About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “A lot of the South American brown folks are Protestant now. They particularly like sects like the very anti-Catholic Jehovah’s Witnesses. You really should get out more.” – Apu

    Oh, Apu, Apu. Could it be because what even THEY thought Rome was, now is no more?
    And also because Christianity was never MEANT to go outside of the higher intellects of White Europe, foolish sub-humans would be even MORE deluded, than unregenerate Whites?

    Who hath bewitched you, to be so strident for a church that doesn’t give a DAMN for WHITES?

  2. My only reply is to state that to a true Jacobite the ’15 and ’45 were still a continuation of the Civil War, the Revolution of 1688, and a repudiation of the 1701 Act of Settlement despite how quixotic they may have been.

  3. Anglo-Protestant, I’ve never read that book, but I am a bit of a history buff.

    I sympathize with the House of Stuart. I believe the Stuarts were the legitimate rulers from Charles I in the ECW to Charles II in the Restoration to his pinhead brother James II at the end of the century to James Edward Stuart (Old Pretender) in the ’15 to the weak Bonnie Prince Charlie (Young Pretender) in the ’45.

    It’s hard to convince me the non-English speaking “wee German lairdie” George I of the House of Hanover had a legitimate claim to the throne in 1715 . He couldn’t even communicate with his subjects. He only spoke German and I don’t think he even tried to learn English. That was a big problem.

    The Jacobites were a spent force by the time of the American Revolution.
    Culloden was in 1745 and that finished the Jacobite cause.

    The Duke of Cumberland slaughtered the Scots and showed little if any mercy after.
    That nasty brute always reminded me of Yankees. You know how I feel about them.

    My ECW comments still await moderation for some reason.

    Deo Vindice

  4. There’s so many preachers here at “OD”, it’s very inspiring. You all have inspired me to become a preacher man too, especially [ + Fr John + ] I want to follow in the footsteps of the Great preacher men of “OD”.

    That’s why I can not take part in this debate. I’m way too busy and way too smart for words, learning how to be a preacher man :


    If link doesn’t work [ + Ask Fr John+] how to start your very own church. He’s knows all about it. He’s a veritable expert at starting one’s own church.

  5. “My only reply is to state that to a true Jacobite the ’15 and ’45 were still a continuation of the Civil War, the Revolution of 1688, and a repudiation of the 1701 Act of Settlement despite how quixotic they may have been.”

    That is correct, Rudel. Quixotic, indeed.

    Deo Vindice

  6. Excuse the typo : ” He knows all about it ” *, [ not he’s]

    I just starting out in my 24/7 Preaching Career, so cut me some slack a little bit if I make a little mistake now and then ; At least for the next few days until I get the hang of it.

    * [ + Fr John + ] : He Knows Everything About Everything.

  7. Fr. John, converting the heathen was a good thing, especially for them. It didn’t have to mean that we merge with them. Last time I checked the tower of Babel got destroyed. Obviously, the modernists and globalists didn’t get the memo.

    Guelfs or Ghibellines? Ghibellines are closer to Orthodoxy, I think. If we drop the Roman filioque, that’s a way around the Great Schism. Anglicanism could have been similar if it did not depend upon Henry’s cupidity. Sure wish that Western Orthodoxy would catch on.

    Deo Vindice

  8. It was Henry VIII who broke the Magna Charta and dissolved the monasteries – looting the property of the Church in England and its estates which supported villages, schools, libaries, hospices.

    The signing of the Magna Charta was a legitimate devopment of government in the English nation and the Church in England. In that document (also signed by the bishops of the Church in England and the pope, the powers of the monarch as a Christian monarch were limited by both Church and Parliamentary self government.


    Together with the Declaration of Arbroath in Scotland it is probably the greatest form of government ever created.

    When Henry VIII tore up the Magna Charta, seized the property of the Church and placed under severe penal law the entire Catholic population of England loyal to Rome, the seat of the Western Patriarchate, it was the Roman Catholics (as we came to be called) lead by the Chancellor of England Sir Thomas More and the Bishop of Rochester St John Fischer who opposed the seizure of monarchical supremacy and defended the liberty of the House of Commons as depicted in the famous painting of Sir Thomas More disputing with King’s man Cardinal Woolsey who apostasized from the faith and supported the royal supremacy.


    Once this type of process is rolling, there is no stopping it. In the English Civil War the Puritan Whigs borrowed Jew money from Amsterdam to fight the monarch for the supremacy. They tore up what remained of the Magna Charta and unleashed a bloodbath on England.

    The settled the debt over England, Scotland and Ireland with another bloodbath and the founding of the Corporation of the City of London 1692 and the Bank of England (owned by the Jews who held the debt). The monarch from that time is an agent of the Crown (the Corporation of the City of London), as is the Parliament.

    The Founding Fathers of America were Masonic whigs. They belonged to the same lodges as were founded in England and Scotland after the English Reformation (bloodbath) of Henry VIII.

  9. He’s got apostolic succession, Joe, whether you care or not.

    Fr. John, He did say woe unto ye, SCRIBES and Pharisees. For a little guy like me, I don’t have the faculty to make the call about these things and I only reluctantly do so. These are hard times for Tradition. We laymen need all the help we can get. It’s tough.

    You wouldn’t know of a good reliable Western Orthodox priest in South Florida, would you? I’d be more than happy to talk to one.

    Deo Vindice

  10. Mine were blessed enough to come into the port of New Orleans. It makes a world of difference as we were able to avoid Yankee indoctrination, thank God.

    Deo Vindice

  11. Okay, I am going to take a step back and observe that this is pretty funny watching Italians, Irish, and Germans refighting the War Between the States. Perhaps we should refight the Second World War?

  12. Apuleius says:
    Sam: “Explain why He went AWOL when your backs were against the wall? Apuleius: “He never goes AWOL. He is always there.”

    Sam: If He is always there yet does nothing in your behalf when divine help is most needed what does it matter? May as well not be there. If we crush our enemies we are quick to proclaim the righteousness of our cause because God lowered the boom on our adversaries. We boast of his intervention and vindication. God is my shield and buckler etc. If we are crushed – we scratch our heads and say, “God’s ways are not our ways.”

    If we assume God is on our sde when we win. Would it be out of the question to assume the same for the other side when they win to be consistent.

    Jimmy goes out drinking. Gets drunk and hits hits someone over the head with a bottle of beer. Poor fellow dies.

    But at the funeral, the Preacher says in reverent tones, “Well, the good Lord took Billy Joe home last night. Must have needed a baritone in the heavenly choir.” “Who can find fault with the Lord? His ways are beyond our understanding.” Bla bla bla.

    Nonsense. Jimmy is responsible. His actions caused consequences. God had nothing to do with it.

    Apuleius: “Shit happens… Hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, fires, floods, etc…”

    Sam: Natural disasters are not the same as wars planned by humans to inflict maximum suffering on their enemies. Atomic bombs dropped on cities are premeditated acts. Shit happens does not apply.

    No we can’t explain everything.

    Apuleius says: But I don’t think you know any better than I, even if you think you do.

    Sam: I don’t claim to know better. I claim you cannot prove a thing about God or what his intentions are.

    Apuleius says: Stop being a Yankee and thinking you know better than God. You don’t.

    Sam: Never said I know better than God.

  13. No problem Apuleius, surprisingly I think Maryland also voted for Breckenridge.
    Your analysis on why the Upper South went out though is spot on.

    I guess a lot of the Upper South was less tied to slavery however I do have ancestors who owned slaves, some of them owned quite a few actually.

    One even had a runaway listed in the 1860 U.S. Census Slave Schedule. ha ha

    The ECW dudes are all cool in their own unique ways friend. To me anyway. 🙂

    You do something important by bringing up Montrose though you remind us how complicated the ECW really was. It went on for a longer period of time than the ACW and there were people like Montrose who switched sides. Some people even switched sides more than once.

    In response to comments others have made I’d like to say I am definitely no preacher. I am a Christian though and take that seriously. I also know that these religious questions were a big part of the history of England and the development of the colonies here on the American continent.

    I’d also like to state that I am no Calvinist. I think some people get that mistaken impression because I end up defending it a lot. I’m not defending it because I am one though, I defend it because I don’t think it caused the downfall of Western Civilization like some assert.

  14. Watching puritans break stained glass, crosses, and exaggerate all sorts of stories and lie their way into power is chilling.

    All “in the name of God” of course. And democracy. The Cavaliers were clearly “on the wrong side of history”.

    Sound familiar?

  15. Anglo-Protestant,
    ECW and the Thirty Years’ War are big interests of mine. When I was stationed in Germany way back when, it amazed me that you could still see the remains of the Swedish defensive positions that were dug in the countryside here and there. Schwedenschanze (Swedish redoubts), I believe. They were listed on all the maps.

    I’m not particularly militant about religion, either, especially in these troubling times. I try to defend Christianity because I think it gets a really bad rap. People only see the bad, never the good.

    Sometimes I lay it on thick about the New England Puritans, but I think if they had remained true to their Calvinist roots, a lot of later mischief could have been avoided, i.e. abolitionism.

    As HW has pointed out, the New England Transcendentalists, who basically secularized Calvinism, were a far greater problem. Once that changed the culture in New England, it became toxic to real Christianity, as it was able to cross denominational lines and distort almost every other religion it touched. Including Judaism, in my opinion.

    That’s what I think we see in the major denominations today and it’s purely a function of secularization, if you ask me. That’s why I always refer to Puritans who lost their religion. It’s probably way more offensive to some than warranted, though. I regret that. I tend to be a bull in a china shop, sometimes.

    You don’t know what’s in your future. Bad things happen to good people through no fault of their own all the time. Just wait until you have to deal with a real tragedy in your life. I’ll bet you change your tune.

    We are not the masters of our own destinies. Know anyone who has ever had to bury their child? It’s crushing. What’s there to prove then? All the theories in the world don’t mean shit. Nihilism like you peddle breeds despair that destroys people.
    No thanks. I don’t want any.

    Opinions are like assholes. Everybody’s got one.

    Deo Vindice

  16. ‘sides a hint of Dutch, maybe a dash of French, I am 100% colonial British. And the French and Dutch were here before the Revolution so I’m all-amurricun.

    Back on topic, had the Nobility spent it’s time preparing for war constantly instead of coming up with novel fashions to wear at court, they would have decimated Cromwell. Think like a Spartan.

    Same goes for the Ancien Regime in France.

  17. There ain’t ever been an offensive war that was worth a shit. No moral crusade ever caused anything other than suffering or death.

    My ideal country is Switzerland. There is an assault rifle in every home. They are prepared to defend themselves, but they don’t make trouble for anyone. They stayed out of both world wars.

    They have four different ethnic groups who have shared the same country peacefully for centuries. They all live in their own areas. What’s their form of government–a Confederation. Like ours was supposed to be.

    We are all over the world making trouble while our own damn country is falling apart.

    That is a crying shame. When America resembles Switzerland, we’ll know we live in a decent country. We don’t right now.

    Deo Vindice

  18. @ Sam

    You make all these statements about God and yet you know nothing about Him. You know nothing about Divine revelation to man created in the Divine Image.

    It is true that the human mind can not comprehend God, that is why there is such a thing as revelation knowledge. Learn the Catechism, may I suggest the short Catechism of Pope St Pius X who wrote the greatest document of the 20th century, Pascendi.

    Then get back to us with your thoughts on what God does and does not do in this aion currently passing away in its sins.

  19. Hunter: Well chosen video selection, showing the descent of the peaceful people who had not studied war into internecine slaughter “proportionately worse than the First World War.”

  20. Apuleius says:
    You don’t know what’s in your future. Bad things happen to good people through no fault of their own all the time. ”

    I know bad things happen to good people. In the last great war good people all over the world were massacred. All of them praying for security, peace, protection and God’s blessings. God’s computer must have crashed. Everyone suffered.

    “Apuleius says: Just wait until you have to deal with a real tragedy in your life. I’ll bet you change your tune.”

    It is precisely for the fact of having suffered tragedies and witnessed so many people in the same boat that I have changed my tune. I don’t sing from the same hymnal.

    “Apuleius says: Know anyone who has ever had to bury their child? It’s crushing. ”

    Sam: Yes, I do. Me and my wife.

    “Apuleius says: All the theories in the world don’t mean shit. Nihilism like you peddle breeds despair that destroys people.”

    Sam: And your beliefs aren’t theories? Can you demonstrate them to be true?

    Nihilism? No, I believe there is a design, an order to this universe. Yes, there is an intelligence behind the appearances. What it is, how it functions, what it’s purposes are and how we relate, I do not know. You can call it God, Consciousness, Light, Love, Infinite Spirit – whatever.

    I believe there is more to our selves than these bodies of flesh and blood. The near death experience, out of body journeys, the witnessing one’s body as a separate lump of clay or a lifeless mannequin is not foreign to me. Can’t prove anything neither am I dogmatic about anything.

    I just think our concept of God is skewed. A vengeful, petty, blood thirsty tyrant condemning people to eteral hell fire and damnation is a figment of our collective imaginations. We revere holy books written by men for their own benefit. God inspired? Says who? Time for a new enlightened paradigm.

  21. “If link doesn’t work [ + Ask Fr John+] how to start your very own church. He’s knows all about it. He’s a veritable expert at starting one’s own church.”

    Joe- sometimes your vulgarity is only outweighed by your blasphemy. Only Christ started the Church. No one else can. I’ve never said I was my own pope, nor even my own Bishop. Why must you lie, continuously?

  22. “the entire Catholic population of England loyal to Rome, the seat of the Western Patriarchate…”

    Nope, Lynda. Sorry. The patriarchate of Rome has been without a Bishop since at the latest, AD 1100.

  23. “A vengeful, petty, blood thirsty tyrant condemning people to eteral hell fire and damnation is a figment of our collective imaginations.”

    That’s definitely a different God than the pathetic one who hangs broken and humiliated by the world that makes me pause and remember that he is conquering death and delivering us at that very moment.

    The damned receive only the justice they are due.

    How can we even judge him for that if we don’t even know who they are?

    What else do the good deserve beside His mercy? What else do they need?

    I pray He judges you with more justice and mercy than you are willing to allow Him.

    I’ve been angry at God before myself. He does not want you to suffer.

    If you do suffer, that is only a sure sign that you may expect His mercy.

    He is not your enemy, but there is one who is. Avoid your enemy. Not Him.

    Deo Vindice

  24. @ ‘Fr’ John

    Your bishop? And who might that be? Someone in the KGB succession that Uncle Joe trotted out to rally the Russian faithful to fight the ‘great patriotic war’? We saw them at the VII Council and together with their brother Communists and Freemasons in the Vatican hierarchy – the whole passel of them make the Holy Angels weep and Saviour men vomit.

    They are the exact same ilk as the Whigs who kissed King Willie’s loof. Only now they are kissing Jew ass.

    The Holy See excommunicated King Henry VIII for manifest, public sins that made him unfit to rule a Christian nation. Prot King Henry was the one who came up with the Oath of Supremacy and divine right of kings nonsense, tore up the Magna Charta in England and unleashed the bloodbath of the Reformation – not the Chair of St Peter in Rome.

    Get your facts straight.

    Here is the review of the memorial cairns to the Clans who fell on the Jacobite battle line at Culloden ’45 defending the Highlands from such ilk as you and your whiggery.

    Here is the true ballad of Loch Lomond – not the sanitized Burns version

  25. Apuleius says:
    “God did not make us in order to damn us. Anyone who says that lies.
    His mercy is infinite.”

    I adjure you to spend time reading the bible. Are you aware of it’s contents? When the God of the bible is angry-look out. The righteous and the wicked. As I said, I believe in an Almighty, but not this dude.

    Plenty of Condemnation and and judgement. Mercy?

    Ezekiel 21:3-4 And say to the land of Israel, Thus saith the Lord; Behold, I am against thee, and will draw forth my sword out of his sheath, and will cut off from thee the righteous and the wicked. Seeing then that I will cut off from thee the righteous and the wicked, therefore shall my sword go forth out of his sheath against all flesh from the south to the north:
    1SA 15:3, 7-8 “This is what the Lord says: Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have; do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, INFANT and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass ….’ And Saul … utterly destroyed all the people with the edge of the sword.”
    (suckling is a BABY at mother’s breast)
    DT 20:13-14 “When the Lord delivers it into your hand, put to the sword all the males …. As for the women, the children, the livestock and everything else in the city, you may take these as plunder for yourselves.”
    Ezekiel 21:3-4 3 And say to the land of Israel, Thus saith the Lord; Behold, I am against thee, and will draw forth my sword out of his sheath, and will cut off from thee the righteous and the wicked.
    4 Seeing then that I will cut off from thee the righteous and the wicked, therefore shall my sword go forth out of his sheath against all flesh from the south to the north:

    Here is a link to many more. I caution you not to read these lovely stories to your children. They will have nightmares. When god is angry look out.


  26. Debating these Iron Age myths is a total waste of time. Better to read Thomas Hobbes and David Hume, Charles Darwin and Thomas Huxley.

  27. Here is the words of Christ, who trumps any Old Testament prophet or book:
    The Beatitudes
    Lk. 6.20-23
    Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
    Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.
    Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.
    Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.
    Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.
    Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.
    Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.
    Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
    Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.
    Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.

    Unless you are some kind of Biblical scholar, I’d stick to the Gospels. It’s more about the heart than the head. Remember, he warns the SCRIBES and Pharisees repeatedly. Scribes are those who get trapped by what I would call the idolatry of the word. All the brilliant theological observations in the world don’t have the merit of a single act of charity. Open your heart. His mercy really is infinite, but you need to allow yourself to receive His grace. It is easy to get caught up in playing word games and such. That is a trap. Pharisees are hypocrites, as I am sure you know.

    Deo Vindice

  28. Or you could just read this book written by St. Therese de Lisieux. When it begins she is writing as a young girl, callow and silly. By the end of the book, you will realize why she is a doctor of the Church.


    Sounds like bullshit, I know. But if your looking for wisdom, it’s in there.

    Deo Vindice

  29. Apuleius says:
    “Here is the words of Christ, who trumps any Old Testament prophet or book:”

    What happened to the God of the OT? Did he die? Did he not have all those babies and infants killed? Destroyed the whole earth with a flood. Sounds like a psycho. If you believe those tales were true it would be tough to reconcile. I can’t dismiss all that with a quick turn to the New Testament.

    Jesus will judge and cast into everlasting fire: Matthew 25:31-46

    Highlites: 31 When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory:
    32 And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats:
    41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:
    42 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink:
    43 I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not.
    44 Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee?
    45 Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me.
    46 And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.
    Wow! Jesus must have been thrilled with Christians of the Union and Confederate armies slaying each other. Bad enough they didn’t feed and clothe the hungry or fetch a cup of water for the thirsty – they massacred each other! Oh, you’re feeling sick? Let me put you out of your misery. Blammo!

    1 John 4:20: If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?
    I’m sure it must be permissible to hate and kill Christian Yankee brothers or Southron brothers if we feel like playing war games or get pissed off. Jesus just forgot to mention it.
    The Beatitudes are nice. I know all Christians read them but who applies them? God better not glance through all the posts here.

    Apuleius says: Pharisees are hypocrites, as I am sure you know.

  30. I like certain aspects of the restoration.

    Philosophers from that period ought to be of special interest. Hobbes especially.

  31. I grew up very close to the siege lines that Parliament set up around Oxford, which was Charles I’s Cavalier capital. The Roundheads would bombard Oxford from Headington Hill. There was a Bastion/fortress bridge where Magdalen bridge is now. There were all sorts of skirmishes around the area. Shotover Hill was a big area of operations. Cowley was also fought over as it was good pasture land and both sides cattle raided it. The Silver Knot reenacts the pike&musket&horse era in South Park (Headington Hill) every once in a while. Very few people resize that
    small scale combats were actually continous on that ground for a number of years.

  32. I grew up close to The Battle of Pelham*. I played little league baseball [ I won alot of trophies too] on Memorial Field, where alot of the shooting took place. Me and my buddies used to dig for Injun arrowheads up around Split Rock Road. Sometimes we found little round bullets every now and then. One had to dig a little bit, but not too much. It was alot of fun finding Injun arrowheads and an occasional little round bullet from such a long time ago.

    The limey General Howe and his redcoats were driven back to Oblivion by The American patriot Colonel Glover and his Minutemen.

    Battle of Pelham : 10/18/1776.

    [www.] historicpelham [.com]

    @ John : I know you live in England. I hope I haven’t offended you. I’m sure the redcoats were very nice really.

  33. Speaking of Civil Wars, I grew up near where Anne Hutchinson was massacred** by the Siwanoy Injuns in 1643.

    She was originally from that Very Very Puritan state of Rhode Island. The puritans had some kind of relgious/theological difference of opinion * [yawn].

    Anne and her brood were summarily thrown off the City- on -the -Hill, and she made her way to what is now called The Bronx : Split Rock Road vicinity : Poor girl.

    *The Antinomian Controversy [yawn]

    The named a highway and a little stream after her:

    The Hutchinson River Parkway. [yawn]

    ** Maybe she was being too “righteous” for the Injuns taste, and the Siwanoy couldn’t deal with it any more. Puritans can be quite the pain-in-the-ass, after all.

  34. Interesting how a strategic defeat (shoving Washington out of New York) is spun into local victory by a New Yorker. Typical.

  35. @John
    Check out the “historicpelham” website I was so considerate to mention. Pelham, NY historically, has alot of legends about ghosts. Very kewl.

    Gee. I was just a kid winning trophies playing whittle league baseball on Memorial Field [ where the limeys got their butts kicked real good and hard by the Americani. Good for the Americans, that’s what I say].

    Anyway, I was just a kid playing little league baseball on Memorial Field, I wasn’t like a PhD Expert and Master in history or anything like that. Gosh.

    I did fully well know, however, all about Mayberry and also about how the Beverly Hillbillies a-found themselves some “black gold, Texas Tea”. And I knew all about the winning of the West because John Wayne told me so in “Fort Apache”.

    And I knew , even then, we would run out of oil someday because Fred and Barney said oil comes from Dinosaur bones. I always felt bad for “Dino”. I didn’t think he deserved that fate. Dino was kewl.

  36. Hunter, is there any way to implement some kind of “ignore” feature regarding other posters? This kind of infantile prattle is simply noise designed to stifle communications here. There must be some way to prevent it and protect the integrity of this site.

    Deo Vindice

  37. @ John
    Heck. I won so many trophies, they put up a memorial in my honor :

    ” hallowed is the place where memories of heroes live”

    [The Pell family , they “founded” Pelham, NY , were darlings. I’m quite sure. We’re very sure, in fact]

    I went to High School about a block away from where Bob and Laura Petrie lived in the Dick Van Dyke show: 148 Bonnie Meadow Rd.
    New Rochelle, NY

    I think Morey Amsterdam was a schmooze: “So you think that you’ve got problems ? ”
    Very schmoozie.

    Thank god I went to a Catholic high school. We were all very pious and devout there. Yes sirre bob. Even the pope dropped by a visit once [early 70’s] I forgot which pope. Pope Phony-Face the 69th, I don’t remember. The whole pope visit was too surreal and weird for words.

    @ John
    Did you ever play sports, or we’re you always a history phd expert and scholar ?
    I bet you never lived near any teevee show.

  38. “is there any way to implement some kind of “ignore” feature regarding other posters?”

    I have trained my eye to skip over any and all posts by Joe and Fr. John.

Comments are closed.