave it at that. If they are white, I add, “what color are you?””

    That’s a brilliant riposte, the best I’ve seen yet.

  30. While commenters here are rolling around in their personal dungpiles, celebrating their flagellation of Counter-Currents and Greg Johnson, how many of them noticed the recent interview of Johnson by Deanna Spingola? Too busy in the dungpile to notice what Greg did?

    If you go to and scroll down to the second link, the second half of the Spingola show, and listen to that file, you’ll notice something: Johnson has spread the memes of “Anti-White” and “White Genocide” to thousands of people who probably never heard it before. Johnson doesn’t even mention “the Mantra”, but has all of its points embedded in that first half-hour or so.

    Introducing the ongoing White Genocide in a short and easily understandable way to thousands of people. Explaining that almost everything you are exposed to in the media is anti-White.

    THAT is truly doing something.

  31. “Johnson has spread the memes of “Anti-White” and “White Genocide” to thousands of people who probably never heard it before.”

    Bob Whitaker deserves more credit for that kind of practical advice than Greg Johnson who spends most of his time propagating adolescent fantasy “history” and fiction along with irrational philosophers of the “Continental” school.

  32. Simmons, you wrote, “CC is comprised of intellectuals with no real answer to being called “racist.””

    Obviously you haven’t been paying attention to the SUB TEXTS (remember those?) that occur along with the “intellectual” stuff at C-C. As a fellow BUGSer, and as the guy who first presented the term “Swarm” for Bob’s approval, I suggest you give the link in my previous comment a listen, and judge accordingly.

    Remember that part about “Don’t let Bob get in the way of the Mantra” ? Remember not letting the word “mantra” get in the way of tossing the spear to make way for the short swords?

    I really don’t know just how this “got into” Greg’s way of speaking and writing, but the example indicates that it has. And he’s doing just as much as any Whitakerite is in the way of imposing terminology. The right kind of terminology. My point? Suspend judgement until you get all of the story. Now, get back to posting you-know-what!

  33. “the “intellectual” stuff at C-C.”

    There is damn little of anything of intellectual value at Counter Currents. That site needs more Thomas Hobbes and David Hume and a whole lot less of Julius Evola and Michael O’Meara.

  34. When “Rudel” writes “Bob Whitaker deserves more credit for that kind of practical advice than Greg Johnson … blah, blah, blah”, he exposes that he has very little understanding of either Bob Whitaker or the project he has gotten underway.

    Whitaker explicitly states that he wants no credit, and in fact thinks that giving him “credit” distracts from the very thing he is trying to achieve.

    Rudel, if you are still hung up on “giving credit”, you really don’t “get it” at all.

  35. THAT is truly doing something.

    By making it accessible to CC readers? Yeah, like, it might as well be on CBS or Yahoo. Hell, even the Birchers went door to door.

  36. I’ve read Whitaker for years. He has written some great stuff and I think his mantra is a good and worthwhile idea. But in almost everything he writes he takes plenty of space telling how it was he who originated this or that idea. So spare me on the credit issue. He’s obsessed with it. Probably more so now because of his age, but, still.

  37. @Ravenswald

    Very true. Everything in the media – all media (with the xception of the NET and radio which still has free fora and comment) – is anti-White. Also anti Christ, anti family, anti nationalist, anti the traditional Church and Christian faith and suppresses important historical facts – so it is anti history.

    And whodojewthink owns the media: film studios, tv networks, productions, broadcasting etc? The ZOG has the Fourth Estate sewn up.

    That is why film and tv programing (the latter being the operative term) are completely inappropriate for the young – esp cartoons.

  38. Yancy, I’m not sure just what point you are trying to make.

    My point, however, is that Johnson presented some serious talking-points on the Deanna Spingola show, and that show is listened to by thousands, if not tens of thousands of people. Johnson encapsulated these talking points in a manner which makes them accessible to listeners, and they are repeated many times. When Johnson repeated “White Genocide” or “Genocide of the White Race”, at one point even Spingola gave a sort of gasp. Thousands of listeners, and god only knows how many thousand downloads.

    It doesn’t matter who “invented” these memes. What matters is spreading them.

    Have you, or Rudel for that matter, effectively spread these talking points to the extent that Johnson did on one radio show? Maybe, but I doubt it. So what’s your point?

  39. @oscar the grinch

    I agree. The Apuleius riposte belongs with the Mantra. Remember people you read it first on OD.

    Are you racist?
    Oh, do you mean I am white?

    Brevity is the soul of the sound byte. May it be viral.

  40. @’Fr’ John

    I did follow your link. This is a good point. These are the droids the po-po is looking for.

  41. @Lynda

    You just coined the watch-phrase of the day: “May it be viral”

    I’ll add one for your consideration: “White Genocide: the holocaust we can still do something about.”

  42. Ravenswald,

    I’ve never heard of her. But I don’t listen to radio. Is her show widely listened to or is it a niche? As for the content of it, I’ll trudge through it if you think it’s good for my health. I was only doubtful because Johnson has a bit of a habit of inflating his accomplishments.

    If it’s worthwhile, then all the power to him. But is Parrott all right with his doin’ somethin’?

  43. Yancy, you don’t need to “trudge through” anything unless you want to. You say you agree that “mantra stuff” is good, by which I assume you mean that it’s a good idea to spread talking points and “repeaters” that cut the legs off of anti-White discourse. If that’s where you are coming from, listening to that Spingola interview of Johnson will be a treat. He even gets into things like “nobody is telling the Japanese (etc,etc) that they are ‘too Japanese’, and that they need millions of non-Japanese immigrants and forced assimilation to blend the Japanese out of existence…” If you are familiar with what you say you are familiar with, that will ring some loud bells.

    My point, again: It’s not about saying that Whitaker is right, correct, has good ideas, etc., but is about actually deploying those word-weapons that some call “the mantra”, and imposing terminology which cuts the legs off anti-White, enemy terminology.

    Greg Johnson did a great job of just that in his interview.

    So, regardless of anyone’s opinion of some of the articles on his site, you really do have to give him some credit for that. I do. And yes, Spingola is “big” in the alt-news internet radio community, so the message definitely hit thousands and perhaps tens of thousands or more.

  44. Rav,

    Take my remarks with a grain of salt. Especially when I go ahyphenatin’, there’s usually a little facetiousness in play. You know, like, kidding? In this case, at Bob and Greg’s expense. Don’t worry, they ain’t gonna fret about it. Well, Bob won’t anyway.

    So gimme the skinny on this radio bird.

  45. You mean internet radio, as opposed to the public airwaves that many people listen to? Is that not a niche? Seriously.

  46. Yancy, yes most net radio is a “niche”, to use your lingo. Just like OD is a “niche”, and not at all “mainstream”.

    Stop quibbling about the irrelevant.

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