About Hunter Wallace 12407 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. A lot could be said about this report but I would highlight the part that the victims knew the savages and had even helped them in the past. Another example of why the best advice about dealing with blacks is don’t. Don’t help them and don’t socialize with them.

    Hunter, you should also correct the title to read Vietnam, not WW2.

  2. Its terrible, but his daughter is a disgusting pile of lard. And she’s tattooed too, as if that too was all that was missing from the picture….

  3. “Whites who end up in the hospital or in the morgue almost all deserve it richly” – Bob Whitaker.

    Sounds awfully cold but think about it. It’s from a blog about how so many “anti-racist” conservative types will stick a knife in a pro-White’s back.

  4. “A lot could be said about this report but I would highlight the part that the victims knew the savages and had even helped them in the past. Another example of why the best advice about dealing with blacks is don’t. Don’t help them and don’t socialize with them.”

    Good advise. The closer you get to the fire, the easier it is to get burned. White flight is a normal healthy adaption to BRA. Camping out like this is really not an option.

    Looking at the bloated, tatooed wigger daughter again, I guess that’s just a natural outcome of the old saw that if you lie down with dogs, you get fleas.

    “You just better hope the streets don’t catch you first.” Says it all right there.

    Deo Vindice

  5. There is a reason why a lot of missionaries wind up in the cannibal’s pot.

    They are not martyrs, they are fools.

    Deo Vindice

  6. Amy is actually consistent. She’s talented enough to have had a sell out career. Alexander Cockburn was cut from the same cloth. Gore Vidal was a good pundit too. The left doesn’t really have many heavy weight intellectuals like them.

    The thing that strikes me about this Wade Page character is that he recently lost his house and girl. Didn’t that JT Ready have a similar crisis? The OKC bomber had seen his NY family farm lost too. Separatists/ Secessionists ought to make sure the Vantard type doesn’t define them.

    The Sikh target was like invading Spain if you are at war with Germany. Makes no sense. Next thing will be aN improbable Nepalese Shinto Temple.

  7. to be fair to the mockery of the lower caste white folks in the D, if you grew up in a city like the D, where 3rd world conditions are abounding, you’d look alot like that woman too. this stuff has been going on since the niggers came up here. when it got all heated in the 60’s before the riots, my father and grandfather had plenty of tales about niggers crusing the white neighborhoods looking for targets. my father had a .38 held to him when he was 16. and my grandfather (a mail man) had to chase down and beat up a “youth” who mugged a old white woman in broad daylight, on her porch (of course with a posse). this is essentially continued ethnic cleansing, terrorism by niggers drove out most respectable whites to the outlying counties. people like them are most likely white lumpenproles who once worked the factories, and now essentially have been “niggerized”, they probably support diverse unions and obama and the rest. its sad.

  8. 1:16 those are some BIG titties. I’m sorry, I know it’s inappropriate to notice, but those titties are BIG! I am helpless before big titties, even when they’re attached to an otherwise disgusting sow such as her. As long as they’re white.

  9. “Separatists/Secessionists ought to make sure the Vantard type doesn’t define them.”

    We will be tarred with the same brush whether we like it or not. In the eyes of the left, we are all Timothy McVeigh/Wade Page types. Any and all whites who resist BRA are defined as such. That’s why the media focus so much on these types of events. Just a small section of the whole cloth fabric of the BRA anti-white narrative.

    You don’t really think the people who died at Waco had very much in common with Timothy McVeigh, do you? Nevertheless, in the minds of many of your fellow citizens, the two will be inextricably linked forever. Not nice, but it is true.

    The situation there is really sad. So was the situation at Dien Bien Phu. So is the situation in South Africa. Only they haven’t “gone native.” Yet.

    Deo Vindice

  10. The video of these lumpenproles and the Barbados whites is chilling.

    The Redlegs were militia wardens on plantations. They were then reduced to a hillbilly status that was compounded by racial differences. The grandfather was the same. Ww2 veteran status means absolutely nothing in the face of being obliterated by a people far more different than you than Germans.

  11. Good point about tarring.

    At gym watching the wake footage with sound off, the coverage seems so breathless.

    The faces of commentors so fake. Are we supposed to believe these journalists care? Or that the public outside of “John Brown Profile” really give a shit? I saw white antifas going in there Covering their heads with white cloth paying respects.

    Do these Gullible people not know the Sikhs are a warrior caste themselves?

    The British empire fought them for 2 decades before we subdued them and sent them to go fight Afhans.

  12. I know the British “subdued” the Sikhs because there’re Sikhs living All Over England and America. Great job subduing the Sikhs.

    I’m mightily impressed with how the The Royal Crown “subdued” the Sikhs.

  13. “The video of these lumpenproles and the Barbados whites is chilling.”

    Yes it is. Most of the chill comes from realizing that this is the planned eventual future of all whites under BRA. Except for our darling leaders at the top, of course.

    Wasn’t the Sikh religion founded in response to the Islamic invasion of India?

    They were some of the best allies the British empire ever had, weren’t they?

    Deo Vindice

  14. One would think if the Sikhs were subdued, the Sikhs wouldn’t Living here in the USA, and in England, in the first place. That’s not my definition of how to “subdue” anyone : Invite into them your home.

    John calls that being “subdued” : Inviting a people–in this case Sikhs — into your White country, then say the Sikhs have been “subdued”.

  15. The Sikhs sided with the british against their local enemies in the hopes of getting their own kingdom, and it may well be a kingdom carved out of former parts of the british empire at this rate.

  16. @Anon and @ John
    It well may be the Sikhs are carving out a piece of the US, and a piece of England; As the Sikhs were invited into our country by Uncle Sam [ a communist government], they’re now “free” to carve out a piece of the US for their own.

    This is not “subduing” the Sikhs ; This is inviting Sikhs into our country and allowing the Sikhs to carve out a piece of the US for the benefit of Sikhs, certainly not to the benefit of White America.

    And All the bullshit you @ Anon and you @ John can muster up can’t cover up the truth of the matter.

  17. @Apuleius
    What’s your reply to my above posts Apuleius : You are so Pro-White, and so Pro-White Christian?

  18. If one were to see this picture and not know anything about it, I bet the person would automatically believe they were southern rednecks, such has the stereotype been perpetrated.

  19. Claim these folks or not, from listening to them, they still sound far more thoughtful than your average ghetto fambly. I will claim them over the later any day!

  20. Well, if we’re going to have every other turd world mud people here in Amurrica, a few Sikhs might come in handy, especially with regards to Muslims (including Nation of Islam negroes). At least there is something to respect about the Sikh warrior culture. We could probably use some Ghurkas, too.

    That said, my feelings are they don’t really belong here, but the Yankee BRA empire doesn’t care what I think, anyway.

    Deo Vindice

  21. Maybe you could put up some more lists of internet search keywords to pass for intelligent discussion or mock some more of the people who offer honest commentary here while you’re at it.

    Deo Vindice

  22. I’d happily put money on 20 Sikhs against 20 NOI in a knife fight. That was what the Sikh was created to do. So I do not for a moment understand Page’s behaviour or why they are playing along with Eric Holder.

  23. @Apuleius
    Pathetic response. I’m not suprised. All you do is criticise Whites. Never hear you criticise Jew Communists. Never. You only criticise Whites, but never the communists [ read: Jews].

    The same goes for @ John and @ Anon.

    You Apuleius, John, Anon, trip over yourselves to criticise Whites, even if you have to go back 500-600 years, and even farther back in the past, to find reasons to criticise Whites.

    But none of you Ever Criticise the Commie Jews who Rule over us : Ever. Never.

  24. I will say one thing. I do enjoy seeing you sputter like this every time you get verbally taken to the woodshed. Dry up and quit sniveling, tough guy.

    Deo Vindice

  25. @ Apuleius

    No. I didn’t misspell “Dixie”. “Dixi” doesn’t mean “Dixie”.
    It’s Latin a word ; Means something else : Again, it doesn’t mean “Dixie” : Google it.

    Can’t find the translation online, let me know. I’ll explain the word to you — and to your buddy-buddies John and Anon — in a more explicit manner.

  26. To All Readers :

    Google : ” Jew and Sikh Communists”

    Lots of information online to back up what I said about the recent Temple shooting being a Jew/Commie undercover operation.

    Jew commies and Sikhs have a Long history of working together.

    That’s why Jew/Commie Uncle Sam invited the Sikhs into this country in the first place.

    Top-Jew commie leadership and Top-Sikh leadership work hand-in-hand fomenting violence and hatred as a means to keep the Communists Ascendant in Washington.

    Jew Commies and Sikhs did The Very Same Thing In The Soviet Union.

    Google the search term. Lots of facts/information online aboout this.

    One doesn’t have to listen to my opinion, or anyone else’s opinion.
    Google the search term. Find out for yourselves :

    That’s always the Best Way.

  27. Excuse the typo : “About” [not : aboout] Typing too fast.

    About Communists : A Very Informative Website :

    [www.] overlordsofchaos [ .com]

    @Apuleius @John @ Anon : I got alot more websites to recommend if you’re having difficulty finding information/facts pertinent to this thread of commentary : Let me know if you’re having any difficulty finding the information, please. I’ll be glad to give you three more information : All the information you three want. No problem.

  28. “…..Its terrible, but his daughter is a disgusting pile of lard. And she’s tattooed too, as if that too was all that was missing from the picture….”

    This kind of comment makes me PUKE. And there’s a bunch of them. Who do you people think you are?

    IMO— that injured family had TEN TIMES MORE INTEGRITY than the crappy fake blonde reporter saying things such as “busted up” and so on. The streety way they talk cracks me up. I can remember when reporters didn’t sound like they spent their off hours buying dope in the seedy sections of their towns.

    This was a family where a man DIED protecting his grandkids. THEY LIVED NEXT DOOR to each other. How many of you have created a space for generational family members to be anywhere near you?

    At least they got that together— more than many do.

    Hey, maybe I’m just lucky to be far enough away from the life they seem to have— so it doesn’t even OCCUR TO ME to cut them down.

  29. “…Looking at the bloated, tatooed wigger daughter again, I guess that’s just a natural outcome of the old saw that if you lie down with dogs, you get fleas….”

    Apuleius, I had thought better of you. Of course that’s true, but it’s a very terrible and heartbreaking situation. In other circumstances, in another cultural climate, with a very different kind of tone—- this would not be happening.

  30. @ “this is essentially continued ethnic cleansing….”

    When it’s city after city, when your percentage of population drops from 90% to 50% in just forty years, and due to POLICIES, it most probably is Genocide.

    Daily, there are “Countdowns du Jour” but NOBODY has yet said what exact percentage of us would be “ok.” Is it just a mere 49% “Minority” of the ethnic Children of the Founders? Or is 38% of us better? Maybe 6%?

    Somebody BETTER START asking!

    Even as it is— doesn’t it meet the criterion of Genocide (just in the mass movement of populations, wiping out of the real culture)—- both north and south.

    Ethnic cleansing may be too nice a phrase for it.

  31. [Fluoride in the water would explain it better] But still, it would be a big digression from the Main Point. The Main Point Being :

    Top Jew commie leadership and Top Sikh leadership are Murderous Communists. They have a long history of working hand-in-hand.
    Not all Jews, and not all Sikhs , are murderous communists of course, but their Top Leadership is.

    You @ Rudel and you @ Dixiegirl are purposely deflecting from the subject — trying to distract the readers from the Main Point.

  32. Dixie,

    the civil war was also ethnic cleansing. Certainly in Missouri it was. Going through the Names of the Wide Awake militia and federal forces in St Louis there are so many German names it might as well be the bloody Wehrmacht (or When looking at officers the IDF) Go through the list of the Camp Jackson volunteers it’s all Mc, Mac, ton, by, son, ley…suffixes and prefixes that you might be in Ulster, Liverpool or Manchester. Most confederates were shoved out of the state never to return.

    What you have in Detroit is genocide.

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