Amurrica Series: Homosexual Boy Scouts


Unless you vote for Mitt Romney in November, we have no chance of “Taking America Back”:

“A spokesperson for Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has advised that the former Massachusetts governor disagrees with the Boy Scout’s current policy prohibiting open homosexuals from serving as members and leaders.

According to The Associated Press, Romney spokeswoman Andrea Saul told the news outlet in an email that Romney still stands by his beliefs that homosexual men should be able to serve in the organization. She specifically noted that Romney had outlined his views in 1994 during a political debate, and that his stance has not changed.

“I support the right of the Boy Scouts of America to decide what it wants to do on that issue,” Romney stated during the debate. “I feel that all people should be able to participate in the Boy Scouts regardless of their sexual orientation.”

As previously reported, last month, the Boy Scouts of America issued a statement reaffirming its policy prohibiting open homosexuals from joining the organization.”…

Mitt Romney also recently reiterated his support for homosexual adoption. This past May, in an interview with Neil Cavuto of Fox News, he explained that while he is against the concept of homosexual “marriage,” he does believe that homosexual couples should be able to adopt children.

“[I]f two people of the same gender want to live together, want to have a loving relationship, or even to adopt a child, in my state, individuals of the same sex were able to adopt children. In my view, that’s something that people have a right to do,” Romney outlined. “But, to call that ‘marriage’ is something that in my view is a departure from the real meaning of that word.”

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Again, Romney is a “Pussyfooter” – same as George Bush Sr. He tries to agree or find common cause with whoever is in the room with him at the time.

    The key is to get these types not to be in the room with:

    Homosexual extremists/idiots
    AIPAC lobbyests
    Christian Zionists
    Foreign governments that demand we accept all their low IQ, unhealthy, unskilled people.

    So the solution isn’t trying to use reason with pussyfooters, it’s not some huge conspiracy that Romney, the Bush family, the Rockefellers, the CIA and MOSSAD are all in it together.

    Romney is a pussyfooter as our so many of our White American “pussyfooters”. Pussyfooters really, try so hard to get the MSM – mainstream media to see that they are nice, sincere people, not in any way RACIST.

    Romney was making very hard attempts to convince our people that he was on our side, one of us in the primaries – now he seems to be stuck around bad lib/min audiences. The solution is to get him and those like him back on track.

  2. Yeah, that pretty much seals it.

    Virgil Goode

    Of course the Virginia Board of Elections has asked the Attorney General of Virginia to open a fraud investigation against Goode’s campaign over the signatures he has collected to be placed on the ballot. Since Goode has the chance to sink Romney in Virginia that no doubt makes the Republican Party very happy.

  3. I would never allow my two sons to have joined the organization anyway. They are already shot through with paedophiles.

  4. romney looks more pro sexual deviant every few days now. Don’t forget the other links about his pro sexual deviants stances folks have posted

  5. A military run cadet force would be much more useful and less open to abuse.

    I know enough about military culture that the cadet systems are abuse ridden,
    but it’s mainly pyschological torture unless it’s in places like VMI or Westpoint and Sandhurst where it can get really rough. This can be switched off for the juniors. Just teach them skills under the supervision of 2 adults who are not known to each other.

  6. sk says:
    August 7, 2012 at 3:03 pm
    Romney is worse than a pussyfooter. He’s Anti-white, an enemy of white children everwhere.

    Jack Ryan replies:

    That’s ridiculous, nonsense – falling down in to conspiracy theory paranoia. Romney was a perfectly decent governor in a very Liberal state. He has a huge, beautiful White family – put him around solid White people and he will agree bond with the White people. The key with pussyfooters is to not let them fall in to a bad crowd. It’s not a question of strong convictions, they just like to get along, be liked.

  7. The fact that a supposed pro white blog is pushing so hard to get its readers to reelect a Marxist mulatto is not lost on a few of us.

    We definitely live in interesting times.

    Why not just parrot some pro Obama blog? The end agenda is the same.

  8. Jack, I agree with you completely. But you’re wasting time trying to convince them (the Confederatards) otherwise. They hate Romney because he’s a “Yankee” (and because he’s rich, kept his marriage intact, and still has all his hair) they think “the Yankees” are still trying to destroy the South, and they’re under the delusion that Obama, if re-elected, will magically cause a “collapse” (whatever the hell that even is) and all Southrons will rise up and Dixie will secede from the evil Union. I’m not sure how exactly that works, but it’s what they seem believe. Covingtonesque madness, really.

  9. The problem we have is most pussyfooters are not in the position of being adversely affected by the compromises they make with our enemy … in the immediate future. Like many other very nice, very affable, very rich Whites, Romney and his children are insulated by his wealth.

    I am coming to the conclusion that another Obama term would be too disastrous to Whites to indulge my temptation to bitch slap Romney by voting third-party. Sometimes worse is just plain worse, as any Rhodesian or South African will tell you. If Romney DOES win the election, I think EVERY White Nationalist needs to make sure that he is a one-term president if he doesn’t start dancing with the people that brought him and become pro-White even if that means we primary him.

  10. I’m not pushing for Obama

    I plan to vote for Virgil Goode or sit out the 2012 election. I don’t care if Mitt Romney wins or loses because he doesn’t plan to change anything. The only real change we could expect is that House Republicans would be forced to carry water for Romney whereas they are free to block Obama’s legislative agenda.

  11. Romney’s supporters here are free to make their case.

    Look, I am persuadable, and even voted for him in the primary. In the general election, he has changed his tune and has completely jettisoned all the conservative social issues which has given Obama a free hand to move to the Left.

    To say that Romney’s general election campaign flat out sucks would be the understatement of the decade. We have already seen McCain 2008 and the result is a foregone conclusion.

    The fact is, if Romney is blowing his campaign on the absurd idea that he is going to fix the economy with free trade agreements, it is no one’s fault but his own.

  12. SK,

    Jack Ryan and his batallion of self-righteous, clear-thinking, clear-seeing know-it-alls are going to singlehandedly turn all pussyfooters, and their ilk, into pro-white, pro-American crusaders. Since Jack does not truly understand how the world really works, or is in circular-logic self-denial, he and his troops are going to be spinning their wheels throughout eternity.

    Just remember what James Forrestal, the Secretary of the Navy, told Joe McCarthy, the Senator from Wisconsin, when McCarthy voiced his disgust at the incompetence of American foreign policymakers regarding communism:

    “‘McCarthy, consistency has never been a mark of stupidity. If they were merely stupid, they would occasionally make a mistake in our favor.” McCarthy later said it was a profound statement that shook him to his core.

    Some see and accept reality for what it is. Others make reality what they want it to be. But, never underestimate evil for evil has no conscience or guidelines. It is self-generating.

    Romney is not the answer. He is part of the problem. He is part of “the machine.”

  13. 313Chris – I agree that we have strong regional divisions (Southerners hate the Northeast, hate Whites from everywhere in the world that aren’t Southern gentlemen, Southern good ol boys), we even have foolish church affiliation divisions where White Baptists hate perfectly healthy, solid White Indo Europeans who are in/from Catholic or LDS backgrounds.

    These divisions are a main reason we lose so often to Non Whites (Black Americans who vote 98% Black, NW Muslims who invade take over areas of England, Belgium, France, Michigan).

    But to be fair to Romney’s critics here, Romney and his campaign have really been suc*$(#*@, pandering to Non Whites, Jews, homosexuals this whole summer.

    We should have some other options to show our displeasure besides threatening to vote for Vergil Goode or having a fast food chicken sandwich protest.


  14. Few here want obama to win. Hunter seems to reflect the majority opinion; romney won’t change anything.

    But the blame it on the Confederate stuff plays well with the yankee crowd. I guess

    The problem we have is most pussyfooters are not in the position of being adversely affected by the compromises they make with our enemy … in the immediate future. Like many other very nice, very affable, very rich Whites, Romney and his children are insulated by his wealth.


  15. No one from the South (outside of Florida perhaps) has much to say in this election.
    The battle grounds are all local. Colorado, Michigan, Pennsylvannia, Nevada. What southerns give Romney is a solid base. After that he’s just backstabbing them for their good deed toward him. And then northern whites hate on southerners anyway!


  16. The most solid Republican vote will be from the south.let me overlay my map of the confederacy on that. Hmmmm…. Curious… It’s a match! Yet Romney won’t even entertain those prejudices. Northern whites blow my mind in their vapid shallowness.

  17. Jack,

    New England hates Romney! Look at the Polling map before you talk about good ol’ boys hatin on Mormons. What the fkc is going on in New England?

  18. Stonelifter says:
    August 7, 2012 at 2:40 pm
    romney looks more pro sexual deviant every few days now. Don’t forget the other links about his pro sexual deviants stances folks have posted

    Jack Ryan replies:

    There are homosexuals/sexual deviants in every city, state, region, political party, Christian church denomination, television network, media company, office building, neighborhood. Just listen to lisping Lindsey Graham the great Southern Senator from South Carolina that wanted to give full amnesty to 15 million non White Mestizos, Muslims, HIV + Black Africans.

    With homosexuals, who have always been in White Western societies, the key is to contain corruptions, put in place solid, time tested policies that don’t put young boys in danger and don’t let queers take over our culture.

    So some White gay guys are running a hair salon in your town. If that is the worst of our problems, then we’ll be doing fine. As it now stands, we have worse problems like having Black thugs annually rape 20,000 White American women, well I’ll settle for the White gays running a hair salon and doing make-up for some John Wayne type actors in Hollywood once we re-implement the Hayes Code.

  19. Romney is just running the clock for the time being. He knows the MSM is waiting like a pack of hungry wolves, for him to make a game-ending slip-up. So he’s bullshitting his way through a long summer standoff. The real campaign season doesn’t start for a couple more weeks.

    If Romney continues to be timid in the fall, then I’ll eat my words. But I don’t think he will. He’s amassed a war-chest of hundreds of millions of dollars, and is now out-raising Obama by large margins. It looks to me like he’s waiting for the right moment to hit, and hit decisively. Contrary to what many here believe, Romney is conservative, if nothing else.

    So maybe some people here aren’t considering his actions in strategic terms? I mean, after all, patience, planning, and forethought in battle were never the Southron’s strong point, were they? 😉

  20. Lots of young boys have earned their fellatio badges when they went camping with a queer scout master. I remember hearing about a queer named Moffet who raped the whole troop in the early 1970’s.

  21. “The solution is to get him and those like him back on track.”

    Romney is on the same track he has always been on. He will do and say anything, at any time, to anyone, in order to get elected. He never would have gotten the Republican nomination if he had come out for such perversion during the primaries and debates.

    The USA is beyond redemption at this stage.

  22. Ugh!

    As someone who was adopted (thankfully by two normal, if liberal, White Parents in the late 1970s,) I am utterly disgusted by the notion of homosexual or inter-racial adoptions, which are relatively new.

    Nothing could be more unnatural then those two abominations.

    I have been trying to keep an open mind on Romney, but this is something that may swing me over to Virgil Goode… for good!!!

  23. Jack you know it goes way beyond queers living their life in a quite manner to gay pride parades with all sorts of unseemly behavior on display; having to support/ celebrate their deviant lifestyle, affirmative action in higher and education for queers, special treatment for them in courts and what not.

    That’s a far cry what you lay out. No one I know cares about queers living their life in a quite manner and keeping it to themselves, but that’s not how it plays out.

    romney has a track record of these things to use as a guide for what he’ll be like as POTUS. It’s not inspiring, but who’s fault is that? Mine or romney’s?

  24. Gays do have a place, mainly cackling and hanging around with chicks. Hairdressing, waiting, fashion, catty TV shows. That’s about it. Anything else is an afront.

  25. @…. Jack, I agree with you completely. But you’re wasting time trying to convince them (the Confederatards) otherwise. They hate Romney because he’s a “Yankee” (and because he’s rich, kept his marriage intact, and still has all his hair) they think “the Yankees” are still trying to destroy the South, and they’re under the delusion that Obama, if re-elected, will magically cause a “collapse” (whatever the hell that even is) and all Southrons will rise up and Dixie will secede from the evil Union. I’m not sure how exactly that works, but it’s what they seem believe. Covingtonesque madness, really…..”

    It’s nothing personal, but Northeasterners often seem sort of stupid.

    I mean—- Mark Potok is White. (he might be jewish, would have to look, so—) ok. Ted Kennedy was WHITE.

    Open Borders “whites”—- may put “a white face on it” for another four years, lol. But by 2040 (or whatever their daily demoralizing psyops countdown number du jour) the POLICIES of Romney will ensure non-white nation (way more than now).

    If a person is pro-homosexual, questionably christian (what is mormonism?), HAS A RECORD of Open Borders business, not to mention Anti-White “health care” (it’s not really socialized—- it is for more whites to BUY INSURANCE policies to subsidize non-whites until they go on medicare and can just be denied care…right).

    What, exactly, has or would Mitt do for you—– other than be photogenic?

    If this is what he has, and you say it is—- elect any Hollywood worker.

    Good looks and money are great (believe me), but there’s TONS of good looking, rich people out there, north or south. About his hair, though, it looks like those old Grecian Formula commercials, imo.

    Do you really believe what you just wrote (I hope not).

  26. “….I remember hearing about a queer named Moffet who raped the whole troop in the early 1970?s….”

    And will one citizen out there—- pushed in front of Romney— bring this up in his face and ask him to answer for how he squares it up for himself? This is what citizens are supposed to do—ask the difficult questions the msm won’t.

    —-Isn’t it an INSULT to put forth merely a good looking rich white person— and have that be enough for people like Chris (showing how little they/he will settle for, how easily they’re bought off, how demoralized and beaten down they’ve become that that would be enough for them and their families— just the fact that someone’s white and decent looking with good teeth lol, even if every single policy will further degrade them).

    Most people aren’t Chris—- and they will see the Romney move as insulting.

    Worse— political analysts know all this.

  27. I really don’t know–

    What TOO calls “implicit whiteness” is one thing. But doesn’t Romney do Anti-white things? In the “enemy you know and expect” versus a real traitor— enemy usually wins because traitors are judged more harshly than honest enemies.

  28. …of course it IS a test about how ‘racially identified’ whites will be, in the way of how blacks vote color no matter what.

  29. Pat yourselves on the back in November when the mulatto wins again.

    The rapes, murders, criminal activity and assault on whitey can proceed full speed ahead.

    The biggest difference between most of us and the orcs, is we know the difference between right and wrong.
    This is wrong. Obama and the orcs are the enemy, not Romney.

  30. jack ryan said: The key is to get these types not to be in the room with:

    Journalists who pander to:

    Homosexual extremists/idiots
    AIPAC lobbyests
    Christian Zionists
    Foreign governments that demand we accept all their low IQ, unhealthy, unskilled people.

    Romney might personally be conservative, 313Chris, but he is a liberal Republican politician, and he is white, which means we would at least get a non-radical-negro-agenda attorney general. But don’t think for a moment there won’t be color around him ….. it is expected now.

  31. You think that’s bad? That’s the most tepid politicianspeak support for gay scout leaders that he could possibly give without being accused of homophobia.

    Anything more, and the liberals would be smearing him. Hell, the serious cultural marxists already are, leaving the less doctrinare nonplussed.

  32. I don’t know why people think Romey is really some diehard conservative that is just saying these things to fool liberals.

    Romney’s position on being pro-homosexuals in the Boy Scouts goes all the way back to 1994. Bill Clinton wouldn’t even have taken that position in 1994.

    I can’t think of one thing truly “conservative” that Romney has ever done in his whole career.

    The only time Romney has ever said anything “conservative” is when he was running for the Republican presidential nomination.

    Hunter is 100% correct that the Republicans in Congress will at least fight Obama but if Romney is in there they will be inclined go along with everything he wants.

    I remember back just before the 2004 election lots of people were saying George Bush was just talking liberal but he was really going to go hard right once he got elected. Well that obviously never happened.

    People say we need to vote for Romney so we don’t have a black in the White House completely ignoring that Romney is the type of white man who made it possible for a black to get to the White House in the first place.

    Below is a nice picture of Romney’s father George marching with the NAACP back in 1963 against segregation.

  33. What is nonsense is that Romney is decent. When he was governor of Massachusetts he did nothing about the courts declaring “gay marriage” the law in Massachusetts, AND He had the power to throw it out. He may have a beautiful white family, but as most traitors he imagines his treason will not harm them. Though eventually it WILL.

  34. @Jack Ryan:

    “These divisions are a main reason we lose so often to Non Whites (Black Americans who vote 98% Black, NW Muslims who invade take over areas of England, Belgium, France, Michigan).”

    Is anyone here acquainted with Steve Sailer of Vdare?

    IMO, he posits a very compelling theory as to why Whites cannot unify against Non-Whites, but will lunge for each other’s jugulars every time.

    He believes that Whites don’t see Non-Whites as real competition, and the actions of our White leaders against lower-caste Whites bears this out. Moreover, the resulting consolidation of wealth and power not to mention the concentration of political dynasties shows the method behind this apparent madness.

    It stands to reason that if I’m some rich and powerful White guy either in politics or with political connections and with a son of mediocre intelligence or even somewhat moronic that the last thing I’m going to want is to give an intelligent young Alpha White from the working or middle class a shot at the playing field to begin with, much less level the playing field for him.

    I don’t think it’s any accident that the richer, more powerful Whites in the upper echelons of Washington are very pro-Affirmative Action. It’s not stupidity, it’s not some weird kind of altruism. It’s a strategy.

  35. ” I mean, after all, patience, planning, and forethought in battle were never the Southron’s strong point, were they?”

    ??? As a counter-argument I give you Nathan Bedford Forrest, Joseph E. Johnston, and “Stonewall” Jackson.

  36. Yeah a lot of interactions with aristocrats do bear this out.

    A great deal of western lit is about sone working class hero beating the idiot scion of an aristocrat.

    This doesn’t explain why women are having less kids though. Peasants strategized that having children was real wealth. For all of the machinations of aristocratic factions against their peasants it didn’t work for feudal states like Burgundy or Lotharingia or Mercia. The peasants won through by weight of number to create modern
    ethnic nations.

  37. How could anyone think a New England Leftist (the people that have made Dixie miserable for the past 200 years) will bring anything other than the same BS that’s always come out of that God Forsaken part of the “country”. A weirdo Mormon at that (I think the Mormon theology inspired the Sci Fi theology of Scientology). The real problem is that there simply isn’t enough interest in enough people to provide a serious 3rd party effort. George Wallace got on all the States when he ran the American Party (well, not sure about Hawaii), carried Dixie but busted in the rest of the states, including the west, where the fools are now in the process of ceding to the Hispanics. I think apathy has such a firm grip nothing will change the course to 3rd world brown and down status.


    I don’t care how lousy Romney is at this point, at least Romney is not tied in to the most White-Hating faction of the Communist regime in Washington DC. Obama is an African-born, Hard-Core Communist, his handlers are Hard-Core communists : Hard Core communists want to see as many White Americans murdered as possible.

    I’ve written many, many posts, with links and google search terms, about Obama being tied into the Hard-Core communist faction, and Obama being tied into the black panthers Declaration of War against White Americans. The declaration of war has not been rescinded. It still stands.

    Google :

    ” Marxists + black panthers”
    ” Marxists + Obama”
    ” Obama + Marxists + black panthers”

    You Southerners are even more Stubborn and Thick-Headed than the Italians. And that’s saying alot. I know. I’m Italian myself. Ciao.

  39. “Bill Clinton wouldn’t even have taken that position in 1994.”

    It’s funny how Bill Clinton looks better and better as time goes by (last balanced budget and all that.) Although not in favor of impeachment for mere sexual peccadilloes I was a Clinton hater at the time and he surely would have done more harm had he not had a Republican Congress. I often think that a “divided” government actually slows down the continuous rot just a bit.

  40. HA! HA! Freepers are going nuts – as usual. They don’t know what to do. That’s the best part.

  41. John says:
    “After that he’s just backstabbing them for their good deed toward him. And then northern whites hate on southerners anyway! Partition!”

    You are totally off the wall. Sure, there are Notherners who hate Southerners and vice versa. People disagree on all sorts of issues. But I have never met anyone who has openly expressed vicious hatred or contempt toward Southerners. It cannot be as common as you claim. Yes, the occasional redneck joke is heard ( thanks to Jeff Foxworthy) along with Pollock jokes, dumb Norwegians, dumb blondes etc.

    I take your posts and those of a few others with a huge grain of salt. You want partition, your own Southron utopia. I understand. Or perhaps, you have an agenda which is to cause division. I don’t know. Either way you must ratchet up the levels of rancor to achieve your goals. Therefore, every subject of debate whether of major or minor significance is rhetorically alchemized to produce desired results.

  42. Anyone who has taken the time to look at Romney’s record can easily see that he is a complete liberal, regardless of his party designation. Just like when Bloomberg claimed to be a Republican when first elected mayor of NYC. Does anyone think Bloomberg is conservative?

    Romney has demonstrated his support for the homosexual lobby repeatedly.
    Romney is a gun grabber and enemy of the Second Amendment.
    Romney provided the model for Obamacare.

    Romney shows discomfort with or hostility towards Southern culture every chance he gets. I recognize this is clearly insignificant if you are not a Southerner. I am one, so it matters to me.

    Much of this is because he is from Massachusetts. These are all issues very important to Massachusetts liberals. He deliberately chose to live there for some reason. His dad was governor of Michigan. However, I will gladly overlook the geographic evidence if anyone can show evidence that Romney has ever had any conservative convictions.

    I have yet to see evidence of even the smallest jot or tittle of an actual conservative achievement from Romney. If anyone can provide such evidence, please do so.

    I support Virgil Goode on the principle that you should vote for what is right, not for what is expedient. Avoid the inevitable frustration and vote your conscience.

    Deo Vindice

  43. Romney is just another in a long line of respectable conservatives. They are afraid of their own shadows.

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