Do Nothing

Counter Currents

In response to Matt Parrott’s article “Do Nothing,” I decided on the spur of the moment to “do something,” which was to figure out how to add prominent click through links on the sidebar to the CofCC and League of the South, so that people the people who are reading our regularly updated website – particularly our own people, White Southerners – might start forming real world social networks in their local area.

Note: IMO, one of the biggest problems that we are facing is that everyone is atomized and connected to the system vertically through the Jewish-dominated television networks, whereas they ought to be connected horizontally to each other at the local level as they used to be in the past.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Lighten up, Francis. You brought it here and I’m inquiring, even if you can’t fathom my lingo.

    Never underestimate the importance of maintaining at least some sense of humor.

  2. My response is simply a watered down version of the mantra I developed before I found the mantra itself. Like Stonelifter, I don’t really do anything to change minds, but to stand my ground and hopefully to provide an example for others.

    Bob Whitaker and the BUGs crew have done more for white people than anyone else I know. Bob is a true genius with words but not a “wordist.” The terms he comes up with like “mommy professor” and the aforementioned “wordist” are tools anyone can use to defend our people.

    The mantra is everywhere these days it seems. It is highly effective.
    RRS, if you’re involved with BUGs, I’d just like to say thank you very much. We all owe you a debt of gratitude.

    Deo Vindice

  3. “po po” is also Latin for “Police State”. Looks like a very intense “po po” is barrelling down on us too.

  4. Apuleius, not to take anything away from what you said about the good things that Bob and his bugs have done, but… while I’m not staring at any documented quotation right now, I believe ‘Mommy Professor’ can be traced back to William F. Buckley. Before he turned complete idiot.

  5. You are 100% right, Hunter.

    Throw away the TV, and strengthen your bonds with family, friends neighbors etc.

  6. Po po is multicultural ebonics for police. Every sullen minority with an axe to grind against Whitey calls the police – po po.

  7. Sorry for this ot.

    Excuse me, Lynda. Did I understand correctly that you’re in Australia? If so, I’d like to ask you a question.

  8. “Po po is multicultural ebonics for police. Every sullen minority with an axe to grind against Whitey calls the police – po po.”

    The first time I ever heard the term “po po” was while watching an episode of “The Wire” on TV. I assume it is nigger slang from Baltimore.

  9. Bill Yancey says:
    August 8, 2012 at 12:23 am

    “Apuleius, not to take anything away from what you said about the good things that Bob and his bugs have done, but… while I’m not staring at any documented quotation right now, I believe ‘Mommy Professor’ can be traced back to William F. Buckley. Before he turned complete idiot.”

    How do you know Bob didn’t create Mommy Professor and William F. Buckley used it because it was good?

    Its not like politicians give political advisers credit and they shouldn’t.

  10. Hunter wrote: “(E)veryone is atomized and connected to the system vertically through the Jewish-dominated television networks, whereas they ought to be connected horizontally to each other at the local level as they used to be in the past.”

    Begin “connecting horizontally” and building local community by discontinuing the cable or dish service, and doing business exclusively with TRULY local, TRADITIONAL, NON-franchise, NON-global-mega-corporate local businesses; and keep it local too by walking near instead of driving far; and resurrect dead local culture by learning from very old people who remember.

  11. @Lynda and All Readers:
    More massive put-option activity on Wall Street. This does not bode well.

    I know you’re interested in this Lynda, so I want to bring to your attention an article I found today { Fri Aug 10th } at : [www] stuartwilde [.com]

    Dated : Aug 5th : “Massive Put Activity on Wall Street”

    StuartWilde website is a good source for financial/economic information.

    Another excellent source of news about Wall Street activity :

    [www.] wallstreetpit [.com]

    Google : ” Recent Massive Put Option Activity On Wall Street”

    It’s a good search term to get more information about what’s happening on Wall Street.

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