Romney’s Welfare Ad


So, Romney finally grows some balls and calls Obama out on gutting welfare reform, and liberals are crying foul here and here. Imagine what would happen if he called them out on their unpopular positions on immigration and gay marriage.

Note: It occurs to me that it is possible that Romney might be sitting on the social issues, waiting to see how the economy goes, holding the social issues back for now in case he needs to play those cards later, but it more likely he is just surrounded by clueless advisers.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. On the other hand, maybe he’s just playing to the “who gives a crap about the moral issues” crowd. One can’t say this isn’t a growing meme in America. What percentage could care less about the moral issues anymore?

    Furthermore, if he brings up the moral issues he is opening himself up to talk about his own moral issues as a Mormon, which he absolutely will not do. Part of being in the cult is that you can’t talk about the cult.

    But it might be smart in the end. There is something somewhat appealing about it. Just getting someone in there who will clean up the financial issues a bit. If you’re willing to sell your soul, that is.

  2. I can see him sticking with this “it’s the economy, stupid” message right up to the end … and then when he realizes he isn’t getting past 55 percent with the White vote, he might start playing the social issues as a last resort, but it will be too little, too late.

  3. Spineless slugs are not very bad. I remember, when USSR collapsed, one of the main reason was, that so called “career communists” smelled the rising opposition and in fear to become losers and scapegoats betrayed their masters in most critical time.

    One good thing in moral decadency is that good people are avoiding politics and don,t want be part of cultural marxist BS, so goverment employees and public organisations are filled with people who don,t have any moral principles at all and those people are ready to betray anybody anytime and find new master, who,s ass need licking. So the big changes can come very soon. In USSR rat race started within days.

  4. I had the same inclination today. Romney is playing it cool, too cool. I think he’s trying to rattle the Obama campaign. They’ve already gone spraying off at the hip a few times. Don’t fire till you see their whites.

    Romney might be playing Predator with them. Let them waste their ammo on trees.

    But then again, I too may be engaging in wishful thinking.

  5. ZOG is registering the White Awakening.

    The J- msm will try to spin this as a Southern ‘white supremacism’. But it is a White Awakening. The Southland is the only demographic capable of leading it in terms of faith and heritage and solidarity.

    The question is: Who will the Jews install as the next POTUS and why?

    I think Romney. Strategically Obama – the Manchurian candidate posing as a Manchurian candidate – will just increase the speed at which Whites awaken and organize on the ground. Romney will buy ZOG some time as they finalize the totalitarian police state. They are not so secure in this project as we think and the White Awakening is getting close to the 100th Monkey. For ZOG, this poses a problem.

    Therefore, I think Romney is better for the Jews than Obama as the goyim window dressing for ZOG.

    “Romney’s financial backers are a [who’s who of the R-ZOG] establishment and his foreign policy advisors are culled from some of the pro-Israel community’s best and brightest.”

    When they have the Police State on the ground and the drones in the air and the White population under total surveillance, they won’t need BRA. I think that was just a transitional phase of demoralization and chaos.

    The Black undertow, chaos and mayhem was the smokescreen while they got their police state organized and ready to rock. Once their power is secure, they will have no need of BRA.

  6. I think you are right on the mark, Lynda. Their boy is rattling too many cages.
    Time for the old switcheroo. YKW will be counting sheep come November.

    It’s sleepy time again. Nite, nite, boys and girls.
    Our long national nightmare is over. (Schmucks.)

    Deo Vindice

  7. In the end, the Immaculate Heart of Mary will triumph to the glory of Christ the King, Apuleius. You know it and I know it. A Southland will be restored omnia instaurare in Christo and not according to any Masonic revolution and republic.

  8. It’s all a sham anyway. Quibbling over how best to implement a detail of anti-White BRA isn’t going to end anti-White BRA.

    Some good points Juri. I have no doubt that much of the government apparatuses are morally rotten to the core and you point out how this can work to our advantage.

    Lynda and Apuleius, interesting take but how is “YKW” going to pull it off with such a weak sister stooge like Romney? Massive election fraud? I thought that was the Dumbocrat’s specialty but will the Dumbo’s sit still for it in reverse? Or, are all kinds of sordid details about Hussein’s life going to start to surface? Will the “birthers” and others be vindicated?

  9. Ain’t Romney’s job to lead on social issues, but that is typical of us, waiting for superman, trained and obedient good Amuuricans.

    What is happening is that Holder and his thugs are telling the informants and provacatuers in the skinhead movement to start shaking the trees of the less stable. Obama needs his OKC movement.

    I’m sure someone has linked to “NBC Latino” running an article about detention camps for “white nationalists” which yes, included Southerners.

  10. RRS, isn’t there a chance this strategy could backfire? Did you see the New Mexico Tea Party’s chain e-mail letter? You can check it out on a TPC blog posted today. Very encouraging unless, of course, the Groveling Apology is coming.

    I like to think this same mentality is getting through elsewhere, probably in large part due to all the good work you BUGSters are doing.

  11. ‘One good thing in moral decadency is that good people are avoiding politics and don,t want be part of cultural marxist BS, so goverment employees and public organisations are filled with people who don,t have any moral principles at all and those people are ready to betray anybody anytime and find new master, who,s ass need licking. So the big changes can come very soon.’


    Am government sector employee that is sick and tired of all the ‘Diversity’ non-sense.

    I have three Union Shop-Stewards, two of them are Good White Men who just want to represent their co-workers. The third one is a Black Radical always pushing some far-left political agenda and saying we need to vote for that Black Man Obama. Yuck.

    Will be more then happy to betray that guy when the collapse comes (even Pat Buchanan thinks it is going to happen, read ‘Suicide of a Super-power)

  12. really detention camps for WN? LOL i kinda knew wade-m-page was a “black hundreds” type, mainly because it was such a pointless and idiotic act. also all those swastika and jackboots types/ just like the white hood types are almost to the man FBI black hundreds agents. maybe oneday in the camp i can meet lazar kaganovich’s lesbian/ transexual neice.

  13. Landshark said in part: “Furthermore, if he brings up the moral issues he is opening himself up to talk about his own moral issues as a Mormon, which he absolutely will not do. Part of being in the cult is that you can’t talk about the cult.”

    If the behavior of his father is any measure (George Romney was also an LDS Bishop for a time), morality is one of the prisms through which LDS members view & discuss the world. George was in fact a state leader of Moral Rearmament while he was president of American Motors and before he became one of the three presidents of the Constitutional Convention in Michigan…which launched him into the governor’s office in Michigan.

    Almost all of George’s public remarks included, or were framed by, morals & ethics. In fact, he characterized his decision to run for governor, create a state income tax, and run for president precisely in moral language. It was kind of irritating.

  14. @more of the same

    “DHS and US Military are making final preparations” before lockdown

    From a strategic point of view ZOG considers the White demographic as the weak link in its plans. It is v possible they consider that a Romney POTUS would be better for the Jews in the rollout of the police state. Big dogging the Whites with BRA was only transitional, prepatory phase.

    There is no separation between Synagogue and State in the US. Whether the Appartus of the police state is The Party or the state itself, the MO is ownership by a Jewish financial cartel. The police state is simply its rule and power projection.

    This is the only political model there ever has been for goyim populations owned by Jewry. They have had Britain since the War of the Succession, they have had Europe and its former colonies since the Masonic revolutions inaugurated 1789, America was founded as a Masonic republic and they finally got America sewn up with the Federal Reserve Act 1913 and two world wars for Zion, they have had Russia since their Bolshevik revolution 1917.

    As saddening and chastening as are these thoughts, it is easy to lose sight of the core truth.

    It is the Lord Jesus Christ, Saviour and King who reigns over nations. They have been given the grace of world and time to decide the question of “will you have the Son of Man to reign?” Will nations come into the Order / Church of the Kingdom of God and accept Apostolic law as the basis of the society?

    Answer from the apostate, revolutionized West is clearly: no.

    And under the non-separation between Synagogue and state arrangement which currently prevails in America – all four sins that, according to the Bible, cry to heaven for vengeance have been legislated and institutionalized with the sin of Sodom now undergoing official recognition and institutionalisation.

    Doesn’t look good, does it? Rather than contemplate what must inevitably follow from the rule of the Synagogue, it would be better to consider the ashen ruins of the Cities of the Plains that remain to this day by the Dead Sea. The ashen pulverized ziggarauts with what are clearly walls atop of them are clearly visible. Here is the sign and testament to nations that institutionalize the sins that cry to heaven for vengeance.

    In 1917, the Signum Magnum was given to the Church and to the world. This is recorded in the Bible as:

    “Then God’s temple in heaven was opened and the Ark of His Covenant was seen within His temple and there were flashes of lightening, voices, peals of thunder, an earthquake and heavy hail. And the great sign appeared in heaven, a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and on her head a crown of twelve stars..”
    Apocolypse 11:19 – 12:1.

    The appearance of the Ark of the Covenant in the heaven, the Woman clothed with the sun, did appear at Fatima in 1917 to the crowd of many 10s of thousands of people who did objectively witness the “clothing of the sun” . Only the visionaries saw the Blessed Virgin, but the event of the sun was witnessed by everyone and reported in the secular press.

    At Fatima the Blessed Virgin told the shepherd children who were charged with speaking to the Church and to the world that if men did not stop offending God with their sins, in the next generation, there would be another and worse war than the one that was ending. She told them that God is going to punish the world for sins with famine, war, persecution of the Church and that the Holy Father would have much to suffer. To prevent this, she asked for the consecration of Russia to her Immaculate Heart by the pope and all the bishops because “Russia will be the instrument to chastise the entire world for sins” as Sr Lucia was to later explain. This is not done. She asked for penance and communions of reparation. She asked people to amend their lives.

    What is done is that under ostpolitik, anti-pope Roncalli did a deal with the perfidious Russian Orthodox and their KGB clergy not to condemn Communism at the Vatican II Council. This in exchange for the presence of the KGB in RO clerical garb at the Council. And they were all there greeting their fellow worshipful brothers in RC clerical garb at the four points of the compass, smirking, winking with the eye and nudging with the toe.

    As a result of that Council and the anti-papacy, there are very few altars that remain to the Church due to the persecution of which Our Lady spoke. So how many communions of reparation can now be made? In the time of the Great Apostasy (II Thess 2:3) as it now rolls through the post conciliar church which occupies the Roman Catholic structures worldwide and all the churches of the World Council of Churches – how much reparation is being done?

    Short answer: not much.

    Therefore the Three Days of Darkness of which Padre Pio, the stigmatized priest of the twentieth century, announced to the world soon will come. Google it: Three Days of Darkness + letter of Padre Pio.

    These Three Days are clearly described in the Bible and in the cannonized Roman rite of the Church (now suppressed) – especially in the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross.

    Europe with its revolutionary history of regicide of Christian monarchs annointed by the Church to reign over Christian nations clearly wants Masonic liberty (do your own thing) , fraternity (such as it is) and equality (multiculturalism). The Masonic republic of America was founded by the Whigs of the English Civil War upon these very premises. Therefore, the Synagogue will rule – as it does.

    This is never a state of affairs that the reigning Christ will tolerate and when the Godless state has committed the full measure of sins – then – Divine judgement.

    This is what should concern you.

  15. I couldn’t care less about gay marriage or abortion. The only thing there is to care about in America these days is blacks and mexicans mooching off welfare and getting affirmative action, draining our economy while racially destroying us.

  16. @ peppermint

    You do not seem able to make the connection between a population that is aborting and contracepting itself into decline and the predations of hostile populations that are increasing their numbers.

    Have a look at the American abortion statistics esp at the high point around 1990 – that was 22 years ago. These people would today have reached their majority. The loss to the White population of the White generation in those statistics can not be calculated in $ and cents.

    You have lost “a brace of kinsmen”.

    Faggot ‘marriage’ is just another assualt on a population going into a death spiral.

  17. “If the behavior of his father is any measure (George Romney was also an LDS Bishop for a time), morality is one of the prisms through which LDS members view & discuss the world.”

    That may be true, but if it is then I guess Mormon morality sounds like typical mainstream political boilerplate. Nothing Romney has said has inspired me to be a better person, to think about the larger issues, or take a stand of any kind — things Pat Buchanan can do in a 30 second interview.

    As well it doesn’t appear that Romney is moving Mormons in any mass show of solidarity, either. This speaks more for Mormons than for Romney. The guy is clueless. To be in the middle of the storm in a time such as this and be incapable of striking a note of any gravity whatsoever is to me the height of immorality.

    I do like the guy as a person, but he’s disappointing as a candidate. I have a feeling that as with all the other wisdom of our forbears we cast aside that now returns to haunt us, very quickly into the Romney presidency we’re going to wish we built a fence around Salt Lake 150 years ago and kept these nutters inside.

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