Amurrica Series: Homosexual Boy Scouts


Unless you vote for Mitt Romney in November, we have no chance of “Taking America Back”:

“A spokesperson for Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has advised that the former Massachusetts governor disagrees with the Boy Scout’s current policy prohibiting open homosexuals from serving as members and leaders.

According to The Associated Press, Romney spokeswoman Andrea Saul told the news outlet in an email that Romney still stands by his beliefs that homosexual men should be able to serve in the organization. She specifically noted that Romney had outlined his views in 1994 during a political debate, and that his stance has not changed.

“I support the right of the Boy Scouts of America to decide what it wants to do on that issue,” Romney stated during the debate. “I feel that all people should be able to participate in the Boy Scouts regardless of their sexual orientation.”

As previously reported, last month, the Boy Scouts of America issued a statement reaffirming its policy prohibiting open homosexuals from joining the organization.”…

Mitt Romney also recently reiterated his support for homosexual adoption. This past May, in an interview with Neil Cavuto of Fox News, he explained that while he is against the concept of homosexual “marriage,” he does believe that homosexual couples should be able to adopt children.

“[I]f two people of the same gender want to live together, want to have a loving relationship, or even to adopt a child, in my state, individuals of the same sex were able to adopt children. In my view, that’s something that people have a right to do,” Romney outlined. “But, to call that ‘marriage’ is something that in my view is a departure from the real meaning of that word.”

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Avoid the inevitable frustration and vote your conscience.

    Precisely. The last thing you want to do is to have to own up to it if your lesser-evil wins.

    Btw, who is Virgil Goode? I think I’d rather there be noticeably less voter participation than opt for someone few people have ever heard of. On the other hand, I’ll probably write in Ron Paul. He’ll get more write ins than the small party fellas get combined.

  2. “But I have never met anyone who has openly expressed vicious hatred or contempt toward Southerners.”

    I suspect there are very few Southerners to harass in your neck of the woods. Anyway, you are hereby welcomed and invited to come to Florida for just one afternoon. I will expose you to more examples than you can count. All in one afternoon.

    “You want partition, your own Southron utopia.”

    No Sam, we don’t want a Southern utopia. We just want a politically and culturally homogeneous country that is not hostile to our customs and beliefs. Our people are very different from yours.

    Regarding the creation of division, why do you feel obligated to visit a Southern nationalist website just to piss on Southern nationalism?

    That wouldn’t be contemptuous at all, would it?

    Deo Vindice

  3. “Romney has demonstrated his support for the homosexual lobby repeatedly.”

    – Romney pays lip-service to insignificant social issues, just like any other ambitious politician. Then he goes home and creates five sons with a pretty blonde.

    “Romney is gun grabber and enemy of the Second Amendment.”

    – After the recent Colorado shooting, Romney defended gun-rights and stated that toughening gun laws would not deter illegal behavior.

    “Romney provided the model for Obamacare.”

    – He proposed a public healthcare option for a small, liberal state with a history of socialist leanings. It has nothing to do with what Obama forced on the entire country. According to your logic, I could say that the Southern twang provided the model for “ebonics”.

    “Romney shows discomfort with or hostility towards Southern culture every chance he gets.”

    – OK, when and where? And while you’re at it, define in explicit terms, exactly what “Southern culture” is, and how it is markedly different from contemporary American culture and should warrant special sensitivity.

  4. If Romney wins the following will occur:
    1) Many awake Americans will get in their heads that there is still a vigorous conservative movement in these United States and “take the pack off” because they got their man in the Brown House.
    2) Whites who were just beginning to wake up will punch the snooze button and go back to sleep. These Rip Van Winkle’s might wake up when they have become a much smaller percentage of the population.
    3) The Repubs in Congress will immediately be hit with pangs of remorse and reach across the aisle, pledging to work with their fellow Congressmen (aka the Marxists).
    4) Romney will pledge himself to multicultural diverse America and will not veto anything. He will shuffle around some trade/economics issues.
    5) The Dems (aka Marxists) to their credit will not change one iota. They will continue to maintain a laser beam focus on their extreme leftist agenda. That’s one thing I do respect about them.

    Now, could anyone tell me again why Romney would be any better than Obama? Or how George Bush I or II were any better than Obama for that matter.

  5. “why do you feel obligated to visit a Southern nationalist website just to piss on Southern nationalism?”

    Not to butt in but Hunter still titles the original forum as:

    Occidental Dissent
    Western Racial and Cultural Preservation

  6. “According to your logic, I could say that the Southern twang provided the model for “ebonics”.”

    And you would be right about that. Negroes share many common speech patterns and colloquialisms with white Southerners. Except for the recent nasty “hip-hop” culture, the culture of blacks in America was indeed formed in the South.

    “OK, when and where?”

    “The people of this country have decided not to fly that flag.”
    Which people is that? Not mine.

    Deo Vindice

  7. ” define in explicit terms, exactly what “Southern culture” is, and how it is markedly different from contemporary American culture and should warrant special sensitivity.”

    Perhaps you would like to define, in explicit terms, exactly what “contemporary American” culture is.

  8. “If Romney wins the following will occur:”

    The FED will hyperinflate to keep the banks, insurance companies, and select hedge funds afloat. America will descend to Second World status economically. There is NOTHING that either party can do to stop this given the huge overhang of debt this country has. It will never be paid back in terms of real dollars. Eventually social chaos and totalitarian crackdowns will ensue.

  9. Jared, you’ve got to put that Romney quote that Jack just deleted in this thread, just for posterity.

  10. “Perhaps you would like to define, in explicit terms, exactly what “contemporary American” culture is.”

    That’s easy!

    Dancing With The Stars, The Dark Knight Rises, videos of Predator drone kills on demand via your iPhone.

  11. “The FED will hyperinflate to keep the banks, insurance companies, and select hedge funds afloat. America will descend to Second World status economically. There is NOTHING that either party can do to stop this given the huge overhang of debt this country has. It will never be paid back in terms of real dollars. Eventually social chaos and totalitarian crackdowns will ensue.”

    Don’t tell Chris313, Rudel. He thinks the economy is doing just fine and will never collapse into social chaos and totalitarian crackdowns.

    You anti-Southerners have just given me an epiphany!
    Amurrica and BRA is the bestest! Now let’s go kick some Iranian tail because they hate our freedoms! Or even better head to Darlington and kill all those nasty “domestic terrorists!” Make ’em down all them damn Rebel Flags and we is all indivisible now!
    USA! USA! USA!

    Deo Vindice

  12. Apuleius says:

    “I suspect there are very few Southerners to harass in your neck of the woods.”

    More Southerners than you’d think and they are not harrased. Many came here looking for work, then stayed because we are friendly to them, not hostile. My wife’s family for instance.

    Apuleius says: Anyway, you are hereby welcomed and invited to come to Florida for just one afternoon. I will expose you to more examples than you can count. All in one afternoon.”

    Floridians like Sol and Jose? Do you mean other snowbirds? Is it not possible that your attitude is a contributing factor? Just sayin’.

    Apuleius says: “Our people are very different from yours.”

    Not that different. You however, are very different. I give you that.

    Apuleius says: “Regarding the creation of division, why do you feel obligated to visit a Southern nationalist website just to piss on Southern nationalism?”

    I don’t piss on anything Southern except for YOUR false and sweeping misrepresentations of Northerners.

    Can’t you handle dialogues? Hunter knows disagreements keep his site interesting. Who would check in everyday if the conversation went like this?

    I sure hate those yankees
    Me too.
    Women are stupid sluts, whores.
    Damn pussyass yankees.
    Same as jews, niggers, faggots.
    Shot someone in the face yesterday.
    Was it a damn yankee?
    Deo Vindice

  13. @Apuleius

    1.) The rebel flag is NOT the American flag, and Romney has no personal obligation to defend it. If it means so much to you, then fly it on your own damn property all you like. There’s no law stating you can’t.

    2.) Who gives a shit if he said he had grits for breakfast? How is that an insult? Ever here the expression “When in Rome..”? He could have said just about anything and you would have taken offense to it.

    “..the culture of blacks was indeed formed in the American South.”

    And now we know who to thank for the n**** problem in America. You just admitted responsibility.

  14. Apuleius, so it was you who brought them nigras to the new world! All this time I was blaming those Jewish shippers out of Rhode Island & Providence Plantation.

  15. “Floridians like Sol and Jose? Do you mean other snowbirds? Is it not possible that your attitude is a contributing factor? Just sayin’.”

    They don’t even know I’m a Southerner at all. It’s not something I wear on my sleeve in public. Besides that was jsut pre-epiphany talk, anyway.

    I done seen the light, massa. You finally got my mind right.
    Glory, glory, hallelujah! Free at last, free at last, God Almighty, I’m free at last!

    It just takes a while with ignorant mouthbreathin’ crackas like me. After Romney wins, I’m goin’ have me a big ol’ passel of cheesy grits and tour the memorial to “our greatest President” and his avatar MLK in Washington.

    After that, we can all adopt the gun control laws of the “Land of Lincoln,” the gay marriage laws of Massachusetts, land of “our pilgrim forefathers at Plymouth Rock,” outlaw dove hunting (no guns left, anyway) this fall like New England the paragon of everything good, get rid of all them Rebel monuments, vandalize all Confederate gravesites, repeal all those silly immigration laws our states just passed, create a few more taxes for everybody so disadvantaged negroes can have more of everything we don’t deserve, go see a few negro flash mobs at the state fair or downtown, and make sure everybody adopts the superior northern customs like what you see on Jerzey shore. Yessiree, bob. We is all one, now. Anybody that don’t like it can have their house burned down and we’ll take the silverware and anything else of value. Damn traitors!

    Am I toeing the line better? I sure hope so.

    Romney for President! Because a full Yankee is better than half of one, any day.
    His truth is marching on!

  16. Sorry about that Bill. I won’t do it again. Slavery is wrong and since ALL Southerners were slaveholders, they deserve to lose everything they own and be exterminated as soon as possible. They’re not a real people like us Murikuns are, anyway.

    Lincoln would have sent them back if you nonpeople hadn’t killed him, you know.

    Romney for President! Because a full Yankee is better than half of one, any day.
    His truth is marching on!

  17. As requested:

    Mitt Romney on Sunday said he pulled off to the side of the road and wept when he heard in 1978 that the elders at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints had decided to let blacks participate in Church rites.

    “I can remember when I heard about the change being made. I was driving home from — I think it was law school, but I was driving home — going through the Fresh Pond rotary in Cambridge, Massachusetts. I heard it on the radio and I pulled over and literally wept,” the Republican presidential candidate said.

    Romney said the matter still makes him emotional today.

    Read more:,2933,317005,00.html#ixzz22uOIBLHa

  18. For some reason that cracks me up. He really has no understanding of any of the deeper issues. He’s floating in typical Yankee fashion.

    But at least he cries when tradition is vanquished.

    Vote Romney: The End of Tradition

  19. Not that I’m for sure not going to vote for the guy. Just because if I’m going to put the effort in I want it to count. I ain’t driving to a Yankees Red Sox game to route for the Orioles. But damn what an easy target. What a giant, glowing, easy target. There’s no way this guy can win. No way.

  20. Jared said to Chris 313: “Perhaps you would like to define, in explicit terms, exactly what “contemporary American” culture is.”

    Great question, sir! Chris, want to take a crack at this?

    I’ve conversed with young men on this topic before, college educated (for what that’s worth) all of them about what American culture is and what it really means to be an American. I mean, this is something we should all be ready to answer right? Isn’t this what we live and die for? The only answer I consistently receive is that America doesn’t have a culture, it’s mulitcultural.

  21. Rudel: Economies can be rebuilt, currency can be revalued, markets can be reestablished. But once you lose your heritage, your culture and your ethnicity/race, you are done for…permanently.

  22. IMO, Southern culture includes:
    1) Respect for traditional Christian values, whether you attend church or not
    2) Working to live, not living to work
    3) Kin and extended families
    4) Sippin’ whiskey and taking time to know your neighbors
    5) Sports afield
    6) Self sufficiency
    7) A mild, but healthy, xenophobia
    8) Homesickness

    That’s just me and it’s just a start.

  23. Should the anus be used as a sex organ? Google First Scandal. When you get there, go to the top of the page and click on “Can you explain…” Please note: this website you reach will be deleted on November 1, 2012.

  24. Wayne says:
    August 8, 2012 at 12:30 am

    “I’ve conversed with young men on this topic before, college educated (for what that’s worth) all of them about what American culture is and what it really means to be an American. I mean, this is something we should all be ready to answer right? Isn’t this what we live and die for? The only answer I consistently receive is that America doesn’t have a culture, it’s mulitcultural.”

    Tell them to travel to Africa and live as a black, with blacks for a while. Then they will understand what white culture is.

    Most of these college educated types have not traveled anywhere, or done anything in life, so they have a very provincial view of the world.

    If the only culture they have experienced is their own, how could they see it, or appreciate it?

  25. The above didn’t come out the way I meant it. What I am saying is they won’t appreciate or understand white culture until it is lost.

  26. Sure, there are Notherners who hate Southerners and vice versa. People disagree on all sorts of issues. But I have never met anyone who has openly expressed vicious hatred or contempt toward Southerners.

    I bet your wrong Sam, but you are to use to it to notice. It’s the same thing with a number of the supposedly pro White man White women here, women not Mary, Cle…. Damn can’t recall how to spell her name. Any rate once you learn to recognize the latent anti-masculine attitude you see just how ingrained it is. Same for the typical yankee anti- Southron attitude.

    I’m sure, Dixiegirl, and others could confirm how ingrained those anti Southron attitudes are with transplant yankees, and the children of transplant yankees born and raised in lost counties

    No Sam, we don’t want a Southern utopia. We just want a politically and culturally homogeneous country that is not hostile to our customs and beliefs. Our people are very different from yours.

    Yep. That’s what it boils down to.

  27. @John:

    “This doesn’t explain why women are having less kids though. Peasants strategized that having children was real wealth. For all of the machinations of aristocratic factions against their peasants it didn’t work for feudal states like Burgundy or Lotharingia or Mercia. The peasants won through by weight of number to create modern ethnic nations.”

    I blame feminism. Feminism promoted birth control and abortion under the seductive meme that it would free all women for self-fulfillment (a big corner office and a six figure salary). Of course, never mind that there are just so many chief executive slots out there and the rest of the jobs are basically working ghettos that women got stuck competing for, bumping down the pay for the men.

    The result was a lot of women paying half their pay check to give themselves nightmares over the idea of some sitter or daycare abusing their babies. I had read some fictional account where some evil Simon Legree type master forced women to switch babies. The reason I bring it up is that this system makes it more profitable for women to take care of other women’s babies than their own. Ironic, isn’t it?

    In any case, it has reduced the demographic advantage lower to middle class alphas would have and I think that is the reason why the elites no longer feel the need to locate and mentor these type of men with the most potential to cause trouble for them. In the past, a boss would notice such an employee and groom him to upper management and then fix him up with his daughter, so he would have to work with his mediocre son rather than against him.

  28. “And now we know who to thank for the n**** problem in America. You just admitted responsibility.”

    How much of a “n**** problem in America” was there before enlightened Yankee leaders of the glorious union pushed “Civil Rights” on us? You have it exactly wrong, sir.

  29. @313Chris:

    “The rebel flag is NOT the American flag, and Romney has no personal obligation to defend it. If it means so much to you, then fly it on your own damn property all you like. There’s no law stating you can’t.”

    Chris, the “rebel” flag is the nationalist symbol of an occupied American country, the Confederate States of America. It is as much an American flag as the USA’s flag or any other flag belonging to any other country on the American continent.

    I know that the Union victory in The War Between The States ended the secession, but I would like to remind you that several decades before this conflict, Canada was attacked by and successfully repelled its forcible annexation by the USA.

    The reason why I bring this up is that my father’s line of work meant we lived in Canada for a couple of years. The first order of business was a visit to the US embassy where an official went over our “do’s and don’ts” of living in Canada without offending the Canadians by acting like Ugly Americans.

    Like the South, Canada speaks English and has certain Anglo-American traditions and IMO, like Canada, the South has its own culture and heritage (I don’t like to use the word “tradition,” because some idiot leftist is always braying about NEW traditions, completely undermining the whole point of a tradition).

    I’ve lived in Canada, up North and down South and I can tell you that Southern hospitality can’t be beat; they are much friendlier than the Northerners and infinitely friendlier than the Canadians, but I did get a sense of being a guest in a different country when I lived there.

    Maybe if all of us people of Northern stock take the anthropological approach to the South as a de facto different country, we might step in it a lot less. IMO, they at least deserve as much consideration as the Canadians do and we don’t dictate to the Canadians what to do with their national symbols.

  30. “once you lose your heritage, your culture and your ethnicity/race, you are done for…permanently.”

    It’s already too late:

  31. “Maybe if all of us people of Northern stock take the anthropological approach to the South as a de facto different country, we might step in it a lot less.”

    Fuck that. NASCAR went all to hell once they went to a fixed formula and stopped racing actual stock cars. Piss on ’em. I prefer motorcycle racing.

  32. Great points, Clytemnestra, and it touches on a comment I recently posted in another thread here. Race and language are not the sole determining factors for authentic nationhood.

  33. ‘Btw, who is Virgil Goode?’

    He appears to be the only real Conservative in the Race. He is running under the Constitution Party banner. They are pretty big out here in the Northwest. (relatively speaking for a 3rd party)

  34. …….“This doesn’t explain why women are having less kids though. Peasants strategized that having children was real wealth. For all of the machinations of aristocratic factions against their peasants it didn’t work for feudal states like Burgundy or Lotharingia or Mercia. The peasants won through by weight of number to create modern ethnic nations.”

    I blame feminism. …..

    Among my acquaintances and friends who have made that decision, it’s due to the Anti-Wasp and Anti-Southern (and beyond that Anti-White) climate and tone of the u.s..

    They simply, in such a climate, (and being intelligent, aware people) feel it is socially irresponsible to bring a child of their type into the world to be abused and with no real future, in the way that they, themselves, grew up with, or knew of their parents growing up with.

    Is it really fair to give birth to slaves?

    Anglo-Saxons, down deep, I think— just culturally— split with some other cultures on children. Even now, they often don’t treat them like “children” in the way that the u.s. evolved—- like like is a hierarchy, with points of initiation catalouged by ages or events, s/a preteen, teen, young adult, and “age appropriate” experiences where you are initiated into some new thing.

    We always talked politics —all of it— in front of kids (even when they are very little) and they make many decisions for themselves (the kids) that other types of families would find “permissive” and other things.

    They are “people” from the get-go. (Not like something the parents “own”). They would not make good slaves, to have their income redistributed, to live being degraded in films, in school narratives, in novels, and so on. Their boundless creativity would just be sucked dry.

    It has nothing to do with feminism. More often, a sacrifice in order not to feel their hearts break as kids have less and less, and enter a horrid life of slavery, with a tone of genocide all around them, and no extended network that cares about them or can really do anything for them.

    The culture is too foreign. Is “feminism” really what it was?— females (previously full-time mothers) pushed into an ugly work force (having to learn how to deal with that, a learning curve in itself?)—- then “trying to get one in under the wire?” I.e., two parents trying to work for enough money for a child shipped off to day care, and barely able until they are nearly past childbearing age, due to economic realities?

    There isn’t a culture for them. That’s a real issue.

  35. Oh… down to “I blame feminism” should have been in quotes.

    What happened, in a sense, BEFORE feminism is the real trouble. The dispossessed families—– THEN trying to figure out how to even reproduce in such a climate. Obviously, that’s genocide.

  36. “I’m sure, Dixiegirl, and others could confirm how ingrained those anti Southron attitudes are with transplant yankees, and the children of transplant yankees born and raised in lost counties…”

    One thing yankee men do is always approach Southern women with crazy sounding fake put-on Southern accents. Like “So, ya’all from alley bammy, is you?” In reality, many of them have a deep discomfort with these “other americans.” They know there’s a raw deal there… and that they benefit financially, socially, and so on, especially from the “nanny state”—- the monetary redistribution system that they ushered in. At least that’s my theory.

    At a job once, in the North, (actually a job-related party), the bosses went on and on about me having shoes.

    Deep down, people fear a judgement of anglo-saxons, and southerns, in particular. The Scots have been so silent, even more so, if that can be imagined, but they’re pissed about the raw deal in the u.s.

    Also, the northerners often take a patronizing position— it’s impossible to tell many of them why that exposes them —not as NICE people, lol—- but as having low character (from the Southern point of view), exposing a lack of knowledge of themselves, their own ancestors behavior, and so on.

  37. —- I mean, deep down most people realize to some degree that there really are people sitting there the whole time who are the object of the black-maid-excrement scene in The Help, or the psychos in Deliverance, Django unchained (that will be fun), and so on.

    It’s a deep programming of the yankee public, a deep conditioning.

    But ALL SUCH CONDITIONING carries it’s “absence,” it’s potential reactionary moment— and everybody knows it, on some level.

    That’s how these things really work.

    Like in the often quoted poem, when the saxon began to hate. At some point, it turns.

    You overtake people’s land, their homes, push them out, (whether the war or later land seizures, or transplant immigration) and on and on.

    THEN you’re like “we’re all people here”—- wouldn’t the natural reaction to that really be contempt?

    All things considered, it’s astonishing how patient Southerners are, imo. The moral high ground they occupy and position from which to see what the others spew— is really enviable, I’d think

  38. “Moral high ground” sounds awfully Yankee Puritan to me. “City on the Hill”, “Beacon of Light”, that sort of thing

  39. If Southerners are so “morally superior”, why do Southerners, especially Southern Baptists, have the highest divorce rate in the US?

  40. Dixiegirl says:
    “Deep down, people fear a judgement of anglo-saxons, and southerns, in particular.”

    Which people? Where have you seen this fear, how was it manifested?

    Dixiegirl says: “Also, the northerners often take a patronizing position—”

    In what ways? What do you consider patronizing or condescending? I need clarification.

  41. Dixiegirl: Great post and of course, you are 100% correct! The left harps on “haters” but are too stupid or to obstinate to realize that hate is only a RESPONSE to something else. Why are we hating, should be the question.

  42. @Dixiegirl:

    “What happened, in a sense, BEFORE feminism is the real trouble. The dispossessed families—– THEN trying to figure out how to even reproduce in such a climate. Obviously, that’s genocide.”

    Excellent points, Dixiegirl.

    It really IS the carrot and stick approach for White women. The carrot being that you will crack that glass ceiling and get that corner office with the six figure salary, because you are just that special. And the stick is making the entire world a hostile environment to raise White children in.

    Thank you for helping with clarification.

  43. “If Southerners are so “morally superior”, why do Southerners, especially Southern Baptists, have the highest divorce rate in the US?”


  44. @Dixiegirl:

    “One thing yankee men do is always approach Southern women with crazy sounding fake put-on Southern accents. Like “So, ya’all from alley bammy, is you?” In reality, many of them have a deep discomfort with these “other americans.” They know there’s a raw deal there… and that they benefit financially, socially, and so on, especially from the “nanny state”—- the monetary redistribution system that they ushered in. At least that’s my theory. ”

    It’s the accent; they think it’s cute, so they’re being cute. I know this, myself, because I’m a sucker for a good Southern accent. I prefer a man who sounds good more than looks good. Voices are the last thing to go. Southerners have very pleasant, musical accents. I met a man who had a beautiful voice with a Tidewater accent and I told him that he could have cussed me out seven ways to Sunday and it would have been a pleasure just listening to it.

    If you don’t believe me, ask someone from Maine or Massachusetts how many times they’ve been asked to say they park the car in the yard.

  45. @Jared
    I don’t know how Southerners are going to have their own country, they can’t even figure out how to keep their families together. If Southerners love family, kin, heritage and tradition so much, why do Southern Baptists have the highest divorce rate in the country?

    One would think they’d have the lowest divorce rate, considering how Southerners go on and on about family, kin, heritage, tradition, etc. :

    If link doesn’t work, Google :
    ” divorce rate in southern baptist churches”
    ” divorce rate + southern baptists”

    A people who are so quick to divorce in such large numbers, Do Not have what it takes to have their own country. It takes discipline, dedication, perserverance, etc. to keep a marriage together ; The same exact qualities that’s needed to build and sustain a viable nation.

    If the qualities are not there on a personal level in everyday life, the qualities are not going to just magically fall out of the sky someday just because you want your own country. It’s just not going to happen. Fuggedaboudit.

    No true family life = no true country. It necessarily follows. There’s no way of getting around that.

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