Derb on Lincoln’s Colonization Plan


Here’s the latest installment of Derb as Civil War buff.

Note: Lincoln wasn’t serious about African colonization.

For decades, the colonization movement had always been the most popular in the Border North and Border South which was and still is a Scots-Irish stronghold.

In much the same way, illegal immigration generates the most resentment in the Southwest in our own times. Just as Dubya and Obama sent troops to the border as a token gesture in response to a perceived political weakness, Lincoln sent a few token blacks to Panama and Haiti in order to fool and reassure the Whites in the Border States to continue supporting his war.

The Emancipation Proclamation was followed by mass desertions of soldiers in the Union Army who were aghast at the idea of fighting and dying in an abolitionist crusade against the Confederacy.

The Border North was the Ground Zero of disaffection from the Union cause. The Copperheads were strongest in Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Pennsylvania. That’s where the biggest threat to Lincoln’s power was coming from.

Lincoln promoted the idea that he was going to send the blacks back to Africa as another wartime measure to “save the Union” for Northern financial interests which was his overriding goal. All he was really doing was shoring up the weakest link in the Republican war against the South.

In his last speech in Washington in April 1865, Lincoln endorsed the idea of making blacks into citizens in occupied Louisiana. That’s why he was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth who was incensed by the idea of negro equality.

Lincoln’s assassination made Andrew Johnson president. Although Johnson hated slavery, he was far more sympathetic to the South than Lincoln or the Radicals behind him, and he swallowed the propaganda about “saving the Union” which was Mission Accomplished with Lee’s surrender at Appommattox.

The South had accepted the preservation of the Union and the end of slavery – that’s what the war had been about, right?

Johnson was impeached by the Radicals for opposing the Civil Rights Act of 1866 and the 14th Amendment. If Lincoln had not been assassinated, he would have changed his position and endorsed their plan for negro equality which he was already moving toward in April 1865.

The result of the War Between the States was the total destruction of the voluntary Union of the Founders, the end of American system of Free Government, and the ascendancy of the Yankee over America who finally had a free hand to bring about the Gilded Age with their long stymied corporate welfare agenda.

About Hunter Wallace 12413 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Gosh. I hope the Payseurs, Bayshores, and Boddies , weren’t harmed during the war. Precious darlings.

    I hope the Damn yankees didn’t destroy the Alabama Mineral Company. That would be awful. The Alabama Mineral people were always precious darlings.

    Too bad Judah-boy didn’t take ALL THE DARKIES with him when he scurried back home to The Court of Saint – King – James – The-First . Precious Judah. Precious James. I hope Judah made it back to London safely. Precious Judah.

    I hope the Virginia Company wasn’t harmed by the war. The Virginia Company people were always precious darlings.

    I hope the Treasurer and Company of Adventurers and Planters of The City of London weren’t in any harmed by the War. That would be just awful. They were always precious darlings.

    I hope Mazzini made it back to Italy safely after the War. I hope Young America made it through the War in one -piece. The Young America people were always precious darlings.

    What a tragedy. What a shame.

  2. Without the Negro the Republicans would have had no control over the South during the ‘Reconstruction’. Lincoln would not have removed the means to cementing Republican power.

  3. “The Emancipation Proclamation was followed by mass desertions of soldiers in the Union Army who were aghast at the idea of fighting and dying in an abolitionist crusade against the Confederacy. The Border North was the Ground Zero of disaffection from the Union cause. The Copperheads were strongest in Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Pennsylvania.” Southern OH, IN and IL, and central and western PA: “Copperhead” country then, still a region of conservative voting patterns today.

  4. “the ascendancy of the Yankee over America who finally had a free hand to bring about the Gilded Age with their long stymied corporate welfare agenda.”

    The “corporate welfare agenda” was not stymied, it was already in full swing well before the War. That’s why the South lost. The North had more steel, more ironclads, more artillery, more railroads, more canals, more everything. Hell, at the bitter end the Union engineers were laying railroad lines right in the trenches as they inexorably dug around and outflanked the Confederate forces at Petersburg. The North had so many resources that they could and did simultaneously build the Transcontinental Railroad (Lincoln’s pet project) while fighting the South on all fronts.

    ‘Twas the Industrial Revolution itself that inexorably doomed the plantation society of the South.

  5. The failure of negro colonization is simple proof that negros, even under slavery, were not an oppressed race. If every day had been one of fear and misery blacks’ numbers would not have increased and they would have fled given the first opportunity. The same goes for Jews in Medieval Europe. While taking Medieval history courses in college the prof covered the sufferings of God’s favorites, but failed to explain why they didn’t pull up stakes and leave. The glorius Islamic Caliphate was alleged to have been much more welcoming to the Jews, yet they hung around the ‘oppresive, anti-Semetic’ goys in the Christian West. I do recall at one point that the proffessor let it slip that Jews in the German principalities did not pay taxes and were exempt from military service! Their suffering must have been terrible.

  6. I hope the damn yankees didn’t rip up any Payseur-Lancaster tracks. That would be awful. Just the last straw, I tell ‘ya. The absolute last straw. Yes sirre bob.

  7. The same goes for Jews in Medieval Europe. …. I do recall at one point that the proffessor let it slip that Jews in the German principalities did not pay taxes and were exempt from military service! Their suffering must have been terrible.

    The European royalty favored Jews because they were used as tax collectors and administrators and were better at it than the locals – probably because they didn’t care about the locals, and this is a good quality to have for a tax collector. Also, many where doctors.

  8. The Jewish population in England before the Edward Expulsion were the King’s Private Property. This sounds demeaning at first. However, if an Englishman from that era laid a finger on one of them he’d be hanged. They were as it turns out a protected class. Tax collectors, bankers, jewellers, ambassadors, quacks, etc etc.

    Oppressed my arse.

  9. “Hallowed is the place where memories of heroes live”

    [ The inscription on the WW1 memorial in the town of Pelham, NY.]

  10. Ohio gave us sherman and grant. How strong were the copperheads? How many battles did they win? Did they act up and tie down union troops in their home state?

    they didn’t do a damn thing that mattered and yet we are supposed to credit them with righteousness

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