About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. @Dixiegirl
    For someone who is from the founding stock, your manner of writing out your thoughts is very confusing, as well as many times, ungrammatical. For a founding stock type, your writing skills are atrocious. Very sloppy, and extremely very dis-jointed.

    I wasn’t born in this country [ I was born in Italy] yet I write better than you do. Very strange. I never met a founding stock American who expressed his [or her] thoughts in such a disjointed way.

    You’re all about deflection, digression, and disambiguation. That’s why you write in such a disjointed manner.

  2. Is it really appropriate for us “pro-whites” to be constantly ragging on the lower class whites? These people need our support, not our insults. And the fact that their father served this country in Vietnam – apparently honorably – should automatically entitle them to some respect. Our target should be the nigs who did this dastardly act!

    There was a woman named “Annie Oakley” who used to post comments on this site and she would do these diaries of her everyday encounters with diversity. All were hysterical. She also said whe would try to help less fortunate whites and turn them pro-white in the process. Annie was admirable. Anyone know what happened to her?

  3. @…..I wasn’t born in this country [ I was born in Italy] yet I write better than you do. Very strange. I never met a founding stock American who expressed his [or her] thoughts in such a disjointed way…..

    LOL— maybe you sweat over it more than I do. And do you always compare yourself to others? Maybe you should concentrate on being your own person.

    Of course, I can go back over my comments. Maybe it’s not the connectedness of my writing that’s problematical, but that the connections I’m making are over your head.

    So there.

  4. Dixiegirl, there is nothing wrong with your writing. Don’t take the bait.

    Regarding my remarks, if you look we were discussing the fact that these people made a deliberate choice to stay among blacks, helping them out and hoping to fit in. That proved to be a fatal mistake. One which could have been avoided. Please don’t take what I write out of context.

    The woman’s appearance and demeanor manifest her complete lack of self respect. This is what comes from letting anti-whites define your existence. Anyone who is in a situation like this should remove themselves and their family from that situation as soon as possible. Or do you disagree?

    If I sit on a the bank of a canal at dusk here in Florida, there is a very good chance I will never be seen or heard from again. It has happened many, many times here. The alligators are no secret. It keeps happening because people just tune out the warnings.

    If you don’t want to see nature take its course in these cases, by all means, please avert your eyes. If I make an observation about why it happens, it doesn’t mean I approve of what happened. Let’s be smart out there, people. Avoid the groid.

    Deo Vindice

  5. I saw this video on a site called BLKSvsNGGRS.com and couldn’t believe that some blacks were calling out other blacks. Imagine if Jesse & Al had the guts lol.

  6. Race is in large part a social construct.
    And some social constructs are worth fighting for.
    White Niggers are not part of the New World White race.
    High and in some cases progressive mid-caste Caucasians of non-European ethnes are.

    Nikki Haley is a beautiful New World White woman of Sikh origin.
    She has produced beautiful white children even with a White of less than stellar subracial pedigree (Borreby).
    The ruffians in the above linked YouTube video are of an inferior “wigger” race.

  7. “Race is in large part a social construct.
    And some social constructs are worth fighting for.
    White Niggers are not part of the New World White race.
    High and in some cases progressive mid-caste Caucasians of non-European ethnes are.

    Nikki Haley is a beautiful New World White woman of Sikh origin.
    She has produced beautiful white children even with a White of less than stellar subracial pedigree (Borreby).
    The ruffians in the above linked YouTube video are of an inferior “wigger” race.

    BZZZZZZZZZZZT!!! Non-white troll alert. Tamer is clearly a mud of some kind.

  8. @Dixiegirl
    Speaking of connections, Google :

    ” Payseur Lancaster Railroad Lines During The Civil War ”

    Scroll to 5th listing : ” the unhived mind” website

    There’s other websites about this subject listed also.

    Also: Google :

    ” Mazzini + Golden Circle”

    Go to : bibliotecapleyades.net

    Also, other websites listed about this subject, as well. Some good, solid info/facts.

    I know you are interested in the subject matter. I mentioned to you I would go online and get some information for you about the Payseur Line.

    About the Communists being murderous : The website I mentioned in my above post :

    [www] overlordofchaos [.com]

    Over Lords Of Chaos website has alot of information about Communism All White Americans should know. The more knowledge for White Americans, the better. The Google search :

    ” jew communists + sikhs”

    For more info about Jews Commies , Sikhs, Undercover Government Operations to Foment War. Good search term.

    I always go to :

    [www] europeanamericansunited [.org]

    European-Americans United is One of my favorite websites online. It’s a very uplifting website to go to.

  9. Yes I’m the “mud” offspring of an English-American man that dumped his first fiancee (brunette) because though he loved her, she couldn’t give him what he wanted: blue-eyed children — and his English American wife.

    I’m the one he told this story to as a youth and I was the little brat that used to correct his anti-PC thoughtcrimes. The older I get, the smarter Dad becomes.

    Also I’m “known” as people Hunter knows have met me in person.
    And I’m in political and culture war videos under my real name.


  10. Communism comes from The Talmud. The Jew Commie holy book. It’s important for All White Americans to know what it contains. Excellent article at :

    [ http://www.] revisionisthistory [.org]

    Revisionist website has an excellent article about Commie Jews. Entitled :

    ” Talmudic Judaism”

    [ http://www.[ come-and-hear [com] is also a very good website to learn about Jew Commies and their holy book : The Talmud.

    The Talmud is about deflection and digression from the truth, and disambiguouty : All designed to cause confusion and division, and utimately war. Lots of war.

  11. She is a swarthy wog no doubt.
    But in the USA she is White.

    Our subhuman Negroes are a fulcrum that swarth has been using to leverage their whiteness for centuries. Germans, Jews, Italians, Sikhs, et al.

  12. Gosh. I hope people don’t start blaming all Italians for Mazzini’s behavior.

    @ Tamer : Google : ” Mazzini + Golden Circle”

    Not all Italians are guilty because of what Mazzinin did to help the Southerners at their failed attempt to have a Golden Circle Empire.

  13. @Tamer

    typo : “Mazzini” [ not : mazzinin ]

    Were you referring to Mazzini when you made your snide remark about “swarthy people” including/lumping Italians in with Sikhs ? No. You weren’t referring to Mazzini.

    That’s real dirty pool @ Tamer. You’re just pissed off because I spoke Truth about The Sikh / Jew Commie connection. Not my problem.

    The search term I provided will lead to alot more info/facts about the Golden Circle.

    ” Mazzini + Golden Circle”

  14. The golden circle is fertile, Joe; Eagerly awaiting the seed of the bold and brash.
    The more things change in the Caribbean the more they stay the same.
    Be down there again end of the month on business.

  15. I love swarthy whites. They’re great people. They’ve contributed enormously to not only the USA but entire New World. I believe in a New World White identity that casts a wide net to guarantee our economic security and cultural superiority on two rapidly darkening continents. The subhuman Negro and white trash are not of us.

    Perhaps my use of the phrase “swarthy” is inconsiderate. I will avoid future use.

  16. @Tamer
    I don’t care if you call Italians swarthy. That wasn’t The Point : and you know it. Do not compare Italians with Sikhs. I won’t have it. I’ll call you on it, and hassle you about if you don’t stop.

  17. I notice that, even after they murdered her father, while trying to murder her daughter (niece?), she just can’t bring herself to say “thuh N-word”. At least, not on camera. Probably prudent. But, she knows.

  18. Apuleius—

    I understand what you were saying, but I do care about whites stuck in unsavory circumstances, I admit it.

    One memory that popped into my head: I got turned around while driving the horrid beltways around DC, had to pull over, and —WHOOPS!— into a really low rent strip mall type area with about 3000 people, and me the lone white female.

    Suddenly, two white guys in a beat-up, filthy pickup truck literally piled with trash, not just the bed, but the cab, too, who’d been eating at a MacDonalds came running over, put their lunch on the dashboard, then practically hand carried Young Dixie Girl to the right road, having her follow them back onto the highway, then driving miles (and out of their way), just to make sure she got out of DC and back to the Southland.

    Unlikely Knights, some might say— but they were Knights in my book.

  19. If that was unclear—- The 2 Knights and myself were the only 3 white people for many miles.

    I would have to go look, but wasn’t that the whole point of that movie called Crash? That your just a big racist if you worry when you get turned around in a low-rent part of DC. Well…despite all the movies selling that line, I was being eyed in a really scary way.

    But what the hell are you supposed to do? I haven’t driven through there again, but it’s a sorry state when the majority of citizens do not feel comfortable driving in “their own” nation’s capital, lol. And worse, are so subjugated they won’t even admit it.

  20. Apuleius says:
    August 11, 2012 at 1:42 am
    “Dixiegirl, there is nothing wrong with your writing. Don’t take the bait.”

    Well… what Joe does here is kind of interesting, and points out a larger problem.

    He reacts to the phrase “Founding Stock” from a Marxist paradigm (even while saying he’s non-communist.)

    He acts as if “Founding Stock” necessarily means one should have good writing skills. As if it’s an association of CLASS, not race/sub-ethnic group. In reality, you can be of “founding stock,” (which is an ethnic/racial thing) and be totally ILLITERATE.

    When Marxist made their ideal “the classless society” they guaranteed that “class” would be one of the main terms by which everything would be understood, (analyzed, interpreted, etc.)

    For Joe, “Founding Stock” means “class” (therefore education, etc.) That’s how successful Marxist have been in the u.s.

    Another thing: he takes offense when I mention the immigrants from europe in 1900. He takes it (the way mainstream culture does) as my attempt to “place blame on them,” (instead of myself) or to “de-legitimate” them as americans or something. In reality, for the most part anyway, I’m just trying to examine the various aspects of what’s happened.

    Joe: I’m not trying to blame you, only analyze how things happen.

  21. Yes. Founding stock should have good writing skills. It’s pathetic not to, after one’s family has been in this country for a million years.

    One would think the founding stock would be educated by now.

    I’m never suprised to hear the Jews own everything worth owning in the US.

    @Dixiegirl : Did you read the links I was so considerate to include in my posts.
    Or did you get yourself a-some of daddie’s moonshine, and couldn’t bother getting yourself educated?

  22. Dixie,

    You communicate very clearly. Joe Among You is a paranoid schizophrenic. Your grasp of history is quite solid and reflects a POV that is authentic.

  23. I didn’t like this story. Obviously I hate seeing white people murdered by niggers, but this one ended up being another embarassing depiction of white people in Detroit. I don’t mean to sound judgemental, but those people were disgusting white trash,and if that woman on camera was the mother of the children in the house, then I have no doubt they are all mixed-race.

    And from the way sounds, I strongly suspect that the 16-year-old supposed white kid who those niggers attacked, probably owed them drug money. An unfortunate scenario that happens too often.

    The vast majority of white people in Detroit and the surrounding area, are not negrofied slobs. We do have a unique accent, but it is not the ebonic “blaccent” you heard from that beached mudwhale. White Detroiters have an accent similar to that of Buffalo or Rochester, NY.

    Anyway, this news story gives an unflattering impression which I thought I should clear up. Here is a much more accurate example of white Detroiters:

  24. @313
    It’s going to be okay. Imam Mahdi will Redeem you @ 313 and all the white Americans unfortunate enough to be stuck in your shithole city. Even Accra and Lagos would be preferable to Motown. Wouldn’t you agree?

    I’m glad Diana Ross got out of Motown in time. Good for Diana. I always liked her.

    “Up the Ladder To The Roof” was about kids in the urban areas — similiar to The Bronx — having pre-marital sex up on the rooof tops. Kewl song.

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