About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Will finish movie later.

    Linked was this:
    “….The Jew rules through the Yankee – the inverted Puritan – in the name of the negro. It is a weird system. The Cavalier and everything he stands for is at the absolute bottom of the BRA system….”

    Old post, and that’s a good way of putting it, and yet not quite right.

    Leaving out the Latinization and Catholic question Post WWII makes any analysis weak, imo.

    Both catholics and jews wished to displace wasps (and simply the power to beat, and that definitely means southerners) post WWII. They forged obviously alliance. The jews would get Israel (especially solidified after the 1967 war) and the catholics (the catholic brass that has recognized it’s only followers will be brown in the future, and have committed to a brown church by 2050, leaving american white catholics out in the cold) get the u.s., which they have—

    Buchanan, in his last book, says “the church, despite its growing power in the u.s., has not helped catholics.” But nothing could be further from the truth. Wasps are wiped out (north and south) and the country is (through 3 generations of hardcore activity) nearly majority catholic.

    What Buchanan REALLY meant and could not say: is WHITE catholics have not been helped, and especially the working class who will not be in the upper echelons of power.

    Counter to what you say, HW, a strong group sees very much the hierarchical way, the “need to know basis” attitude toward peasantry (us), the lineage by birth, etc. The top brass of the supreme court is this—

    “BRA” is sort of like the new Overseers for the peasants. (And if you look, it’s nearly just as brown as black.) So, there’s an aspect of LRA (Latino run— Consider endless figures like Sotomyayor, Rick Sanchez, Geraldo, whatever)

    In a way— it’s possible to say: it simply appears non-aristocratic because you, yourself, are positioned as the peasant with a new overseer.

    Rome is satisfied with this. But the jews broke the unspoken contract by struggling for power IN BOTH Israel and America.

    That’s the jewish-catholic fight that is apparent on t.v.

    That war has been fought with Jews using Blacks (who they are slowly dropping) and the Catholics using the browns—-

    The wasps (north or south) are not controlling either the black nor brown “proxy” fighter populations—

    Idk—just another way of configuring it.

  2. —Oh

    In reality, while American protestants change religions at high rate, they DO SO ONLY among themselves, like 99%. In other words, the Northern Euros are sticking together. The churches were pushed to not teach anyway, so they people use the structure to revert to a sort of Implicit North Euro club, lol.

    Catholics are in another situation. WHITE catholics are the largest lost, and they are going outside catholicism. Overall, however, the u.s. is nearly majority catholic in 40 years—- and this is ONLY due to brown open border policy.

    Imo, if the South American brown folks were protestant, NONE OF THIS would be happening. (Also the radical rise in catholicism among Africans is at play and they have also helped this change in religious demographic).

    WHITE catholics (especially the working class, who are very decent people) are caught in the most trouble, in a sense. The more cerebral-academic types will more easily just go Orthodox. How long can they stay loyal to leadership that embraces “the non-white america by 2050” and this means they will be in a catholic nation (nearly already), but it will be like Little Cuba or all Asian.

    They really must chose: race or religion. And what on earth kind of Spiritual Leader would demand such a choice of his people? The self-abnegation of such a deep thing that God made them.

    Rather ugly.

  3. Currently, the “New South” is slated for those issues.

    The old Anglo-Scots alliance is visible in all the Southern protestant churches, imo. The Baptist are full-up with Anglo-celt faces who would turn around and go Lutheran or anything else if the preacher gets too Agenda 21.

  4. Truly sorry to go on, but trying to think about it, from observation—

    The Old South and New South are not in the old Puritan-Yankee question at all, perhaps, but the Old south, in the question of the anglo-scot dispossession, and the ‘new WHITE south’ the dispossession by rome, as well as the industrialists who ruled them after the War Between States, in the factories.

    Where they come together is over dispossession, generally. Of transplants, the Northeast working class will, ultimately, be an assimilable population. And they will become more Southern, not the other way around, (even when they overwhelm areas in numbers). Simply b/c the southerners are positioned to have a broader and thus more correct view

    Places s/a immediate Raleigh-Durham may be an exception— due to the import of corporatist-militarism (like what they call “Research Triangle Park” –big city transplant corporate— coupled with all the military bases. So it’s a fascist tone there, same with parts of virginia. Both also have influx of DC left politicos also—

    Where Southern thinking goes wrong—– is in always FRAMING things in their own conception (like w/ the old yankees). But many of these current populations just come from something else, entirely. I.e., how de-industrialization hit working class northeast, which is strongly catholic, simultaneously with the pope reveling in projecting the brown world of the u.s. future.

    Meantime REAL Puritan yankees have shown much bonding with the Northern European southerners. They don’t think alike, but they are northern european, and in a place like Chicago (ny, L.A., south florida, etc.)—- they really do find each other, lol.

    Mess of the U.S.—- has started to make Puritans look GOOD.

  5. My neighbor here in Northern California is descended from Massachusetts puritan/pilgrim founding stock [100%] . She’s a real pain-in-the-ass.

    She doesn’t like my English perennial garden for some reason.

    She would stick her head over the fence and tell me what to do in my garden. What she liked, what she didn’t like. I should move this plant over there. I should move my water fountain closer to the rose bushes. I should plant this. I should dig that up and get rid of it. I should do this, do that.

    I was always a gentlemen with her. Always did my best. After a few years of this, I finally had enough. I told her to ” get lost and go f*ck herself “. She leaves me alone now.

    Now she she bothers the young couple on the other side of her property. She doesn’t like the little water fountain they have in their backyard. They are to remove it, as per puritan girl. The young couple are trying to be patient with her. See how long that lasts.

    She detests Christmas lights and Christmas trees. It’s some kind of sin to put up a Christmas tree and put up some Christmas lights up.

    Total pain-in-the-ass.

  6. the puritans had that whole hebraic “chosen ones” thing, that is the mantle of modern “yankeeism”/ “libtardism”. uncle johns cabin is a holier than thou text, so is harpers ferry. they all reek of self-righteousness. jackson gave all whitemen suffrage though. i’ve been wondering since that is proto-NSDP sort of stuff, not really noble “traditionalist” type stuff. i agree with the concept, excpet in the instance of today, back then (before Tee vee) people had their OWN opinions. mass media as a major political weapon occurred post jackson (in the US). so by white nationalist logic jackson is a kike.

  7. The Cavaliers were all high church Anglicans and Catholic Recusants.

    I will be forever grateful to those Southern Baptist ladies who read the KJV Bible to us young’uns before school every morning. Most of my knowledge of the Old Testament is due to those teachers. Later during the school day they taught us to sing Kumbaya.

    But of course, I am only a slimy Papist and should probably just commit suicide and go straight to hell where I belong. Non-nordic Europeans are the worst, don’t you think?

    Thanks for giving me the inside dope on the Catholic church, Dixiegirl. Do you attend mass regularly? Maybe you should save the world and have some more perfect Baptist babies like the Duggars. Or is the prospect of a large family too Catholic for you? It could get in the way of your career, you know.

    Do be quick, before the rest of those swarming brown Catholics finish you off.

    Deo Vindice

  8. OT
    Hunter, how does one get approved for the forum? I registered but I’m stuck in limbo.

    I have a lengthy article I’d like to post about one of our semi-Southern cities which I think you will find amusing. It’s too big for the blog. At least, that’s what she said…

    I promise not to reveal the secret handshake or anything like that.

    Deo Vindice

  9. Here’s to all the long-haired hippy Cavaliers, drinking, smoking the evil tobacco, dancing, cavorting, and celebrating Christmas with all their evil Royalist ways.

    Regicide Puritans are just no fun.
    The Puritans in Massachusetts outlawed Christmas in 1659. Looks like they are up to it again these days in their concern for childhood obesity and sensitivity to the nonwhite victims of evil Christians everywhere.

    Of course there are no WASP descendents of “our Pilgrim forefathers” left on the planet if you don’t count Bushes, Romneys, Dunham half-castes like Obama, and suchlike.

    When did all the evil brown Catholics exterminate them? I must have been asleep that day in history class. Calvin Coolidge would be mortified, I am sure.

    Deo Vindice

  10. A lot of the South American brown folks are Protestant now. They particularly like sects like the very anti-Catholic Jehovah’s Witnesses. You really should get out more.

    Deo Vindice

  11. Here’s another Italian friend on Twitter this afternoon:

    “Only greaseballs will fight for America. We’re too stupid to be converted by abstractions like post-structualism.”

    “WASPs need complicated explanations to defend self interest. We dagos are more like hey, those guys talk funny!”

  12. “The Cavaliers were all high church Anglicans and Catholic Recusants.”

    Except of course that isn’t true.

    I’d like to tell you about a Caviler named Sir Edmund Verney. He was actually part of the Kings inner circle. He accompanied King Charles to Spain when Charles was trying to win the hand of the Spanish Princess Maria Anna. Long story short Maria didn’t want to marry Charles because he was a Protestant, which makes her evil I guess, oh wait no that is ok, it’s only when Protestants draw a distinction that it’s evil.

    Anyway while they were there one fellow who was part of the King’s entourage named Washington was dying and a Catholic priest was trying to convert him. Well at that point Sir Edmund punched the Priest in the face for trying to convert this dying boy which royally pissed the Spanish off at the time.

    Sir Edmund was also opposed to the policies of the High Churchman Archbishop Laud. So why were Verney and many others like him with the King? For one very simple reason. HE WAS THE KING. It was attachment to the institution of Monarchy and the person of the King himself.

    According to another more High Church Royalist Edward Hyde Sir Edmund told him about two months for the Battle of Edge hill,

    “For my part I do not like the quarrel, and do heartily wish that the king would yield and consent to what they desire; so that my conscience is only concerned in honour and in gratitude to follow my master. I have eaten his bread, and served him near thirty years, and will not do so base a thing as to forsake him ; and choose rather to lose my life (which I am sure I shall do), to preserve and defend those things which are against my conscience; for I will deal freely with you, I have no reverence for the bishops for whom this quarrel subsists.”

    Thomas Keightley in his History of England from 1839 goes on to say,

    “That these sentiments were shared by many honourable men, is clear from the earl of Sunderland’s letter in the Sidney Papers (ii. 667), and the Diary of sir Henry Slingsby. Nothing can be more unjust than to represent, as is so commonly done, the whole body of the royalists as a godless, profane, dissolute crew.”

    Sir Edmund was the standard bearer for the Royal Army at the battle of Edgehill where he was killed in the service of his King.




    So not all Cavaliers were High Churchman and most High Churchman were certainly not crypto-Catholics who wanted a return of Roman Catholicism to England. It’s easy to see that from the behavior of the former Cavaliers of England after James II went full tilt open Roman Catholic.

    Deo Vindice

  13. Another not so civil war. Whites slaughtering Whites.

    I am not all that familiar with Latin. Unlike some folks here who wax eloquently on every subject, knowing everything about everything. I have to use Google from time to time.

    Anyway, Apuleis always includes the words -Deo Vindice- in his posts. I had a general idea of the meaning but desired a fuller explanation. Surfing the net I came across this bit of information.

    “Deo vindice” is Latin for “God will defend us” or “God is our vindicator”. It was the motto of the slaveholding Confederate States of America, and was engraved on their official seal. The CSA firmly believed that the Christian God was on their side in the American Civil War, and made repeated proclamations to that effect. The Confederate senator Thomas Semmes, in proposing this motto, took pains to stress that the CSA had “deviated in the most emphatic manner from the spirit that presided over the construction of the Constitution of the United States, which is silent on the subject of the Deity”, and he clearly expected this invocation to bring his side victory.”

    Oh, now I get it.

    I would hope you Southrons ditch that motto if you want better results than the last time. Sure as hell didn’t work. Well, 150 years later God still hasn’t shown up? Why does He tarry? A lot of sanctified prayers were uttered. Could it be God is not fluent in Latin? Does he wear a blue cap?

    I think not.

    Just got a great idea! Why don’t you fellows convince the Yankees to adopt that motto? Who knows? It may do for them what it did for you.

    The problem with mankind is we always fashion god or gods after our image and likeness. We presume to know the will of the Creator and believe He is as petty, vindictive and monstrous as we are.

    In case you are wondering, I am not a pacifist. I make decisions based on what I believe to be proper. However, NEVER would I be bold enough to claim I am speaking for God, or am His mouthpiece, or that He endorses my actions.

  14. Why is my comment still waiting moderation when it is 100% about the English Civil War and a response other comments that have been allowed about the Civil War?

    Is because it is obviously correct?

  15. “Here’s to all the long-haired hippy Cavaliers, drinking, smoking the evil tobacco, dancing, cavorting, and celebrating Christmas with all their evil Royalist ways.

    Regicide Puritans are just no fun.”

    Hear! Hear! Spoken like a true Jacobite, Apuleius. 🙂

  16. I’ll just help ya out since you seem to be busy. 🙂

    “The Cavaliers were all high church Anglicans and Catholic Recusants.”

    Except of course that isn’t true.

    I’d like to tell you about a Caviler named Sir Edmund Verney. He was actually part of the Kings inner circle. He accompanied King Charles to Spain when Charles was trying to win the hand of the Spanish Princess Maria Anna. Long story short Maria didn’t want to marry Charles because he was a Protestant, which makes her evil I guess, oh wait no that is ok, it’s only when Protestants draw a distinction that it’s evil.

    Anyway while they were there one fellow who was part of the King’s entourage named Washington was dying and a Catholic priest was trying to convert him. Well at that point Sir Edmund punched the Priest in the face for trying to convert this dying boy which royally pissed the Spanish off at the time.

    Sir Edmund was also opposed to the policies of the High Churchman Archbishop Laud. So why were Verney and many others like him with the King? For one very simple reason. HE WAS THE KING. It was attachment to the institution of Monarchy and the person of the King himself.

  17. According to another more High Church Royalist Edward Hyde Sir Edmund told him about two months for the Battle of Edge hill,

    “For my part I do not like the quarrel, and do heartily wish that the king would yield and consent to what they desire; so that my conscience is only concerned in honour and in gratitude to follow my master. I have eaten his bread, and served him near thirty years, and will not do so base a thing as to forsake him ; and choose rather to lose my life (which I am sure I shall do), to preserve and defend those things which are against my conscience; for I will deal freely with you, I have no reverence for the bishops for whom this quarrel subsists.”

    Thomas Keightley in his History of England from 1839 goes on to say,

    “That these sentiments were shared by many honourable men, is clear from the earl of Sunderland’s letter in the Sidney Papers (ii. 667), and the Diary of sir Henry Slingsby. Nothing can be more unjust than to represent, as is so commonly done, the whole body of the royalists as a godless, profane, dissolute crew.”

    Sir Edmund was the standard bearer for the Royal Army at the battle of Edgehill where he was killed in the service of his King.

  18. So not all Cavaliers were High Churchman and most High Churchman were certainly not crypto-Catholics who wanted a return of Roman Catholicism to England. It’s easy to see that from the behavior of the former Cavaliers of England after James II went full tilt open Roman Catholic.

    Deo Vindice

  19. Deo Vindice — God vindicates. So it’s not for you to “trample out the vintage” all high and mighty. We receive our punishment from God, not self-righteous, self-appointed Yankees. Yankees are not God.

    It will really blow your mind to know that our country actually had official days of fasting and prayer during the war. How scandalous in these days of the “separation of church and state,” huh?

    Ever heard of the Corwin Amendment? What was that all about?
    What would you do if another part of the country (New England) supplied arms and money to a lunatic like John Brown to incite and equip blacks to murder you and your family?

    Know what happened in Haiti in 1804? Haiti was 56 years old at the time.
    How long ago was WW2? Is it still in living memory? What does white genocide look like to you?

    The four states of the upper South did not secede until Lincoln called for 75,000 troops against the original 7 deep South states. There was no cotton economy in these four, it was mostly tobacco, hogs, and corn. The land wouldn’t support many plantations. Most Southerners there were not slaveholders in these states. They simply refused to wage war against their fellow whites only to see the negro elevated above them.

    They knew the Black Republicans would degrade them to beneath negroes. It happened after the war during Reconstruction, and again after the Civil Right Movement with its affirmative action and other anti-white programs. Given the state of BRA today, would you say they were wrong. They saw it coming. I’d say they have been more than vindicated. BRA is the Yankee legacy to all white Americans.

    Who’s side are you on? Black or white? Don’t complain too much about the current state of affairs in America. Your people got what they wanted.

    Why is that ONLY Haiti and the US required bloodshed to end slavery. Ever hear of compensated emancipation? You just here to dump on whites yourself? I’m really curious. Maybe mommy professor didn’t give you all the answers.

    Deo Vindice

  20. “So not all Cavaliers were High Churchman and most High Churchman were certainly not crypto-Catholics who wanted a return of Roman Catholicism to England. It’s easy to see that from the behavior of the former Cavaliers of England after James II went full tilt open Roman Catholic.”

    And yet even in the ’45 there was residual sympathy among Tories for The Cause. Samuel Johnson himself was reputed to have secretly mustered with the Jacobite forces.

  21. You people whine about all the white people who will be killed if Obama is elected.

    I guess you know how Southerners felt about Lincoln, who wasn’t even on the ballot in any Southern state. How would you feel if Wisconsin votes were completely nullified this election?

    The upper South all voted for Bell and the Constitutional Union Party.
    The deep South voted for Southern Democrat Bell.
    The South was never politically monolithic. Neither was the North.

    What if I paid money and bought guns for the new Black Panther Party to kill you in Wisconsin? How would you feel? Let me know, I got some spare cash laying around here somewhere.

    Deo Vindice

  22. Doesn’t matter how to say “Union and Liberty” in Latin. The Southerners rejected that Motto a long time ago. The Southerners wanted Slavery and War.

    @Apuleius How do you Slavery and Civil War in Latin?

  23. I’ve always loved the Virginia state motto: Sic Semper Tyrannis (Thus Ever to Tyrants).

    What makes it even better is that’s what Booth exclaimed to the crowd after he killed the evil Yankee tyrant. Actors are such hams.

    Deo Vindice

  24. Don’t be smoking that evil weed, Rudel. The Yankee Roundheads will get you for sure. We have to keep our gubmint “protectors” employed. They are only saving us from ourselves.

    Deo Vindice

  25. Apuleius says:
    “We receive our punishment from God, not self-righteous, self-appointed Yankees. Yankees are not God.”

    Well, he sure punished your ass in spades then, didn’t he? It was not me. If the Yankees kicked your tail it was because God ordained it according to your beliefs. Not mine. Don’t get angry with Yankees if they were pawns of the Almighty!

    Take it up with your God , your protector who did not protect! Your vindicator who does not vindicate! The helper of your cause who does not help! The Merciful one who showed you no mercy.

    Why not??? Tell me! Why not?? Surely, you have God’s ear. Ask Him! What does your vindicator say?

    You should call for more fasting and prayer. Light more candles, sprinkle more holy water. Must be something you can do to get His attention. In another 150 years He might hear you.

    What went wrong? Where is your God?

    That last notion I would convey is that I am self appointed, self righteous or that I am or that Yankees are God.

    I’ve written enough posts to make clear where I stand.

    You just too dense to understand, being so full of hatred and venom of all things not Dixie.

    Apuleius says: “Don’t complain too much about the current state of affairs in America. Your people got what they wanted.”

    No, that is not what we wanted. Your stupidity is beyond belief. You keep repeating that nonsense like a parrot.

  26. He was whipping on your ass pretty good at the state fair last year, too.

    Everything happens in the fullness of time, my friend. It ain’t over by a long shot, yet.

    Deo Vindice

  27. “The upper South all voted for Bell and the Constitutional Union Party.”

    North Carolina voted for Breckinridge not Bell.

    “Cave quid dicis, quando, et cui”

    I think that is what the priest must have been thinking after Varney punched him. 🙂


    “Dominus mihi adjutor: non timebo”

  28. @Apuleius

    Didn’t you say you are like half-Italian or Sicilian or something? Why are you carrying such a grudge against Yankees when you aren’t even a full-blooded Southerner? Maybe you are half-Yankee?

  29. “Samuel Johnson himself was reputed to have secretly mustered with the Jacobite forces.”

    I don’t recall Samuel Johnson ever being very popular in Virginia nor anywhere else in the Southern or Northern colonies.

  30. If you add the Scots-Irish to the Sicilian you get one vindictive asshole.

    That would be me. I’m just half-assed no matter how you shake it.

    Deo Vindice

  31. Apuleius says:
    “He was whipping on your ass pretty good at the state fair last year, too.
    Everything happens in the fullness of time, my friend. It ain’t over by a long shot, yet.”

    That’s the best you can do? Big ass whuppin’ all right. It’s not like we’ve been decimated and won’t recover for another 150 years. The fair is in full swing as we speak. People are having a great time. No unruly negroes wreaking havoc this year. We remedied the problem. If more arise, we will act again.

    Did He answer you yet? Explain why He went AWOL when your backs were against the wall?

    Enquiring minds want to know.

  32. Thanks for the correction about NC, Anglo-Protestant.

    Getting back to the ECW, not ACW.
    I always thought Marston Moor was where the war was lost, yet Naseby seems to get more press.
    I wish Rupert hadn’t been so impulsive and the Royalists could have kept better control of the horse. Cromwell’s Ironsides were pretty formidable and better disciplined, even though I hate to admit it.
    Montrose was way cooler than the Covenanters, too. Don’t you think?

    If we still wore funny floppy hats, I’d have a white cockade on mine, wouldn’t you?

    Even though these are from the ’45, they’re still some of my favorite Jacobite songs.

    Deo Vindice

  33. From Job 13:15
    Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him.

    Deo Vindice

  34. “I don’t recall Samuel Johnson ever being very popular in Virginia nor anywhere else in the Southern or Northern colonies.”

    We we were talking about the English Civil War not the American Revolution. But as long as you asked, Dr. Johnson’s dictionary was all the rage in the colonies as well as in England.

    From Wiki:

    “The American adoption of the Dictionary was a momentous event not just in its history, but in the history of lexicography. For Americans in the second half of the eighteenth century, Johnson was the seminal authority on language, and the subsequent development of American lexicography was coloured by his fame.”[27] For American lexicographers the Dictionary was impossible to ignore: “America’s two great nineteenth-century lexicographers, Noah Webster and Joseph Emerson Worcester, argued fiercely over Johnson’s legacy … In 1789 [Webster] declared that ‘Great Britain, whose children we are, and whose language we speak, should no longer be our standard; for the taste of her writers is already corrupted, and her language on the decline.'”[28] “Where Webster found fault with Johnson, Joseph Worcester saluted him … In 1846 he completed his Universal and Critical Dictionary of the English Language. He defended Johnson’s work, arguing that ‘from the time of its publication, [it] has been, far more than any other, regarded as the standard for the language’.”[29] Notwithstanding the evolution of lexicography in America, “The Dictionary has also played its part in the law, especially in the United States. Legislators are much occupied with ascertaining ‘first meanings’, with trying to secure the literal sense of their predecessors’ legislation … Often it is a matter of historicizing language: to understand a law, you need to understand what its terminology meant to its original architects … as long as the American Constitution remains intact, Johnson’s Dictionary will have a role to play in American law.”[30]”


  35. “I don’t recall Samuel Johnson ever being very popular in Virginia nor anywhere else in the Southern or Northern colonies.”

    We we were talking about the English Civil War not the American Revolution. But as long as you asked, Dr. Johnson’s dictionary was all the rage in the colonies as well as in England.

    From Wiki:

    “The American adoption of the Dictionary was a momentous event not just in its history, but in the history of lexicography. For Americans in the second half of the eighteenth century, Johnson was the seminal authority on language, and the subsequent development of American lexicography was coloured by his fame.”[27] For American lexicographers the Dictionary was impossible to ignore: “America’s two great nineteenth-century lexicographers, Noah Webster and Joseph Emerson Worcester, argued fiercely over Johnson’s legacy … In 1789 [Webster] declared that ‘Great Britain, whose children we are, and whose language we speak, should no longer be our standard; for the taste of her writers is already corrupted, and her language on the decline.'”[28] “Where Webster found fault with Johnson, Joseph Worcester saluted him … In 1846 he completed his Universal and Critical Dictionary of the English Language. He defended Johnson’s work, arguing that ‘from the time of its publication, [it] has been, far more than any other, regarded as the standard for the language’.”[29] Notwithstanding the evolution of lexicography in America, “The Dictionary has also played its part in the law, especially in the United States. Legislators are much occupied with ascertaining ‘first meanings’, with trying to secure the literal sense of their predecessors’ legislation … Often it is a matter of historicizing language: to understand a law, you need to understand what its terminology meant to its original architects … as long as the American Constitution remains intact, Johnson’s Dictionary will have a role to play in American law.”[30]”


  36. Hunter- Please note I am commenting before reading all the comments above, so that I can keep the focus of my thoughts clear, in commenting myself on the articles you linked.

    As a catholic Christian, and a Western Rite adherent, I am ipso facto in favor of chivalric ideals, threefold ministry (or ‘rule by Bishops- and learned ones, at that!) aristocracy, monarchy, and a stratified society.

    But, God forbid, I am no Norman!

    OTOH, I reverence and revere many of the minds of the Calvinists that came to America, and gave her the charter and vision to erect this ‘city on a hill.’ I have learned greatly from divines from my native Scotland, including the Covenanters, the heirs of the roundheads, as well as from the American Calvinists such as Mather et al.

    And I guess that makes me a Yankee, as much as it does by the fact of my being born’ up north’.

    But I am no roundhead, thereby.

    Reading Lew Rockwell, as well as the excerpt quoted from March’s writings, I note a standard tactic used by EVERYONE (not just Normans or cavaliers!) to ‘diss the Puritans/Pilgrims,’ etc. The presumption of most writers (either North or South, either Transcendentalist or Plantation Anglican) that the people who respected the Sabbath, whose concern for daily sin and corporate righteousness were all pious prigs thereby, does a disservice to both the Roundheads, as well as to the Puritan/Pilgrim forefathers on this side of the pond.

    We are to look to our past to determine that which informs our present, but we must also look to our past with the EYES OF THE PAST, to see that past clearly- and NOT with the myopia of the Modernist, who believes that all things older than the last twenty years, is garbage. Nor can we look at the past through the lenses shaped by the Deicides and Satanists, thinking that those ‘spectacles’ will cure our myopia, but, instead, focus on the wrong things while making them appear to be correct!

    As a Calvinist pastor whose blog I’ve just discovered has noted, a ‘Puritan’ of a former era noted of the incompatibility of Christian PERSONAL faith with an atheistic PUBLIC business sense.

    “It is simply absurd that a man can be thoroughly convinced that God exists and that he is a Moral Governor who will demand an account for all the deeds done in the body-that he can have his heart fully of loyal affection and devotion to God as an individual while engaged in private business, and then be perfectly oblivious of the existence and of the claims of God as soon as he begins to act politically as a citizen of the State. If a man knows that God has forbidden theft, or incest, or divorce except on certain conditions, or the pursuit of worldly business on the weekly Sabbath, he cannot as a citizen do otherwise than make and execute laws in conformity to the known will of God.” – the Rev. A.A. Hodge, quoted in http://ironink.org/2012/07/a-a-hodge-contra-the-christ-less-public-square-of-r2k/

    I truly wonder that we can either approach or give correct credit to our Calvinist or our Royalist forebears, in this day and age, precisely because of the Errors of the Englightenment, which has formed our entire worldview, and skewed it terribly.

    When even a former ‘Calvinist’ can worship at the Shrine of the first ‘Nigger President’ (as my Russian Orthodox friends in St. Petersburg call him), or others who call themselves believers, actually believe that John Piper is ANY sort of a Christian, something within US, (and not the roundheads/cavaliers) is dreadfully wrong.

    I wonder, then, how we can ‘judge righteously,’ on this- or any other blog, of our ancestors, when it is WE who are bereft of the spirit of the living God, that so motivated the Roundheads and Cromwell. How are we able to ‘cure ourselves,’ if we don’t realize that we are ‘sick unto death? especially if the ‘Shepherds of the House of God’ on either side, are so mixed up.

  37. “Explain why He went AWOL when your backs were against the wall?
    Enquiring minds want to know.”

    He never goes AWOL. He is always there. It’s not something we can know with our intellect. We don’t have His mind. His ways are not our ways. We are only responsible for our actions, not their consequences. We have no control over those.

    Shit happens…
    Hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, fires, floods, etc…
    Loss of parents, children, close friends, etc…

    We can’t explain everything. We don’t know.
    The fancy term for it is mysteriium iniquitatis.

    But I don’t think you know any better than I, even if you think you do.
    Stop being a Yankee and thinking you know better than God. You don’t.

    Deo Vindice

  38. You mentioned 1745 so at that point you were talking about neither the English Civil War nor the American Revolution. However by mentioning the American Revolution I point out that that neither the Jacobite cause nor Johnson’s Toryism were popular here in the colonies except maybe with Highlanders and the High Churchmen who were more numerous in the North.

    But you’ve read Cousins’ Wars so you know this. 🙂

    I have no desire to dispute Dr. Johnson’s contributions to lexicography.

  39. “But of course, I am only a slimy Papist and should probably just commit suicide and go straight to hell where I belong. Non-nordic Europeans are the worst, don’t you think?”- Apuleius

    Now I am commenting on the other people’s comments.

    Dixiegirl- SOME ASTOUNDING INSIGHTS. (This is why I come on this forum, to learn) Bravo.

    Apu- She’s trying to help such as you by her comments, if this can only be understood. Neither she (nor I) consider WHITE CATHOLICS to be ‘slimy’- YOU ARE OUR BROTHERS. It is not your faith that we are dissing, it is the FALSE FAITH of the Whore of Babylon! I honestly believe that what I have been through would HELP those who adrift in the increasing Blackness, that is now known as Post-Vatican II ‘Papalism.’ If only you (and Lynda, who seems to be saying almost the exact same things I have been saying for years in her recent comments) would get it.

    I know how difficult it is to break free of years of propaganda. But, if Rome is doing what Dixie, I, Thomas Day, and Buchanan is saying she is doing- giving the shaft to the Whites who built Catholicism in this continent/land)- then, why stay in a chimera of a faith, instead of the TRUE ONE that is synonymous with Christendom? I don’t get it, some times…. but then, it took me over twenty years to figure it out, so perhaps your learning curve is just way back from where I am now…..

    Pax, fratre.

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